import streamlit as st # Streamlit interface with improved aesthetics st.set_page_config(page_title="Chatbot Interface", page_icon="🤖") # Define function to handle user input and display chatbot response def chatbot_response(user_input): response = return response # Streamlit components st.markdown("### 🤖 ALTER-IA BOT, ton assistant virtuel de tous les jours") st.markdown(" Votre Réponse à Chaque Défi Méthodologique 📈") # Create columns for logos col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([2, 3, 2]) with col1: st.image("Design 3_2 (1).png", width= 150, use_column_width=True) # Adjust image path and size as needed with col3: st.image("Altereo logo 2023 original - eau et territoires durables.png", width= 150, use_column_width=True) # Adjust image path and size as needed # Input and button for user interaction user_input = st.text_input("You:", "") submit_button = st.button("Send 📨") # Handle user input if submit_button: if user_input.strip() != "": bot_response = chatbot_response(user_input) st.markdown("### You:") st.markdown(f"> {user_input}") st.markdown("### Bot:") st.markdown(f"> {bot_response}") else: st.warning("⚠️ Please enter a message.") # Motivational quote at the bottom st.markdown("---") st.markdown("*La collaboration est la clé du succès. Chaque question trouve sa réponse, chaque défi devient une opportunité.*")