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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Final
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor, nn
class MultiFrameModule(nn.Module, ABC):
"""Multi-frame speech enhancement modules.
Signal model and notation:
Noisy: `x = s + n`
Enhanced: `y = f(x)`
Objective: `min ||s - y||`
PSD: Power spectral density, notated eg. as `Rxx` for noisy PSD.
IFC: Inter-frame correlation vector: PSD*u, u: selection vector. Notated as `rxx`
num_freqs: Final[int]
frame_size: Final[int]
need_unfold: Final[bool]
def __init__(self, num_freqs: int, frame_size: int, lookahead: int = 0):
"""Multi-Frame filtering module.
num_freqs (int): Number of frequency bins used for filtering.
frame_size (int): Frame size in FD domain.
lookahead (int): Lookahead, may be used to select the output time step. Note: This
module does not add additional padding according to lookahead!
self.num_freqs = num_freqs
self.frame_size = frame_size
self.pad = nn.ConstantPad2d((0, 0, frame_size - 1, 0), 0.0)
self.need_unfold = frame_size > 1
self.lookahead = lookahead
def spec_unfold(self, spec: Tensor):
"""Pads and unfolds the spectrogram according to frame_size.
spec (complex Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C, T, F]
spec (Tensor): Unfolded spectrogram of shape [B, C, T, F, N], where N: frame_size.
if self.need_unfold:
return self.pad(spec).unfold(2, self.frame_size, 1)
return spec.unsqueeze(-1)
def forward(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor):
"""Pads and unfolds the spectrogram and forwards to impl.
spec (Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C, T, F, 2]
coefs (Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C, T, F, 2]
spec_u = self.spec_unfold(torch.view_as_complex(spec))
coefs = torch.view_as_complex(coefs)
spec_f = spec_u.narrow(-2, 0, self.num_freqs)
spec_f = self.forward_impl(spec_f, coefs)
spec = spec.clone()
spec[..., : self.num_freqs, :] = torch.view_as_real(spec_f)
return spec
def forward_impl(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Forward impl taking complex spectrogram and coefficients.
spec (complex Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C1, T, F, N]
coefs (complex Tensor): Coefficients [B, C2, T, F]
spec (complex Tensor): Enhanced spectrogram of shape [B, C1, T, F]
def num_channels(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of required channels.
If multiple inputs are required, then all these should be combined in one Tensor containing
the summed channels.
def psd(x: Tensor, n: int) -> Tensor:
"""Compute the PSD correlation matrix Rxx for a spectrogram.
That is, `X*conj(X)`, where `*` is the outer product.
x (complex Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C, T, F]. Will be unfolded with `n` steps over
the time axis.
Rxx (complex Tensor): Correlation matrix of shape [B, C, T, F, N, N]
x = F.pad(x, (0, 0, n - 1, 0)).unfold(-2, n, 1)
return torch.einsum("...n,...m->", x, x.conj())
def df(spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Deep filter implemenation using `torch.einsum`. Requires unfolded spectrogram.
spec (complex Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C, T, F, N]
coefs (complex Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C, N, T, F]
spec (complex Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C, T, F]
return torch.einsum("...tfn,...ntf->", spec, coefs)
class CRM(MultiFrameModule):
"""Complex ratio mask."""
def __init__(self, num_freqs: int, frame_size: int = 1, lookahead: int = 0):
assert frame_size == 1 and lookahead == 0, (frame_size, lookahead)
super().__init__(num_freqs, 1)
def forward_impl(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor):
return spec.squeeze(-1).mul(coefs)
def num_channels(self):
return 2
class DF(MultiFrameModule):
conj: Final[bool]
"""Deep Filtering."""
def __init__(self, num_freqs: int, frame_size: int, lookahead: int = 0, conj: bool = False):
super().__init__(num_freqs, frame_size, lookahead)
self.conj = conj
def forward_impl(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor):
coefs = coefs.view(coefs.shape[0], -1, self.frame_size, *coefs.shape[2:])
if self.conj:
coefs = coefs.conj()
return df(spec, coefs)
def num_channels(self):
return self.frame_size * 2
class MfWf(MultiFrameModule):
"""Multi-frame Wiener filter base module."""
def __init__(self, num_freqs: int, frame_size: int, lookahead: int = 0):
"""Multi-frame Wiener Filter.
Several implementation methods are available resulting in different number of required input
coefficient channels.
psd_ifc: Predict PSD `Rxx` and IFC `rss`.
df: Use deep filtering to predict speech and noisy spectrograms. These will be used for
PSD calculation for Wiener filtering. Alias: `df_sx`
c: Directly predict Wiener filter coefficients. Computation same as deep filtering.
super().__init__(num_freqs, frame_size, lookahead=0)
self.idx = -lookahead
def num_channels(self):
return self.num_channels
def solve(Rxx, rss, diag_eps: float = 1e-8, eps: float = 1e-7) -> Tensor:
return torch.einsum(
"...nm,...m->...n", torch.inverse(_tik_reg(Rxx, diag_eps, eps)), rss
) # [T, F, N]
def mfwf(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Multi-frame Wiener filter impl taking complex spectrogram and coefficients.
Coefficients may be split into multiple parts w.g. for multiple DF coefs or PSDs.
spec (complex Tensor): Spectrogram of shape [B, C1, T, F, N]
coefs (complex Tensor): Coefficients [B, C2, T, F]
c (complex Tensor): MfWf coefs of shape [B, C1, T, F, N]
def forward_impl(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
coefs = self.mfwf(spec, coefs)
return self.apply_coefs(spec, coefs)
def apply_coefs(spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# spec: [B, C, T, F, N]
# coefs: [B, C, T, F, N]
return torch.einsum("...n,...n->...", spec, coefs)
class MfWfDf(MfWf):
eps_diag: Final[float]
def __init__(
num_freqs: int,
frame_size: int,
lookahead: int = 0,
eps_diag: float = 1e-7,
eps: float = 1e-7,
super().__init__(num_freqs, frame_size, lookahead)
self.eps_diag = eps_diag
self.eps = eps
def num_channels(self):
# frame_size/df_order * 2 (x/s) * 2 (re/im)
return self.frame_size * 4
def mfwf(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
df_s, df_x = torch.chunk(coefs, 2, 1) # [B, C, T, F, N]
df_s = df_s.unflatten(1, (-1, self.frame_size))
df_x = df_x.unflatten(1, (-1, self.frame_size))
spec_s = df(spec, df_s) # [B, C, T, F]
spec_x = df(spec, df_x)
Rss = psd(spec_s, self.frame_size) # [B, C, T, F, N. N]
Rxx = psd(spec_x, self.frame_size)
rss = Rss[..., -1] # TODO: use -1 or self.idx?
c = self.solve(Rxx, rss, self.eps_diag, self.eps) # [B, C, T, F, N]
return c
class MfWfPsd(MfWf):
"""Multi-frame Wiener filter by predicting noisy PSD `Rxx` and speech IFC `rss`."""
def num_channels(self):
# (Rxx + rss) * 2 (re/im)
return (self.frame_size**2 + self.frame_size) * 2
def mfwf(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor: # type: ignore
Rxx, rss = torch.split(coefs.movedim(1, -1), [self.frame_size**2, self.frame_size], -1)
c = self.solve(Rxx.unflatten(-1, (self.frame_size, self.frame_size)), rss)
return c
class MfWfC(MfWf):
"""Multi-frame Wiener filter by directly predicting the MfWf coefficients."""
def num_channels(self):
# mfwf coefs * 2 (re/im)
return self.frame_size * 2
def mfwf(self, spec: Tensor, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor: # type: ignore
coefs = coefs.unflatten(1, (-1, self.frame_size)).permute(
0, 1, 3, 4, 2
) # [B, C*N, T, F] -> [B, C, T, F, N]
return coefs
class MvdrSouden(MultiFrameModule):
def __init__(self, num_freqs: int, frame_size: int, lookahead: int = 0):
super().__init__(num_freqs, frame_size, lookahead)
class MvdrEvd(MultiFrameModule):
def __init__(self, num_freqs: int, frame_size: int, lookahead: int = 0):
super().__init__(num_freqs, frame_size, lookahead)
class MvdrRtfPower(MultiFrameModule):
def __init__(self, num_freqs: int, frame_size: int, lookahead: int = 0):
super().__init__(num_freqs, frame_size, lookahead)
MF_METHODS: Dict[str, MultiFrameModule] = {
"crm": CRM,
"df": DF,
"mfwf_df": MfWfDf,
"mfwf_df_sx": MfWfDf,
"mfwf_psd": MfWfPsd,
"mfwf_psd_ifc": MfWfPsd,
"mfwf_c": MfWfC,
# From torchaudio
def _compute_mat_trace(input: torch.Tensor, dim1: int = -1, dim2: int = -2) -> torch.Tensor:
r"""Compute the trace of a Tensor along ``dim1`` and ``dim2`` dimensions.
input (torch.Tensor): Tensor of dimension `(..., channel, channel)`
dim1 (int, optional): the first dimension of the diagonal matrix
(Default: -1)
dim2 (int, optional): the second dimension of the diagonal matrix
(Default: -2)
Tensor: trace of the input Tensor
assert input.ndim >= 2, "The dimension of the tensor must be at least 2."
assert (
input.shape[dim1] == input.shape[dim2]
), "The size of ``dim1`` and ``dim2`` must be the same."
input = torch.diagonal(input, 0, dim1=dim1, dim2=dim2)
return input.sum(dim=-1)
def _tik_reg(mat: torch.Tensor, reg: float = 1e-7, eps: float = 1e-8) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Perform Tikhonov regularization (only modifying real part).
mat (torch.Tensor): input matrix (..., channel, channel)
reg (float, optional): regularization factor (Default: 1e-8)
eps (float, optional): a value to avoid the correlation matrix is all-zero (Default: ``1e-8``)
Tensor: regularized matrix (..., channel, channel)
# Add eps
C = mat.size(-1)
eye = torch.eye(C, dtype=mat.dtype, device=mat.device)
epsilon = _compute_mat_trace(mat).real[..., None, None] * reg
# in case that correlation_matrix is all-zero
epsilon = epsilon + eps
mat = mat + epsilon * eye[..., :, :]
return mat