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# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
# 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
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"""Linear Separability (LS)."""
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import sklearn.svm
import tensorflow as tf
import dnnlib.tflib as tflib
from metrics import metric_base
from training import misc
classifier_urls = [
'', # celebahq-classifier-00-male.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-01-smiling.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-02-attractive.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-03-wavy-hair.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-04-young.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-05-5-o-clock-shadow.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-06-arched-eyebrows.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-07-bags-under-eyes.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-08-bald.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-09-bangs.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-10-big-lips.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-11-big-nose.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-12-black-hair.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-13-blond-hair.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-14-blurry.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-15-brown-hair.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-16-bushy-eyebrows.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-17-chubby.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-18-double-chin.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-19-eyeglasses.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-20-goatee.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-21-gray-hair.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-22-heavy-makeup.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-23-high-cheekbones.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-24-mouth-slightly-open.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-25-mustache.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-26-narrow-eyes.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-27-no-beard.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-28-oval-face.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-29-pale-skin.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-30-pointy-nose.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-31-receding-hairline.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-32-rosy-cheeks.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-33-sideburns.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-34-straight-hair.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-35-wearing-earrings.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-36-wearing-hat.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-37-wearing-lipstick.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-38-wearing-necklace.pkl
'', # celebahq-classifier-39-wearing-necktie.pkl
def prob_normalize(p):
p = np.asarray(p).astype(np.float32)
assert len(p.shape) == 2
return p / np.sum(p)
def mutual_information(p):
p = prob_normalize(p)
px = np.sum(p, axis=1)
py = np.sum(p, axis=0)
result = 0.0
for x in range(p.shape[0]):
p_x = px[x]
for y in range(p.shape[1]):
p_xy = p[x][y]
p_y = py[y]
if p_xy > 0.0:
result += p_xy * np.log2(p_xy / (p_x * p_y)) # get bits as output
return result
def entropy(p):
p = prob_normalize(p)
result = 0.0
for x in range(p.shape[0]):
for y in range(p.shape[1]):
p_xy = p[x][y]
if p_xy > 0.0:
result -= p_xy * np.log2(p_xy)
return result
def conditional_entropy(p):
# H(Y|X) where X corresponds to axis 0, Y to axis 1
# i.e., How many bits of additional information are needed to where we are on axis 1 if we know where we are on axis 0?
p = prob_normalize(p)
y = np.sum(p, axis=0, keepdims=True) # marginalize to calculate H(Y)
return max(0.0, entropy(y) - mutual_information(p)) # can slip just below 0 due to FP inaccuracies, clean those up.
class LS(metric_base.MetricBase):
def __init__(self, num_samples, num_keep, attrib_indices, minibatch_per_gpu, **kwargs):
assert num_keep <= num_samples
self.num_samples = num_samples
self.num_keep = num_keep
self.attrib_indices = attrib_indices
self.minibatch_per_gpu = minibatch_per_gpu
def _evaluate(self, Gs, num_gpus):
minibatch_size = num_gpus * self.minibatch_per_gpu
# Construct TensorFlow graph for each GPU.
result_expr = []
for gpu_idx in range(num_gpus):
with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu_idx):
Gs_clone = Gs.clone()
# Generate images.
latents = tf.random_normal([self.minibatch_per_gpu] + Gs_clone.input_shape[1:])
dlatents = Gs_clone.components.mapping.get_output_for(latents, None, is_validation=True)
images = Gs_clone.components.synthesis.get_output_for(dlatents, is_validation=True, randomize_noise=True)
# Downsample to 256x256. The attribute classifiers were built for 256x256.
if images.shape[2] > 256:
factor = images.shape[2] // 256
images = tf.reshape(images, [-1, images.shape[1], images.shape[2] // factor, factor, images.shape[3] // factor, factor])
images = tf.reduce_mean(images, axis=[3, 5])
# Run classifier for each attribute.
result_dict = dict(latents=latents, dlatents=dlatents[:,-1])
for attrib_idx in self.attrib_indices:
classifier = misc.load_pkl(classifier_urls[attrib_idx])
logits = classifier.get_output_for(images, None)
predictions = tf.nn.softmax(tf.concat([logits, -logits], axis=1))
result_dict[attrib_idx] = predictions
# Sampling loop.
results = []
for _ in range(0, self.num_samples, minibatch_size):
results +=
results = {key: np.concatenate([value[key] for value in results], axis=0) for key in results[0].keys()}
# Calculate conditional entropy for each attribute.
conditional_entropies = defaultdict(list)
for attrib_idx in self.attrib_indices:
# Prune the least confident samples.
pruned_indices = list(range(self.num_samples))
pruned_indices = sorted(pruned_indices, key=lambda i: -np.max(results[attrib_idx][i]))
pruned_indices = pruned_indices[:self.num_keep]
# Fit SVM to the remaining samples.
svm_targets = np.argmax(results[attrib_idx][pruned_indices], axis=1)
for space in ['latents', 'dlatents']:
svm_inputs = results[space][pruned_indices]
svm = sklearn.svm.LinearSVC(), svm_targets)
svm.score(svm_inputs, svm_targets)
svm_outputs = svm.predict(svm_inputs)
svm_outputs = svm_targets # assume perfect prediction
# Calculate conditional entropy.
p = [[np.mean([case == (row, col) for case in zip(svm_outputs, svm_targets)]) for col in (0, 1)] for row in (0, 1)]
# Calculate separability scores.
scores = {key: 2**np.sum(values) for key, values in conditional_entropies.items()}
self._report_result(scores['latents'], suffix='_z')
self._report_result(scores['dlatents'], suffix='_w')