[ { "role": "user", "content": "Give you some pictures e1.jpg, e2.png, e3.jpg, help me count the number of sheep?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": [ { "task": "image-to-text", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "e1.jpg" } }, { "task": "object-detection", "id": 1, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "e1.jpg" } }, { "task": "visual-question-answering", "id": 2, "dep": [1], "args": { "image": "-1", "text": "How many sheep in the picture" } }, { "task": "image-to-text", "id": 3, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "e2.png" } }, { "task": "object-detection", "id": 4, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "e2.png" } }, { "task": "visual-question-answering", "id": 5, "dep": [4], "args": { "image": "-4", "text": "How many sheep in the picture" } }, { "task": "image-to-text", "id": 6, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "e3.jpg" } }, { "task": "object-detection", "id": 7, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "e3.jpg" } }, { "task": "visual-question-answering", "id": 8, "dep": [7], "args": { "image": "-7", "text": "How many sheep in the picture" } } ] }, { "role": "user", "content": "Look at /e.jpg, can you tell me how many objects in the picture? Give me a picture and video similar to this one." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": [ { "task": "image-to-text", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/e.jpg" } }, { "task": "object-detection", "id": 1, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/e.jpg" } }, { "task": "visual-question-answering", "id": 2, "dep": [1], "args": { "image": "-1", "text": "how many objects in the picture?" } }, { "task": "text-to-image", "id": 3, "dep": [0], "args": { "text": "" } }, { "task": "image-to-image", "id": 4, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/e.jpg" } }, { "task": "text-to-video", "id": 5, "dep": [0], "args": { "text": "" } } ] }, { "role": "user", "content": "given a document /images/e.jpeg, answer me what is the student amount? And describe the image with your voice" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": [ { "task": "document-question-answering", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/images/e.jpeg", "text": "what is the student amount?" } }, { "task": "visual-question-answering", "id": 1, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/images/e.jpeg", "text": "what is the student amount?" } }, { "task": "image-to-text", "id": 2, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/images/e.jpeg" } }, { "task": "text-to-speech", "id": 3, "dep": [2], "args": { "text": "-2" } } ] }, { "role": "user", "content": "Given an image /example.jpg, first generate a pose image, then based on the pose generate a new image where a girl is reading a book" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": [ { "task": "openpose-control", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/example.jpg" } }, { "task": "openpose-text-to-image", "id": 1, "dep": [0], "args": { "text": "a girl is reading a book", "image": "-0" } } ] }, { "role": "user", "content": "please show me a video and an image of (based on the text) 'a boy is running' and dub it" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": [ { "task": "text-to-video", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": { "text": "a boy is running" } }, { "task": "text-to-speech", "id": 1, "dep": [-1], "args": { "text": "a boy is running" } }, { "task": "text-to-image", "id": 2, "dep": [-1], "args": { "text": "a boy is running" } } ] }, { "role": "user", "content": "please show me a joke and an image of cat" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": [ { "task": "conversational", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": { "text": "please show me a joke of cat" } }, { "task": "text-to-image", "id": 1, "dep": [-1], "args": { "text": "a photo of cat" } } ] }, { "role": "user", "content": "give me a picture about a cut dog, then describe the image to me and tell a story about it" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": [ { "task": "text-to-image", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": { "text": "a picture of a cute dog" } }, { "task": "image-to-text", "id": 1, "dep": [0], "args": { "image": "-0" } }, { "task": "text-generation", "id": 2, "dep": [1], "args": { "text": "-1" } }, { "task": "text-to-speech", "id": 3, "dep": [2], "args": { "text": "-2" } } ] }, { "role": "user", "content": "give you a picture /example.jpg, what's in it and tell me a joke about it" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": [ { "task": "image-to-text", "id": 0, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/example.jpg" } }, { "task": "object-detection", "id": 1, "dep": [-1], "args": { "image": "/example.jpg" } }, { "task": "conversational", "id": 2, "dep": [0], "args": { "text": "-0" } }, { "task": "text-to-speech", "id": 3, "dep": [2], "args": { "text": "-1" } } ] } ]