Introduction ============ ``radiobee`` (or ``radiobee aligner`` in full) is a powerful dualtext aligner. The aim is to provide an interface to align two texts. The current implementation has been developed in Python 3 and ``gradio``. Motivation ********** Properly aligned texts (paragraph-to-paragraph or sentence-to-sentence) find many applications in machine learning (e.g. machine translation), CAT (tmx, translation terms etc.) and education (dual-language ebook), etc. Limitations *********** Currently, only zh-en/en-zh pairs are supported in fast-track mode although further pairs will be added if and when time permits. If you are willing to help with a particular pair (for example, de-zh, ja-zh, ru-zh, etc.), you are welcome to contact the developer. An experimental slow-track mode (time required approximately 10 times that of fast-track mode) is introdueced for other laugnage pairs.