import streamlit as st import tensorflow as tf from PIL import Image import io import numpy as np from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu import base64 #add botanical names and usefulness useful = "Ornamental plant with colorful foliage and unique inflorescence" # Function to add a background image def add_bg_from_local(image_path): with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: encoded_string = base64.b64encode( st.markdown( f""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) # Add background image add_bg_from_local('flower_bg.jpg') def load_image(): uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(label='Pick an image to test') if uploaded_file is not None: image_data = uploaded_file.getvalue() st.image(image_data) img = img = img.convert("RGB") # Convert image to RGB mode img = img.resize((224, 224)) return img else: return None def load_model(): model_name = 'Model/model.h5' model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_name) return model def load_labels(): with open('Oxford-102_Flower_dataset_labels.txt', 'r') as file: data = return data # Define a dictionary mapping each flower's common name to its botanical name def predict(model, labels, img): french_names = { "pink primrose": "Primevère rose", "hard-leaved pocket orchid": "Orchidée à feuilles dures", "canterbury bells": "Clochettes de Canterbury", "sweet pea": "Pois de senteur", "english marigold": "Souci officinal", "tiger lily": "Lis tigré", "moon orchid": "Orchidée de lune", "bird of paradise": "Oiseau de paradis", "monkshood": "Aconit", "globe thistle": "Chardon boule", "snapdragon": "Muflier", "colt's foot": "Tussilage", "king protea": "Protéa roi", "spear thistle": "Chardon lancéolé", "yellow iris": "Iris jaune", "globe-flower": "Trolle", "purple coneflower": "Échinacée pourpre", "peruvian lily": "Lys des Incas", "balloon flower": "Platycodon", "giant white arum lily": "Arum géant blanc", "fire lily": "Lis de feu", "pincushion flower": "Scabieuse", "fritillary": "Fritillaire", "red ginger": "Gingembre rouge", "grape hyacinth": "Muscari", "corn poppy": "Coquelicot", "prince of wales feathers": "Amarante queue-de-renard", "stemless gentian": "Gentiane acaule", "artichoke": "Artichaut", "sweet william": "Œillet de poète", "carnation": "Œillet", "garden phlox": "Phlox de jardin", "love in the mist": "Nigelle de Damas", "mexican aster": "Cosmos", "alpine sea holly": "Chardon bleu des Alpes", "ruby-lipped cattleya": "Cattleya à lèvres rubis", "cape flower": "Fleur du Cap", "great masterwort": "Grande astrance", "siam tulip": "Tulipe de Siam", "lenten rose": "Rose de carême", "barbeton daisy": "Gerbera", "daffodil": "Jonquille", "sword lily": "Glaïeul", "poinsettia": "Poinsettia", "bolero deep blue": "Lisianthus bleu profond", "wallflower": "Giroflée", "marigold": "Tagète", "buttercup": "Renoncule", "oxeye daisy": "Marguerite", "common dandelion": "Pissenlit", "petunia": "Pétunia", "wild pansy": "Pensée sauvage", "primula": "Primevère", "sunflower": "Tournesol", "pelargonium": "Pélargonium", "bishop of llandaff": "Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff", "gaura": "Gaura", "geranium": "Géranium", "orange dahlia": "Dahlia orange", "pink-yellow dahlia": "Dahlia rose-jaune", "cautleya spicata": "Cautleya spicata", "japanese anemone": "Anémone du Japon", "black-eyed susan": "Rudbeckie", "silverbush": "Convolvulus argenté", "californian poppy": "Pavot de Californie", "osteospermum": "Ostéospermum", "spring crocus": "Crocus de printemps", "bearded iris": "Iris barbu", "windflower": "Anémone sylvie", "tree poppy": "Pavot en arbre", "gazania": "Gazanie", "azalea": "Azalée", "water lily": "Nénuphar", "rose": "Rose", "thorn apple": "Datura", "morning glory": "Liseron", "passion flower": "Passiflore", "lotus": "Lotus", "toad lily": "Tricyrtis", "anthurium": "Anthurium", "frangipani": "Frangipanier", "clematis": "Clématite", "hibiscus": "Hibiscus", "columbine": "Ancolie", "desert-rose": "Rose du désert", "tree mallow": "Lavatère", "magnolia": "Magnolia", "cyclamen": "Cyclamen", "watercress": "Cresson", "canna lily": "Canna", "hippeastrum": "Hippeastrum", "bee balm": "Monarde", "ball moss": "Tillandsia", "foxglove": "Digitale", "bougainvillea": "Bougainvillée", "camellia": "Camélia", "mallow": "Mauve", "mexican petunia": "Pétunia mexicain", "bromelia": "Bromélia", "blanket flower": "Gaillarde", "trumpet creeper": "Bignone", "blackberry lily": "Belamcanda chinensis" } botanical_names = { "pink primrose": "Primula polyantha", "hard-leaved pocket orchid": "Calypso bulbosa", "canterbury bells": "Campanula medium", "sweet pea": "Lathyrus odoratus", "english marigold": "Calendula officinalis", "tiger lily": "Lilium lancifolium", "moon orchid": "Phalaenopsis amabilis", "bird of paradise": "Strelitzia reginae", "monkshood": "Aconitum napellus", "globe thistle": "Echinops ritro", "snapdragon": "Antirrhinum majus", "colt's foot": "Tussilago farfara", "king protea": "Protea cynaroides", "spear thistle": "Cirsium vulgare", "yellow iris": "Iris pseudacorus", "globe-flower": "Trollius europaeus", "purple coneflower": "Echinacea purpurea", "peruvian lily": "Alstroemeria aurea", "balloon flower": "Platycodon grandiflorus", "giant white arum lily": "Zantedeschia aethiopica", "fire lily": "Lilium bulbiferum", "pincushion flower": "Scabiosa atropurpurea", "fritillary": "Fritillaria imperialis", "red ginger": "Alpinia purpurata", "grape hyacinth": "Muscari", "corn poppy": "Papaver rhoeas", "prince of wales feathers": "Amaranthus caudatus", "stemless gentian": "Gentiana acaulis", "artichoke": "Cynara cardunculus", "sweet william": "Dianthus barbatus", "carnation": "Dianthus caryophyllus", "garden phlox": "Phlox paniculata", "love in the mist": "Nigella damascena", "mexican aster": "Cosmos bipinnatus", "alpine sea holly": "Eryngium alpinum", "ruby-lipped cattleya": "Cattleya labiata", "cape flower": "Mesembryanthemum crystallinum", "great masterwort": "Astrantia major", "siam tulip": "Curcuma alismatifolia", "lenten rose": "Helleborus orientalis", "barbeton daisy": "Gerbera jamesonii", "daffodil": "Narcissus", "sword lily": "Gladiolus", "poinsettia": "Euphorbia pulcherrima", "bolero deep blue": "Eustoma grandiflorum", "wallflower": "Erysimum", "marigold": "Tagetes", "buttercup": "Ranunculus", "oxeye daisy": "Leucanthemum vulgare", "common dandelion": "Taraxacum officinale", "petunia": "Petunia", "wild pansy": "Viola tricolor", "primula": "Primula", "sunflower": "Helianthus", "pelargonium": "Pelargonium", "bishop of llandaff": "Dahlia", "gaura": "Gaura", "geranium": "Geranium", "orange dahlia": "Dahlia", "pink-yellow dahlia": "Dahlia", "cautleya spicata": "Cautleya spicata", "japanese anemone": "Anemone hupehensis", "black-eyed susan": "Rudbeckia hirta", "silverbush": "Convolvulus cneorum", "californian poppy": "Eschscholzia californica", "osteospermum": "Osteospermum", "spring crocus": "Crocus vernus", "bearded iris": "Iris germanica", "windflower": "Anemone nemorosa", "tree poppy": "Dendromecon rigida", "gazania": "Gazania", "azalea": "Rhododendron", "water lily": "Nymphaea", "rose": "Rosa", "thorn apple": "Datura", "morning glory": "Ipomoea", "passion flower": "Passiflora", "lotus": "Nelumbo nucifera", "toad lily": "Tricyrtis hirta", "anthurium": "Anthurium", "frangipani": "Plumeria", "clematis": "Clematis", "hibiscus": "Hibiscus", "columbine": "Aquilegia", "desert-rose": "Adenium obesum", "tree mallow": "Malva arborea", "magnolia": "Magnolia", "cyclamen": "Cyclamen", "watercress": "Nasturtium officinale", "canna lily": "Canna", "hippeastrum": "Hippeastrum", "bee balm": "Monarda", "ball moss": "Tillandsia recurvata", "foxglove": "Digitalis purpurea", "bougainvillea": "Bougainvillea", "camellia": "Camellia", "mallow": "Malva", "mexican petunia": "Ruellia brittoniana", "bromelia": "Bromelia", "blanket flower": "Gaillardia", "trumpet creeper": "Campsis radicans", "blackberry lily": "Belamcanda chinensis", # Add the botanical names for the rest of the flowers # You can use online resources to find the botanical names for each flower } # Define a dictionary mapping each flower's common name to its usefulness or importance usefulness = { "pink primrose": "Used in herbal medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties", "hard-leaved pocket orchid": "Rare and endangered species, protected by conservation efforts", "canterbury bells": "Ornamental garden plant, attracts bees and butterflies", "sweet pea": "Popular ornamental plant known for its fragrance and colorful flowers", "english marigold": "Used in traditional medicine and culinary applications", "tiger lily": "Ornamental garden plant, symbolizing wealth and prosperity in some cultures", "moon orchid": "Highly valued ornamental plant, often used in floral arrangements", "bird of paradise": "Distinctive and exotic ornamental plant, symbolizing freedom and beauty", "monkshood": "Highly toxic plant used in traditional medicine with extreme caution", "globe thistle": "Ornamental garden plant, attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies", "snapdragon": "Popular garden plant with colorful flowers, often used in floral arrangements", "colt's foot": "Used in traditional medicine for its expectorant properties", "king protea": "National flower of South Africa, symbolizing diversity and courage", "spear thistle": "Prickly plant with ornamental value and historical significance", "yellow iris": "Ornamental water plant, attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies", "globe-flower": "Ornamental garden plant, symbolizing happiness and good fortune", "purple coneflower": "Medicinal plant used to boost the immune system and treat colds", "peruvian lily": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful flowers, often used in floral arrangements", "balloon flower": "Ornamental garden plant, symbolizing unchanging love and devotion", "giant white arum lily": "Ornamental garden plant, often used in bridal bouquets", "fire lily": "Ornamental garden plant, symbolizing passion and desire", "pincushion flower": "Ornamental garden plant, attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies", "fritillary": "Ornamental garden plant, known for its unique bell-shaped flowers", "red ginger": "Ornamental garden plant, prized for its vibrant red inflorescence", "grape hyacinth": "Ornamental garden plant, symbolizing rebirth and renewal", "corn poppy": "Symbolic flower of remembrance, often found in fields and meadows", "prince of wales feathers": "Ornamental garden plant, known for its striking red inflorescence", "stemless gentian": "Medicinal plant used to treat digestive disorders", "artichoke": "Edible plant cultivated for its edible flower buds", "sweet william": "Ornamental garden plant with fragrant flowers, symbolizing gallantry", "carnation": "Popular cut flower with various symbolic meanings, often used in bouquets", "garden phlox": "Ornamental garden plant, attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies", "love in the mist": "Ornamental garden plant with delicate flowers, symbolizing affection", "mexican aster": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful flowers, attracts pollinators", "alpine sea holly": "Ornamental garden plant, known for its distinctive blue flowers", "ruby-lipped cattleya": "Highly prized orchid species, often used in corsages", "cape flower": "Ornamental garden plant, symbolizing resilience and endurance", "great masterwort": "Medicinal plant used to treat various ailments", "siam tulip": "Ornamental garden plant, symbolizing prosperity and abundance", "lenten rose": "Ornamental garden plant, prized for its early blooming flowers", "barbeton daisy": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful flowers, attracts pollinators", "daffodil": "Symbolic flower of renewal and hope, often associated with spring", "sword lily": "Ornamental garden plant with striking sword-shaped leaves", "poinsettia": "Popular ornamental plant, often used as a decorative plant during the holidays", "bolero deep blue": "Ornamental garden plant with deep blue flowers, symbolizing tranquility", "wallflower": "Ornamental garden plant, known for its fragrant flowers", "marigold": "Used in traditional medicine and culinary applications, often planted to repel pests", "buttercup": "Ornamental garden plant with bright yellow flowers", "oxeye daisy": "Ornamental garden plant with daisy-like flowers, symbolizing innocence", "common dandelion": "Edible plant with various medicinal properties", "petunia": "Popular garden plant with colorful flowers, symbolizing playfulness", "wild pansy": "Medicinal plant used to treat respiratory ailments", "primula": "Ornamental garden plant, known for its early spring blooms", "sunflower": "Symbolic flower of happiness and vitality, cultivated for its edible seeds", "pelargonium": "Ornamental garden plant, known for its fragrant leaves and flowers", "bishop of llandaff": "Ornamental garden plant with deep red flowers", "gaura": "Ornamental garden plant with delicate flowers, attracts pollinators", "geranium": "Popular garden plant with colorful flowers and fragrant leaves", "orange dahlia": "Ornamental garden plant with vibrant orange flowers", "pink-yellow dahlia": "Ornamental garden plant with pink and yellow bicolor flowers", "cautleya spicata": "Ornamental garden plant, known for its showy flowers", "japanese anemone": "Ornamental garden plant with delicate flowers, symbolizing protection", "black-eyed susan": "Ornamental garden plant with yellow flowers and dark centers", "silverbush": "Ornamental garden plant with silvery foliage", "californian poppy": "Ornamental garden plant with bright orange flowers", "osteospermum": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful daisy-like flowers", "spring crocus": "Ornamental garden plant with early spring blooms", "bearded iris": "Ornamental garden plant with showy flowers, often used in landscaping", "windflower": "Ornamental garden plant with delicate flowers, symbolizing anticipation", "tree poppy": "Ornamental garden plant with bright yellow flowers", "gazania": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful flowers, drought tolerant", "azalea": "Ornamental garden plant with vibrant flowers, symbolizing passion", "water lily": "Ornamental water plant, symbolizing purity and enlightenment", "rose": "Symbolic flower of love and romance, cultivated for its beauty and fragrance", "thorn apple": "Historically used in herbal medicine, highly toxic if ingested", "morning glory": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful flowers, symbolizing affection", "passion flower": "Symbolic flower of Christ's passion, often used in religious art", "lotus": "Symbolic flower of purity and enlightenment in various cultures", "toad lily": "Ornamental garden plant with unique spotted flowers", "anthurium": "Ornamental plant with distinctive heart-shaped flowers, symbolizing hospitality and abundance", "frangipani": "Ornamental garden plant with fragrant flowers, often used in tropical landscaping", "clematis": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful flowers, symbolizing mental beauty", "hibiscus": "Edible plant with medicinal properties, popular ornamental garden plant", "columbine": "Ornamental garden plant with unique spurred flowers, symbolizing love and fidelity", "desert-rose": "Ornamental garden plant with succulent foliage and colorful flowers", "tree mallow": "Ornamental garden plant with large colorful flowers", "magnolia": "Ornamental garden plant with large fragrant flowers, symbolizing nobility and perseverance", "cyclamen": "Ornamental garden plant with unique twisted flowers, symbolizing resignation and farewell", "watercress": "Edible aquatic plant, rich in vitamins and minerals", "canna lily": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful flowers and edible rhizomes", "hippeastrum": "Ornamental garden plant with large showy flowers, symbolizing pride and beauty", "bee balm": "Medicinal plant with aromatic leaves and flowers, attracts pollinators", "ball moss": "Epiphytic plant that grows on trees, contributes to ecosystem biodiversity", "foxglove": "Medicinal plant used to treat heart conditions, highly toxic if ingested", "bougainvillea": "Ornamental vine with vibrant flowers, drought tolerant", "camellia": "Ornamental garden plant with evergreen leaves and showy flowers", "mallow": "Edible and medicinal plant with soothing properties", "mexican petunia": "Ornamental garden plant with colorful flowers, attracts butterflies", "bromelia": "Ornamental plant with colorful foliage and unique inflorescence", "blanket flower": "Ornamental garden plant with daisy-like flowers, drought tolerant", "trumpet creeper": "Ornamental vine with trumpet-shaped flowers, attracts hummingbirds", "blackberry lily": "Ornamental garden plant with iris-like flowers and blackberry-like fruits" # Add the usefulness or importance for the rest of the flowers } img_array = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array(img) img_array = tf.expand_dims(img_array, 0) # Create a batch prediction = model.predict(img_array) predicted_class = np.argmax(prediction[0], axis=-1) flower = labels[predicted_class] closeness = np.round(prediction[0][predicted_class] * 100, 2) get_flower = flower # Debug: Print the predicted flower name #print(f"Predicted Flower: {flower}") #print(f"Predicted Flower: {get_flower}") print(botanical_names[get_flower]) botanical_name = botanical_names.get(get_flower, "Unknown") flower_usefulness = usefulness.get(get_flower, "Unknown") french_name = french_names.get(get_flower, "Unknown") # Debug: Print the botanical name and usefulness print(f"Botanical Name: {botanical_name}") print(f"Usefulness: {flower_usefulness}") return flower, closeness, botanical_name, flower_usefulness, french_name def main(): with st.sidebar: selected = option_menu( menu_title="Main Menu", options=["Home", "About", "Local Classifier", "Extensive Classifier", "Project Details"], icons=["house", "info-circle", "camera", "search", "clipboard-list"], menu_icon="cast", default_index=0, ) if selected == "Home": st.markdown("""
Click the link below to visit the main application page:
Go to Main Application """, unsafe_allow_html=True) elif selected == "About": st.markdown('