import pandas as pd |
import gradio as gr |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
shared_page1 = None |
shared_page2 = None |
def set_shared_pages(page1, page2): |
global shared_page1, shared_page2 |
shared_page1 = page1 |
shared_page2 = page2 |
def compare_info(tco1, tco2, dropdown, dropdown2): |
if error_occurred == False : |
r = tco1 / tco2 |
if r < 1: |
comparison_result = f"""The cost/request of the second {dropdown2} service is <b>{1/r:.5f} times more expensive</b> than the one of the first {dropdown} service.""" |
elif r > 1: |
comparison_result = f"""The cost/request of the second {dropdown2} service is <b>{r:.5f} times cheaper</b> than the one of the first {dropdown} service.""" |
else: |
comparison_result = f"""Both solutions have the <b>same cost/request</b>.""" |
services = [dropdown, dropdown2] |
costs_to_compare = [tco1, tco2] |
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) |
plt.bar(services, costs_to_compare, color=['red', 'green']) |
plt.xlabel('AI option services', fontsize=10) |
plt.ylabel('($) Cost/Request', fontsize=10) |
plt.title('Comparison of Cost/Request', fontsize=14) |
plt.tight_layout() |
plt.savefig('cost_comparison.png') |
return gr.update(value='cost_comparison.png', visible=True), comparison_result |
else: |
return None, "" |
def create_table(tco1, tco2, labor_cost1, labor_cost2, dropdown, dropdown2, latency, latency2): |
if error_occurred == False: |
if shared_page1 is None or shared_page2 is None: |
raise ValueError("Shared instances not set.") |
list_values = [] |
first_sol = [tco1, labor_cost1, latency] |
second_sol = [tco2, labor_cost2, latency2] |
list_values.append(first_sol) |
list_values.append(second_sol) |
data = pd.DataFrame(list_values, index=[dropdown, dropdown2], columns=["Cost/request ($) ", "Labor Cost ($/month)", "Average latency (s)"]) |
formatted_data = data.copy() |
formatted_data["Cost/request ($) "] = formatted_data["Cost/request ($) "].apply('{:.5f}'.format) |
formatted_data["Labor Cost ($/month)"] = formatted_data["Labor Cost ($/month)"].apply('{:.0f}'.format) |
styled_data = formatted_data.style\ |
.set_properties(**{'background-color': '#ffffff', 'color': '#000000', 'border-color': '#e0e0e0', 'border-width': '1px', 'border-style': 'solid'})\ |
.to_html() |
centered_styled_data = f"<center>{styled_data}</center>" |
return gr.update(value=centered_styled_data) |
else: |
return "" |
def compute_cost_per_request(*args): |
dropdown_id = args[-4] |
dropdown_id2 = args[-3] |
input_tokens = args[-2] |
output_tokens = args[-1] |
global error_occurred |
if dropdown_id!="" and dropdown_id2!="": |
error_occurred = False |
page1 = shared_page1 |
page2 = shared_page2 |
args_page1 = list(args) + [dropdown_id, input_tokens, output_tokens] |
args_page2 = list(args) + [dropdown_id2, input_tokens, output_tokens] |
result_page1 = page1.compute_cost_per_token(*args_page1) |
result_page2 = page2.compute_cost_per_token(*args_page2) |
tco1, latency, labor_cost1 = result_page1 |
tco2, latency2, labor_cost2 = result_page2 |
return tco1, latency, labor_cost1, tco2, latency2, labor_cost2 |
else: |
error_occurred = True |
raise gr.Error("Please select two AI service options.") |
def update_plot(tco1, tco2, dropdown, dropdown2, labour_cost1, labour_cost2): |
if error_occurred == False: |
request_ranges = list(range(0, 1001, 100)) + list(range(1000, 10001, 500)) + list(range(10000, 100001, 1000)) + list(range(100000, 1600001, 100000)) |
costs_tco1 = [(tco1 * req + labour_cost1) for req in request_ranges] |
costs_tco2 = [(tco2 * req + labour_cost2) for req in request_ranges] |
data = pd.DataFrame({ |
"Number of requests": request_ranges * 2, |
"Cost ($)": costs_tco1 + costs_tco2, |
"AI model service": ["1)" + " " + dropdown] * len(request_ranges) + ["2)" + " " + dropdown2] * len(request_ranges) |
} |
) |
return gr.LinePlot.update(data, visible=True, x="Number of requests", y="Cost ($)",color="AI model service",color_legend_position="bottom", title="Set-up TCO for one month", height=300, width=500, tooltip=["Number of requests", "Cost ($)", "AI model service"]) |
else: |
return "" |
error_occurred = False |