Build error
Build error
def read_txt(txt_path): | |
# function to read in txt files here. | |
print("Nothing here yet.") | |
def read_epub(ebook_path): | |
import ebooklib | |
from ebooklib import epub | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
from nltk import tokenize, download | |
from textwrap import TextWrapper | |
from stqdm import stqdm | |
max_char_len = 150 | |
download('punkt', quiet=True) | |
wrapper = TextWrapper(max_char_len, fix_sentence_endings=True) | |
book = epub.read_epub(ebook_path) | |
ebook_title = book.get_metadata('DC', 'title')[0][0] | |
ebook_title = ebook_title.lower().replace(' ', '_') | |
corpus = [] | |
for item in stqdm(list(book.get_items()), desc="Chapters in ebook:"): | |
if item.get_type() == ebooklib.ITEM_DOCUMENT: | |
input_text = BeautifulSoup(item.get_content(), "html.parser").text | |
text_list = [] | |
for paragraph in input_text.split('\n'): | |
paragraph = paragraph.replace('β', '-') | |
sentences = tokenize.sent_tokenize(paragraph) | |
# Truncate sentences to maximum character limit | |
sentence_list = [] | |
for sentence in sentences: | |
wrapped_sentences = wrapper.wrap(sentence) | |
sentence_list.append(wrapped_sentences) | |
# Flatten list of list of sentences | |
trunc_sentences = [phrase for sublist in sentence_list for phrase in sublist] | |
text_list.append(trunc_sentences) | |
text_list = [text for sentences in text_list for text in sentences] | |
corpus.append(text_list) | |
return corpus, ebook_title |