Runtime error
Runtime error
"""Helper file for Thompson sampling""" | |
import pickle | |
import random | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import numpy as np | |
import streamlit as st | |
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_fixed | |
import config as cfg | |
random.seed(42) | |
class ThompsonSampler: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.placeholder = st.empty() | |
self.latent_elasticity = cfg.LATENT_ELASTICITY | |
self.price_observations = np.concatenate( | |
[np.repeat(10,10), np.repeat(7.5,25), np.repeat(11,15)] | |
) | |
self.update_demand_observations() | |
self.possible_prices = np.linspace(0, 20, 100) | |
self.price_samples = [] | |
self.latent_demand = self.calc_latent_demand() | |
self.latent_price = self.calc_optimal_price(self.latent_demand, sample=False) | |
self.update_posteriors() | |
def update_demand_observations(self): | |
self.demand_observations = np.exp( | |
np.random.normal( | |
loc=-self.latent_elasticity*self.price_observations+cfg.LATENT_SHAPE, | |
scale=cfg.LATENT_STDEV, | |
) | |
) | |
def update_elasticity(self): | |
self.latent_elasticity = st.session_state.latent_elasticity | |
self.price_samples = [] | |
self.latent_demand = self.calc_latent_demand() | |
self.update_demand_observations() | |
self.latent_price = self.calc_optimal_price(self.latent_demand, sample=False) | |
self.update_posteriors(samples=75) | |
self.create_plots() | |
def create_plots(self, highlighted_sample=None): | |
with self.placeholder.container(): | |
posterior_plot, price_plot = st.columns(2) | |
with posterior_plot: | |
st.markdown("## Demands") | |
fig = self.create_posteriors_plot(highlighted_sample) | |
st.write(fig) | |
plt.close(fig) | |
with price_plot: | |
st.markdown("## Prices") | |
fig = self.create_price_plot() | |
st.write(fig) | |
plt.close(fig) | |
def create_price_plot(self): | |
fig = plt.figure() | |
plt.xlabel("Price") | |
plt.xlim(0,20) | |
plt.yticks(color='w') | |
price_distr = [self.calc_optimal_price(post_demand, sample=False) | |
for post_demand in self.posterior] | |
plt.violinplot(price_distr, vert=False, showextrema=False) | |
for price in self.price_samples: | |
plt.plot(price, 1, marker='o', markersize = 5, color='grey') | |
plt.axhline(1, color='black') | |
plt.axvline(self.latent_price, 0, color='red') | |
return fig | |
def create_posteriors_plot(self, highlighted_sample=None): | |
fig = plt.figure() | |
plt.xlabel("Price") | |
plt.ylabel("Demand") | |
plt.xlim(0,20) | |
plt.ylim(0,10) | |
plt.scatter(self.price_observations, self.demand_observations) | |
plt.plot(self.possible_prices, self.latent_demand, color="red") | |
for posterior_sample in self.posterior_samples: | |
plt.plot(self.possible_prices, posterior_sample, color="grey", alpha=0.15) | |
if highlighted_sample is not None: | |
plt.plot(self.possible_prices, highlighted_sample, color="black") | |
return fig | |
def calc_latent_demand(self): | |
return np.exp( | |
-self.latent_elasticity*self.possible_prices + cfg.LATENT_SHAPE | |
) | |
def _cost(demand): | |
return cfg.VARIABLE_COST*demand + cfg.FIXED_COST | |
def calc_optimal_price(self, sampled_demand, sample=False): | |
revenue = self.possible_prices * sampled_demand | |
profit = revenue - self._cost(sampled_demand) | |
optimal_price = self.possible_prices[np.argmax(profit)] | |
if sample: | |
self.price_samples.append(optimal_price) | |
return optimal_price | |
def update_posteriors(self, samples=75): | |
with open(f"assets/precalc_results/posterior_{self.latent_elasticity}.pkl", "rb") as post: | |
self.posterior = pickle.load(post) | |
self.posterior_samples = random.sample(self.posterior, samples) | |
def pick_posterior(self): | |
posterior_sample = random.choice(self.posterior_samples) | |
self.calc_optimal_price(posterior_sample, sample=True) | |
self.create_plots(highlighted_sample=posterior_sample) | |
def run(self): | |
if st.session_state.latent_elasticity != self.latent_elasticity: | |
self.update_elasticity() | |
self.pick_posterior() | |