import random from typing import AnyStr import itertools import streamlit as st import torch.nn.parameter from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import numpy as np import base64 from spacy_streamlit.util import get_svg from custom_renderer import render_sentence_custom from import Sentence from flair.models import SequenceTagger import spacy from spacy import displacy from spacy_streamlit import visualize_parser from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification from transformers import pipeline import os from transformers_interpret import SequenceClassificationExplainer # Map model names to URLs model_names_to_URLs = { 'ml6team/distilbert-base-dutch-cased-toxic-comments': '', 'ml6team/robbert-dutch-base-toxic-comments': '', } about_page_markdown = f"""# 🤬 Dutch Toxic Comment Detection Space Made by [ML6]( Token attribution is performed using [transformers-interpret]( """ regular_emojis = [ '😐', '🙂', '👶', '😇', ] undecided_emojis = [ '🤨', '🧐', '🥸', '🥴', '🤷', ] potty_mouth_emojis = [ '🤐', '👿', '😡', '🤬', '☠️', '☣️', '☢️', ] # Page setup st.set_page_config( page_title="Post-processing summarization fact checker", page_icon="", layout="centered", initial_sidebar_state="auto", menu_items={ 'Get help': None, 'Report a bug': None, 'About': about_page_markdown, } ) # Model setup @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, suppress_st_warning=True, show_spinner=False) def load_pipeline(model_name): with st.spinner('Loading model (this might take a while)...'): toxicity_pipeline = pipeline( 'text-classification', model=model_name, tokenizer=model_name) cls_explainer = SequenceClassificationExplainer( toxicity_pipeline.model, toxicity_pipeline.tokenizer) return toxicity_pipeline, cls_explainer # Auxiliary functions def format_explainer_html(html_string): """Extract tokens with attribution-based background color.""" inside_token_prefix = '##' soup = BeautifulSoup(html_string, 'html.parser') p = soup.new_tag('p', attrs={'style': 'color: black; background-color: white;'}) # Select token elements and remove model specific tokens current_word = None for token in soup.find_all('td')[-1].find_all('mark')[1:-1]: text = token.font.text.strip() if text.startswith(inside_token_prefix): text = text[len(inside_token_prefix):] else: # Create a new span for each word (sequence of sub-tokens) if current_word is not None: p.append(current_word) p.append(' ') current_word = soup.new_tag('span') token.string = text token.attrs['style'] = f"{token.attrs['style']}; padding: 0.2em 0em;" current_word.append(token) # Add last word p.append(current_word) # Add left and right-padding to each word for span in p.find_all('span'): span.find_all('mark')[0].attrs['style'] = ( f"{span.find_all('mark')[0].attrs['style']}; padding-left: 0.2em;") span.find_all('mark')[-1].attrs['style'] = ( f"{span.find_all('mark')[-1].attrs['style']}; padding-right: 0.2em;") return p def list_all_article_names() -> list: filenames = [] for file in sorted(os.listdir('./sample-articles/')): if file.endswith('.txt'): filenames.append(file.replace('.txt', '')) return filenames def fetch_article_contents(filename: str) -> AnyStr: with open(f'./sample-articles/{filename.lower()}.txt', 'r') as f: data = return data def fetch_summary_contents(filename: str) -> AnyStr: with open(f'./sample-summaries/{filename.lower()}.txt', 'r') as f: data = return data def classify_comment(comment, selected_model): """Classify the given comment and augment with additional information.""" toxicity_pipeline, cls_explainer = load_pipeline(selected_model) result = toxicity_pipeline(comment)[0] result['model_name'] = selected_model # Add explanation result['word_attribution'] = cls_explainer(comment, class_name="non-toxic") result['visualitsation_html'] = cls_explainer.visualize()._repr_html_() result['tokens_with_background'] = format_explainer_html( result['visualitsation_html']) # Choose emoji reaction label, score = result['label'], result['score'] if label == 'toxic' and score > 0.1: emoji = random.choice(potty_mouth_emojis) elif label in ['non_toxic', 'non-toxic'] and score > 0.1: emoji = random.choice(regular_emojis) else: emoji = random.choice(undecided_emojis) result.update({'text': comment, 'emoji': emoji}) # Add result to session st.session_state.results.append(result) def display_summary(article_name: str): summary_content = fetch_summary_contents(article_name) soup = BeautifulSoup(summary_content, features="html.parser") HTML_WRAPPER = """
""" st.session_state.summary_output = HTML_WRAPPER.format(soup) ##@st.cache(hash_funcs={preshed.maps.PreshMap: my_hash_func}) def get_spacy(): nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg') return nlp # TODO: check the output mutation thingy @st.cache(hash_funcs={torch.nn.parameter.Parameter: lambda _: None}, allow_output_mutation=True) def get_flair_tagger(): tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/ner-english-ontonotes-fast") return tagger def get_all_entities_per_sentence(text): # load all NER models nlp = get_spacy() tagger = get_flair_tagger() doc = nlp(text) sentences = list(doc.sents) entities_all_sentences = [] for sentence in sentences: entities_this_sentence = [] # SPACY ENTITIES for entity in sentence.ents: entities_this_sentence.append(str(entity)) # FLAIR ENTITIES sentence_entities = Sentence(str(sentence)) tagger.predict(sentence_entities) for entity in sentence_entities.get_spans('ner'): entities_this_sentence.append(entity.text) entities_all_sentences.append(entities_this_sentence) return entities_all_sentences def get_all_entities(text): all_entities_per_sentence = get_all_entities_per_sentence(text) return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(all_entities_per_sentence)) # TODO: this functionality can be cached (e.g. by storing html file output) if wanted (or just store list of entities idk) def get_and_compare_entities(article_name: str): article_content = fetch_article_contents(article_name) all_entities_per_sentence = get_all_entities_per_sentence(article_content) #st.session_state.entities_per_sentence_article = all_entities_per_sentence entities_article = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(all_entities_per_sentence)) summary_content = fetch_summary_contents(article_name) all_entities_per_sentence = get_all_entities_per_sentence(summary_content) #st.session_state.entities_per_sentence_summary = all_entities_per_sentence entities_summary = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(all_entities_per_sentence)) matched_entities = [] unmatched_entities = [] for entity in entities_summary: # TODO: currently substring matching but probably should do embedding method or idk? if any(entity.lower() in substring_entity.lower() for substring_entity in entities_article): matched_entities.append(entity) else: unmatched_entities.append(entity) return matched_entities, unmatched_entities def highlight_entities(article_name: str): summary_content = fetch_summary_contents(article_name) markdown_start_red = "" markdown_start_green = "" markdown_end = "" matched_entities, unmatched_entities = get_and_compare_entities(article_name) for entity in matched_entities: summary_content = summary_content.replace(entity, markdown_start_green + entity + markdown_end) for entity in unmatched_entities: summary_content = summary_content.replace(entity, markdown_start_red + entity + markdown_end) soup = BeautifulSoup(summary_content, features="html.parser") HTML_WRAPPER = """
""" return HTML_WRAPPER.format(soup) def render_dependency_parsing(text: str): html = render_sentence_custom(text) html = html.replace("\n\n", "\n") st.write(get_svg(html), unsafe_allow_html=True) # If deps for article: True, otherwise deps for summary calc def check_dependency(article: bool): nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg') if article: text = st.session_state.article_text all_entities = get_all_entities_per_sentence(text) #all_entities = st.session_state.entities_per_sentence_article else: text = st.session_state.summary_output all_entities = get_all_entities_per_sentence(text) #all_entities = st.session_state.entities_per_sentence_summary doc = nlp(text) tok_l = doc.to_json()['tokens'] all_deps = "" print(str(all_deps)) print("OOPS") sentences = list(doc.sents) print(sentences) for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences): #TODO MONDAY: THE PROBLEM LIES HERE WITH THE SENTENCE!!! (I THINK I KNOW PROBLEM: TEXT SAVED AS SESSION STATE IS HTML NOT PURE TEXT!) print(str(sentence)) start_id = sentence.start end_id = sentence.end for t in tok_l: if t["id"] < start_id or t["id"] > end_id: continue head = tok_l[t['head']] if t['dep'] == 'amod': print("AMOD FOUND") object_here = text[t['start']:t['end']] object_target = text[head['start']:head['end']] # ONE NEEDS TO BE ENTITY if object_here in all_entities[i]: print("SENTENCE ADDED") print(all_deps) all_deps = all_deps.join(str(sentence)) elif object_target in all_entities[i]: all_deps = all_deps.join(str(sentence)) else: continue #print(f'all depps are {all_deps}') #print(all_deps) return all_deps # Start session if 'results' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.results = [] # Page st.title('Summarization fact checker') # INTRODUCTION st.header("Introduction") st.markdown("""Recent work using transformers on large text corpora has shown great succes when fine-tuned on several different downstream NLP tasks. One such task is that of text summarization. The goal of text summarization is to generate concise and accurate summaries from input document(s). There are 2 types of summarization: extractive and abstractive. **Exstractive summarization** merely copies informative fragments from the input, whereas **abstractive summarization** may generate novel words. A good abstractive summary should cover principal information in the input and has to be linguistically fluent. This blogpost will focus on this more difficult task of abstractive summary generation.""") st.markdown("""To generate summaries we will use the [PEGASUS] ( model, producing abstractive summaries from large articles. These summaries often still contain sentences with different kinds of errors. Rather than improving the core model, we will look at possible post-processing steps to improve the generated summaries by detecting such possible errors. By comparing contents of the summary with the source text, we can create some sort of factualness metric, indicating the trustworthiness of the generated summary.""") # GENERATING SUMMARIES PART st.header("Generating summaries") st.markdown("Let’s start by selecting an article text for which we want to generate a summary, or you can provide " "text yourself. Note that it’s suggested to provide a sufficiently large text, as otherwise the summary " "generated might not be optimal to start from.") # TODO: NEED TO CHECK ARTICLE TEXT INSTEAD OF ARTICLE NAME ALSO FREE INPUT OPTION selected_article = st.selectbox('Select an article or provide your own:', list_all_article_names()) # index=0, format_func=special_internal_function, key=None, help=None, on_change=None, args=None, kwargs=None, *, disabled=False) st.session_state.article_text = fetch_article_contents(selected_article) article_text = st.text_area( label='Full article text', value=st.session_state.article_text, height=150 ) st.markdown("Below you can find the generated summary for the article. The summaries of the example articles " "vary in quality, but are chosen as such. Based on some common errors, we will discuss possible " "methods to improve or rank the summaries in the following paragraphs. The idea is that in " "production, you could generate a set of summaries for the same article, with different " "parameters (or even different models). By using post-processing methods and metrics, " "we can detect some errors in summaries, and choose the best one to actually use.") if st.session_state.article_text: with st.spinner('Generating summary...'): # classify_comment(article_text, selected_model) display_summary(selected_article) st.write("**Generated summary:**", st.session_state.summary_output, unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.error('**Error**: No comment to classify. Please provide a comment.', help="Generate summary for the given article text") # ENTITY MATCHING PART st.header("Entity matching") st.markdown("**Named entity recognition** (NER) is the task of identifying and categorising key information (" "entities) in text. An entity can be a singular word or a series of words that consistently refers to the " "same thing. Common entity classes are person names, organisations, locations and so on. By applying NER " "to both the article and its summary, we can spot possible **hallucinations**. Hallucinations are words " "generated by the model that are not supported by the source input. ") with st.spinner("Calculating and matching entities..."): entity_match_html = highlight_entities(selected_article) st.write(entity_match_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) # DEPENDENCY PARSING PART st.header("Dependency comparison") with st.spinner("Doing dependency parsing..."): render_dependency_parsing(check_dependency(False)) # Results # if 'results' in st.session_state and st.session_state.results: # first = True # for result in st.session_state.results[::-1]: # if not first: # st.markdown("---") # st.markdown(f"Text:\n> {result['text']}") # col_1, col_2, col_3 = st.columns([1,2,2]) # col_1.metric(label='', value=f"{result['emoji']}") # col_2.metric(label='Label', value=f"{result['label']}") # col_3.metric(label='Score', value=f"{result['score']:.3f}") # st.markdown(f"Token Attribution:\n{result['tokens_with_background']}", # unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.caption(f"Model: {result['model_name']}") # first = False