import json import pandas as pd import as px # Language codes predicted by language detection model LANG_CODES = ['ar', 'bg', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'hi', 'it', 'ja', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sw', 'th', 'tr', 'ur', 'vi', 'zh'] COUNTRY_TO_LANG_CODE = { 'Algeria': 'ar', 'Chad': 'ar', 'Djibouti': 'ar', 'Egypt': 'ar', 'Iraq': 'ar', 'Jordan': 'ar', 'Kuwait': 'ar', 'Lebanon': 'ar', 'Libya': 'ar', 'Mali': 'ar', 'Mauritania': 'ar', 'Morocco': 'ar', 'Oman': 'ar', 'Palestine': 'ar', 'Qatar': 'ar', 'Saudi Arabia': 'ar', 'Somalia': 'ar', 'Sudan': 'ar', 'Syria': 'ar', 'Tunisia': 'ar', 'United Arab Emirates': 'ar', 'Yemen': 'ar', 'Bulgaria': 'bg', 'Germany': 'de', 'Greece': 'el', 'Cyprus': 'el', 'United States of America': 'en', 'Ireland': 'en', 'United Kingdom': 'en', 'Canada': 'en', 'Australia': 'en', 'Mexico': 'es', 'Mexico': 'es', 'Colombia': 'es', 'Spain': 'es', 'Argentina': 'es', 'Peru': 'es', 'Venezuela': 'es', 'Chile': 'es', 'Guatemala': 'es', 'Ecuador': 'es', 'Bolivia': 'es', 'Cuba': 'es', 'Dominican Rep.': 'es', 'Honduras': 'es', 'Paraguay': 'es', 'El Salvador': 'es', 'Nicaragua': 'es', 'Costa Rica': 'es', 'Panama': 'es', 'Uruguay': 'es', 'Guinea': 'es', 'France': 'fr', 'India': 'hi', 'Italy': 'it', 'Japan': 'ja', 'Netherlands': 'nl', 'Belgium': 'nl', 'Poland': 'pl', 'Portugal': 'pt', 'Russia': 'ru', 'Uganda': 'sw', 'Kenya': 'sw', 'Tanzania': 'sw', 'Thailand': 'th', 'Turkey': 'tr', 'Pakistan': 'ur', 'Vietnam': 'vi', 'China': 'zh' } def lang_map(df): with open('data/countries.geo.json') as f: countries = json.load(f) country_list = [country['properties']['name'] for country in dict(countries)['features']] LANG_CODES = df.value_counts('predicted_language') countries_data = [] lang_count_data = [] lang_code_data = [] for country in country_list: if country in COUNTRY_TO_LANG_CODE: country_lang = COUNTRY_TO_LANG_CODE[country] if country_lang in LANG_CODES.index: countries_data.append(country) lang_count = LANG_CODES.loc[COUNTRY_TO_LANG_CODE[country]] lang_count_data.append(lang_count) lang_code_data.append(country_lang) lang_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'country': countries_data, 'count': lang_count_data, 'lang_code': lang_code_data }) fig = px.choropleth( lang_df, geojson=countries, locations='country', locationmode='country names', color='count', color_continuous_scale=[ [0, "rgb(45,45,48)"], [0.33, "rgb(116,173,209)"], [0.66, "rgb(255,255,0)"], [1, "rgb(255,94,5)"] ], scope='world', hover_data=['lang_code'], labels={'count': "Language Count"}, template='plotly_dark' ) fig.update_geos(showcountries=True) fig.update_layout( title_text="Language Map", margin={"r": 0, "t": 20, "l": 0, "b": 0} ) return fig