import os import shutil import tempfile from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException, UploadFile, File, Form, Query from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder from bson import ObjectId from models import InitializeBotResponse, NewChatResponse, QueryRequest, QueryResponse from trainer_manager import get_trainer from config import CUSTOM_PROMPT from prompt_templates import PromptTemplates router = APIRouter() trainer = get_trainer()"/initialize_bot", response_model=InitializeBotResponse) def initialize_bot(prompt_type: str = Query(None)): """ Initializes a new bot and returns its bot_id. Accepts an optional 'prompt_type' query parameter (provided by the frontend). """ try: bot_id = trainer.initialize_bot_id() # Optionally, you might want to store the prompt_type with the bot record. return InitializeBotResponse(bot_id=bot_id) except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))"/upload_document") async def upload_document(bot_id: str = Form(...), file: UploadFile = File(...)): """ Saves the uploaded file temporarily and adds it to the specified bot's knowledge base. """ try: # Save the file to a temporary location. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=os.path.splitext(file.filename)[1]) as tmp: contents = await tmp.write(contents) tmp_path = # Add the document using the temporary file path to the specified bot. trainer.add_document_from_path(tmp_path, bot_id) # Remove the temporary file. os.remove(tmp_path) return {"message": "Document uploaded and added successfully."} except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))"/create_bot/{bot_id}") def create_bot(bot_id: str, prompt_type: str = Query(None)): """ Finalizes the creation (build) of the bot identified by bot_id. Uses the provided (or default) prompt_type to determine the custom prompt template. If no prompt_type is provided, it defaults to "quiz_solving". """ try: if prompt_type is None: prompt_type = "quiz_solving" # Determine the appropriate prompt template. if prompt_type == "university": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_university_chatbot_prompt() elif prompt_type == "quiz_solving": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_quiz_solving_prompt() elif prompt_type == "assignment_solving": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_assignment_solving_prompt() elif prompt_type == "paper_solving": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_paper_solving_prompt() elif prompt_type == "quiz_creation": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_quiz_creation_prompt() elif prompt_type == "assignment_creation": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_assignment_creation_prompt() elif prompt_type == "paper_creation": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_paper_creation_prompt() elif prompt_type == "check_quiz": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_check_quiz_prompt() elif prompt_type == "check_assignment": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_check_assignment_prompt() elif prompt_type == "check_paper": prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_check_paper_prompt() else: prompt_template = PromptTemplates.get_quiz_solving_prompt() # Create (build) the bot using the specified bot_id and prompt template. trainer.create_bot(bot_id, prompt_template) return {"message": f"Bot {bot_id} created successfully."} except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))"/new_chat/{bot_id}", response_model=NewChatResponse) def new_chat(bot_id: str): """ Creates a new chat session for the specified bot. """ try: chat_id = trainer.new_chat(bot_id) return NewChatResponse(chat_id=chat_id) except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))"/query", response_model=QueryResponse) def send_query(query_request: QueryRequest): """ Processes a query and returns the bot's response along with any web sources. The request must include bot_id, chat_id, and the query text. """ try: response, web_sources = trainer.get_response( query_request.query, query_request.bot_id, query_request.chat_id ) return QueryResponse(response=response, web_sources=web_sources) except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) @router.get("/list_chats/{bot_id}") def list_chats(bot_id: str): """ Returns a list of previous chat sessions for the specified bot. """ try: chats = trainer.list_chats(bot_id) return chats except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) @router.get("/chat_history/{chat_id}") def chat_history(chat_id: str, bot_id: str = Query(None)): """ Returns the chat history for a given chat session. The bot_id can be provided as a query parameter (if needed). ObjectId instances in the history are converted to strings. """ try: history = trainer.get_chat_by_id(chat_id=chat_id) return jsonable_encoder(history, custom_encoder={ObjectId: str}) except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))