import os |
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" |
import streamlit as st |
import torch |
from docquery.pipeline import get_pipeline |
from docquery.document import load_bytes, load_document |
def ensure_list(x): |
if isinstance(x, list): |
return x |
else: |
return [x] |
@st.experimental_singleton |
def construct_pipeline(): |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
ret = get_pipeline(device=device) |
return ret |
@st.cache |
def run_pipeline(question, document): |
return construct_pipeline()(question=question, **document.context) |
st.markdown("# DocQuery: Query Documents w/ NLP") |
if "document" not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state["document"] = None |
input_type = st.radio("Pick an input type", ["Upload", "URL"], horizontal=True) |
def load_file_cb(): |
if st.session_state.file_input is None: |
return |
file = st.session_state.file_input |
with loading_placeholder: |
with st.spinner("Processing..."): |
document = load_bytes(file, file.name) |
_ = document.context |
st.session_state.document = document |
def load_url_cb(): |
if st.session_state.url_input is None: |
return |
url = st.session_state.url_input |
with loading_placeholder: |
with st.spinner("Downloading..."): |
document = load_document(url) |
with st.spinner("Processing..."): |
_ = document.context |
st.session_state.document = document |
if input_type == "Upload": |
file = st.file_uploader( |
"Upload a PDF or Image document", key="file_input", on_change=load_file_cb |
) |
elif input_type == "URL": |
url = st.text_input("URL", "", key="url_input", on_change=load_url_cb) |
question = st.text_input("QUESTION", "") |
document = st.session_state.document |
loading_placeholder = st.empty() |
if document is not None: |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
col1.image(document.preview, use_column_width=True) |
if document is not None and question is not None and len(question) > 0: |
predictions = run_pipeline(question=question, document=document) |
col2.header("Answers") |
for p in ensure_list(predictions): |
col2.subheader(f"{ p['answer'] }: ({round(p['score'] * 100, 1)}%)") |
"DocQuery uses LayoutLMv1 fine-tuned on DocVQA, a document visual question answering dataset, as well as SQuAD, which boosts its English-language comprehension. To use it, simply upload an image or PDF, type a question, and click 'submit', or click one of the examples to load them." |
"[Github Repo](https://github.com/impira/docquery)" |