sus2 / app.js
history blame
23.3 kB
* @preserve
const Cookie = 'xoxd-xxxx';
### SettingName: (DEFAULT)/opt1/opt2
1. AntiStall: (false)/1/2
* 1/2 has no effect when using streaming
* 1 sends whatever was last when exceeding size (might have some spicy things but impersonations as well)
* 2 sends a usable message where the bot actually stopped talking
2. ClearFlags: (false)/true
* possibly snake-oil
3. DeleteChats: (false)/true
* true is for privacy, auto deletes your conversations after each reply
* **if set to true, will also wipe old conversations on startup!**
* no effect if RetryRegenerate is set to true
4. PassParams: (false)/true
* true will send the temperature you set on your frontent
* only values under <=1
* this could get your account banned
* if clewd stops working, set to false
5. PreventImperson: (false)/true
* true trims the bot reply immediately if he says "Human:", "Assistant:", "H:" or "A:"
* making it so it doesn't hallucinate speaking as you __(chance of missing some spicy things)__
* it's probable this will trigger before AntiStall if you have that on
6. PromptExperiment: (true)/false
* true is an alternative way to send your prompt to the AI
* experiment before setting to false
7. RecycleChats: (false)/true
* true reuses the same chat on the website, based on the first prompt
* false is less likely to get caught in a censorship loop
8. ReplaceSamples: (false)/true
* true sends no "sample dialogues" to the AI (no "H" or "A")
* instead, you're always "Human" and the AI is always "Assistant"
* whatever the AI replies with is kept (only outgoing)
* [see this]( for more information
- H->Human
- A->Assistant
9. RetryRegenerate: (false)/true
* true uses the AI's own retry mechanism when you regenerate on your frontend
* instead of a new conversation
* experiment with it
10. StripAssistant: (false)/true
* true might be good IF your prompt/jailbreak itself ends with Assistant:
11. StripHuman: (false)/true
* true is a bad idea without RecycleChats, sends only your very last message
* @preserve
const Settings = {
AntiStall: 2,
ClearFlags: false,
DeleteChats: true,
PassParams: false,
PreventImperson: true,
PromptExperiment: true,
RecycleChats: false,
ReplaceSamples: false,
RetryRegenerate: false,
StripAssistant: true,
StripHuman: false
const Ip = '';
const Port = 8444;
* Don't touch StallTriggerMax.
* If you know what you're doing, change the 1.5 MB on StallTrigger to what you want
* @preserve
const StallTriggerMax = 4194304;
const StallTrigger = 1572864;
* How much will be buffered before one stream chunk goes through
* lower = less chance of ReplaceSamples working properly
* @default 8
* @preserve
const BufferSize = 8;
const { createServer: Server, IncomingMessage: IncomingMessage, ServerResponse: ServerResponse } = require('node:http');
const { createHash: Hash, randomUUID: randomUUID, randomInt: randomInt, randomBytes: randomBytes } = require('node:crypto');
const { TransformStream: TransformStream } = require('node:stream/web');
const { Writable: Writable } = require('node:stream');
const Decoder = new TextDecoder;
const Encoder = new TextEncoder;
const Assistant = '\n\nAssistant: ';
const Human = '\n\nHuman: ';
const A = '\n\nA: ';
const H = '\n\nH: ';
const AH = [ Set([...Assistant, ...Human, ...A, ...H, '\\'])].filter((char => ' ' !== char)).sort();
const cookies = {};
const UUIDMap = {};
let uuidTemp;
let uuidOrg;
let lastPrompt;
ServerResponse.prototype.json = function (body, statusCode = 200, headers) {
this.headersSent || this.writeHead(statusCode, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
...headers && headers
this.end('object' == typeof body ? JSON.stringify(body) : body);
return this;
const AI = {
endPoint: () => Buffer.from([104, 116, 116, 112, 115, 58, 47, 47, 99, 108, 97, 117, 100, 101, 46, 97, 105]).toString(),
modelA: () => Buffer.from([99, 108, 97, 117, 100, 101, 45, 50]).toString(),
modelB: () => Buffer.from([99, 108, 97, 117, 100, 101, 45, 105, 110, 115, 116, 97, 110, 116, 45, 49]).toString(),
agent: () => Buffer.from([77, 111, 122, 105, 108, 108, 97, 47, 53, 46, 48, 32, 40, 87, 105, 110, 100, 111, 119, 115, 32, 78, 84, 32, 49, 48, 46, 48, 59, 32, 87, 105, 110, 54, 52, 59, 32, 120, 54, 52, 41, 32, 65, 112, 112, 108, 101, 87, 101, 98, 75, 105, 116, 47, 53, 51, 55, 46, 51, 54, 32, 40, 75, 72, 84, 77, 76, 44, 32, 108, 105, 107, 101, 32, 71, 101, 99, 107, 111, 41, 32, 67, 104, 114, 111, 109, 101, 47, 49, 49, 52, 46, 48, 46, 48, 46, 48, 32, 83, 97, 102, 97, 114, 105, 47, 53, 51, 55, 46, 51, 54, 32, 69, 100, 103, 47, 49, 49, 52, 46, 48, 46, 49, 56, 50, 51, 46, 55, 57]).toString()
const fileName = () => {
const bytes = randomInt(5, 15);
return randomBytes(bytes).toString('hex') + '.txt';
const indexOfH = (text, last = false) => {
let location = -1;
const matchesH = text.match(/(?:(?:\\n)|\n){2}((?:Human|H): ?)/gm);
matchesH?.length > 0 && (location = last ? text.lastIndexOf(matchesH[matchesH.length - 1]) : text.indexOf(matchesH[0]));
return location;
const indexOfA = (text, last = false) => {
let location = -1;
const matchesA = text.match(/(?:(?:\\n)|\n){2}((?:Assistant|A): ?)/gm);
matchesA?.length > 0 && (location = last ? text.lastIndexOf(matchesA[matchesA.length - 1]) : text.indexOf(matchesA[0]));
return location;
const cleanJSON = json => json.replace(/^data: {/gi, '{').replace(/\s+$/gi, '');
const stallProtected = () => ['1', '2'].includes(Settings.AntiStall + '');
const updateCookies = cookieInfo => {
let cookieNew = cookieInfo instanceof Response ? cookieInfo.headers?.get('set-cookie') : cookieInfo.split('\n').join('');
if (!cookieNew) {
let cookieArr = cookieNew.split(/;\s?/gi).filter((prop => false === /^(path|expires|domain|HttpOnly|Secure|SameSite)[=;]*/i.test(prop)));
for (const cookie of cookieArr) {
const divide = cookie.split(/^(.*?)=\s*(.*)/);
const cookieName = divide[1];
const cookieVal = divide[2];
cookies[cookieName] = cookieVal;
const getCookies = () => Object.keys(cookies).map((name => `${name}=${cookies[name]};`)).join(' ').replace(/(\s+)$/gi, '');
const deleteChat = async uuid => {
const res = await fetch(`${AI.endPoint()}/api/organizations/${uuidOrg}/chat_conversations/${uuid}`, {
headers: {
Cookie: getCookies(),
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'DELETE'
const setTitle = title => {
title = 'clewd v2.6 - ' + title;
process.title !== title && (process.title = title);
class ClewdStream extends TransformStream {
constructor(minSize = 8, modelName = AI.modelA(), streaming, abortController) {
transform: (chunk, controller) => {
this.#handle(chunk, controller);
flush: controller => {
this.#modelName = modelName;
this.#minSize = minSize;
this.#streaming = streaming;
this.#abortController = abortController;
#compLast = '';
#minSize = void 0;
#streaming = false;
#compPure = '';
#abortController = void 0;
#modelName = '';
#compAll = [];
#compValid = [];
#compInvalid = [];
#recvLength = 0;
#stopLoc = void 0;
#stopReason = void 0;
#hardCensor = false;
get size() {
return this.#recvLength;
get valid() {
return this.#compValid.length;
get invalid() {
return this.#compInvalid.length;
get total() {
return this.valid + this.invalid;
get broken() {
return (this.invalid / * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
get censored() {
return this.#hardCensor;
get stalled() {
return stallProtected() && this.#recvLength >= StallTrigger;
empty() {
this.#compPure = this.#compLast = this.#compAll = this.#compValid = this.#compInvalid = null;
#cutBuffer(cutoff) {
let compCut;
if (this.#streaming) {
compCut = this.#compPure.substring(0, cutoff);
this.#compPure = this.#compPure.substring(cutoff, this.#compPure.length);
} else {
compCut = this.#compLast.substring(0, cutoff);
return compCut;
#build(cutoff) {
const completion = this.#cutBuffer(cutoff);
const builtReply = JSON.stringify({
completion: completion,
stop_reason: this.#stopReason,
model: this.modelName,
stop: this.#stopLoc,
log_id: '',
messageLimit: {
type: 'within_limit'
return this.#streaming ? Encoder.encode(`data: ${builtReply}\n\n`) : builtReply;
#print() { }
#done(controller) {
330 === this.#recvLength && (this.#hardCensor = true);
this.#streaming ? this.#compPure.length > 0 && controller.enqueue(this.#build(this.#compPure.length)) : controller.enqueue(this.#build(this.#compLast.length));
#stallCheck(controller) {
if (!this.stalled || this.#streaming) {
const triggerEmergency = this.#recvLength >= Math.max(StallTriggerMax, 2 * StallTrigger);
if (Settings.AntiStall + '' == '1' || triggerEmergency) {
console.log(`stall: ${triggerEmergency ? 'max' : '1'}`);
return controller.terminate();
const validCompletion = this.#compAll.find((completion => indexOfH(completion) > -1));
if (validCompletion) {
this.#compLast = validCompletion;
const fakeHuman = indexOfH(validCompletion);
console.log('stall: 2');
controller.enqueue(this.#build(fakeHuman > -1 ? fakeHuman : validCompletion.length));
return controller.terminate();
#impersonationCheck(controller, completion) {
if (!Settings.PreventImperson) {
let cutLimit = completion.length;
const fakeAny = ((text, last = false) => {
let location = -1;
const fakes = [indexOfH(text, last), indexOfA(text, last)].filter((idx => idx > -1)).sort();
location = last ? fakes.reverse()[0] : fakes[0];
return isNaN(location) ? -1 : location;
if (fakeAny > -1) {
cutLimit = fakeAny;
console.log(`impersonation, dropped: ${completion.substring(cutLimit, completion.length).split('\n').join(' ')}`);
return controller.terminate();
#handle(chunk, controller) {
let completion;
this.#recvLength += chunk.length || 0;
chunk = Decoder.decode(chunk);
chunk = cleanJSON(chunk);
try {
const clean = cleanJSON(chunk);
const parsed = JSON.parse(clean);
completion = parsed.completion;
this.#stopLoc = parsed.stop;
this.#stopReason = parsed.stop_reason;
} catch (err) {
const { stopMatch: stopMatch, stopReasonMatch: stopReasonMatch, completionMatch: completionMatch } = (chunk => ({
completionMatch: (chunk = 'string' == typeof chunk ? chunk : Decoder.decode(chunk)).match(/(?<="completion"\s?:\s?")(.*?)(?=\\?",?)/gi),
stopMatch: chunk.match(/(?<="stop"\s?:\s?")(.*?)(?=\\?",?)/gi),
stopReasonMatch: chunk.match(/(?<="stop_reason"\s?:\s?")(.*?)(?=\\?",?)/gi)
stopMatch && (this.#stopLoc = stopMatch.join(''));
stopReasonMatch && (this.#stopReason = stopReasonMatch.join(''));
if (completionMatch) {
completion = completionMatch.join('');
if (completion && !(completion.length < 1)) {
if (this.#streaming) {
this.#compPure += completion;
const delayChunk = Settings.PreventImperson && AH.some((char => this.#compPure.endsWith(char) || completion.startsWith(char)));
this.#impersonationCheck(controller, this.#compPure);
for (; !delayChunk && this.#compPure.length >= this.#minSize;) {
} else {
this.#compLast = completion;
this.#impersonationCheck(controller, this.#compLast);
const Proxy = Server(((req, res) => {
if ('/v1/complete' !== req.url) {
return res.json({
error: {
message: '404 Not Found',
type: 404,
param: null,
code: 404
}, 404);
let fetchAPI;
const controller = new AbortController;
const { signal: signal } = controller;
res.socket.on('close', (async () => {
controller.signal.aborted || controller.abort();
const buffer = [];
req.on('data', (chunk => {
req.on('end', (async () => {
let titleTimer;
let promptSHA;
try {
const body = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(buffer).toString());
const attachments = [];
const temperature = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, body.temperature));
let { prompt: prompt } = body;
const samePrompt = Settings.RetryRegenerate && prompt === lastPrompt;
samePrompt || (lastPrompt = prompt);
if (! && prompt === `${Human}${Human}Hi${Assistant}`) {
return res.json({
error: false
const model = /claude-v?2.*/.test(body.model) ? AI.modelA() : body.model;
model !== AI.modelA() && console.log(`model ${AI.modelA()} recommended`);
stallProtected() || || Settings.PreventImperson || console.log('having PreventImperson: true or AntiStall : 1/2 is good when not streaming');
const firstAssistantIdx = indexOfA(prompt);
const lastAssistantIdx = indexOfA(prompt, true);
const lastHumanIdx = indexOfH(prompt, true);
* Ideally SillyTavern would expose a unique frontend conversation_uuid prop to localhost proxies
* could set the name to a hash of it
* then fetch /chat_conversations with 'GET' and find it
* @preserve
const hash = Hash('sha1');
hash.update(prompt.substring(0, firstAssistantIdx));
promptSHA = Settings.RecycleChats ? hash.digest('hex') : '';
const uuidOld = UUIDMap[promptSHA];
Settings.StripHuman && lastHumanIdx > -1 && uuidOld && (prompt = prompt.substring(lastHumanIdx, prompt.length));
Settings.StripAssistant && lastAssistantIdx > -1 && (prompt = prompt.substring(0, lastAssistantIdx));
prompt = (text => {
const replacers = {
H: [/(\n{2,}H: )/gm, Human],
A: [/(\n{2,}A: )/gm, Assistant]
text = text.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\\n)/gm, '\n');
return Settings.ReplaceSamples && (replacers.H[0].test(text) || replacers.A[0].test(text)) ? text.replace(replacers.H[0], replacers.H[1]).replace(replacers.A[0], replacers.A[1]) : text;
if (Settings.PromptExperiment && !samePrompt) {
extracted_content: prompt,
file_name: fileName(),
file_size: Buffer.from(prompt).length,
file_type: 'text/plain'
prompt = '';
if (!uuidOld && Settings.RecycleChats || !samePrompt) {
uuidTemp = randomUUID().toString();
fetchAPI = await fetch(`${AI.endPoint()}/api/organizations/${uuidOrg}/chat_conversations`, {
signal: signal,
headers: {
Cookie: getCookies(),
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
uuid: uuidTemp,
name: promptSHA
console.log('' + model);
UUIDMap[promptSHA] = uuidTemp;
} else {
uuidTemp = uuidOld;
samePrompt && Settings.RecycleChats ? console.log(model + ' [rR]') : samePrompt ? console.log(model + ' [r]') : Settings.RecycleChats ? console.log(model + ' [R]') : console.log('' + model);
fetchAPI = await fetch(`${AI.endPoint()}${samePrompt ? '/api/retry_message' : '/api/append_message'}`, {
signal: signal,
headers: {
Cookie: getCookies(),
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
completion: {
...Settings.PassParams && {
temperature: temperature
incremental: true ===,
prompt: prompt,
timezone: 'America/New_York',
model: model
organization_uuid: uuidOrg,
conversation_uuid: uuidTemp,
text: prompt,
attachments: attachments
const response = Writable.toWeb(res);
if (200 !== fetchAPI.status) {
return fetchAPI.body.pipeTo(response);
const clewdStream = new ClewdStream(BufferSize, model, true ===, controller);
titleTimer = setInterval((() => setTitle(`recv${true === ? ' (s)' : ''} ${((bytes = 0) => {
const b = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
if (0 === bytes) {
return '0 B';
const c = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)), 4);
return 0 === c ? `${bytes} ${b[c]}` : `${(bytes / 1024 ** c).toFixed(1)} ${b[c]}`;
})(clewdStream.size)}`)), 300);
await fetchAPI.body.pipeThrough(clewdStream).pipeTo(response);
clewdStream.censored && console.log('likely your account is hard-censored');
console.log(`${200 == fetchAPI.status ? '' : ''}${fetchAPI.status}!${true === samePrompt ? ' [r]' : ''}${true === ? ' (s)' : ''} ${clewdStream.broken} broken\n`);
} catch (err) {
if ('AbortError' === {
return res.end();
console.error('clewd API error:\n%o', err);
error: {
message: err.message ||,
type: err.type || err.code ||,
param: null,
code: 500
}, 500);
} finally {
titleTimer = null;
if (Settings.DeleteChats && !Settings.RetryRegenerate && !Settings.RecycleChats) {
try {
await deleteChat(uuidTemp);
} catch (err) { }
delete UUIDMap[promptSHA];
Proxy.listen(Port, Ip, (async () => {
const accRes = await fetch(AI.endPoint() + '/api/organizations', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Cookie: Cookie
const accInfo = (await accRes.json())?.[0];
if (!accInfo || accInfo.error) {
throw Error('Couldn\'t get account info ' + (accInfo?.error ? accInfo.error.message : 'have you set your cookie?'));
if (!accInfo?.uuid) {
throw Error('Invalid account id');
console.log(`clewd v2.6\nhttp://${Ip}:${Port}/v1\n\n${Object.keys(Settings).map((setting => `${setting}: ${Settings[setting]}`)).sort().join('\n')}\n`);
console.log('Logged in %o', {
capabilities: accInfo.capabilities
uuidOrg = accInfo?.uuid;
if (accInfo?.active_flags.length > 0) {
const flagNames = => flag.type));
console.warn('Your account has warnings %o', flagNames);
Settings.ClearFlags && await Promise.all( => (async flag => {
if ('consumer_restricted_mode' === flag) {
const req = await fetch(`${AI.endPoint()}/api/organizations/${uuidOrg}/flags/${flag}/dismiss`, {
headers: {
Cookie: getCookies(),
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'POST'
const json = await req.json();
console.log(`${flag}: ${json.error ? json.error.message || json.error.type || json.detail : 'OK'}`);
if (Settings.RecycleChats || Settings.DeleteChats) {
const convRes = await fetch(`${AI.endPoint()}/api/organizations/${uuidOrg}/chat_conversations`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Cookie: getCookies()
const conversations = await convRes.json();
conversations.filter((chat => > 0)).forEach((chat => UUIDMap[] = chat.uuid));
if (Settings.DeleteChats && conversations.length > 0) {
console.log(`wiping ${conversations.length} old chats`);
await Promise.all( => deleteChat(conv.uuid))));
Proxy.on('error', (err => {
console.error('Proxy error\n%o', err);