import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib.patches import Patch import io from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import numpy as np import csv import pandas as pd from torchvision import transforms from transformers import AutoModelForObjectDetection import torch import easyocr import gradio as gr device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" def process_pdf(): print('process_pdf') # cropped_table = detect_and_crop_table(image) # image, cells = recognize_table(cropped_table) # cell_coordinates = get_cell_coordinates_by_row(cells) # df, data = apply_ocr(cell_coordinates, image) # return image, df, data return [], [], [] title = "Sheriff's Demo: Table Detection & Recognition with Table Transformer (TATR)." description = """A demo by M Sheriff for table extraction with the Table Transformer. First, table detection is performed on the input image using, after which the detected table is extracted and recognizes the individual rows, columns and cells. OCR is then performed per cell, row by row.""" examples = [['image.png'], ['mistral_paper.png']] app = gr.Interface(fn=process_pdf, inputs=gr.Image(type="pil"), outputs=[gr.Image(type="pil", label="Detected table"), gr.Dataframe(label="Table as CSV"), gr.JSON(label="Data as JSON")], title=title, description=description, examples=examples) app.queue() app.launch(debug=True)