Runtime error

ECON / lib /common /
Yuliang's picture
Support TEXTure
import itertools
import json
import os
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
import trimesh
from matplotlib.path import Path
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
def load_segmentation(path, shape):
Get a segmentation mask for a given image
path: path to the segmentation json file
shape: shape of the output mask
Returns a segmentation mask
with open(path) as json_file:
dict = json.load(json_file)
segmentations = []
for key, val in dict.items():
if not key.startswith("item"):
# Each item can have multiple polygons. Combine them to one
# segmentation_coord = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(val['segmentation']))
# segmentation_coord = np.round(np.array(segmentation_coord)).astype(int)
coordinates = []
for segmentation_coord in val["segmentation"]:
# The format before is [x1,y1, x2, y2, ....]
x = segmentation_coord[::2]
y = segmentation_coord[1::2]
xy = np.vstack((x, y)).T
"type": val["category_name"],
"type_id": val["category_id"],
"coordinates": coordinates,
return segmentations
def smpl_to_recon_labels(recon, smpl, k=1):
Get the bodypart labels for the recon object by using the labels from the corresponding smpl object
recon: trimesh object (fully clothed model)
shape: trimesh object (smpl model)
k: number of nearest neighbours to use
Returns a dictionary containing the bodypart and the corresponding indices
smpl_vert_segmentation = json.load(
open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "smpl_vert_segmentation.json"))
n = smpl.vertices.shape[0]
y = np.array([None] * n)
for key, val in smpl_vert_segmentation.items():
y[val] = key
classifier = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1), y)
y_pred = classifier.predict(recon.vertices)
recon_labels = {}
for key in smpl_vert_segmentation.keys():
recon_labels[key] = list(np.argwhere(y_pred == key).flatten().astype(int))
return recon_labels
def extract_cloth(recon, segmentation, K, R, t, smpl=None):
Extract a portion of a mesh using 2d segmentation coordinates
recon: fully clothed mesh
seg_coord: segmentation coordinates in 2D (NDC)
K: intrinsic matrix of the projection
R: rotation matrix of the projection
t: translation vector of the projection
Returns a submesh using the segmentation coordinates
seg_coord = segmentation["coord_normalized"]
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(recon.vertices, recon.faces)
extrinsic = np.zeros((3, 4))
extrinsic[:3, :3] = R
extrinsic[:, 3] = t
P = K[:3, :3] @ extrinsic
P_inv = np.linalg.pinv(P)
# Each segmentation can contain multiple polygons
# We need to check them separately
points_so_far = []
faces = recon.faces
for polygon in seg_coord:
n = len(polygon)
coords_h = np.hstack((polygon, np.ones((n, 1))))
# Apply the inverse projection on homogeneus 2D coordinates to get the corresponding 3d Coordinates
XYZ = P_inv @ coords_h[:, :, None]
XYZ = XYZ.reshape((XYZ.shape[0], XYZ.shape[1]))
XYZ = XYZ[:, :3] / XYZ[:, 3, None]
p = Path(XYZ[:, :2])
grid = p.contains_points(recon.vertices[:, :2])
indeces = np.argwhere(grid == True)
points_so_far += list(indeces.flatten())
if smpl is not None:
num_verts = recon.vertices.shape[0]
recon_labels = smpl_to_recon_labels(recon, smpl)
body_parts_to_remove = [
type = segmentation["type_id"]
# Remove additional bodyparts that are most likely not part of the segmentation but might intersect (e.g. hand in front of torso)
# Short sleeve clothes
if type == 1 or type == 3 or type == 10:
body_parts_to_remove += ["leftForeArm", "rightForeArm"]
# No sleeves at all or lower body clothes
elif (type == 5 or type == 6 or type == 12 or type == 13 or type == 8 or type == 9):
body_parts_to_remove += [
# Shorts
elif type == 7:
body_parts_to_remove += [
verts_to_remove = list(
itertools.chain.from_iterable([recon_labels[part] for part in body_parts_to_remove])
label_mask = np.zeros(num_verts, dtype=bool)
label_mask[verts_to_remove] = True
seg_mask = np.zeros(num_verts, dtype=bool)
seg_mask[points_so_far] = True
# Remove points that belong to other bodyparts
# If a vertice in pointsSoFar is included in the bodyparts to remove, then these points should be removed
extra_verts_to_remove = np.array(list(seg_mask) and list(label_mask))
combine_mask = np.zeros(num_verts, dtype=bool)
combine_mask[points_so_far] = True
combine_mask[extra_verts_to_remove] = False
all_indices = np.argwhere(combine_mask == True).flatten()
i_x = np.where(np.in1d(faces[:, 0], all_indices))[0]
i_y = np.where(np.in1d(faces[:, 1], all_indices))[0]
i_z = np.where(np.in1d(faces[:, 2], all_indices))[0]
faces_to_keep = np.array(list(set(i_x).union(i_y).union(i_z)))
mask = np.zeros(len(recon.faces), dtype=bool)
if len(faces_to_keep) > 0:
mask[faces_to_keep] = True
# mesh.rezero()
return mesh
return None