Scaling Model Training with More Compute, How Do They Do It?

Who am I?

  • Zachary Mueller
  • Technical Lead for the 🤗 Accelerate project
  • API design geek

Understanding GPU Usage

  • We can somewhat estimate the memory usage in vanilla full-fine-tuning of models
  • Requires certain assumptions (that I’ll be covering):
    • Adam optimizer
    • Batch size of 1

Understanding GPU Usage

General estimate (bert-base-cased, 108M params):

  • Each parameter is 4 bytes
  • Backward ~= 2x the model size
  • The optimizer step ~= 4x the model size (1x model, 1x gradients, 2x optimizer):
dtype Model Gradients Backward pass Optimizer step Highest
float32 413.18 MB 413.18 MB 826.36 MB 1.61 GB 1.61 GB
float16 413.18 MB* 619.77 MB 826.36 MB 826.36 MB 826.36 MB

*All estimations were based off the Model Estimator Tool

Understanding GPU Usage

This works fine for small models, we have cards with anywhere from 12-24GB of GPU memory (on the GPU-poor side).

But what happens as we scale?

Here’s llama-3-8B (8.03B parameters)

dtype Model Gradients Backward pass Optimizer step Highest
float32 28.21 GB 28.21 GB 56.43 GB 112.84 GB 112.84 GB
float16 28.21 GB* 42.32 GB 56.43 GB 56.43 GB 56.43 GB

Well, I don’t have 56GB of GPU memory in a single card, let alone 112GB.

What can we do?

Distributed Training

Kinds of Training

  • Single GPU:
    • No distributed techniques at play
  • DDP:
    • A full copy of the model exists on each device, but data is chunked between each GPU
  • FSDP & DeepSpeed:
    • Split chunks of the model and optimizer states across GPUs, allowing for training bigger models on smaller (multiple) GPUs

Fully Sharded Data Parallelism

Fully Sharded Data Parallelism

FSDP: Getting parameter specific

  • Different parameters can dicatate how much memory is needed for total GPU training across multiple GPUs
  • These include how model weights are sharded, gradients, and more.
  • I’ll cover some important ones I needed when doing a Full-Fine-Tune of Llama-3-8B without PEFT on 2x4090’s


  • Dictates the level of divving resources to perform
    • FULL_SHARD: Includes optimizer states, gradients, and parameters
    • SHARD_GRAD_OP: Includes optimizer states and gradients
    • NO_SHARD: Normal DDP
    • HYBRID_SHARD: Includes optimizer states, gradients, and parameters but each node has the full model


  • How the model should be split
  • TRANSFORMER/fsdp_transformers_layer_cls_to_wrap:
    • Need to declare the layer
    • Generally transformers has good defaults
  • SIZE/fsdp_min_num_param:
    • Number of total parameters in a shard


  • Offloads the parameters and gradients to the CPU if they can’t fit into memory
  • Allows you to train much larger models locally, but will be much slower

Case: FFT of Llama-3-8B with fsdp_offload_params on 2x4090 GPUs was 72hrs, vs ~an hour or two when using 1xH100

cpu_ram_efficient_loading and sync_module_states

  • Uses the idea behind big model inference/the meta device to load in the model to the GPU in a low-ram scenario
  • Rather than needing model_size * n_gpus RAM, we can load the model on a single node and then send the weights directly to each shard when the time is right via sync_module_states

Tying this to 🤗 Accelerate

Tying this to 🤗 Accelerate

  • So far we’ve covered the theory, but how do we put it into practice
  • By using a library that’s at the heart of the entire open-source ecosystem
  • Nearly all of 🤗
  • axolotl
  • fastai
  • FastChat
  • lucidrains
  • kornia

Are you using it and you don’t even know?

What is 🤗 Accelerate?

graph LR
    A(("🤗 Accelerate#32;"))
    A --> B["CLI Interface#32;"]
    A --> C["Training Library#32;"]
    A --> D["Big Model<br>Inference#32;"]

A CLI Interface

  • accelerate config
    • Configure the environment
  • accelerate estimate-memory
    • How to guess vRAM requirements
  • accelerate launch
    • How to run your script

Launching distributed training is hard

  • python
  • torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=2
  • deepspeed --num_gpus=2

How can we make this better?

accelerate launch

accelerate launch

accelerate config

  • Rely on config.yaml files
  • Choose to either running accelerate config or write your own:
compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
distributed_type: MULTI_GPU
main_training_function: main
mixed_precision: bf16
num_machines: 1
num_processes: 8
compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
distributed_type: FSDP
  fsdp_auto_wrap_policy: TRANSFORMER_BASED_WRAP
  fsdp_backward_prefetch: BACKWARD_PRE
  fsdp_cpu_ram_efficient_loading: true
  fsdp_forward_prefetch: false
  fsdp_offload_params: false
  fsdp_sharding_strategy: FULL_SHARD
  fsdp_state_dict_type: SHARDED_STATE_DICT
  fsdp_sync_module_states: true
  fsdp_use_orig_params: false
main_training_function: main
mixed_precision: bf16
num_machines: 1
num_processes: 8

A Training Library

A Training Library: The Code

# For alignment purposes
for batch in dataloader:
    inputs, targets = batch
    inputs =
    targets =
    outputs = model(inputs)
    loss = loss_function(outputs, targets)
from accelerate import Accelerator
accelerator = Accelerator()
dataloader, model, optimizer scheduler = (
        dataloader, model, optimizer, scheduler

for batch in dataloader:
    inputs, targets = batch
    # inputs =
    # targets =
    outputs = model(inputs)
    loss = loss_function(outputs, targets)
    accelerator.backward(loss) # loss.backward()

A Training Library: How Scaling Works

  • Accelerate’s DataLoaders and schedulers work off of a sharding mindset
  • Rather than repeating the same data across n nodes, we instead split it
  • Speeds up training linearly
  • Given a batch size of 16 on a single GPU, to recreate this across 8 GPUs you would use a batch size of 2
  • This also means the scheduler will be stepped n GPUs at a time per “global step”

A Training Library: Mixed Precision

  • This may be a bit different than your “normal” idea of mixed precision.
  • We do not convert the model weights to BF16/FP16
  • Instead we wrap the forward pass with autocast to convert the gradients automatically
  • This preserves the original precision of the weights, which leads to stable training and better fine-tuning later on.
  • If you use .bf16() weights, you are STUCK in bf16 perminantly

A Training Library: Mixed Precision

  • Let’s tie that back up to the model estimator with neat tools like NVIDIA’s TransformerEngine
Optimization Level Computation (GEMM) Comm Weight Master Weight Weight Gradient Optimizer States
FP16 AMP FP16 FP32 FP32 N/A FP32 FP32+FP32
Nvidia TE FP8 FP32 FP32 N/A FP32 FP32+FP32
MS-AMP O1 FP8 FP8 FP16 N/A FP8 FP32+FP32

DeepSpeed vs Fully Sharded Data Parallelism

  • Extremely similar, however mostly used different naming conventions for items and slight tweaks in the implementation
Framework Model Loading (torch_dtype) Mixed Precision Preparation (Local) Training Optimizer (Local)
FSDP bf16 default (none) bf16 bf16 bf16
FSDP bf16 bf16 fp32 bf16 fp32
DeepSpeed bf16 bf16 fp32 bf16 fp32

To learn more, check out the documentation or join my office hours

Key Takeaways:

  • You can scale out training with accelerate, FSDP, and DeepSpeed across multiple GPUs to train bigger models
  • Techniques like FP8 can help speed up training some and reduce computational overhead
  • Comes at a cost of end-precision and locking model weights for futher fine-tunes if not careful

Some Handy Resources