// mermaid-init.js // Initializes the quarto-mermaid JS runtime // // Copyright (C) 2022 Posit Software, PBC /** * String.prototype.replaceAll() polyfill * https://gomakethings.com/how-to-replace-a-section-of-a-string-with-another-one-with-vanilla-js/ * @author Chris Ferdinandi * @license MIT */ if (!String.prototype.replaceAll) { String.prototype.replaceAll = function (str, newStr) { // If a regex pattern if ( Object.prototype.toString.call(str).toLowerCase() === "[object regexp]" ) { return this.replace(str, newStr); } // If a string return this.replace(new RegExp(str, "g"), newStr); }; } const mermaidOpts = { startOnLoad: false, }; // this CSS is adapted from // mkdocs-material // Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath const defaultCSS = '.label text {fill: var(--mermaid-fg-color);}.node circle, .node ellipse, .node path, .node polygon, .node rect {fill: var(--mermaid-node-bg-color);stroke: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);}marker {fill: var(--mermaid-edge-color) !important;}.edgeLabel .label rect {fill: #0000;}.label {color: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}.label foreignObject {line-height: normal;overflow: visible;}.label div .edgeLabel {color: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);}.edgeLabel, .edgeLabel rect, .label div .edgeLabel {background-color: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);}.edgeLabel, .edgeLabel rect {fill: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);color: var(--mermaid-edge-color);}.edgePath .path, .flowchart-link {stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color);}.edgePath .arrowheadPath {fill: var(--mermaid-edge-color);stroke: none;}.cluster rect {fill: var(--mermaid-fg-color--lightest);stroke: var(--mermaid-fg-color--lighter);}.cluster span {color: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}defs #flowchart-circleEnd, defs #flowchart-circleStart, defs #flowchart-crossEnd, defs #flowchart-crossStart, defs #flowchart-pointEnd, defs #flowchart-pointStart {stroke: none;}g.classGroup line, g.classGroup rect {fill: var(--mermaid-node-bg-color);stroke: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);}g.classGroup text {fill: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}.classLabel .box {fill: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);background-color: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);opacity: 1;}.classLabel .label {fill: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}.node .divider {stroke: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);}.relation {stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color);}.cardinality {fill: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}.cardinality text {fill: inherit !important;}defs #classDiagram-compositionEnd, defs #classDiagram-compositionStart, defs #classDiagram-dependencyEnd, defs #classDiagram-dependencyStart, defs #classDiagram-extensionEnd, defs #classDiagram-extensionStart {fill: var(--mermaid-edge-color) !important;stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color) !important;}defs #classDiagram-aggregationEnd, defs #classDiagram-aggregationStart {fill: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color) !important;stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color) !important;}g.stateGroup rect {fill: var(--mermaid-node-bg-color);stroke: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);}g.stateGroup .state-title {fill: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color) !important;font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}g.stateGroup .composit {fill: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);}.nodeLabel {color: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}.node circle.state-end, .node circle.state-start, .start-state {fill: var(--mermaid-edge-color);stroke: none;}.end-state-inner, .end-state-outer {fill: var(--mermaid-edge-color);}.end-state-inner, .node circle.state-end {stroke: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);}.transition {stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color);}[id^="state-fork"] rect, [id^="state-join"] rect {fill: var(--mermaid-edge-color) !important;stroke: none !important;}.statediagram-cluster.statediagram-cluster .inner {fill: var(--mermaid-bg-color);}.statediagram-cluster rect {fill: var(--mermaid-node-bg-color);stroke: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);}.statediagram-state rect.divider {fill: var(--mermaid-fg-color--lightest);stroke: var(--mermaid-fg-color--lighter);}defs #statediagram-barbEnd {stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color);}.entityBox {fill: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);stroke: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);}.entityLabel {fill: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}.relationshipLabelBox {fill: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);fill-opacity: 1;background-color: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);opacity: 1;}.relationshipLabel {fill: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);}.relationshipLine {stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color);}defs #ONE_OR_MORE_END *, defs #ONE_OR_MORE_START *, defs #ONLY_ONE_END *, defs #ONLY_ONE_START *, defs #ZERO_OR_MORE_END *, defs #ZERO_OR_MORE_START *, defs #ZERO_OR_ONE_END *, defs #ZERO_OR_ONE_START * {stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color) !important;}.actor, defs #ZERO_OR_MORE_END circle, defs #ZERO_OR_MORE_START circle {fill: var(--mermaid-label-bg-color);}.actor {stroke: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);}text.actor > tspan {fill: var(--mermaid-label-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}line {stroke: var(--mermaid-fg-color--lighter);}.messageLine0, .messageLine1 {stroke: var(--mermaid-edge-color);}.loopText > tspan, .messageText, .noteText > tspan {fill: var(--mermaid-edge-color);stroke: none;font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family) !important;}.noteText > tspan {fill: #000;}#arrowhead path {fill: var(--mermaid-edge-color);stroke: none;}.loopLine {stroke: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);}.labelBox, .loopLine {fill: var(--mermaid-node-bg-color);}.labelBox {stroke: none;}.labelText, .labelText > span {fill: var(--mermaid-node-fg-color);font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);}'; const mermaidThemeEl = document.querySelector('meta[name="mermaid-theme"]'); if (mermaidThemeEl) { mermaidOpts.theme = mermaidThemeEl.content; } else { mermaidOpts.themeCSS = defaultCSS; } mermaid.initialize(mermaidOpts); const _quartoMermaid = { // NB: there's effectively a copy of this function // in `core/svg.ts`. // if you change something here, you must keep it consistent there as well. setSvgSize(svg) { const { widthInPoints, heightInPoints, explicitHeight, explicitWidth } = this.resolveSize(svg); if (explicitWidth && explicitHeight) { svg.setAttribute("width", widthInPoints); svg.setAttribute("height", heightInPoints); svg.style.maxWidth = null; // remove mermaid's default max-width } else { if (explicitWidth) { svg.style.maxWidth = `${widthInPoints}px`; } if (explicitHeight) { svg.style.maxHeight = `${heightInPoints}px`; } } }, // NB: there's effectively a copy of this function // in `core/svg.ts`. // if you change something here, you must keep it consistent there as well. makeResponsive(svg) { const width = svg.getAttribute("width"); if (width === null) { throw new Error("Couldn't find SVG width"); } const numWidth = Number(width.slice(0, -2)); if (numWidth > 650) { changed = true; svg.setAttribute("width", "100%"); svg.removeAttribute("height"); } }, // NB: there's effectively a copy of this function // in `core/svg.ts`. // if you change something here, you must keep it consistent there as well. fixupAlignment(svg, align) { let style = svg.getAttribute("style") || ""; switch (align) { case "left": style = `${style}; display: block; margin: auto auto auto 0`; break; case "right": style = `${style}; display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto`; break; case "center": style = `${style}; display: block; margin: auto auto auto auto`; break; } svg.setAttribute("style", style); }, resolveOptions(svgEl) { return svgEl.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement .dataset; }, // NB: there's effectively a copy of this function // in our mermaid runtime in `core/svg.ts`. // if you change something here, you must keep it consistent there as well. resolveSize(svgEl) { const inInches = (size) => { if (size.endsWith("in")) { return Number(size.slice(0, -2)); } if (size.endsWith("pt") || size.endsWith("px")) { // assume 96 dpi for now return Number(size.slice(0, -2)) / 96; } return Number(size); }; // these are figWidth and figHeight on purpose, // because data attributes are translated to camelCase by the DOM API const kFigWidth = "figWidth", kFigHeight = "figHeight"; const options = this.resolveOptions(svgEl); let width = svgEl.getAttribute("width"); let height = svgEl.getAttribute("height"); const getViewBox = () => { const vb = svgEl.attributes.getNamedItem("viewBox").value; // do it the roundabout way so that viewBox isn't dropped by deno_dom and text/html if (!vb) return undefined; const lst = vb.trim().split(" ").map(Number); if (lst.length !== 4) return undefined; if (lst.some(isNaN)) return undefined; return lst; }; if (!width || !height) { // attempt to resolve figure dimensions via viewBox const viewBox = getViewBox(); if (viewBox !== undefined) { const [_mx, _my, vbWidth, vbHeight] = viewBox; width = `${vbWidth}px`; height = `${vbHeight}px`; } else { throw new Error( "Mermaid generated an SVG without a viewbox attribute. Without knowing the diagram dimensions, quarto cannot convert it to a PNG" ); } } let svgWidthInInches, svgHeightInInches; if ( (width.slice(0, -2) === "pt" && height.slice(0, -2) === "pt") || (width.slice(0, -2) === "px" && height.slice(0, -2) === "px") || (!isNaN(Number(width)) && !isNaN(Number(height))) ) { // we assume 96 dpi which is generally what seems to be used. svgWidthInInches = Number(width.slice(0, -2)) / 96; svgHeightInInches = Number(height.slice(0, -2)) / 96; } const viewBox = getViewBox(); if (viewBox !== undefined) { // assume width and height come from viewbox. const [_mx, _my, vbWidth, vbHeight] = viewBox; svgWidthInInches = vbWidth / 96; svgHeightInInches = vbHeight / 96; } else { throw new Error( "Internal Error: Couldn't resolve width and height of SVG" ); } const svgWidthOverHeight = svgWidthInInches / svgHeightInInches; let widthInInches, heightInInches; if (options[kFigWidth] && options[kFigHeight]) { // both were prescribed, so just go with them widthInInches = inInches(String(options[kFigWidth])); heightInInches = inInches(String(options[kFigHeight])); } else if (options[kFigWidth]) { // we were only given width, use that and adjust height based on aspect ratio; widthInInches = inInches(String(options[kFigWidth])); heightInInches = widthInInches / svgWidthOverHeight; } else if (options[kFigHeight]) { // we were only given height, use that and adjust width based on aspect ratio; heightInInches = inInches(String(options[kFigHeight])); widthInInches = heightInInches * svgWidthOverHeight; } else { // we were not given either, use svg's prescribed height heightInInches = svgHeightInInches; widthInInches = svgWidthInInches; } return { widthInInches, heightInInches, widthInPoints: Math.round(widthInInches * 96), heightInPoints: Math.round(heightInInches * 96), explicitWidth: options?.[kFigWidth] !== undefined, explicitHeight: options?.[kFigHeight] !== undefined, }; }, postProcess(svg) { const options = this.resolveOptions(svg); if ( options.responsive && options["figWidth"] === undefined && options["figHeight"] === undefined ) { this.makeResponsive(svg); } else { this.setSvgSize(svg); } if (options["reveal"]) { this.fixupAlignment(svg, options["figAlign"] || "center"); } // forward align attributes to the correct parent dif // so that the svg figure is aligned correctly const div = svg.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; const align = div.parentElement.parentElement.dataset.layoutAlign; if (align) { div.classList.remove("quarto-figure-left"); div.classList.remove("quarto-figure-center"); div.classList.remove("quarto-figure-right"); div.classList.add(`quarto-figure-${align}`); } }, }; // deno-lint-ignore no-window-prefix window.addEventListener( "load", async function () { let i = 0; // we need pre because of whitespace preservation for (const el of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("pre.mermaid-js"))) { //   doesn't appear to be treated as whitespace by mermaid // so we replace it with a space. const text = el.innerText.replaceAll(" ", " "); const { svg: output } = await mermaid.mermaidAPI.render( `mermaid-${++i}`, text, el ); el.innerHTML = output; if (el.dataset.label) { // patch mermaid's emitted style const svg = el.firstChild; const style = svg.querySelector("style"); style.innerHTML = style.innerHTML.replaceAll( `#${svg.id}`, `#${el.dataset.label}` ); svg.id = el.dataset.label; delete el.dataset.label; } const svg = el.querySelector("svg"); const parent = el.parentElement; parent.removeChild(el); parent.appendChild(svg); svg.classList.add("mermaid-js"); } for (const svgEl of Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("svg.mermaid-js") )) { _quartoMermaid.postProcess(svgEl); } }, false );