# Cog-SDXL [![Replicate demo and cloud API](https://replicate.com/stability-ai/sdxl/badge)](https://replicate.com/stability-ai/sdxl) This is an implementation of Stability AI's [SDXL](https://github.com/Stability-AI/generative-models) as a [Cog](https://github.com/replicate/cog) model. ## Development Follow the [model pushing guide](https://replicate.com/docs/guides/push-a-model) to push your own fork of SDXL to [Replicate](https://replicate.com). ## Basic Usage for prediction, ```bash cog predict -i prompt="a photo of TOK" ``` ```bash cog train -i input_images=@example_datasets/__data.zip -i use_face_detection_instead=True ``` ```bash cog run -p 5000 python -m cog.server.http ``` ## Update notes **2023-08-17** * ROI problem is fixed. * Now BLIP caption_prefix does not interfere with BLIP captioner. **2023-08-12** * Input types are inferred from input name extensions, or from the `input_images_filetype` argument * Preprocssing are now done with fp16, and if no mask is found, the model will use the whole image **2023-08-11** * Default to 768x768 resolution training * Rank as argument now, default to 32 * Now uses Swin2SR `caidas/swin2SR-realworld-sr-x4-64-bsrgan-psnr` as default, and will upscale + downscale to 768x768