import os import shutil import tarfile from cog import BaseModel, Input, Path from predict import SDXL_MODEL_CACHE, SDXL_URL, download_weights from preprocess import preprocess from trainer_pti import main """ Wrapper around actual trainer. """ OUTPUT_DIR = "training_out" class TrainingOutput(BaseModel): weights: Path from typing import Tuple def train( input_images: Path = Input( description="A .zip or .tar file containing the image files that will be used for fine-tuning" ), seed: int = Input( description="Random seed for reproducible training. Leave empty to use a random seed", default=None, ), resolution: int = Input( description="Square pixel resolution which your images will be resized to for training", default=768, ), train_batch_size: int = Input( description="Batch size (per device) for training", default=4, ), num_train_epochs: int = Input( description="Number of epochs to loop through your training dataset", default=4000, ), max_train_steps: int = Input( description="Number of individual training steps. Takes precedence over num_train_epochs", default=1000, ), # gradient_accumulation_steps: int = Input( # description="Number of training steps to accumulate before a backward pass. Effective batch size = gradient_accumulation_steps * batch_size", # default=1, # ), # todo. is_lora: bool = Input( description="Whether to use LoRA training. If set to False, will use Full fine tuning", default=True, ), unet_learning_rate: float = Input( description="Learning rate for the U-Net. We recommend this value to be somewhere between `1e-6` to `1e-5`.", default=1e-6, ), ti_lr: float = Input( description="Scaling of learning rate for training textual inversion embeddings. Don't alter unless you know what you're doing.", default=3e-4, ), lora_lr: float = Input( description="Scaling of learning rate for training LoRA embeddings. Don't alter unless you know what you're doing.", default=1e-4, ), lora_rank: int = Input( description="Rank of LoRA embeddings. Don't alter unless you know what you're doing.", default=32, ), lr_scheduler: str = Input( description="Learning rate scheduler to use for training", default="constant", choices=[ "constant", "linear", ], ), lr_warmup_steps: int = Input( description="Number of warmup steps for lr schedulers with warmups.", default=100, ), token_string: str = Input( description="A unique string that will be trained to refer to the concept in the input images. Can be anything, but TOK works well", default="TOK", ), # token_map: str = Input( # description="String of token and their impact size specificing tokens used in the dataset. This will be in format of `token1:size1,token2:size2,...`.", # default="TOK:2", # ), caption_prefix: str = Input( description="Text which will be used as prefix during automatic captioning. Must contain the `token_string`. For example, if caption text is 'a photo of TOK', automatic captioning will expand to 'a photo of TOK under a bridge', 'a photo of TOK holding a cup', etc.", default="a photo of TOK, ", ), mask_target_prompts: str = Input( description="Prompt that describes part of the image that you will find important. For example, if you are fine-tuning your pet, `photo of a dog` will be a good prompt. Prompt-based masking is used to focus the fine-tuning process on the important/salient parts of the image", default=None, ), crop_based_on_salience: bool = Input( description="If you want to crop the image to `target_size` based on the important parts of the image, set this to True. If you want to crop the image based on face detection, set this to False", default=True, ), use_face_detection_instead: bool = Input( description="If you want to use face detection instead of CLIPSeg for masking. For face applications, we recommend using this option.", default=False, ), clipseg_temperature: float = Input( description="How blurry you want the CLIPSeg mask to be. We recommend this value be something between `0.5` to `1.0`. If you want to have more sharp mask (but thus more errorful), you can decrease this value.", default=1.0, ), verbose: bool = Input(description="verbose output", default=True), checkpointing_steps: int = Input( description="Number of steps between saving checkpoints. Set to very very high number to disable checkpointing, because you don't need one.", default=999999, ), input_images_filetype: str = Input( description="Filetype of the input images. Can be either `zip` or `tar`. By default its `infer`, and it will be inferred from the ext of input file.", default="infer", choices=["zip", "tar", "infer"], ), ) -> TrainingOutput: # Hard-code token_map for now. Make it configurable once we support multiple concepts or user-uploaded caption csv. token_map = token_string + ":2" # Process 'token_to_train' and 'input_data_tar_or_zip' inserting_list_tokens = token_map.split(",") token_dict = {} running_tok_cnt = 0 all_token_lists = [] for token in inserting_list_tokens: n_tok = int(token.split(":")[1]) token_dict[token.split(":")[0]] = "".join( [f"" for i in range(n_tok)] ) all_token_lists.extend([f"" for i in range(n_tok)]) running_tok_cnt += n_tok input_dir = preprocess( input_images_filetype=input_images_filetype, input_zip_path=input_images, caption_text=caption_prefix, mask_target_prompts=mask_target_prompts, target_size=resolution, crop_based_on_salience=crop_based_on_salience, use_face_detection_instead=use_face_detection_instead, temp=clipseg_temperature, substitution_tokens=list(token_dict.keys()), ) if not os.path.exists(SDXL_MODEL_CACHE): download_weights(SDXL_URL, SDXL_MODEL_CACHE) if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR): shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT_DIR) os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR) main( pretrained_model_name_or_path=SDXL_MODEL_CACHE, instance_data_dir=os.path.join(input_dir, "captions.csv"), output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR, seed=seed, resolution=resolution, train_batch_size=train_batch_size, num_train_epochs=num_train_epochs, max_train_steps=max_train_steps, gradient_accumulation_steps=1, unet_learning_rate=unet_learning_rate, ti_lr=ti_lr, lora_lr=lora_lr, lr_scheduler=lr_scheduler, lr_warmup_steps=lr_warmup_steps, token_dict=token_dict, inserting_list_tokens=all_token_lists, verbose=verbose, checkpointing_steps=checkpointing_steps, scale_lr=False, max_grad_norm=1.0, allow_tf32=True, mixed_precision="bf16", device="cuda:0", lora_rank=lora_rank, is_lora=is_lora, ) directory = Path(OUTPUT_DIR) out_path = "trained_model.tar" with, "w") as tar: for file_path in directory.rglob("*"): print(file_path) arcname = file_path.relative_to(directory) tar.add(file_path, arcname=arcname) return TrainingOutput(weights=Path(out_path))