import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; import { addConnectionLayoutSupport } from "./utils.js"; import { wait } from "../../rgthree/common/shared_utils.js"; import { ComfyWidgets } from "../../scripts/widgets.js"; import { BaseCollectorNode } from "./base_node_collector.js"; import { NodeTypesString } from "./constants.js"; class CollectorNode extends BaseCollectorNode { constructor(title = CollectorNode.title) { super(title); this.comfyClass = NodeTypesString.NODE_COLLECTOR; this.onConstructed(); } onConstructed() { this.addOutput("Output", "*"); return super.onConstructed(); } configure(info) { var _a; if ((_a = info.outputs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) { info.outputs.length = 1; } super.configure(info); } } CollectorNode.type = NodeTypesString.NODE_COLLECTOR; CollectorNode.title = NodeTypesString.NODE_COLLECTOR; class CombinerNode extends CollectorNode { constructor(title = CombinerNode.title) { super(title); const note = ComfyWidgets["STRING"](this, "last_seed", ["STRING", { multiline: true }], app).widget; note.inputEl.value = 'The Node Combiner has been renamed to Node Collector. You can right-click and select "Update to Node Collector" to attempt to automatically update.'; note.inputEl.readOnly = true; = "#332222"; = "bold"; = "italic"; = "0.8"; this.getExtraMenuOptions = (_, options) => { options.splice(options.length - 1, 0, { content: "‼️ Update to Node Collector", callback: (_value, _options, _event, _parentMenu, _node) => { updateCombinerToCollector(this); }, }); }; } configure(info) { super.configure(info); if (this.title != CombinerNode.title && !this.title.startsWith("‼️")) { this.title = "‼️ " + this.title; } } } CombinerNode.legacyType = "Node Combiner (rgthree)"; CombinerNode.title = "‼️ Node Combiner [DEPRECATED]"; async function updateCombinerToCollector(node) { if (node.type === CombinerNode.legacyType) { const newNode = new CollectorNode(); if (node.title != CombinerNode.title) { newNode.title = node.title.replace("‼️ ", ""); } newNode.pos = [...node.pos]; newNode.size = [...node.size]; = { }; const links = []; for (const [index, output] of node.outputs.entries()) { for (const linkId of output.links || []) { const link = app.graph.links[linkId]; if (!link) continue; const targetNode = app.graph.getNodeById(link.target_id); links.push({ node: newNode, slot: index, targetNode, targetSlot: link.target_slot }); } } for (const [index, input] of node.inputs.entries()) { const linkId =; if (linkId) { const link = app.graph.links[linkId]; const originNode = app.graph.getNodeById(link.origin_id); links.push({ node: originNode, slot: link.origin_slot, targetNode: newNode, targetSlot: index, }); } } app.graph.add(newNode); await wait(); for (const link of links) { link.node.connect(link.slot, link.targetNode, link.targetSlot); } await wait(); app.graph.remove(node); } } app.registerExtension({ name: "rgthree.NodeCollector", registerCustomNodes() { addConnectionLayoutSupport(CollectorNode, app, [ ["Left", "Right"], ["Right", "Left"], ]); LiteGraph.registerNodeType(CollectorNode.title, CollectorNode); CollectorNode.category = CollectorNode._category; }, }); app.registerExtension({ name: "rgthree.NodeCombiner", registerCustomNodes() { addConnectionLayoutSupport(CombinerNode, app, [ ["Left", "Right"], ["Right", "Left"], ]); LiteGraph.registerNodeType(CombinerNode.legacyType, CombinerNode); CombinerNode.category = CombinerNode._category; }, });