Bangla-PoS-Taggers / helper /
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This module contains the helper functions to get the word alignment mapping between two sentences.
import torch
import itertools
import transformers
from transformers import logging
# Set the verbosity to error, so that the warning messages are not printed
def get_alignment_mapping(source="", target="", model_path="musfiqdehan/bn-en-word-aligner"):
Get Aligned Words
model = transformers.BertModel.from_pretrained(model_path)
tokenizer = transformers.BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path)
# pre-processing
sent_src, sent_tgt = source.strip().split(), target.strip().split()
token_src, token_tgt = [tokenizer.tokenize(word) for word in sent_src], [
tokenizer.tokenize(word) for word in sent_tgt]
wid_src, wid_tgt = [tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(x) for x in token_src], [
tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(x) for x in token_tgt]
ids_src, ids_tgt = tokenizer.prepare_for_model(list(itertools.chain(*wid_src)), return_tensors='pt', model_max_length=tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True)[
'input_ids'], tokenizer.prepare_for_model(list(itertools.chain(*wid_tgt)), return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, model_max_length=tokenizer.model_max_length)['input_ids']
sub2word_map_src = []
for i, word_list in enumerate(token_src):
sub2word_map_src += [i for x in word_list]
sub2word_map_tgt = []
for i, word_list in enumerate(token_tgt):
sub2word_map_tgt += [i for x in word_list]
# alignment
align_layer = 8
threshold = 1e-3
with torch.no_grad():
out_src = model(ids_src.unsqueeze(0), output_hidden_states=True)[
2][align_layer][0, 1:-1]
out_tgt = model(ids_tgt.unsqueeze(0), output_hidden_states=True)[
2][align_layer][0, 1:-1]
dot_prod = torch.matmul(out_src, out_tgt.transpose(-1, -2))
softmax_srctgt = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(dot_prod)
softmax_tgtsrc = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-2)(dot_prod)
softmax_inter = (softmax_srctgt > threshold) * \
(softmax_tgtsrc > threshold)
align_subwords = torch.nonzero(softmax_inter, as_tuple=False)
align_words = set()
for i, j in align_subwords:
align_words.add((sub2word_map_src[i], sub2word_map_tgt[j]))
return sent_src, sent_tgt, align_words
def get_word_mapping(source="", target="", model_path="musfiqdehan/bn-en-word-aligner"):
Get Word Aligned Mapping Words
sent_src, sent_tgt, align_words = get_alignment_mapping(
source=source, target=target, model_path=model_path)
result = []
for i, j in sorted(align_words):
result.append(f'bn:({sent_src[i]}) -> en:({sent_tgt[j]})')
return result
def get_word_index_mapping(source="", target="", model_path="musfiqdehan/bn-en-word-aligner"):
Get Word Aligned Mapping Index
sent_src, sent_tgt, align_words = get_alignment_mapping(
source=source, target=target, model_path=model_path)
result = []
for i, j in sorted(align_words):
result.append(f'bn:({i}) -> en:({j})')
return result