from datetime import datetime import json import uuid import asyncio import random import os from typing import Any, Dict, Optional import httpx from fastapi import HTTPException from api.config import ( MODEL_MAPPING, get_headers_api_chat, BASE_URL, AGENT_MODE, TRENDING_AGENT_MODE, MODEL_PREFIXES, ) from api.models import ChatRequest from api.logger import setup_logger from api.validate import getHid logger = setup_logger(__name__) BLOCKED_MESSAGE = "Generated by BLACKBOX.AI, try unlimited chat" ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT = os.getenv("ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT", "") def create_chat_completion_data(content: str, model: str, timestamp: int, finish_reason: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "id": f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}", "object": "chat.completion.chunk", "created": timestamp, "model": model, "choices": [ { "index": 0, "delta": {"content": content, "role": "assistant"}, "finish_reason": finish_reason, } ], "usage": None, } def message_to_dict(message, model_prefix: Optional[str] = None): content = message.content if isinstance(message.content, str) else message.content[0]["text"] if model_prefix: content = f"{model_prefix} {content}" return {"role": message.role, "content": content} def strip_model_prefix(content: str, model_prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> str: if model_prefix and content.startswith(model_prefix): logger.debug(f"Stripping prefix '{model_prefix}' from content.") return content[len(model_prefix):].strip() return content # Process streaming response with headers from async def process_streaming_response(request: ChatRequest): request_id = f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}""Processing request with ID: {request_id} - Model: {request.model}") agent_mode = AGENT_MODE.get(request.model, {}) trending_agent_mode = TRENDING_AGENT_MODE.get(request.model, {}) model_prefix = MODEL_PREFIXES.get(request.model, "") headers_api_chat = get_headers_api_chat(BASE_URL) # Delay for 'o1-preview' model if necessary if request.model == 'o1-preview': delay_seconds = random.randint(1, 60)"Introducing a delay of {delay_seconds} seconds for model 'o1-preview' (Request ID: {request_id})") await asyncio.sleep(delay_seconds) h_value = await getHid() if not h_value: logger.error("Failed to retrieve h-value for validation.") raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Validation failed due to missing h-value.") json_data = { "agentMode": agent_mode, "clickedAnswer2": False, "clickedAnswer3": False, "clickedForceWebSearch": False, "codeModelMode": True, "githubToken": None, "id": None, "isChromeExt": False, "isMicMode": False, "maxTokens": request.max_tokens, "messages": [message_to_dict(msg, model_prefix=model_prefix) for msg in request.messages], "mobileClient": False, "playgroundTemperature": request.temperature, "playgroundTopP": request.top_p, "previewToken": None, "trendingAgentMode": trending_agent_mode, "userId": None, "userSelectedModel": MODEL_MAPPING.get(request.model, request.model), "userSystemPrompt": None, "validated": h_value, "visitFromDelta": False, "webSearchModePrompt": False, "imageGenerationMode": False, } advertisement_added = False # Track if advertisement is already added async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: async with"POST", f"{BASE_URL}/api/chat", headers=headers_api_chat, json=json_data, timeout=100) as response: response.raise_for_status() timestamp = int( async for chunk in response.aiter_text(): if chunk: content = chunk if content.startswith("$@$v=undefined-rv1$@$"): content = content[21:] # Remove unwanted prefix if BLOCKED_MESSAGE in content:"Blocked message detected in response for Request ID {request_id}.") content = content.replace(BLOCKED_MESSAGE, '').strip() if not content: continue # Skip empty content cleaned_content = strip_model_prefix(content, model_prefix) # Yield cleaned chunk as part of the stream yield f"data: {json.dumps(create_chat_completion_data(cleaned_content, request.model, timestamp))}\n\n" # Append markdown separator and advertisement as a separate chunk if ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT and not advertisement_added: advertisement_with_line_break = "\n\n---\n" + ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT # Add space before the markdown horizontal rule yield f"data: {json.dumps(create_chat_completion_data(advertisement_with_line_break, request.model, timestamp))}\n\n" advertisement_added = True # Yield final chunk indicating the end of the stream yield f"data: {json.dumps(create_chat_completion_data('', request.model, timestamp, 'stop'))}\n\n" yield "data: [DONE]\n\n" except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: logger.error(f"HTTP error occurred for Request ID {request_id}: {e}") raise HTTPException(status_code=e.response.status_code, detail=str(e)) except httpx.RequestError as e: logger.error(f"Request error occurred for Request ID {request_id}: {e}") raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) # Process non-streaming response with headers from async def process_non_streaming_response(request: ChatRequest): request_id = f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}""Processing request with ID: {request_id} - Model: {request.model}") agent_mode = AGENT_MODE.get(request.model, {}) trending_agent_mode = TRENDING_AGENT_MODE.get(request.model, {}) model_prefix = MODEL_PREFIXES.get(request.model, "") headers_api_chat = get_headers_api_chat(BASE_URL) # Delay for 'o1-preview' model if necessary if request.model == 'o1-preview': delay_seconds = random.randint(20, 60)"Introducing a delay of {delay_seconds} seconds for model 'o1-preview' (Request ID: {request_id})") await asyncio.sleep(delay_seconds) h_value = await getHid() if not h_value: logger.error("Failed to retrieve h-value for validation.") raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Validation failed due to missing h-value.") json_data = { "agentMode": agent_mode, "clickedAnswer2": False, "clickedAnswer3": False, "clickedForceWebSearch": False, "codeModelMode": True, "githubToken": None, "id": None, "isChromeExt": False, "isMicMode": False, "maxTokens": request.max_tokens, "messages": [message_to_dict(msg, model_prefix=model_prefix) for msg in request.messages], "mobileClient": False, "playgroundTemperature": request.temperature, "playgroundTopP": request.top_p, "previewToken": None, "trendingAgentMode": trending_agent_mode, "userId": None, "userSelectedModel": MODEL_MAPPING.get(request.model, request.model), "userSystemPrompt": None, "validated": h_value, "visitFromDelta": False, "webSearchModePrompt": False, "imageGenerationMode": False, } full_response = "" # Store full non-streaming response content async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: async with"POST", f"{BASE_URL}/api/chat", headers=headers_api_chat, json=json_data) as response: response.raise_for_status() async for chunk in response.aiter_text(): full_response += chunk except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: logger.error(f"HTTP error occurred for Request ID {request_id}: {e}") raise HTTPException(status_code=e.response.status_code, detail=str(e)) except httpx.RequestError as e: logger.error(f"Request error occurred for Request ID {request_id}: {e}") raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) if full_response.startswith("$@$v=undefined-rv1$@$"): full_response = full_response[21:] if BLOCKED_MESSAGE in full_response: full_response = full_response.replace(BLOCKED_MESSAGE, '').strip() cleaned_full_response = strip_model_prefix(full_response, model_prefix) # Append advertisement once if ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT: cleaned_full_response += "\n\n" + ADVERTISEMENT_TEXT return { "id": f"chatcmpl-{uuid.uuid4()}", "object": "chat.completion", "created": int(, "model": request.model, "choices": [ { "index": 0, "message": {"role": "assistant", "content": cleaned_full_response}, "finish_reason": "stop", } ], "usage": None, }