from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from segment_anything import SamAutomaticMaskGenerator from segment_anything.modeling import Sam from segment_anything.utils.amg import (MaskData, area_from_rle, batched_mask_to_box, box_xyxy_to_xywh, batch_iterator, uncrop_boxes_xyxy, uncrop_points, calculate_stability_score, coco_encode_rle, generate_crop_boxes, is_box_near_crop_edge, mask_to_rle_pytorch, rle_to_mask, uncrop_masks) from torchvision.ops.boxes import batched_nms, box_area # type: ignore def batched_mask_to_prob(masks: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ For implementation, see the following issue comment: "To get the probability map for a mask, we simply do element-wise sigmoid over the logits." URL: Args: masks: Tensor of shape [B, H, W] representing batch of binary masks. Returns: Tensor of shape [B, H, W] representing batch of probability maps. """ probs = torch.sigmoid(masks).to(masks.device) return probs def batched_sobel_filter(probs: torch.Tensor, masks: torch.Tensor, bzp: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """ For implementation, see section D.2 of the paper: "we apply a Sobel filter to the remaining masks' unthresholded probability maps and set values to zero if they do not intersect with the outer boundary pixels of a mask." URL: Args: probs: Tensor of shape [B, H, W] representing batch of probability maps. masks: Tensor of shape [B, H, W] representing batch of binary masks. Returns: Tensor of shape [B, H, W] with filtered probability maps. """ # probs: [B, H, W] # Add channel dimension to make it [B, 1, H, W] probs = probs.unsqueeze(1) # sobel_filter: [1, 1, 3, 3] sobel_filter_x = torch.tensor([[[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]]], dtype=torch.float32 ).to(probs.device).unsqueeze(0) sobel_filter_y = torch.tensor([[[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]]], dtype=torch.float32 ).to(probs.device).unsqueeze(0) # Apply the Sobel filters G_x = F.conv2d(probs, sobel_filter_x, padding=1) G_y = F.conv2d(probs, sobel_filter_y, padding=1) # Combine the gradients probs = torch.sqrt(G_x ** 2 + G_y ** 2) # Iterate through each image in the batch for i in range(probs.shape[0]): # Convert binary mask to float mask = masks[i].float() G_x = F.conv2d(mask[None, None], sobel_filter_x, padding=1) G_y = F.conv2d(mask[None, None], sobel_filter_y, padding=1) edge = torch.sqrt(G_x ** 2 + G_y ** 2) outer_boundary = (edge > 0).float() # Set to zero values that don't touch the mask's outer boundary. probs[i, 0] = probs[i, 0] * outer_boundary # Boundary zero padding (BZP). # See "Zero-Shot Edge Detection With SCESAME: Spectral # Clustering-Based Ensemble for Segment Anything Model Estimation". if bzp > 0: probs[i, 0, 0:bzp, :] = 0 probs[i, 0, -bzp:, :] = 0 probs[i, 0, :, 0:bzp] = 0 probs[i, 0, :, -bzp:] = 0 # Remove the channel dimension probs = probs.squeeze(1) return probs class SamAutomaticMaskAndProbabilityGenerator(SamAutomaticMaskGenerator): def __init__( self, model: Sam, points_per_side: Optional[int] = 16, points_per_batch: int = 64, pred_iou_thresh: float = 0.88, stability_score_thresh: float = 0.95, stability_score_offset: float = 1.0, box_nms_thresh: float = 0.7, crop_n_layers: int = 0, crop_nms_thresh: float = 0.7, crop_overlap_ratio: float = 512 / 1500, crop_n_points_downscale_factor: int = 1, point_grids: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None, min_mask_region_area: int = 0, output_mode: str = "binary_mask", nms_threshold: float = 0.7, bzp: int = 0, pred_iou_thresh_filtering=False, stability_score_thresh_filtering=False, ) -> None: """ Using a SAM model, generates masks for the entire image. Generates a grid of point prompts over the image, then filters low quality and duplicate masks. The default settings are chosen for SAM with a ViT-H backbone. Arguments: model (Sam): The SAM model to use for mask prediction. points_per_side (int or None): The number of points to be sampled along one side of the image. The total number of points is points_per_side**2. If None, 'point_grids' must provide explicit point sampling. points_per_batch (int): Sets the number of points run simultaneously by the model. Higher numbers may be faster but use more GPU memory. pred_iou_thresh (float): A filtering threshold in [0,1], using the model's predicted mask quality. stability_score_thresh (float): A filtering threshold in [0,1], using the stability of the mask under changes to the cutoff used to binarize the model's mask predictions. stability_score_offset (float): The amount to shift the cutoff when calculated the stability score. box_nms_thresh (float): The box IoU cutoff used by non-maximal suppression to filter duplicate masks. crop_n_layers (int): If >0, mask prediction will be run again on crops of the image. Sets the number of layers to run, where each layer has 2**i_layer number of image crops. crop_nms_thresh (float): The box IoU cutoff used by non-maximal suppression to filter duplicate masks between different crops. crop_overlap_ratio (float): Sets the degree to which crops overlap. In the first crop layer, crops will overlap by this fraction of the image length. Later layers with more crops scale down this overlap. crop_n_points_downscale_factor (int): The number of points-per-side sampled in layer n is scaled down by crop_n_points_downscale_factor**n. point_grids (list(np.ndarray) or None): A list over explicit grids of points used for sampling, normalized to [0,1]. The nth grid in the list is used in the nth crop layer. Exclusive with points_per_side. min_mask_region_area (int): If >0, postprocessing will be applied to remove disconnected regions and holes in masks with area smaller than min_mask_region_area. Requires opencv. output_mode (str): The form masks are returned in. Can be 'binary_mask', 'uncompressed_rle', or 'coco_rle'. 'coco_rle' requires pycocotools. For large resolutions, 'binary_mask' may consume large amounts of memory. nms_threshold (float): The IoU threshold used for non-maximal suppression """ super().__init__( model, points_per_side, points_per_batch, pred_iou_thresh, stability_score_thresh, stability_score_offset, box_nms_thresh, crop_n_layers, crop_nms_thresh, crop_overlap_ratio, crop_n_points_downscale_factor, point_grids, min_mask_region_area, output_mode, ) self.nms_threshold = nms_threshold self.bzp = bzp self.pred_iou_thresh_filtering = pred_iou_thresh_filtering self.stability_score_thresh_filtering = \ stability_score_thresh_filtering @torch.no_grad() def generate(self, image: np.ndarray) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Generates masks for the given image. Arguments: image (np.ndarray): The image to generate masks for, in HWC uint8 format. Returns: list(dict(str, any)): A list over records for masks. Each record is a dict containing the following keys: segmentation (dict(str, any) or np.ndarray): The mask. If output_mode='binary_mask', is an array of shape HW. Otherwise, is a dictionary containing the RLE. bbox (list(float)): The box around the mask, in XYWH format. area (int): The area in pixels of the mask. predicted_iou (float): The model's own prediction of the mask's quality. This is filtered by the pred_iou_thresh parameter. point_coords (list(list(float))): The point coordinates input to the model to generate this mask. stability_score (float): A measure of the mask's quality. This is filtered on using the stability_score_thresh parameter. crop_box (list(float)): The crop of the image used to generate the mask, given in XYWH format. """ # Generate masks mask_data = self._generate_masks(image) # Filter small disconnected regions and holes in masks if self.min_mask_region_area > 0: mask_data = self.postprocess_small_regions( mask_data, self.min_mask_region_area, max(self.box_nms_thresh, self.crop_nms_thresh), ) # Encode masks if self.output_mode == "coco_rle": mask_data["segmentations"] = [coco_encode_rle(rle) for rle in mask_data["rles"]] elif self.output_mode == "binary_mask": mask_data["segmentations"] = [rle_to_mask(rle) for rle in mask_data["rles"]] else: mask_data["segmentations"] = mask_data["rles"] # Write mask records curr_anns = [] for idx in range(len(mask_data["segmentations"])): ann = { "segmentation": mask_data["segmentations"][idx], "area": area_from_rle(mask_data["rles"][idx]), "bbox": box_xyxy_to_xywh(mask_data["boxes"][idx]).tolist(), "predicted_iou": mask_data["iou_preds"][idx].item(), "point_coords": [mask_data["points"][idx].tolist()], "stability_score": mask_data["stability_score"][idx].item(), "crop_box": box_xyxy_to_xywh(mask_data["crop_boxes"][idx]).tolist(), "prob": mask_data["probs"][idx], } curr_anns.append(ann) return curr_anns def _process_crop( self, image: np.ndarray, crop_box: List[int], crop_layer_idx: int, orig_size: Tuple[int, ...], ) -> MaskData: # Crop the image and calculate embeddings x0, y0, x1, y1 = crop_box cropped_im = image[y0:y1, x0:x1, :] cropped_im_size = cropped_im.shape[:2] self.predictor.set_image(cropped_im) # Get points for this crop points_scale = np.array(cropped_im_size)[None, ::-1] points_for_image = self.point_grids[crop_layer_idx] * points_scale # Generate masks for this crop in batches data = MaskData() for (points,) in batch_iterator(self.points_per_batch, points_for_image): batch_data = self._process_batch(points, cropped_im_size, crop_box, orig_size) del batch_data self.predictor.reset_image() # Remove duplicates within this crop. keep_by_nms = batched_nms( data["boxes"].float(), data["iou_preds"], torch.zeros_like(data["boxes"][:, 0]), # categories iou_threshold=self.box_nms_thresh, ) data.filter(keep_by_nms) # Return to the original image frame data["boxes"] = uncrop_boxes_xyxy(data["boxes"], crop_box) data["points"] = uncrop_points(data["points"], crop_box) data["crop_boxes"] = torch.tensor([crop_box for _ in range(len(data["rles"]))]) padded_probs = torch.zeros((data["probs"].shape[0], *orig_size), dtype=torch.float32, device=data["probs"].device) padded_probs[:, y0:y1, x0:x1] = data["probs"] data["probs"] = padded_probs return data def _generate_masks(self, image: np.ndarray) -> MaskData: orig_size = image.shape[:2] crop_boxes, layer_idxs = generate_crop_boxes( orig_size, self.crop_n_layers, self.crop_overlap_ratio ) # Iterate over image crops data = MaskData() for crop_box, layer_idx in zip(crop_boxes, layer_idxs): crop_data = self._process_crop(image, crop_box, layer_idx, orig_size) # Remove duplicate masks between crops if len(crop_boxes) > 1: # Prefer masks from smaller crops scores = 1 / box_area(data["crop_boxes"]) scores =["boxes"].device) keep_by_nms = batched_nms( data["boxes"].float(), scores, torch.zeros_like(data["boxes"][:, 0]), # categories iou_threshold=self.crop_nms_thresh, ) data.filter(keep_by_nms) data.to_numpy() return data def _process_batch( self, points: np.ndarray, im_size: Tuple[int, ...], crop_box: List[int], orig_size: Tuple[int, ...], ) -> MaskData: orig_h, orig_w = orig_size # Run model on this batch transformed_points = self.predictor.transform.apply_coords(points, im_size) in_points = torch.as_tensor(transformed_points, device=self.predictor.device) in_labels = torch.ones(in_points.shape[0],, device=in_points.device) masks, iou_preds, _ = self.predictor.predict_torch( in_points[:, None, :], in_labels[:, None], multimask_output=True, return_logits=True, ) # Serialize predictions and store in MaskData data = MaskData( masks=masks.flatten(0, 1), iou_preds=iou_preds.flatten(0, 1), points=torch.as_tensor(points.repeat(masks.shape[1], axis=0)), ) del masks if self.pred_iou_thresh_filtering and self.pred_iou_thresh > 0.0: keep_mask = data["iou_preds"] > self.pred_iou_thresh data.filter(keep_mask) # Calculate stability score data["stability_score"] = calculate_stability_score( data["masks"], self.predictor.model.mask_threshold, self.stability_score_offset ) if self.stability_score_thresh_filtering and \ self.stability_score_thresh > 0.0: keep_mask = data["stability_score"] >= self.stability_score_thresh data.filter(keep_mask) # Threshold masks and calculate boxes data["probs"] = batched_mask_to_prob(data["masks"]) data["masks"] = data["masks"] > self.predictor.model.mask_threshold data["boxes"] = batched_mask_to_box(data["masks"]) # Filter boxes that touch crop boundaries keep_mask = ~is_box_near_crop_edge(data["boxes"], crop_box, [0, 0, orig_w, orig_h]) if not torch.all(keep_mask): data.filter(keep_mask) # filter by nms if self.nms_threshold > 0.0: keep_mask = batched_nms( data["boxes"].float(), data["iou_preds"], torch.zeros_like(data["boxes"][:, 0]), # categories iou_threshold=self.nms_threshold, ) data.filter(keep_mask) # apply sobel filter for probability map data["probs"] = batched_sobel_filter(data["probs"], data["masks"], bzp=self.bzp) # set prob to 0 for pixels outside of crop box # data["probs"] = batched_crop_probs(data["probs"], data["boxes"]) # Compress to RLE data["masks"] = uncrop_masks(data["masks"], crop_box, orig_h, orig_w) data["rles"] = mask_to_rle_pytorch(data["masks"]) del data["masks"] return data