Update index.js
Browse files
@@ -1,162 +1,55 @@
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const app = express();
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// 定义全局字符串变量
7 |
let strValues = '';
8 |
let strUvalues = '';
9 |
// 设置端口号
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const port = 7860;
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// 从环境变量中获取密码
12 |
const password = process.env.PASSWORD || '123456' ;
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// 定义一个空字符串,用于存储新的 Cookie-Values 值
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let newCookieValues = "";
18 |
// 用分号分割 Cookie-Values,得到一个键值对的数组
19 |
let pairs = cookieValues.split(";");
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// 遍历每个键值对
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for (let pair of pairs) {
22 |
// 用第一个等号分割键和值,得到一个数组
23 |
let parts = pair.split("=");
24 |
// 取出数组的第一个元素作为键,去除前后空格
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let key = parts[0].trim();
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// 把数组的剩余元素用等号连接起来,得到完整的值
27 |
let value = parts.slice(1).join("=");
28 |
// 如果键在要保留的键的数组中,就把键值对添加到新的 Cookie-Values 值中,用分号和空格分隔
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if (keepKeys.includes(key)) {
30 |
newCookieValues += key + "=" + value + "; ";
31 |
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33 |
// 去除新的 Cookie-Values 值的最后一个分号和空格
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newCookieValues = newCookieValues.slice(0, -2);
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// 返回新的 Cookie-Values 值
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return newCookieValues;
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// 处理 POST 请求
41 |
-'/SET', (req, res) => {
42 |
// 获取请求的方法
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let method = req.method;
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// 获取 pwd 参数的值
45 |
let pwd = req.query.pwd;
46 |
// 如果没有 pwd 参数,或者 pwd 参数的值不等于密码变量的值,返回错误信息
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if (!pwd || pwd !== password) {
48 |
res.status(401).send('Invalid password');
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// 获取请求头中的 set-Values 值
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//let setValue = req.header('Cookie-Values');
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// 定义一个数组,包含要保留的键
55 |
let keepKeys = ["_U",
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// 定义一个数组,包含要保留的键
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let keepKeysU = ["_U",
64 |
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// 从请求头中获取 Cookie-Values 字段的值
66 |
let cookieValues = req.header('Cookie-Values');
67 |
// 调用函数,传入 Cookie-Values 和要保留的键的数组,得到新的 Cookie-Values 值
68 |
let setValue = filterCookieValues(cookieValues, keepKeys);
69 |
let getUValue = filterCookieValues(cookieValues, keepKeysU);
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// 如果 getUValue 不在 strUvalues 中,将其添加到 strUvalues 中
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if (!strUvalues.includes(getUValue)) {
77 |
strUvalues += ';' + getUValue;
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} else {
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// 返回错误信息
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res.status(400).send('No Cookie-Values in header');
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let method = req.method;
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// 获取 pwd 参数的值
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let pwd = req.query.pwd;
94 |
// 如果没有 pwd 参数,或者 pwd 参数的值不等于密码变量的值,返回错误信息
95 |
if (!pwd || pwd !== password) {
96 |
res.status(401).send('Invalid password');
97 |
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// 将全局变量添加到 JSON 数据中
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let result = { result: { cookies: strValues } };
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// 返回 JSON 数据
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let method = req.method;
109 |
// 获取 pwd 参数的值
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let pwd = req.query.pwd;
111 |
// 如果没有 pwd 参数,或者 pwd 参数的值不等于密码变量的值,返回错误信息
112 |
if (!pwd || pwd !== password) {
113 |
res.status(401).send('Invalid password');
114 |
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117 |
const replacedStr = strUvalues.replace(/;/g, "<br>");
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// 清除全局变量的值
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strValues = '';
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strUvalues = '';
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const replacedStr = strUvalues.replace(/;/g, "<br>");
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// 返回成功信息
147 |
res.send('Ukey History:'+ "\n" + replacedStr);
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// 处理 / 请求
153 |
app.all('/', (req, res) => {
154 |
// 返回提示信息
155 |
res.send('Please visit /SET /GET or /CLS with ?pwd=xxxxxx');
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app.listen(port, () => {
161 |
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);
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const fetch = require('node-fetch');
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const FormData = require('form-data');
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const sharp = require('sharp');
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async function onRequest(req, res) {
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const url = new URL(req.url, `http://${}`);
7 |
const imageUrl = url.searchParams.get('q');
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if (!imageUrl) {
10 |
return res.status(400).send('');
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try {
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const response = await fetch(imageUrl);
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if (!response.ok) {
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throw new Error(`获取图像失败: ${response.statusText}`);
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const imageBuffer = await response.buffer();
19 |
console.log('原始图像大小:', imageBuffer.byteLength);
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21 |
// 使用 sharp 库来调整图像大小
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const resizedImageBuffer = await sharp(imageBuffer).resize(40).toBuffer();
23 |
console.log('压缩后的图像大小:', resizedImageBuffer.byteLength);
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// 创建一个 FormData 对象并添加压缩后的图像
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const formData = new FormData();
27 |
formData.append('file', resizedImageBuffer, { filename: 'compressed.jpg', contentType: 'image/jpeg' });
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// 使用提供的API地址和方法上传文件
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const uploadResponse = await fetch('', {
31 |
method: 'POST',
32 |
body: formData
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if (!uploadResponse.ok) {
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throw new Error(`上传图像失败: ${uploadResponse.statusText}`);
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const uploadResult = await uploadResponse.json();
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console.log('上传结果:', uploadResult);
41 |
const uploadedImageUrl = uploadResult[0].src;
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res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
44 |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
45 |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS');
46 |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
47 |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age', '86400');
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} catch (error) {
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console.error('压缩图像时出错:', error);
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module.exports = { onRequest };