MusicGenDemucs / audiocraft /data /
nakas's picture
Duplicate from facebook/MusicGen
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import argparse
import copy
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, Future
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from contextlib import ExitStack
import gzip
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import random
import sys
import typing as tp
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .audio import audio_read, audio_info
from .audio_utils import convert_audio
from .zip import PathInZip
import dora
except ImportError:
dora = None # type: ignore
class BaseInfo:
def _dict2fields(cls, dictionary: dict):
return { dictionary[]
for field in fields(cls) if in dictionary
def from_dict(cls, dictionary: dict):
_dictionary = cls._dict2fields(dictionary)
return cls(**_dictionary)
def to_dict(self):
return { self.__getattribute__(
for field in fields(self)
class AudioMeta(BaseInfo):
path: str
duration: float
sample_rate: int
amplitude: tp.Optional[float] = None
weight: tp.Optional[float] = None
# info_path is used to load additional information about the audio file that is stored in zip files.
info_path: tp.Optional[PathInZip] = None
def from_dict(cls, dictionary: dict):
base = cls._dict2fields(dictionary)
if 'info_path' in base and base['info_path'] is not None:
base['info_path'] = PathInZip(base['info_path'])
return cls(**base)
def to_dict(self):
d = super().to_dict()
if d['info_path'] is not None:
d['info_path'] = str(d['info_path'])
return d
class SegmentInfo(BaseInfo):
meta: AudioMeta
seek_time: float
n_frames: int # actual number of frames without padding
total_frames: int # total number of frames, padding included
sample_rate: int # actual sample rate
DEFAULT_EXTS = ['.wav', '.mp3', '.flac', '.ogg', '.m4a']
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_audio_meta(file_path: str, minimal: bool = True) -> AudioMeta:
"""AudioMeta from a path to an audio file.
file_path (str): Resolved path of valid audio file.
minimal (bool): Whether to only load the minimal set of metadata (takes longer if not).
AudioMeta: Audio file path and its metadata.
info = audio_info(file_path)
amplitude: tp.Optional[float] = None
if not minimal:
wav, sr = audio_read(file_path)
amplitude = wav.abs().max().item()
return AudioMeta(file_path, info.duration, info.sample_rate, amplitude)
def _resolve_audio_meta(m: AudioMeta, fast: bool = True) -> AudioMeta:
"""If Dora is available as a dependency, try to resolve potential relative paths
in list of AudioMeta. This method is expected to be used when loading meta from file.
m (AudioMeta): Audio meta to resolve.
fast (bool): If True, uses a really fast check for determining if a file is already absolute or not.
Only valid on Linux/Mac.
AudioMeta: Audio meta with resolved path.
def is_abs(m):
if fast:
return str(m)[0] == '/'
if not dora:
return m
if not is_abs(m.path):
m.path = dora.git_save.to_absolute_path(m.path)
if m.info_path is not None and not is_abs(m.info_path.zip_path):
m.info_path.zip_path = dora.git_save.to_absolute_path(m.path)
return m
def find_audio_files(path: tp.Union[Path, str],
exts: tp.List[str] = DEFAULT_EXTS,
resolve: bool = True,
minimal: bool = True,
progress: bool = False,
workers: int = 0) -> tp.List[AudioMeta]:
"""Build a list of AudioMeta from a given path,
collecting relevant audio files and fetching meta info.
path (str or Path): Path to folder containing audio files.
exts (list of str): List of file extensions to consider for audio files.
minimal (bool): Whether to only load the minimal set of metadata (takes longer if not).
progress (bool): Whether to log progress on audio files collection.
workers (int): number of parallel workers, if 0, use only the current thread.
List[AudioMeta]: List of audio file path and its metadata.
audio_files = []
futures: tp.List[Future] = []
pool: tp.Optional[ThreadPoolExecutor] = None
with ExitStack() as stack:
if workers > 0:
pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(workers)
if progress:
print("Finding audio files...")
for root, folders, files in os.walk(path, followlinks=True):
for file in files:
full_path = Path(root) / file
if full_path.suffix.lower() in exts:
if pool is not None:
futures.append(pool.submit(_get_audio_meta, str(audio_files[-1]), minimal))
if progress:
print(format(len(audio_files), " 8d"), end='\r', file=sys.stderr)
if progress:
print("Getting audio metadata...")
meta: tp.List[AudioMeta] = []
for idx, file_path in enumerate(audio_files):
if pool is None:
m = _get_audio_meta(str(file_path), minimal)
m = futures[idx].result()
if resolve:
m = _resolve_audio_meta(m)
except Exception as err:
print("Error with", str(file_path), err, file=sys.stderr)
if progress:
print(format((1 + idx) / len(audio_files), " 3.1%"), end='\r', file=sys.stderr)
return meta
def load_audio_meta(path: tp.Union[str, Path],
resolve: bool = True, fast: bool = True) -> tp.List[AudioMeta]:
"""Load list of AudioMeta from an optionally compressed json file.
path (str or Path): Path to JSON file.
resolve (bool): Whether to resolve the path from AudioMeta (default=True).
fast (bool): activates some tricks to make things faster.
List[AudioMeta]: List of audio file path and its total duration.
open_fn = if str(path).lower().endswith('.gz') else open
with open_fn(path, 'rb') as fp: # type: ignore
lines = fp.readlines()
meta = []
for line in lines:
d = json.loads(line)
m = AudioMeta.from_dict(d)
if resolve:
m = _resolve_audio_meta(m, fast=fast)
return meta
def save_audio_meta(path: tp.Union[str, Path], meta: tp.List[AudioMeta]):
"""Save the audio metadata to the file pointer as json.
path (str or Path): Path to JSON file.
metadata (list of BaseAudioMeta): List of audio meta to save.
Path(path).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
open_fn = if str(path).lower().endswith('.gz') else open
with open_fn(path, 'wb') as fp: # type: ignore
for m in meta:
json_str = json.dumps(m.to_dict()) + '\n'
json_bytes = json_str.encode('utf-8')
class AudioDataset:
"""Base audio dataset.
The dataset takes a list of AudioMeta and create a dataset composed of segments of audio
and potentially additional information, by creating random segments from the list of audio
files referenced in the metadata and applying minimal data pre-processing such as resampling,
mixing of channels, padding, etc.
If no segment_duration value is provided, the AudioDataset will return the full wav for each
audio file. Otherwise, it will randomly sample audio files and create a segment of the specified
duration, applying padding if required.
By default, only the torch Tensor corresponding to the waveform is returned. Setting return_info=True
allows to return a tuple containing the torch Tensor and additional metadata on the segment and the
original audio meta.
meta (tp.List[AudioMeta]): List of audio files metadata.
segment_duration (float): Optional segment duration of audio to load.
If not specified, the dataset will load the full audio segment from the file.
shuffle (bool): Set to `True` to have the data reshuffled at every epoch.
sample_rate (int): Target sample rate of the loaded audio samples.
channels (int): Target number of channels of the loaded audio samples.
sample_on_duration (bool): Set to `True` to sample segments with probability
dependent on audio file duration. This is only used if `segment_duration` is provided.
sample_on_weight (bool): Set to `True` to sample segments using the `weight` entry of
`AudioMeta`. If `sample_on_duration` is also True, the actual weight will be the product
of the file duration and file weight. This is only used if `segment_duration` is provided.
min_segment_ratio (float): Minimum segment ratio to use when the audio file
is shorter than the desired segment.
max_read_retry (int): Maximum number of retries to sample an audio segment from the dataset.
return_info (bool): Whether to return the wav only or return wav along with segment info and metadata.
min_audio_duration (tp.Optional[float], optional): Minimum audio file duration, in seconds, if provided
audio shorter than this will be filtered out.
max_audio_duration (tp.Optional[float], optional): Maximal audio file duration in seconds, if provided
audio longer than this will be filtered out.
def __init__(self,
meta: tp.List[AudioMeta],
segment_duration: tp.Optional[float] = None,
shuffle: bool = True,
num_samples: int = 10_000,
sample_rate: int = 48_000,
channels: int = 2,
pad: bool = True,
sample_on_duration: bool = True,
sample_on_weight: bool = True,
min_segment_ratio: float = 0.5,
max_read_retry: int = 10,
return_info: bool = False,
min_audio_duration: tp.Optional[float] = None,
max_audio_duration: tp.Optional[float] = None
assert len(meta) > 0, 'No audio meta provided to AudioDataset. Please check loading of audio meta.'
assert segment_duration is None or segment_duration > 0
assert segment_duration is None or min_segment_ratio >= 0
logging.debug(f'sample_on_duration: {sample_on_duration}')
logging.debug(f'sample_on_weight: {sample_on_weight}')
logging.debug(f'pad: {pad}')
logging.debug(f'min_segment_ratio: {min_segment_ratio}')
self.segment_duration = segment_duration
self.min_segment_ratio = min_segment_ratio
self.max_audio_duration = max_audio_duration
self.min_audio_duration = min_audio_duration
if self.min_audio_duration is not None and self.max_audio_duration is not None:
assert self.min_audio_duration <= self.max_audio_duration
self.meta: tp.List[AudioMeta] = self._filter_duration(meta)
assert len(self.meta) # Fail fast if all data has been filtered.
self.total_duration = sum(d.duration for d in self.meta)
if segment_duration is None:
num_samples = len(self.meta)
self.num_samples = num_samples
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.sample_rate = sample_rate
self.channels = channels
self.pad = pad
self.sample_on_weight = sample_on_weight
self.sample_on_duration = sample_on_duration
self.sampling_probabilities = self._get_sampling_probabilities()
self.max_read_retry = max_read_retry
self.return_info = return_info
def __len__(self):
return self.num_samples
def _get_sampling_probabilities(self, normalized: bool = True):
"""Return the sampling probabilities for each file inside `self.meta`.
scores: tp.List[float] = []
for file_meta in self.meta:
score = 1.
if self.sample_on_weight and file_meta.weight is not None:
score *= file_meta.weight
if self.sample_on_duration:
score *= file_meta.duration
probabilities = torch.tensor(scores)
if normalized:
probabilities /= probabilities.sum()
return probabilities
def sample_file(self, rng: torch.Generator) -> AudioMeta:
"""Sample a given file from `self.meta`. Can be overriden in subclasses.
This is only called if `segment_duration` is not None.
You must use the provided random number generator `rng` for reproducibility.
if not self.sample_on_weight and not self.sample_on_duration:
file_index = int(torch.randint(len(self.sampling_probabilities), (1,), generator=rng).item())
file_index = int(torch.multinomial(self.sampling_probabilities, 1, generator=rng).item())
return self.meta[file_index]
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> tp.Union[torch.Tensor, tp.Tuple[torch.Tensor, SegmentInfo]]:
if self.segment_duration is None:
file_meta = self.meta[index]
out, sr = audio_read(file_meta.path)
out = convert_audio(out, sr, self.sample_rate, self.channels)
n_frames = out.shape[-1]
segment_info = SegmentInfo(file_meta, seek_time=0., n_frames=n_frames, total_frames=n_frames,
rng = torch.Generator()
if self.shuffle:
# We use index, plus extra randomness
rng.manual_seed(index + self.num_samples * random.randint(0, 2**24))
# We only use index
for retry in range(self.max_read_retry):
file_meta = self.sample_file(rng)
# We add some variance in the file position even if audio file is smaller than segment
# without ending up with empty segments
max_seek = max(0, file_meta.duration - self.segment_duration * self.min_segment_ratio)
seek_time = torch.rand(1, generator=rng).item() * max_seek
out, sr = audio_read(file_meta.path, seek_time, self.segment_duration, pad=False)
out = convert_audio(out, sr, self.sample_rate, self.channels)
n_frames = out.shape[-1]
target_frames = int(self.segment_duration * self.sample_rate)
if self.pad:
out = F.pad(out, (0, target_frames - n_frames))
segment_info = SegmentInfo(file_meta, seek_time, n_frames=n_frames, total_frames=target_frames,
except Exception as exc:
logger.warning("Error opening file %s: %r", file_meta.path, exc)
if retry == self.max_read_retry - 1:
if self.return_info:
# Returns the wav and additional information on the wave segment
return out, segment_info
return out
def collater(self, samples):
"""The collater function has to be provided to the dataloader
if AudioDataset has return_info=True in order to properly collate
the samples of a batch.
if self.segment_duration is None and len(samples) > 1:
assert self.pad, "Must allow padding when batching examples of different durations."
# In this case the audio reaching the collater is of variable length as segment_duration=None.
to_pad = self.segment_duration is None and self.pad
if to_pad:
max_len = max([wav.shape[-1] for wav, _ in samples])
def _pad_wav(wav):
return F.pad(wav, (0, max_len - wav.shape[-1]))
if self.return_info:
if len(samples) > 0:
assert len(samples[0]) == 2
assert isinstance(samples[0][0], torch.Tensor)
assert isinstance(samples[0][1], SegmentInfo)
wavs = [wav for wav, _ in samples]
segment_infos = [copy.deepcopy(info) for _, info in samples]
if to_pad:
# Each wav could be of a different duration as they are not segmented.
for i in range(len(samples)):
# Determines the total legth of the signal with padding, so we update here as we pad.
segment_infos[i].total_frames = max_len
wavs[i] = _pad_wav(wavs[i])
wav = torch.stack(wavs)
return wav, segment_infos
assert isinstance(samples[0], torch.Tensor)
if to_pad:
samples = [_pad_wav(s) for s in samples]
return torch.stack(samples)
def _filter_duration(self, meta: tp.List[AudioMeta]) -> tp.List[AudioMeta]:
"""Filters out audio files with short durations.
Removes from meta files that have durations that will not allow to samples examples from them.
orig_len = len(meta)
# Filter data that is too short.
if self.min_audio_duration is not None:
meta = [m for m in meta if m.duration >= self.min_audio_duration]
# Filter data that is too long.
if self.max_audio_duration is not None:
meta = [m for m in meta if m.duration <= self.max_audio_duration]
filtered_len = len(meta)
removed_percentage = 100*(1-float(filtered_len)/orig_len)
msg = 'Removed %.2f percent of the data because it was too short or too long.' % removed_percentage
if removed_percentage < 10:
return meta
def from_meta(cls, root: tp.Union[str, Path], **kwargs):
"""Instantiate AudioDataset from a path to a directory containing a manifest as a jsonl file.
root (str or Path): Path to root folder containing audio files.
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the AudioDataset.
root = Path(root)
if root.is_dir():
if (root / 'data.jsonl').exists():
root = root / 'data.jsonl'
elif (root / 'data.jsonl.gz').exists():
root = root / 'data.jsonl.gz'
raise ValueError("Don't know where to read metadata from in the dir. "
"Expecting either a data.jsonl or data.jsonl.gz file but none found.")
meta = load_audio_meta(root)
return cls(meta, **kwargs)
def from_path(cls, root: tp.Union[str, Path], minimal_meta: bool = True,
exts: tp.List[str] = DEFAULT_EXTS, **kwargs):
"""Instantiate AudioDataset from a path containing (possibly nested) audio files.
root (str or Path): Path to root folder containing audio files.
minimal_meta (bool): Whether to only load minimal metadata or not.
exts (list of str): Extensions for audio files.
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the AudioDataset.
root = Path(root)
if root.is_file():
meta = load_audio_meta(root, resolve=True)
meta = find_audio_files(root, exts, minimal=minimal_meta, resolve=True)
return cls(meta, **kwargs)
def main():
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.INFO)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generate .jsonl files by scanning a folder.')
parser.add_argument('root', help='Root folder with all the audio files')
help='Output file to store the metadata, ')
action='store_false', dest='minimal', default=True,
help='Retrieve all metadata, even the one that are expansive '
'to compute (e.g. normalization).')
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Resolve the paths to be absolute and with no symlinks.')
default=10, type=int,
help='Number of workers.')
args = parser.parse_args()
meta = find_audio_files(args.root, DEFAULT_EXTS, progress=True,
resolve=args.resolve, minimal=args.minimal, workers=args.workers)
save_audio_meta(args.output_meta_file, meta)
if __name__ == '__main__':