firebase_config = { "apiKey": "AIzaSyBy6tm3udmXYPZ216ggqs6P2Up2owC6U4Q", "authDomain": "", "databaseURL": "", "projectId": "chalo-5e71c", "storageBucket": "", "messagingSenderId": "485358834771", "appId": "1:485358834771:web:d4aa0d636433916a87a2a6" } from fastapi import FastAPI,BackgroundTasks , Request import requests import random import string from pyrebase import initialize_app import httpx app = FastAPI() def gen_ran(): length_of_string = 6 random_string = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=length_of_string)) return random_string # Firebase configuration async def keep_alive_request(receiver_url: str): async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: response = await client.get(receiver_url) print(f"Keep-alive request sent to {receiver_url}, Status Code: {response.status_code}") firebase = initialize_app(firebase_config) @app.get("/") async def root(): return {"message": "Hello World"} @app.get("/fetch_and_store_data") def fetch_and_store_data(request: Request,url: str = ""): try: # Fetch data from the provided URL receiver_url = str(request.base_url) print(receiver_url) res=0 while res!=200: response = requests.get(url+'&vidFormat=http-380-0') res=response.status_code background_tasks = BackgroundTasks() background_tasks.add_task(keep_alive_request, receiver_url) print(response.status_code) print(response.json()) # data_to_store = {"a":"a"} # Assuming the response is in JSON format, adjust accordingly add=gen_ran() # Write data to Firebase Realtime Database db = firebase.database() db.child('finally'+add).set(response.json()) return {"status": "success", "message": "Data fetched and stored successfully." , "data_stored":response.json()} except Exception as e: return {"status": "error", "message": f"An error occurred: {str(e)}"} @app.get("/fetch") def fetch_and_store_data(): try: # Fetch data from the provided URL db = firebase.database() response=db.child("finally").child("url").get() return {"status": response.val()} except Exception as e: return {"status": "error", "message": f"An error occurred: {str(e)}"}