import asyncio import logging from typing import Dict, Union from import work_loads from pyrogram import Client, utils, raw from .file_properties import get_file_ids from pyrogram.session import Session, Auth from pyrogram.errors import AuthBytesInvalid from pyrogram.file_id import FileId, FileType, ThumbnailSource from pyrogram.types import Message class ByteStreamer: def __init__(self, client: Client): self.clean_timer = 30 * 60 self.client: Client = client self.cached_file_ids: Dict[str, FileId] = {} asyncio.create_task(self.clean_cache()) async def get_file_properties(self, db_id: str, multi_clients) -> FileId: """ Returns the properties of a media of a specific message in a FIleId class. if the properties are cached, then it'll return the cached results. or it'll generate the properties from the Message ID and cache them. """ if not db_id in self.cached_file_ids: logging.debug("Before Calling generate_file_properties") await self.generate_file_properties(db_id, multi_clients) logging.debug(f"Cached file properties for file with ID {db_id}") return self.cached_file_ids[db_id] async def generate_file_properties(self, db_id: str, multi_clients) -> FileId: """ Generates the properties of a media file on a specific message. returns ths properties in a FIleId class. """ logging.debug("Before calling get_file_ids") file_id = await get_file_ids(self.client, db_id, multi_clients, Message) logging.debug(f"Generated file ID and Unique ID for file with ID {db_id}") self.cached_file_ids[db_id] = file_id logging.debug(f"Cached media file with ID {db_id}") return self.cached_file_ids[db_id] async def generate_media_session(self, client: Client, file_id: FileId) -> Session: """ Generates the media session for the DC that contains the media file. This is required for getting the bytes from Telegram servers. """ media_session = client.media_sessions.get(file_id.dc_id, None) if media_session is None: if file_id.dc_id != await media_session = Session( client, file_id.dc_id, await Auth( client, file_id.dc_id, await ).create(), await, is_media=True, ) await media_session.start() for _ in range(6): exported_auth = await client.invoke( raw.functions.auth.ExportAuthorization(dc_id=file_id.dc_id) ) try: await media_session.invoke( raw.functions.auth.ImportAuthorization(, bytes=exported_auth.bytes ) ) break except AuthBytesInvalid: logging.debug( f"Invalid authorization bytes for DC {file_id.dc_id}" ) continue else: await media_session.stop() raise AuthBytesInvalid else: media_session = Session( client, file_id.dc_id, await, await, is_media=True, ) await media_session.start() logging.debug(f"Created media session for DC {file_id.dc_id}") client.media_sessions[file_id.dc_id] = media_session else: logging.debug(f"Using cached media session for DC {file_id.dc_id}") return media_session @staticmethod async def get_location(file_id: FileId) -> Union[raw.types.InputPhotoFileLocation, raw.types.InputDocumentFileLocation, raw.types.InputPeerPhotoFileLocation,]: """ Returns the file location for the media file. """ file_type = file_id.file_type if file_type == FileType.CHAT_PHOTO: if file_id.chat_id > 0: peer = raw.types.InputPeerUser( user_id=file_id.chat_id, access_hash=file_id.chat_access_hash ) else: if file_id.chat_access_hash == 0: peer = raw.types.InputPeerChat(chat_id=-file_id.chat_id) else: peer = raw.types.InputPeerChannel( channel_id=utils.get_channel_id(file_id.chat_id), access_hash=file_id.chat_access_hash, ) location = raw.types.InputPeerPhotoFileLocation( peer=peer, volume_id=file_id.volume_id, local_id=file_id.local_id, big=file_id.thumbnail_source == ThumbnailSource.CHAT_PHOTO_BIG, ) elif file_type == FileType.PHOTO: location = raw.types.InputPhotoFileLocation( id=file_id.media_id, access_hash=file_id.access_hash, file_reference=file_id.file_reference, thumb_size=file_id.thumbnail_size, ) else: location = raw.types.InputDocumentFileLocation( id=file_id.media_id, access_hash=file_id.access_hash, file_reference=file_id.file_reference, thumb_size=file_id.thumbnail_size, ) return location async def yield_file( self, file_id: FileId, index: int, offset: int, first_part_cut: int, last_part_cut: int, part_count: int, chunk_size: int, ) -> Union[str, None]: """ Custom generator that yields the bytes of the media file. Modded from Thanks to Eyaadh """ client = self.client work_loads[index] += 1 logging.debug(f"Starting to yielding file with client {index}.") media_session = await self.generate_media_session(client, file_id) current_part = 1 location = await self.get_location(file_id) try: r = await media_session.invoke( raw.functions.upload.GetFile( location=location, offset=offset, limit=chunk_size ), ) if isinstance(r, raw.types.upload.File): while True: chunk = r.bytes if not chunk: break elif part_count == 1: yield chunk[first_part_cut:last_part_cut] elif current_part == 1: yield chunk[first_part_cut:] elif current_part == part_count: yield chunk[:last_part_cut] else: yield chunk current_part += 1 offset += chunk_size if current_part > part_count: break r = await media_session.invoke( raw.functions.upload.GetFile( location=location, offset=offset, limit=chunk_size ), ) except (TimeoutError, AttributeError): pass finally: logging.debug(f"Finished yielding file with {current_part} parts.") work_loads[index] -= 1 async def clean_cache(self) -> None: """ function to clean the cache to reduce memory usage """ while True: await asyncio.sleep(self.clean_timer) self.cached_file_ids.clear() logging.debug("Cleaned the cache")