nazneen's picture
fixed downsamp bug
import pandas as pd
from numpy import floor
#--- gensim ---
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument
def conf_level(val):
""" Translates probability value into
a plain english statement """
conf = "undefined"
if val < 0.05:
conf = "Extremely Low Probability"
elif val >= 0.05 and val < 0.20:
conf = "Very Low Probability"
elif val >= 0.20 and val < 0.45:
conf = "Low Probability"
elif val >= 0.45 and val < 0.55:
conf = "Middling Probability"
elif val >= 0.55 and val < 0.80:
conf = "High Probability"
elif val >= 0.80 and val < 0.95:
conf = "Very High Probability"
elif val >= 0.95:
conf = "Extremely High Probability"
return conf
def subsample_df(df=None, size=10, sample_type="Random Sample"):
""" Subsample the dataframe """
size = int(size)
if sample_type == "Random Sample":
return df.sample(size)
elif sample_type == "Highest Probabilities":
df.sort_values(by="probability", ascending=False, inplace=True)
return df.head(size)
elif sample_type == "Lowest Probabilities":
df.sort_values(by="probability", ascending=True, inplace=True)
return df.head(size)
# sample probabilities in the middle
tmp = df[(df["probability"] > 0.45) & (df["probability"] < 0.55)]
samp = min([size, int(tmp.shape[0])])
return tmp.sample(samp)
def down_samp(embedding):
"""Down sample a data frame for altiar visualization """
#total number of positive and negative sentiments in the class
total_size = embedding.groupby(['name', 'sentiment'],as_index=False).count()
user_data = 0
if 'Your Sentences' in str(total_size['name']):
tmp = embedding.groupby(['name'],as_index=False).count()
val = int(tmp[tmp['name'] == "Your Sentences"]['source'])
max_sample = total_size.groupby('name').max()['source']
#down sample to meeting altair's max values
#but keep the proportional representation of groups
down_samp = 1/(sum(max_sample)/(5000-user_data))
max_samp = max_sample.apply(lambda x: floor(x*down_samp)).astype(int).to_dict()
max_samp['Your Sentences'] = user_data
#sample down for each group in the data frame
embedding= embedding.groupby('name').apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=max_samp.get( = True)
#order the embedding
def prep_embed_data(data,model):
''' Basic data tagging'''
tagged_data = [TaggedDocument(words=word_tokenize(_d.lower()), tags=[str(i)]) for i, _d in enumerate(data)]
embedding = [model.infer_vector(tagged_data[i].words) for i in range(len(tagged_data))]
return embedding
def prep_sentence_embedding(name,source, sentence, sentiment, sort_order,embed_model,idx,type="single"):
""" Prepare a custom sentence to add to the embedding"""
if type == "single":
#get vector embedding
tagged_data = TaggedDocument(words=word_tokenize(sentence.lower()), tags=['source'])
vector = embed_model.infer_vector(tagged_data.words)
tmp = {
'source': source,
'name': name,
'sort_order': sort_order,
'sentence': sentence,
'sentiment': sentiment,
'x': vector[0],
#go through each group and add
df = {"source":[],
slice_short = sentence
slice_sentiment = sentiment
vec_embedding = prep_embed_data(sentence,embed_model)
df['source'] = df['source'] + [source]*len(slice_short)
df['name'] = df['name'] + [name]*len(slice_short)
#the sort order effects how its drawn by altair
df['sort_order'] = df['sort_order'] + [sort_order]*len(slice_short)
#add individual elements
for i in range(len(slice_short)):
df = pd.DataFrame(df)