#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author : Romain Graux @date : 2023 May 16, 16:18:43 @last modified : 2023 August 07, 11:54:19 """ from typing import List, Tuple from PIL import Image from collections import defaultdict from tempfile import mktemp import matplotlib import numpy as np import os import seaborn as sns from logger import logger matplotlib.use("agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import rayleigh from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors def segment_image(filename, alpha=5): # Get a random image png file filename = filename.replace(" ", "\ ") png_img = mktemp(suffix=".png") segmented_img = mktemp(suffix=".png") logger.debug(f"Segmenting image {filename}...") logger.debug(f"Saving image to {png_img}...") logger.debug(f"Saving segmented image to {segmented_img}...") try: # Segment with image magic in the terminal ret = os.system(f"convert {filename} {png_img}") if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"PNG conversion failed with return code {ret}") ret = os.system( f"convert {png_img} -alpha on -fill none -fuzz {alpha}% -draw 'color 0,0 replace' {segmented_img}" ) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Segmentation failed with return code {ret}") # Load the image img = Image.open(segmented_img) # Get mask from image mask = np.array(img) == 0 finally: # Delete the temporary files if os.path.exists(png_img): os.remove(png_img) if os.path.exists(segmented_img): os.remove(segmented_img) return mask condition = lambda x: x < 0.23 def knn(coords: List[Tuple[int, int]], scale: float, factor: float, edge: float): coords = np.array(coords) # B, 2 x, y = coords.T * scale print(f"edge: {edge}, scale: {scale}, factor: {factor}, edge*scale: {edge*scale}") # edge = edge * scale data = np.c_[x, y] neighbors = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2, algorithm="ball_tree").fit(data) distances = neighbors.kneighbors(data)[0][:, 1] # loc, scale = rayleigh.fit(distances, floc=0) # r_KNN = scale * np.sqrt(np.pi / 2.0) lamda_RNN = len(x) / (edge * edge * factor) r_RNN = 1 / (2 * np.sqrt(lamda_RNN)) n_samples = len(distances) n_multimers = sum(condition(x) for x in distances) percentage_multimers = 100.0 * n_multimers / n_samples density = n_samples / (factor * edge**2) min_dist = min(distances) μ_dist = np.mean(distances) return { "n_samples": { "description": "Number of atoms detected (units = #atoms)", "value": n_samples, }, "number of atoms in multimers": { "description": "Number of atoms detected to belong to a multimer (units = #atoms)", "value": n_multimers, }, "share of multimers": { "description": "Percentage of atoms that belong to a multimer (units = %)", "value": percentage_multimers, }, "density": { "description": "Number of atoms / area in the micrograph (units = #atoms/nm²)", "value": density, }, "min_dist": { "description": "Lowest first nearest neighbour distance detected (units = nm)", "value": min_dist, }, "": { "description": "Mean first nearest neighbour distance (units = nm)", "value": μ_dist, }, "r_RNN": { "description": "First neighbour distance expected from a purely random distribution (units = nm)", "value": r_RNN, }, "distances": distances, } from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool from bokeh.plotting import figure from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde from collections import defaultdict color_palette = sns.color_palette("Set3")[2:] def bokeh_plot_knn(distances, with_cumulative=False): """ Plot the KNN distances for the different images with the possibility to zoom in and out and toggle the lines """ p = figure(title="K=1 NN distances", background_fill_color="#fafafa") p.xaxis.axis_label = "Distances (nm)" p.yaxis.axis_label = "Density" p.x_range.start = 0 if with_cumulative: cum_dists = defaultdict(list) for _, dists in distances: for specie, dist in dists.items(): cum_dists[specie].extend(dist) cum_dists = {specie: np.array(dist) for specie, dist in cum_dists.items()} distances.append(("Cumulative", cum_dists)) plot_dict = defaultdict(dict) base_colors = color_palette for (image_name, species_distances), base_color in zip(distances, base_colors): palette = ( sns.light_palette( base_color, n_colors=len(species_distances) + 1, reverse=True )[1::-1] if len(species_distances) > 1 else [base_color] ) colors = [ f"#{int(255*r):02x}{int(255*g):02x}{int(255*b):02x}" for r, g, b in palette ] for (specie, dists), color in zip(species_distances.items(), colors): kde = gaussian_kde(dists) # Reduce smoothing kde.set_bandwidth(bw_method=0.1) x = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.2 * dists.max(), 100) source = ColumnDataSource( dict( x=x, y=kde(x), species=[specie] * len(x), p_below=[np.mean(dists < 0.22)] * len(x), mean=[np.mean(dists)] * len(x), filename=[image_name] * len(x), ) ) plot_dict[image_name][specie] = [ p.line( line_width=2, alpha=0.8, legend_label=image_name, line_color=color, source=source, ), p.varea( y1="y", y2=0, alpha=0.3, legend_label=image_name, source=source, fill_color=color, ), ] p.add_tools( HoverTool( show_arrow=False, line_policy="next", tooltips=[ ("First NN distances < 0.22nm", "@p_below{0.00%}"), ("", "@mean{0.00} nm"), ("species", "@species"), ("filename", "@filename"), ], ) ) p.legend.click_policy = "hide" return p