import gradio as gr
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, STOKEStreamer
from threading import Thread
import json
import torch
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex
import itertools
import transformers
import time
# Variable to define number of instances
n_instances = 1
gpu_name = "CPU"
for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
gpu_name = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(i).name
# Reusing the original MLP class and other functions (unchanged) except those specific to Streamlit
class MLP(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dim=1024, layer_id=0, cuda=False):
super(MLP, self).__init__()
self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim)
self.fc3 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
self.layer_id = layer_id
if cuda:
self.device = "cuda"
self.device = "cpu"
def forward(self, x):
x = torch.flatten(x, start_dim=1)
x = torch.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = self.fc3(x)
return torch.argmax(x, dim=-1).cpu().detach(), torch.softmax(x, dim=-1).cpu().detach()
def map_value_to_color(value, colormap_name='tab20c'):
value = np.clip(value, 0.0, 1.0)
colormap = plt.get_cmap(colormap_name)
rgba_color = colormap(value)
css_color = to_hex(rgba_color)
return css_color
# Caching functions for model and classifier
model_cache = {}
def get_multiple_model_and_tokenizer(name, n_instances):
model_instances = []
for _ in range(n_instances):
tok = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(name, token=os.getenv('HF_TOKEN'), pad_token_id=128001)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(name, token=os.getenv('HF_TOKEN'), torch_dtype="bfloat16", pad_token_id=128001, device_map="auto")
if torch.cuda.is_available():
model_instances.append((model, tok))
return model_instances
def get_classifiers_for_model(att_size, emb_size, device, config_paths):
config = {
"classifier_token": json.load(open(os.path.join(config_paths["classifier_token"], "config.json"), "r")),
"classifier_span": json.load(open(os.path.join(config_paths["classifier_span"], "config.json"), "r"))
layer_id = config["classifier_token"]["layer"]
classifier_span = MLP(att_size, 2, hidden_dim=config["classifier_span"]["classifier_dim"]).to(device)
classifier_span.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(config_paths["classifier_span"], ""), map_location=device, weights_only=True))
classifier_token = MLP(emb_size, len(config["classifier_token"]["label_map"]), layer_id=layer_id, hidden_dim=config["classifier_token"]["classifier_dim"]).to(device)
classifier_token.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(config_paths["classifier_token"], ""), map_location=device, weights_only=True))
return classifier_span, classifier_token, config["classifier_token"]["label_map"]
def find_datasets_and_model_ids(root_dir):
datasets = {}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir):
if 'config.json' in files and 'stoke_config.json' in files:
config_path = os.path.join(root, 'config.json')
stoke_config_path = os.path.join(root, 'stoke_config.json')
with open(config_path, 'r') as f:
config_data = json.load(f)
model_id = config_data.get('model_id')
if model_id:
dataset_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(config_path))
with open(stoke_config_path, 'r') as f:
stoke_config_data = json.load(f)
if model_id:
dataset_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(stoke_config_path))
datasets.setdefault(model_id, {})[dataset_name] = stoke_config_data
return datasets
def filter_spans(spans_and_values):
if spans_and_values == []:
return [], []
# Create a dictionary to store spans based on their second index values
span_dict = {}
spans, values = [x[0] for x in spans_and_values], [x[1] for x in spans_and_values]
# Iterate through the spans and update the dictionary with the highest value
for span, value in zip(spans, values):
start, end = span
if start > end or end - start > 15 or start == 0:
current_value = span_dict.get(end, None)
if current_value is None or current_value[1] < value:
span_dict[end] = (span, value)
if span_dict == {}:
return [], []
# Extract the filtered spans and values
filtered_spans, filtered_values = zip(*span_dict.values())
return list(filtered_spans), list(filtered_values)
def remove_overlapping_spans(spans):
# Sort the spans based on their end points
sorted_spans = sorted(spans, key=lambda x: x[0][1])
non_overlapping_spans = []
last_end = float('-inf')
# Iterate through the sorted spans
for span in sorted_spans:
start, end = span[0]
value = span[1]
# If the current span does not overlap with the previous one
if start >= last_end:
last_end = end
# If it overlaps, choose the one with the highest value
existing_span_index = -1
for i, existing_span in enumerate(non_overlapping_spans):
if existing_span[0][1] <= start:
existing_span_index = i
if existing_span_index != -1 and non_overlapping_spans[existing_span_index][1] < value:
non_overlapping_spans[existing_span_index] = span
return non_overlapping_spans
def generate_html_no_overlap(tokenized_text, spans):
current_index = 0
html_content = ""
for (span_start, span_end), value in spans:
# Add text before the span
html_content += "".join(tokenized_text[current_index:span_start])
# Add the span with underlining
html_content += ""
html_content += "".join(tokenized_text[span_start:span_end])
html_content += " "
current_index = span_end
# Add any remaining text after the last span
html_content += "".join(tokenized_text[current_index:])
return html_content
css = """
def generate_html_spanwise(token_strings, tokenwise_preds, spans, tokenizer, new_tags):
# spanwise annotated text
annotated = []
span_ends = -1
in_span = False
out_of_span_tokens = []
for i in reversed(range(len(tokenwise_preds))):
if in_span:
if i >= span_ends:
in_span = False
predicted_class = ""
style = ""
span = None
for s in spans:
if s[1] == i+1:
span = s
if tokenwise_preds[i] != 0 and span is not None:
predicted_class = f"highlight spanhighlight"
style = f"background-color: {map_value_to_color((tokenwise_preds[i]-1)/(len(new_tags)-1))}"
if tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string([token_strings[i]]).startswith(" "):
span_opener = f"Ġ".replace(" ", "Ġ")
span_end = f"{new_tags[tokenwise_preds[i]]}"
out_of_span_tokens = []
span_ends = span[0]
in_span = True
annotated.extend([token_strings[x] for x in reversed(range(span[0], span[1]))])
return [x for x in reversed(annotated)]
def gen_json(input_text, max_new_tokens):
streamer = STOKEStreamer(tok, classifier_token, classifier_span)
new_tags = label_map
inputs = tok([f" {input_text}"], return_tensors="pt").to(model.device)
generation_kwargs = dict(
inputs, streamer=streamer, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens,
repetition_penalty=1.2, do_sample=False
def generate_async():
thread = Thread(target=generate_async)
# Display generated text as it becomes available
output_text = ""
text_tokenwise = ""
text_spans = ""
removed_spans = ""
tags = []
spans = []
for new_text in streamer:
if new_text[1] is not None and new_text[2] != ['']:
text_tokenwise = ""
output_text = ""
# Tokenwise Classification
for tk, pred in zip(new_text[2],tags):
if pred != 0:
style = f"background-color: {map_value_to_color((pred-1)/(len(new_tags)-1))}"
if tk.startswith(" "):
text_tokenwise += " "
text_tokenwise += f"{tk}"
output_text += tk
text_tokenwise += tk
output_text += tk
# Span Classification
text_spans = ""
if len(spans) > 0:
filtered_spans = remove_overlapping_spans(spans)
text_spans = generate_html_no_overlap(new_text[2], filtered_spans)
if len(spans) - len(filtered_spans) > 0:
removed_spans = f"{len(spans) - len(filtered_spans)} span(s) hidden due to overlap."
for tk in new_text[2]:
text_spans += f"{tk}"
# Spanwise Classification
annotated_tokens = generate_html_spanwise(new_text[2], tags, [x for x in filter_spans(spans)[0]], tok, new_tags)
generated_text_spanwise = tok.convert_tokens_to_string(annotated_tokens).replace("<|endoftext|>", "").replace("<|begin_of_text|>", "")
output = f"{css}
output += generated_text_spanwise.replace("\n", " ").replace("$", "$") + "\n
#output += "
Span detection + label propagation | """ for i, (tk, pred) in enumerate(zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:])): span = "" if i in [x[0][1]-2 for x in spans] and pred != 0: top_span = [x for x in spans if x[0][1]-2 == i][0] spanstring = ''.join(new_text[2][top_span[0][0]:top_span[0][1]]) color = map_value_to_color((pred-1)/(len(new_tags)-1)) + "88" span = f"{spanstring}{new_tags[pred]}" output_tokenwise += f"{span} | " else: output_tokenwise += f"" output_tokenwise += " | ||
" output_tokenwise += """ | ||||
Span detection | """ for i, (tk, pred) in enumerate(zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[:])): span = "" if i in [x[0][1]-1 for x in spans]: top_span = [x for x in spans if x[0][1]-1 == i][0] spanstring = ''.join(new_text[2][top_span[0][0]:top_span[0][1]]) span = f"{spanstring}" output_tokenwise += f"{span} | " else: output_tokenwise += f"" output_tokenwise += " | ||
" output_tokenwise += """ | ||||
Tokenwise entity typing | """
for tk, pred in zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:]):
style = "background-color: lightgrey;"
if pred != 0:
style = f"background-color: {map_value_to_color((pred-1)/(len(new_tags)-1))};"
output_tokenwise += f"{new_tags[pred]} | " else: output_tokenwise += "" #output_tokenwise += f" | " output_tokenwise += " | |
" for tk, pred in zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:]): output_tokenwise += f" | " output_tokenwise += " | |||
" for i, (tk, pred) in enumerate(zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:])): style = "border-color: lightgray;background-color: transparent;" if i in [x[0][1]-1 for x in spans]: style = "background-color: yellow;" output_tokenwise += f" | " output_tokenwise += " | |||
" for tk, pred in zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:]): if pred != 0: style = f"background-color: {map_value_to_color((pred-1)/(len(new_tags)-1))}" output_tokenwise += f" | " else: output_tokenwise += f" | " output_tokenwise += " | ||
" for i, (tk, pred) in enumerate(zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:])): style = "border-color: lightgray;background-color: transparent;" if i in [x[0][1]-1 for x in spans]: style = "background-color: yellow;" output_tokenwise += f" | " output_tokenwise += " | |||
" for tk, pred in zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:]): output_tokenwise += f" | " output_tokenwise += " | |||
" for i, (tk, pred) in enumerate(zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:])): style = "border-color: lightgray;background-color: transparent;" if i in [x[0][1]-1 for x in spans]: style = "background-color: yellow;" output_tokenwise += f" | " output_tokenwise += " | |||
" for tk, pred in zip(new_text[2][1:],tags[1:]): output_tokenwise += f" | {tk} | " output_tokenwise += "
Span detection + label propagation | The New York Film FestivalEVENT | ||||||||
Span detection | The New York Film Festival | ||||||||
Tokenwise entity typing | GPE | ORG | ORG | EVENT | |||||
The | New | York | Film | Festival | is | an | annual |