import os import warnings import logging import sys warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from typing import List, Callable, Dict, Optional, Any import glob from tqdm import tqdm import pickle import torch.nn.functional as F from llama_cpp import Llama import streamlit as st import functools from datetime import datetime import re import time import requests # Configure logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', handlers=[logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)] ) # Force CPU device torch.device('cpu') # Create necessary directories for directory in ['models', 'ESPN_data', 'embeddings_cache']: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) # Logging configuration LOGGING_CONFIG = { 'enabled': True, 'functions': { 'encode': True, 'store_embeddings': True, 'search': True, 'load_and_process_csvs': True, 'process_query': True } } def download_file_with_progress(url: str, filename: str): """Download a file with progress bar using requests""" response = requests.get(url, stream=True) total_size = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0)) with open(filename, 'wb') as file, tqdm( desc=filename, total=total_size, unit='iB', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, ) as progress_bar: for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): size = file.write(data) progress_bar.update(size) def log_function(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Decorator to log function inputs and outputs""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not LOGGING_CONFIG['enabled'] or not LOGGING_CONFIG['functions'].get(func.__name__, False): return func(*args, **kwargs) if args and hasattr(args[0], '__class__'): class_name = args[0].__class__.__name__ else: class_name = func.__module__ timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') log_args = args[1:] if class_name != func.__module__ else args def format_arg(arg): if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor): return f"Tensor(shape={list(arg.shape)}, device={arg.device})" elif isinstance(arg, list): return f"List(len={len(arg)})" elif isinstance(arg, str) and len(arg) > 100: return f"String(len={len(arg)}): {arg[:100]}..." return arg formatted_args = [format_arg(arg) for arg in log_args] formatted_kwargs = {k: format_arg(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} print(f"\n{'='*80}") print(f"[{timestamp}] FUNCTION CALL: {class_name}.{func.__name__}") print(f"INPUTS:") print(f" args: {formatted_args}") print(f" kwargs: {formatted_kwargs}") result = func(*args, **kwargs) formatted_result = format_arg(result) print(f"OUTPUT:") print(f" {formatted_result}") print(f"{'='*80}\n") return result return wrapper def check_environment(): """Check if the environment is properly set up""" try: import numpy as np import torch import sentence_transformers import llama_cpp return True except ImportError as e: st.error(f"Missing required package: {str(e)}") st.stop() return False class SentenceTransformerRetriever: def __init__(self, model_name: str = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2", cache_dir: str = "embeddings_cache"): self.device = torch.device("cpu") self.model_name = model_name self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.cache_file = "embeddings.pkl" self.doc_embeddings = None os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) self.model = self._load_model(model_name) @st.cache_resource(show_spinner=False) def _load_model(_self, _model_name: str): try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") model = SentenceTransformer(_model_name, device="cpu") test_embedding = model.encode("test", convert_to_tensor=True) if not isinstance(test_embedding, torch.Tensor): raise ValueError("Model initialization failed") return model except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error loading model: {str(e)}") raise def get_cache_path(self, data_folder: str = None) -> str: return os.path.join(self.cache_dir, self.cache_file) @log_function def save_cache(self, data_folder: str, cache_data: dict): try: cache_path = self.get_cache_path() if os.path.exists(cache_path): os.remove(cache_path) with open(cache_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(cache_data, f)"Cache saved at: {cache_path}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error saving cache: {str(e)}") raise @log_function @st.cache_data def load_cache(_self, _data_folder: str = None) -> Optional[Dict]: try: cache_path = _self.get_cache_path() if os.path.exists(cache_path): with open(cache_path, 'rb') as f:"Loading cache from: {cache_path}") cache_data = pickle.load(f) if isinstance(cache_data, dict) and 'embeddings' in cache_data and 'documents' in cache_data: return cache_data logging.warning("Invalid cache format") return None except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error loading cache: {str(e)}") return None @log_function def encode(self, texts: List[str], batch_size: int = 64) -> torch.Tensor: # Increased batch size try: # Show a Streamlit progress bar progress_text = "Processing documents..." progress_bar = st.progress(0) total_batches = len(texts) // batch_size + (1 if len(texts) % batch_size != 0 else 0) all_embeddings = [] for i in range(0, len(texts), batch_size): batch = texts[i:i + batch_size] batch_embeddings = self.model.encode( batch, convert_to_tensor=True, show_progress_bar=False # Disable tqdm progress bar ) all_embeddings.append(batch_embeddings) # Update progress progress = min((i + batch_size) / len(texts), 1.0) progress_bar.progress(progress) # Clear progress bar progress_bar.empty() # Concatenate all embeddings embeddings =, dim=0) return F.normalize(embeddings, p=2, dim=1) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error encoding texts: {str(e)}") raise @log_function def store_embeddings(self, embeddings: torch.Tensor): self.doc_embeddings = embeddings @log_function def search(self, query_embedding: torch.Tensor, k: int, documents: List[str]): try: if self.doc_embeddings is None: raise ValueError("No document embeddings stored!") similarities = F.cosine_similarity(query_embedding, self.doc_embeddings) k = min(k, len(documents)) scores, indices = torch.topk(similarities, k=k)"\nSimilarity Stats:")"Max similarity: {similarities.max().item():.4f}")"Mean similarity: {similarities.mean().item():.4f}")"Selected similarities: {scores.tolist()}") return indices.cpu(), scores.cpu() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in search: {str(e)}") raise class RAGPipeline: def __init__(self, data_folder: str, k: int = 5): self.data_folder = data_folder self.k = k self.retriever = SentenceTransformerRetriever() self.documents = [] self.device = torch.device("cpu") # Change 1: Process documents first self.load_and_process_csvs() # Change 2: Simplified model path self.model_path = "mistral-7b-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf" self.llm = None # Change 3: Initialize model after documents are processed self._initialize_model() @st.cache_resource # Added caching decorator def _initialize_model(_self): try: if not os.path.exists(_self.model_path): direct_url = "" download_file_with_progress(direct_url, _self.model_path) # Added better error handling if not os.path.exists(_self.model_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Model file {_self.model_path} not found after download attempts") # Added verbose mode for better debugging llm_config = { "n_ctx": 2048, "n_threads": 4, "n_batch": 512, "n_gpu_layers": 0, "verbose": True # Added this } _self.llm = Llama(model_path=_self.model_path, **llm_config) st.success("Model loaded successfully!") except Exception as e: # Added better error logging logging.error(f"Error initializing model: {str(e)}") st.error(f"Error initializing model: {str(e)}") raise def check_model_health(self): try: if self.llm is None: return False test_response = self.llm( "Test prompt", max_tokens=10, temperature=0.4, echo=False ) return isinstance(test_response, dict) and 'choices' in test_response except Exception: return False @log_function @st.cache_data def load_and_process_csvs(_self): try: # Try loading from cache first cache_data = _self.retriever.load_cache(_self.data_folder) if cache_data is not None: _self.documents = cache_data['documents'] _self.retriever.store_embeddings(cache_data['embeddings']) st.success("Loaded documents from cache") return"Processing documents... This may take a while.") csv_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(_self.data_folder, "*.csv")) if not csv_files: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No CSV files found in {_self.data_folder}") all_documents = [] total_files = len(csv_files) # Create a progress bar progress_bar = st.progress(0) for idx, csv_file in enumerate(csv_files): try: df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, low_memory=False) # Added low_memory=False texts = df.apply(lambda x: " ".join(x.astype(str)), axis=1).tolist() all_documents.extend(texts) # Update progress progress = (idx + 1) / total_files progress_bar.progress(progress) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error processing file {csv_file}: {e}") continue # Clear progress bar progress_bar.empty() if not all_documents: raise ValueError("No documents were successfully loaded")"Processing {len(all_documents)} documents...") _self.documents = all_documents embeddings = _self.retriever.encode(all_documents) _self.retriever.store_embeddings(embeddings) # Save to cache cache_data = { 'embeddings': embeddings, 'documents': _self.documents } _self.retriever.save_cache(_self.data_folder, cache_data) st.success("Document processing complete!") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in load_and_process_csvs: {str(e)}") raise def preprocess_query(self, query: str) -> str: query = query.lower().strip() query = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', query) return query def postprocess_response(self, response: str) -> str: response = response.strip() response = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', response) response = re.sub(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:\+\d{2}:?\d{2})?', '', response) return response @log_function def process_query(self, query: str, placeholder) -> str: try: if self.llm is None: raise RuntimeError("LLM model not initialized") if self.retriever.model is None: raise RuntimeError("Sentence transformer model not initialized") query = self.preprocess_query(query) status = placeholder.empty() status.write("🔍 Finding relevant information...") query_embedding = self.retriever.encode([query]) indices, scores =, self.k, self.documents)"\nSearch Results:") for idx, score in zip(indices.tolist(), scores.tolist()):"Score: {score:.4f} | Document: {self.documents[idx][:100]}...") relevant_docs = [self.documents[idx] for idx in indices.tolist()] status.write("💭 Generating response...") context = "\n".join(relevant_docs) prompt = f"""Context information is below: {context} Given the context above, please answer the following question: {query} Guidelines: - If you cannot answer based on the context, say so politely - Keep the response concise and focused - Only include sports-related information - No dates or timestamps in the response - Use clear, natural language Answer:""" response_placeholder = placeholder.empty() try: response = self.llm( prompt, max_tokens=512, temperature=0.4, top_p=0.95, echo=False, stop=["Question:", "\n\n"] ) if response and 'choices' in response and len(response['choices']) > 0: generated_text = response['choices'][0].get('text', '').strip() if generated_text: final_response = self.postprocess_response(generated_text) response_placeholder.markdown(final_response) return final_response else: message = "No relevant answer found. Please try rephrasing your question." response_placeholder.warning(message) return message else: message = "Unable to generate response. Please try again." response_placeholder.warning(message) return message except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Generation error: {str(e)}") message = "Had some trouble generating the response. Please try again." response_placeholder.warning(message) return message except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Process error: {str(e)}") message = "Something went wrong. Please try again with a different question." placeholder.warning(message) return message @st.cache_resource(show_spinner=False) def initialize_rag_pipeline(): """Initialize the RAG pipeline once""" try: data_folder = "ESPN_data" if not os.path.exists(data_folder): os.makedirs(data_folder, exist_ok=True) # Check for cache cache_path = os.path.join("embeddings_cache", "embeddings.pkl") if os.path.exists(cache_path):"Found cached data. Loading...") else: st.warning("Initial setup may take several minutes...") rag = RAGPipeline(data_folder) return rag except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Pipeline initialization error: {str(e)}") st.error("Failed to initialize the system. Please check if all required files are present.") raise def main(): try: # Environment check if not check_environment(): return # Page config st.set_page_config( page_title="The Sport Chatbot", page_icon="🏆", layout="wide" ) # Improved CSS styling st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Header section st.markdown("
Hey there! 👋 I can help you with information on Ice Hockey, Baseball, American Football, Soccer, and Basketball. With access to the ESPN API, I'm up to date with the latest details for these sports up until October 2024.
Got any general questions? Feel free to ask—I'll do my best to provide answers based on the information I've been trained on!
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Add spacing st.markdown("Powered by ESPN Data & Mistral AI 🚀
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Application error: {str(e)}") st.error("An unexpected error occurred. Please check the logs and try again.") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Application error: {str(e)}") st.error("An unexpected error occurred. Please check the logs and try again.")