import type { Migration } from "."; import { getCollections } from "$lib/server/database"; import { ObjectId } from "mongodb"; const updateAssistantsModels: Migration = { _id: new ObjectId("5f9f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f"), name: "Update deprecated models in assistants with the default model", up: async (client) => { const models = (await import("$lib/server/models")).models; const { assistants } = getCollections(client); const modelIds = =>; // string[] const defaultModelId = models[0].id; // Find all assistants whose modelId is not in modelIds, and update it to use defaultModelId await assistants.updateMany( { modelId: { $nin: modelIds } }, { $set: { modelId: defaultModelId } } ); return true; }, runEveryTime: true, runForHuggingChat: "only", }; export default updateAssistantsModels;