Runtime error
Runtime error
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using Random
using StatsBase
simluate_rollout(b::Board, policy, side [rng=MersenneTwister(420))
Simulate one rollout of a simulation based on the given `Chess.board` state.
Policy is a function, given the board and `MoveList`, returns an `AbstractArray` of probability
weights for each `Move` in `Move`List` based on index.
function simulate_rollout(b::Board, policy, side; rng = MersenneTwister(420))::Tuple{Board, Int64}
#pprint(b) # Debugging
movelist = MoveList(200)
num_sim_moves = 0
while !isterminal(b) # TODO Use `matein1` possibly to trim leaf nodes in sims?
moves(b, movelist)
policy_weights = ProbabilityWeights(policy(b, movelist))
#println(movelist, policy_weights)
domove!(b, sample(movelist, policy_weights))
num_sim_moves += 1
return b, num_sim_moves
CESPF(b::Board, movelist::MoveList)
Utilizes `Chess.jl`'s `see()` function to simulate (C)apture / (E)scape (S)tronger (P)iece
(F)irst heuristic in simulation/rollout policy. We use Chess weights set in `see` function to get weight for which
move we prefer to take.
function CESPF(b::Board, movelist::MoveList)
unnorm_policy_weights = map(x -> see(b, x), movelist)
# Center raw centipawn values to 1 to then normalize
centered_policy_weights = (1 + abs(min(unnorm_policy_weights...))) .+
return centered_policy_weights / sum(centered_policy_weights)
CESPF_greedy(b::Board, movelist::MoveList)
Utilizes `Chess.jl`'s `see()` function to simulate (C)apture / (E)scape (S)tronger (P)iece
(F)irst heuristic in simulation/rollout policy. We use Chess weights set in `see` function to get weight for which
move we prefer to take. This is greedy, and will set only the maximal valued policies to a non-zero
function CESPF_greedy(b::Board, movelist::MoveList)
unnorm_policy_weights = map(x -> see(b, x), movelist)
policy_weights = zeros(length(unnorm_policy_weights))
max_idxs = findall(unnorm_policy_weights .== maximum(unnorm_policy_weights))
for max_idx in max_idxs
policy_weights[max_idx] = 1.0 / length(max_idxs)
return policy_weights