import torch import math import os import fcbh.utils import fcbh.model_management import fcbh.model_detection import fcbh.model_patcher import fcbh.cldm.cldm import fcbh.t2i_adapter.adapter def broadcast_image_to(tensor, target_batch_size, batched_number): current_batch_size = tensor.shape[0] #print(current_batch_size, target_batch_size) if current_batch_size == 1: return tensor per_batch = target_batch_size // batched_number tensor = tensor[:per_batch] if per_batch > tensor.shape[0]: tensor =[tensor] * (per_batch // tensor.shape[0]) + [tensor[:(per_batch % tensor.shape[0])]], dim=0) current_batch_size = tensor.shape[0] if current_batch_size == target_batch_size: return tensor else: return[tensor] * batched_number, dim=0) class ControlBase: def __init__(self, device=None): self.cond_hint_original = None self.cond_hint = None self.strength = 1.0 self.timestep_percent_range = (0.0, 1.0) self.timestep_range = None if device is None: device = fcbh.model_management.get_torch_device() self.device = device self.previous_controlnet = None self.global_average_pooling = False def set_cond_hint(self, cond_hint, strength=1.0, timestep_percent_range=(0.0, 1.0)): self.cond_hint_original = cond_hint self.strength = strength self.timestep_percent_range = timestep_percent_range return self def pre_run(self, model, percent_to_timestep_function): self.timestep_range = (percent_to_timestep_function(self.timestep_percent_range[0]), percent_to_timestep_function(self.timestep_percent_range[1])) if self.previous_controlnet is not None: self.previous_controlnet.pre_run(model, percent_to_timestep_function) def set_previous_controlnet(self, controlnet): self.previous_controlnet = controlnet return self def cleanup(self): if self.previous_controlnet is not None: self.previous_controlnet.cleanup() if self.cond_hint is not None: del self.cond_hint self.cond_hint = None self.timestep_range = None def get_models(self): out = [] if self.previous_controlnet is not None: out += self.previous_controlnet.get_models() return out def copy_to(self, c): c.cond_hint_original = self.cond_hint_original c.strength = self.strength c.timestep_percent_range = self.timestep_percent_range def inference_memory_requirements(self, dtype): if self.previous_controlnet is not None: return self.previous_controlnet.inference_memory_requirements(dtype) return 0 def control_merge(self, control_input, control_output, control_prev, output_dtype): out = {'input':[], 'middle':[], 'output': []} if control_input is not None: for i in range(len(control_input)): key = 'input' x = control_input[i] if x is not None: x *= self.strength if x.dtype != output_dtype: x = out[key].insert(0, x) if control_output is not None: for i in range(len(control_output)): if i == (len(control_output) - 1): key = 'middle' index = 0 else: key = 'output' index = i x = control_output[i] if x is not None: if self.global_average_pooling: x = torch.mean(x, dim=(2, 3), keepdim=True).repeat(1, 1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3]) x *= self.strength if x.dtype != output_dtype: x = out[key].append(x) if control_prev is not None: for x in ['input', 'middle', 'output']: o = out[x] for i in range(len(control_prev[x])): prev_val = control_prev[x][i] if i >= len(o): o.append(prev_val) elif prev_val is not None: if o[i] is None: o[i] = prev_val else: o[i] += prev_val return out class ControlNet(ControlBase): def __init__(self, control_model, global_average_pooling=False, device=None): super().__init__(device) self.control_model = control_model self.control_model_wrapped = fcbh.model_patcher.ModelPatcher(self.control_model, load_device=fcbh.model_management.get_torch_device(), offload_device=fcbh.model_management.unet_offload_device()) self.global_average_pooling = global_average_pooling self.model_sampling_current = None def get_control(self, x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number): control_prev = None if self.previous_controlnet is not None: control_prev = self.previous_controlnet.get_control(x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number) if self.timestep_range is not None: if t[0] > self.timestep_range[0] or t[0] < self.timestep_range[1]: if control_prev is not None: return control_prev else: return None output_dtype = x_noisy.dtype if self.cond_hint is None or x_noisy.shape[2] * 8 != self.cond_hint.shape[2] or x_noisy.shape[3] * 8 != self.cond_hint.shape[3]: if self.cond_hint is not None: del self.cond_hint self.cond_hint = None self.cond_hint = fcbh.utils.common_upscale(self.cond_hint_original, x_noisy.shape[3] * 8, x_noisy.shape[2] * 8, 'nearest-exact', "center").to(self.control_model.dtype).to(self.device) if x_noisy.shape[0] != self.cond_hint.shape[0]: self.cond_hint = broadcast_image_to(self.cond_hint, x_noisy.shape[0], batched_number) context = cond['c_crossattn'] y = cond.get('y', None) if y is not None: y = timestep = self.model_sampling_current.timestep(t) x_noisy = self.model_sampling_current.calculate_input(t, x_noisy) control = self.control_model(, hint=self.cond_hint, timesteps=timestep.float(),, y=y) return self.control_merge(None, control, control_prev, output_dtype) def copy(self): c = ControlNet(self.control_model, global_average_pooling=self.global_average_pooling) self.copy_to(c) return c def get_models(self): out = super().get_models() out.append(self.control_model_wrapped) return out def pre_run(self, model, percent_to_timestep_function): super().pre_run(model, percent_to_timestep_function) self.model_sampling_current = model.model_sampling def cleanup(self): self.model_sampling_current = None super().cleanup() class ControlLoraOps: class Linear(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features: int, out_features: int, bias: bool = True, device=None, dtype=None) -> None: factory_kwargs = {'device': device, 'dtype': dtype} super().__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features self.weight = None self.up = None self.down = None self.bias = None def forward(self, input): if self.up is not None: return torch.nn.functional.linear(input, + (, self.down.flatten(start_dim=1))).reshape(self.weight.shape).type(input.dtype), self.bias) else: return torch.nn.functional.linear(input,, self.bias) class Conv2d(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True, padding_mode='zeros', device=None, dtype=None ): super().__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.stride = stride self.padding = padding self.dilation = dilation self.transposed = False self.output_padding = 0 self.groups = groups self.padding_mode = padding_mode self.weight = None self.bias = None self.up = None self.down = None def forward(self, input): if self.up is not None: return torch.nn.functional.conv2d(input, + (, self.down.flatten(start_dim=1))).reshape(self.weight.shape).type(input.dtype), self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups) else: return torch.nn.functional.conv2d(input,, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups) def conv_nd(self, dims, *args, **kwargs): if dims == 2: return self.Conv2d(*args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported dimensions: {dims}") class ControlLora(ControlNet): def __init__(self, control_weights, global_average_pooling=False, device=None): ControlBase.__init__(self, device) self.control_weights = control_weights self.global_average_pooling = global_average_pooling def pre_run(self, model, percent_to_timestep_function): super().pre_run(model, percent_to_timestep_function) controlnet_config = model.model_config.unet_config.copy() controlnet_config.pop("out_channels") controlnet_config["hint_channels"] = self.control_weights["input_hint_block.0.weight"].shape[1] controlnet_config["operations"] = ControlLoraOps() self.control_model = fcbh.cldm.cldm.ControlNet(**controlnet_config) dtype = model.get_dtype() diffusion_model = model.diffusion_model sd = diffusion_model.state_dict() cm = self.control_model.state_dict() for k in sd: weight = fcbh.model_management.resolve_lowvram_weight(sd[k], diffusion_model, k) try: fcbh.utils.set_attr(self.control_model, k, weight) except: pass for k in self.control_weights: if k not in {"lora_controlnet"}: fcbh.utils.set_attr(self.control_model, k, self.control_weights[k].to(dtype).to(fcbh.model_management.get_torch_device())) def copy(self): c = ControlLora(self.control_weights, global_average_pooling=self.global_average_pooling) self.copy_to(c) return c def cleanup(self): del self.control_model self.control_model = None super().cleanup() def get_models(self): out = ControlBase.get_models(self) return out def inference_memory_requirements(self, dtype): return fcbh.utils.calculate_parameters(self.control_weights) * fcbh.model_management.dtype_size(dtype) + ControlBase.inference_memory_requirements(self, dtype) def load_controlnet(ckpt_path, model=None): controlnet_data = fcbh.utils.load_torch_file(ckpt_path, safe_load=True) if "lora_controlnet" in controlnet_data: return ControlLora(controlnet_data) controlnet_config = None if "controlnet_cond_embedding.conv_in.weight" in controlnet_data: #diffusers format unet_dtype = fcbh.model_management.unet_dtype() controlnet_config = fcbh.model_detection.unet_config_from_diffusers_unet(controlnet_data, unet_dtype) diffusers_keys = fcbh.utils.unet_to_diffusers(controlnet_config) diffusers_keys["controlnet_mid_block.weight"] = "middle_block_out.0.weight" diffusers_keys["controlnet_mid_block.bias"] = "middle_block_out.0.bias" count = 0 loop = True while loop: suffix = [".weight", ".bias"] for s in suffix: k_in = "controlnet_down_blocks.{}{}".format(count, s) k_out = "zero_convs.{}.0{}".format(count, s) if k_in not in controlnet_data: loop = False break diffusers_keys[k_in] = k_out count += 1 count = 0 loop = True while loop: suffix = [".weight", ".bias"] for s in suffix: if count == 0: k_in = "controlnet_cond_embedding.conv_in{}".format(s) else: k_in = "controlnet_cond_embedding.blocks.{}{}".format(count - 1, s) k_out = "input_hint_block.{}{}".format(count * 2, s) if k_in not in controlnet_data: k_in = "controlnet_cond_embedding.conv_out{}".format(s) loop = False diffusers_keys[k_in] = k_out count += 1 new_sd = {} for k in diffusers_keys: if k in controlnet_data: new_sd[diffusers_keys[k]] = controlnet_data.pop(k) leftover_keys = controlnet_data.keys() if len(leftover_keys) > 0: print("leftover keys:", leftover_keys) controlnet_data = new_sd pth_key = 'control_model.zero_convs.0.0.weight' pth = False key = 'zero_convs.0.0.weight' if pth_key in controlnet_data: pth = True key = pth_key prefix = "control_model." elif key in controlnet_data: prefix = "" else: net = load_t2i_adapter(controlnet_data) if net is None: print("error checkpoint does not contain controlnet or t2i adapter data", ckpt_path) return net if controlnet_config is None: unet_dtype = fcbh.model_management.unet_dtype() controlnet_config = fcbh.model_detection.model_config_from_unet(controlnet_data, prefix, unet_dtype, True).unet_config controlnet_config.pop("out_channels") controlnet_config["hint_channels"] = controlnet_data["{}input_hint_block.0.weight".format(prefix)].shape[1] control_model = fcbh.cldm.cldm.ControlNet(**controlnet_config) if pth: if 'difference' in controlnet_data: if model is not None: fcbh.model_management.load_models_gpu([model]) model_sd = model.model_state_dict() for x in controlnet_data: c_m = "control_model." if x.startswith(c_m): sd_key = "diffusion_model.{}".format(x[len(c_m):]) if sd_key in model_sd: cd = controlnet_data[x] cd += model_sd[sd_key].type(cd.dtype).to(cd.device) else: print("WARNING: Loaded a diff controlnet without a model. It will very likely not work.") class WeightsLoader(torch.nn.Module): pass w = WeightsLoader() w.control_model = control_model missing, unexpected = w.load_state_dict(controlnet_data, strict=False) else: missing, unexpected = control_model.load_state_dict(controlnet_data, strict=False) print(missing, unexpected) control_model = global_average_pooling = False filename = os.path.splitext(ckpt_path)[0] if filename.endswith("_shuffle") or filename.endswith("_shuffle_fp16"): #TODO: smarter way of enabling global_average_pooling global_average_pooling = True control = ControlNet(control_model, global_average_pooling=global_average_pooling) return control class T2IAdapter(ControlBase): def __init__(self, t2i_model, channels_in, device=None): super().__init__(device) self.t2i_model = t2i_model self.channels_in = channels_in self.control_input = None def scale_image_to(self, width, height): unshuffle_amount = self.t2i_model.unshuffle_amount width = math.ceil(width / unshuffle_amount) * unshuffle_amount height = math.ceil(height / unshuffle_amount) * unshuffle_amount return width, height def get_control(self, x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number): control_prev = None if self.previous_controlnet is not None: control_prev = self.previous_controlnet.get_control(x_noisy, t, cond, batched_number) if self.timestep_range is not None: if t[0] > self.timestep_range[0] or t[0] < self.timestep_range[1]: if control_prev is not None: return control_prev else: return None if self.cond_hint is None or x_noisy.shape[2] * 8 != self.cond_hint.shape[2] or x_noisy.shape[3] * 8 != self.cond_hint.shape[3]: if self.cond_hint is not None: del self.cond_hint self.control_input = None self.cond_hint = None width, height = self.scale_image_to(x_noisy.shape[3] * 8, x_noisy.shape[2] * 8) self.cond_hint = fcbh.utils.common_upscale(self.cond_hint_original, width, height, 'nearest-exact', "center").float().to(self.device) if self.channels_in == 1 and self.cond_hint.shape[1] > 1: self.cond_hint = torch.mean(self.cond_hint, 1, keepdim=True) if x_noisy.shape[0] != self.cond_hint.shape[0]: self.cond_hint = broadcast_image_to(self.cond_hint, x_noisy.shape[0], batched_number) if self.control_input is None: self.control_input = self.t2i_model( self.t2i_model.cpu() control_input = list(map(lambda a: None if a is None else a.clone(), self.control_input)) mid = None if self.t2i_model.xl == True: mid = control_input[-1:] control_input = control_input[:-1] return self.control_merge(control_input, mid, control_prev, x_noisy.dtype) def copy(self): c = T2IAdapter(self.t2i_model, self.channels_in) self.copy_to(c) return c def load_t2i_adapter(t2i_data): if 'adapter' in t2i_data: t2i_data = t2i_data['adapter'] if 'adapter.body.0.resnets.0.block1.weight' in t2i_data: #diffusers format prefix_replace = {} for i in range(4): for j in range(2): prefix_replace["adapter.body.{}.resnets.{}.".format(i, j)] = "body.{}.".format(i * 2 + j) prefix_replace["adapter.body.{}.".format(i, j)] = "body.{}.".format(i * 2) prefix_replace["adapter."] = "" t2i_data = fcbh.utils.state_dict_prefix_replace(t2i_data, prefix_replace) keys = t2i_data.keys() if "body.0.in_conv.weight" in keys: cin = t2i_data['body.0.in_conv.weight'].shape[1] model_ad = fcbh.t2i_adapter.adapter.Adapter_light(cin=cin, channels=[320, 640, 1280, 1280], nums_rb=4) elif 'conv_in.weight' in keys: cin = t2i_data['conv_in.weight'].shape[1] channel = t2i_data['conv_in.weight'].shape[0] ksize = t2i_data['body.0.block2.weight'].shape[2] use_conv = False down_opts = list(filter(lambda a: a.endswith("down_opt.op.weight"), keys)) if len(down_opts) > 0: use_conv = True xl = False if cin == 256 or cin == 768: xl = True model_ad = fcbh.t2i_adapter.adapter.Adapter(cin=cin, channels=[channel, channel*2, channel*4, channel*4][:4], nums_rb=2, ksize=ksize, sk=True, use_conv=use_conv, xl=xl) else: return None missing, unexpected = model_ad.load_state_dict(t2i_data) if len(missing) > 0: print("t2i missing", missing) if len(unexpected) > 0: print("t2i unexpected", unexpected) return T2IAdapter(model_ad, model_ad.input_channels)