image_generator /
nsfwalex's picture
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import requests
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import re
attn_maps = {}
def hook_fn(name):
def forward_hook(module, input, output):
if hasattr(module.processor, "attn_map"):
attn_maps[name] = module.processor.attn_map
del module.processor.attn_map
return forward_hook
def register_cross_attention_hook(unet):
for name, module in unet.named_modules():
if name.split('.')[-1].startswith('attn2'):
return unet
def upscale(attn_map, target_size):
attn_map = torch.mean(attn_map, dim=0)
attn_map = attn_map.permute(1,0)
temp_size = None
for i in range(0,5):
scale = 2 ** i
if ( target_size[0] // scale ) * ( target_size[1] // scale) == attn_map.shape[1]*64:
temp_size = (target_size[0]//(scale*8), target_size[1]//(scale*8))
assert temp_size is not None, "temp_size cannot is None"
attn_map = attn_map.view(attn_map.shape[0], *temp_size)
attn_map = F.interpolate(
attn_map = torch.softmax(attn_map, dim=0)
return attn_map
def get_net_attn_map(image_size, batch_size=2, instance_or_negative=False, detach=True):
idx = 0 if instance_or_negative else 1
net_attn_maps = []
for name, attn_map in attn_maps.items():
attn_map = attn_map.cpu() if detach else attn_map
attn_map = torch.chunk(attn_map, batch_size)[idx].squeeze()
attn_map = upscale(attn_map, image_size)
net_attn_maps = torch.mean(torch.stack(net_attn_maps,dim=0),dim=0)
return net_attn_maps
def attnmaps2images(net_attn_maps):
#total_attn_scores = 0
images = []
for attn_map in net_attn_maps:
attn_map = attn_map.cpu().numpy()
#total_attn_scores += attn_map.mean().item()
normalized_attn_map = (attn_map - np.min(attn_map)) / (np.max(attn_map) - np.min(attn_map)) * 255
normalized_attn_map = normalized_attn_map.astype(np.uint8)
#print("norm: ", normalized_attn_map.shape)
image = Image.fromarray(normalized_attn_map)
#image = fix_save_attn_map(attn_map)
return images
def is_torch2_available():
return hasattr(F, "scaled_dot_product_attention")
class RemoteJson:
def __init__(self, url, refresh_gap_seconds=3600, processor=None):
Initialize the RemoteJsonManager.
:param url: The URL of the remote JSON file.
:param refresh_gap_seconds: Time in seconds after which the JSON should be refreshed.
:param processor: Optional callback function to process the JSON after it's loaded successfully.
self.url = url
self.refresh_gap_seconds = refresh_gap_seconds
self.processor = processor
self.json_data = None
self.last_updated = None
def _load_json(self):
Load JSON from the remote URL. If loading fails, return None.
response = requests.get(self.url)
return response.json()
except requests.RequestException as e:
print(f"Failed to fetch JSON: {e}")
return None
def _should_refresh(self):
Check whether the JSON should be refreshed based on the time gap.
if not self.last_updated:
return True # If no last update, always refresh
return - self.last_updated > timedelta(seconds=self.refresh_gap_seconds)
def _update_json(self):
Fetch and load the JSON from the remote URL. If it fails, keep the previous data.
new_json = self._load_json()
if new_json:
self.json_data = new_json
self.last_updated =
print("JSON updated successfully.")
if self.processor:
self.json_data = self.processor(self.json_data)
print("Failed to update JSON. Keeping the previous version.")
def get(self):
Get the JSON, checking whether it needs to be refreshed.
If refresh is required, it fetches the new data and applies the processor.
if self._should_refresh():
print("Refreshing JSON...")
print("Using cached JSON.")
return self.json_data
def extract_key_value_pairs(input_string):
# Define the regular expression to match [xxx:yyy] where yyy can have special characters
pattern = r"\[([^\]]+):([^\]]+)\]"
# Find all matches in the input string with the original matching string
matches = re.finditer(pattern, input_string)
# Convert matches to a list of dictionaries including the raw matching string
result = [{"key":, "value":, "raw":} for match in matches]
return result
def extract_characters(prefix, input_string):
# Define the regular expression to match placeholders starting with "@" and ending with space or comma
pattern = rf"{prefix}([^\s,$]+)(?=\s|,|$)"
# Find all matches in the input string
matches = re.findall(pattern, input_string)
# Return a list of dictionaries with the extracted placeholders
result = [{"raw": f"{prefix}{match}", "key": match} for match in matches]
return result