{ "namespace": "lilac", "concept_name": "non-english", "type": "text", "data": { "c727f30a2d2d40f69b81aa981515fb62": { "label": true, "text": "Je suis fatigu\u00e9.", "id": "c727f30a2d2d40f69b81aa981515fb62" }, "834121208555439b976a5f228ec138a5": { "label": true, "text": "Ich spreche Deutsch.", "id": "834121208555439b976a5f228ec138a5" }, "61a4130d8eb447ba88e52e09fc3860d7": { "label": true, "text": "\u79c1\u306f\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u3092\u8a71\u305b\u307e\u3059\u3002", "id": "61a4130d8eb447ba88e52e09fc3860d7" }, "083d9218def443e1adf7ff18150203c4": { "label": true, "text": "Eu n\u00e3o entendo portugu\u00eas.", "id": "083d9218def443e1adf7ff18150203c4" }, "0e540cf8599f419b81d11fd89a95b119": { "label": true, "text": "Non capisco italiano.", "id": "0e540cf8599f419b81d11fd89a95b119" }, "2278f313117e40b7846d2dbc9cb7f690": { "label": false, "text": "cotton ball", "id": "2278f313117e40b7846d2dbc9cb7f690" }, "7a3e058ff74b401485185a51a9d07606": { "label": false, "text": "To ensure sensor switch is not actuated by the weight of the cat bed place on it, but only by the cat laying in the bed.", "id": "7a3e058ff74b401485185a51a9d07606" }, "8c2fd2d3a7f049dea2d4161d17ae02dd": { "label": false, "text": "Make turmeric milk", "id": "8c2fd2d3a7f049dea2d4161d17ae02dd" }, "bccf69d2771640b6a7b436b731d5cc85": { "label": false, "text": "To make a double boiler", "id": "bccf69d2771640b6a7b436b731d5cc85" }, "84ce78b3ccfc4007b0aceabe7004436c": { "label": false, "text": "To encourage your child to behave better,", "id": "84ce78b3ccfc4007b0aceabe7004436c" }, "cc4c4eb91b40473c826ae400fdec6c1e": { "label": false, "text": "How do you peel asparagus before cooking?", "id": "cc4c4eb91b40473c826ae400fdec6c1e" }, "cae1ab05a7584231afa9be93f0029105": { "label": false, "text": "How can I dry citrus salt?", "id": "cae1ab05a7584231afa9be93f0029105" }, "7eded97e58614ca0b7e9421f955cef3c": { "label": false, "text": "How do I melt chocolate?", "id": "7eded97e58614ca0b7e9421f955cef3c" }, "35ecb6b2835b427ba15432471dda4bde": { "label": false, "text": "How to get rid of crows.", "id": "35ecb6b2835b427ba15432471dda4bde" }, "91c70b93890a47b3ad1925e143c2ac69": { "label": false, "text": "How to Kill Green Hair Algae in a Freshwater Aquarium", "id": "91c70b93890a47b3ad1925e143c2ac69" }, "dd6b9fb4280f4ff0b4c371c834525692": { "label": false, "text": "how do you translate from spanish to english?", "id": "dd6b9fb4280f4ff0b4c371c834525692" }, "350bb48432614e69b5b8aa58f82fe7c4": { "label": false, "text": "Learn a new language quickly.", "id": "350bb48432614e69b5b8aa58f82fe7c4" }, "057e3e9d624d48b896a87e97fa6f468c": { "label": false, "text": "how do you keep a cat from going in heat?", "id": "057e3e9d624d48b896a87e97fa6f468c" }, "f9c15155cc264a9da3642d420efab4ea": { "label": false, "text": "how ot melt crayons", "id": "f9c15155cc264a9da3642d420efab4ea" }, "a6acb5343d9c42a6b29dffe9314dafa1": { "label": true, "text": "Chi \u00e8 il presidente del consiglio in Italia ora?", "id": "a6acb5343d9c42a6b29dffe9314dafa1" }, "e808987d2364440bbbc4e0cb71bb2307": { "label": true, "text": "1. Frenar: Es importante se\u00f1alar cuando vas a frenar, especialmente si vas a hacerlo bruscamente. Esto lo puedes hacer extendiendo tu brazo izquierdo hacia abajo con la palma de la mano abierta.\n\n2. Detenerse: Si necesitas detenerte por completo, debes se\u00f1alarlo tambi\u00e9n. Esto lo puedes hacer extendiendo tu brazo izquierdo hacia abajo con la palma de la mano abierta y con los dedos hacia abajo.", "id": "e808987d2364440bbbc4e0cb71bb2307" }, "0a4ba4f4ed404a1692d8d7b96c76de05": { "label": false, "text": "It depends on the size of your house, if it is small one access point is enough, if it is bigger it might be better to have two or three.", "id": "0a4ba4f4ed404a1692d8d7b96c76de05" }, "16396e6f1d3b47d58d3294c4cf4b9a9d": { "label": true, "text": "In definitiva, per Nietzsche, il significato della vita non era qualcosa che poteva essere dato, ma era piuttosto qualcosa che gli individui dovevano creare per se stessi attraverso l'arte, la cultura, la creazione di valore e la superazione della sofferenza.", "id": "16396e6f1d3b47d58d3294c4cf4b9a9d" }, "ecce57f8ecad45ef8b3826d27e233080": { "label": false, "text": "Evidence for the existence of a God or multiple Gods is subjective and varies depending on one's beliefs and personal experiences. Some people may cite religious texts, miracles, or spiritual experiences as evidence, while others may argue that the lack of evidence is evidence in itself. I can also suggest that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and that there may be multiple", "id": "ecce57f8ecad45ef8b3826d27e233080" }, "79f897e21d27403097aed9b9800689c4": { "label": true, "text": "Infine, nella sua ultima fase filosofica, Nietzsche ha sviluppato la sua critica alla moralit\u00e0 tradizionale e alla religione, sostenendo che questi sistemi erano basati su valori falsi e che la vita aveva bisogno di una nuova valutazione morale e spirituale. In questa fase, Nietzsche ha sostenuto che la vita aveva bisogno di un nuovo senso e di una nuova direzione, e che era compito dell'individuo", "id": "79f897e21d27403097aed9b9800689c4" }, "da1b4988188642368b4f683f0418496e": { "label": true, "text": "Pueden un perro y una gato procrear juntos?", "id": "da1b4988188642368b4f683f0418496e" }, "2c54d8a5bb6742ada15549ad7007fe6b": { "label": true, "text": "In generale, Nietzsche ha visto la vita come una sfida continua, dove ogni individuo deve trovare il proprio significato e scopo attraverso la creativit\u00e0, l'arte e la moralit\u00e0 personale.", "id": "2c54d8a5bb6742ada15549ad7007fe6b" }, "28a055c7637c440bb0912bc5274d79c3": { "label": true, "text": "De nada, fue un placer ayudarte. \u00bfEn qu\u00e9 m\u00e1s puedo ayudarte?", "id": "28a055c7637c440bb0912bc5274d79c3" }, "b61a36355ae943208090ccdd3b736dce": { "label": true, "text": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 deber\u00edamos preocuparnos por estos gases? Bueno, porque est\u00e1n causando cambios dr\u00e1sticos en el clima, lo que a su vez est\u00e1 afectando a nuestro medio ambiente.", "id": "b61a36355ae943208090ccdd3b736dce" }, "7ea3d807733044c69a4e35f6ff6b66a3": { "label": true, "text": "Pi\u00f9 di recente, gli studiosi sono giunti a riconoscere che ci sono altri criteri essenziali per un\u2019unione monetaria di successo, che sono difficili da realizzare senza una profonda integrazione politica. Alla fine degli anni sessanta, Peter Kenen& ha sostenuto che senza i movimenti dei tassi di cambio come ammortizzatori, l\u2019unione monetaria necessita dei trasferimenti fiscali come modalit\u00e0 per", "id": "7ea3d807733044c69a4e35f6ff6b66a3" }, "c06cf297c9564f9baa5cbc2130f1ef1f": { "label": true, "text": "QUESTION: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 se oponen Alemania y Austria?", "id": "c06cf297c9564f9baa5cbc2130f1ef1f" }, "cc5a1a04352d471cb5b7e6831f19c86a": { "label": false, "text": "- wing parties , with the aid of the Democratic Renewal Party , the government fell and M\u00e1rio Soares , the President at the time , called for a new election . The PSD was very popular going into the election , and was elected to a landslide majority government -- the biggest that a Portuguese party had ever won in a free election . The left - wing Democratic Unity Coalition lost some of its MPs to", "id": "cc5a1a04352d471cb5b7e6831f19c86a" }, "8a95fab4b058420aa102b25fd7afc211": { "label": true, "text": "reticente, Holanda. Alemania y Austria, por el contrario, permanecen firmes en su oposici\u00f3n al texto, ya que consideran que menoscaba claramente el derecho a la defensa reconocido en sus Constituciones. La nueva directiva pretende extender a abogados y contables, incluidos los asesores fiscales, agentes inmobiliarios, marchantes de arte, anticuarios y casinos las mismas obligaciones que ahora", "id": "8a95fab4b058420aa102b25fd7afc211" }, "1ffe093d849040b6baaaadb5b71c04af": { "label": true, "text": "\"Hay una cosa afectiva muy fuerte, que cuesta, me ha costado mucho tiempo\" asimilar esos cinco a\u00c3\u00b1os que viv\u00c3\u00ad en las ciudades de Buenos Aires y C\u00c3\u00b3rdoba, admiti\u00c3\u00b3. En sus a\u00c3\u00b1os por la naci\u00c3\u00b3n sudamericana se cas\u00c3\u00b3 con un argentino, del que m\u00c3\u00a1s tarde se separ\u00c3\u00b3, y con quien tuvo a su primer y \u00c3\u00banico hijo.", "id": "1ffe093d849040b6baaaadb5b71c04af" }, "e95da58452044682ab05ad688544e907": { "label": true, "text": "M\u00e9lodieux et heureux !! . Cet album est magnifique. Apr\u00e8s plusieurs \u00e9coutes, je suis enchant\u00e9 de l'\u00e9couter et d'appr\u00e9cier les m\u00e9lodies qui s'y trouvent. Beaucoup de changements dans les musiques je trouve et aussi dans les paroles car je trouve que Myl\u00e8ne est plus directe dans la mani\u00e8re de parler de l'amour qui est tr\u00e8s pr\u00e9sent dans cet album. Je suis heureux d'avoir attendu pour entendre ses", "id": "e95da58452044682ab05ad688544e907" }, "34bc60b878e546b6af0e9bba1ec3879f": { "label": true, "text": "\u79c1\u306f\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e\u3092\u8a71\u305b\u307e\u3059\u3002", "id": "34bc60b878e546b6af0e9bba1ec3879f" }, "67f0416e7b3148698b02964bce412e8f": { "label": true, "text": "===============================\nConfidencial. Sujeito a privil,gio legal de comunica??o advogado/cliente.\nPrivileged and confidential attorney/client communication.\n\nPinheiro Neto - Advogados\n===============================\n - chart.doc\n - enron-q2_.doc\n\n\n", "id": "67f0416e7b3148698b02964bce412e8f" }, "1ee8405759884e078250db51a51960fe": { "label": false, "text": "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t