WaveGRU-Text-To-Speech / tacotron.py
a slow but working model
history blame
15.4 kB
Tacotron + stepwise monotonic attention
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import pax
def conv_block(in_ft, out_ft, kernel_size, activation_fn, use_dropout):
Conv >> LayerNorm >> activation >> Dropout
f = pax.Sequential(
pax.Conv1D(in_ft, out_ft, kernel_size, with_bias=False),
pax.LayerNorm(out_ft, -1, True, True),
if activation_fn is not None:
f >>= activation_fn
if use_dropout:
f >>= pax.Dropout(0.5)
return f
class HighwayBlock(pax.Module):
Highway block
def __init__(self, dim: int) -> None:
self.dim = dim
self.fc = pax.Linear(dim, 2 * dim)
def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
t, h = jnp.split(self.fc(x), 2, axis=-1)
t = jax.nn.sigmoid(t - 1.0) # bias toward keeping x
h = jax.nn.relu(h)
x = x * (1.0 - t) + h * t
return x
class BiGRU(pax.Module):
Bidirectional GRU
def __init__(self, dim):
self.rnn_fwd = pax.GRU(dim, dim)
self.rnn_bwd = pax.GRU(dim, dim)
def __call__(self, x, reset_masks):
N = x.shape[0]
x_fwd = x
x_bwd = jnp.flip(x, axis=1)
x_fwd_states = self.rnn_fwd.initial_state(N)
x_bwd_states = self.rnn_bwd.initial_state(N)
x_fwd_states, x_fwd = pax.scan(
self.rnn_fwd, x_fwd_states, x_fwd, time_major=False
reset_masks = jnp.flip(reset_masks, axis=1)
x_bwd_states0 = x_bwd_states
def rnn_reset_core(prev, inputs):
x, reset_mask = inputs
def reset_state(x0, xt):
return jnp.where(reset_mask, x0, xt)
state, _ = self.rnn_bwd(prev, x)
state = jax.tree_map(reset_state, x_bwd_states0, state)
return state, state.hidden
x_bwd_states, x_bwd = pax.scan(
rnn_reset_core, x_bwd_states, (x_bwd, reset_masks), time_major=False
x_bwd = jnp.flip(x_bwd, axis=1)
x = jnp.concatenate((x_fwd, x_bwd), axis=-1)
return x
class CBHG(pax.Module):
Conv Bank >> Highway net >> GRU
def __init__(self, dim):
self.convs = [conv_block(dim, dim, i, jax.nn.relu, False) for i in range(1, 17)]
self.conv_projection_1 = conv_block(16 * dim, dim, 3, jax.nn.relu, False)
self.conv_projection_2 = conv_block(dim, dim, 3, None, False)
self.highway = pax.Sequential(
HighwayBlock(dim), HighwayBlock(dim), HighwayBlock(dim), HighwayBlock(dim)
self.rnn = BiGRU(dim)
def __call__(self, x, x_mask):
conv_input = x * x_mask
fts = [f(conv_input) for f in self.convs]
residual = jnp.concatenate(fts, axis=-1)
residual = pax.max_pool(residual, 2, 1, "SAME", -1)
residual = self.conv_projection_1(residual * x_mask)
residual = self.conv_projection_2(residual * x_mask)
x = x + residual
x = self.highway(x)
x = self.rnn(x * x_mask, reset_masks=1 - x_mask)
return x * x_mask
class PreNet(pax.Module):
Linear >> relu >> dropout >> Linear >> relu >> dropout
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, always_dropout=True):
self.fc1 = pax.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim)
self.fc2 = pax.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
self.rng_seq = pax.RngSeq()
self.always_dropout = always_dropout
def __call__(self, x, k1=None, k2=None):
x = self.fc1(x)
x = jax.nn.relu(x)
if self.always_dropout or self.training:
if k1 is None:
k1 = self.rng_seq.next_rng_key()
x = pax.dropout(k1, 0.5, x)
x = self.fc2(x)
x = jax.nn.relu(x)
if self.always_dropout or self.training:
if k2 is None:
k2 = self.rng_seq.next_rng_key()
x = pax.dropout(k2, 0.5, x)
return x
class Tacotron(pax.Module):
Tacotron TTS model.
It uses stepwise monotonic attention for robust attention.
def __init__(
mel_dim: int,
New Tacotron model
mel_dim (int): dimension of log mel-spectrogram features.
attn_bias (float): control how "slow" the attention will
move forward at initialization.
rr (int): the reduction factor.
Number of predicted frame at each time step. Default is 2.
max_rr (int): max value of rr.
mel_min (float): the minimum value of mel features.
The <go> frame is filled by `log(mel_min)` values.
sigmoid_noise (float): the variance of gaussian noise added
to attention scores in training.
pad_token (int): the pad value at the end of text sequences.
prenet_dim (int): dimension of prenet output.
attn_hidden_dim (int): dimension of attention hidden vectors.
attn_rnn_dim (int): number of cells in the attention RNN.
rnn_dim (int): number of cells in the decoder RNNs.
postnet_dim (int): number of features in the postnet convolutions.
text_dim (int): dimension of text embedding vectors.
self.text_dim = text_dim
assert rr <= max_rr
self.rr = rr
self.max_rr = max_rr
self.mel_dim = mel_dim
self.mel_min = mel_min
self.sigmoid_noise = sigmoid_noise
self.pad_token = pad_token
self.prenet_dim = prenet_dim
# encoder submodules
self.encoder_embed = pax.Embed(256, text_dim)
self.encoder_pre_net = PreNet(text_dim, 256, prenet_dim, always_dropout=True)
self.encoder_cbhg = CBHG(prenet_dim)
# random key generator
self.rng_seq = pax.RngSeq()
# pre-net
self.decoder_pre_net = PreNet(mel_dim, 256, prenet_dim, always_dropout=True)
# decoder submodules
self.attn_rnn = pax.LSTM(prenet_dim + prenet_dim * 2, attn_rnn_dim)
self.text_key_fc = pax.Linear(prenet_dim * 2, attn_hidden_dim, with_bias=True)
self.attn_query_fc = pax.Linear(attn_rnn_dim, attn_hidden_dim, with_bias=False)
self.attn_V = pax.Linear(attn_hidden_dim, 1, with_bias=False)
self.attn_V_weight_norm = jnp.array(1.0 / jnp.sqrt(attn_hidden_dim))
self.attn_V_bias = jnp.array(attn_bias)
self.attn_log = jnp.zeros((1,))
self.decoder_input = pax.Linear(attn_rnn_dim + 2 * prenet_dim, rnn_dim)
self.decoder_rnn1 = pax.LSTM(rnn_dim, rnn_dim)
self.decoder_rnn2 = pax.LSTM(rnn_dim, rnn_dim)
# mel + end-of-sequence token
self.output_fc = pax.Linear(rnn_dim, (mel_dim + 1) * max_rr, with_bias=True)
# post-net
self.post_net = pax.Sequential(
conv_block(mel_dim, postnet_dim, 5, jax.nn.tanh, True),
conv_block(postnet_dim, postnet_dim, 5, jax.nn.tanh, True),
conv_block(postnet_dim, postnet_dim, 5, jax.nn.tanh, True),
conv_block(postnet_dim, postnet_dim, 5, jax.nn.tanh, True),
conv_block(postnet_dim, mel_dim, 5, None, True),
parameters = pax.parameters_method("attn_V_weight_norm", "attn_V_bias")
def encode_text(self, text: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
Encode text to a sequence of real vectors
N, L = text.shape
text_mask = (text != self.pad_token)[..., None]
x = self.encoder_embed(text)
x = self.encoder_pre_net(x)
x = self.encoder_cbhg(x, text_mask)
return x
def go_frame(self, batch_size: int) -> jnp.ndarray:
return the go frame
return jnp.ones((batch_size, self.mel_dim)) * jnp.log(self.mel_min)
def decoder_initial_state(self, N: int, L: int):
setup decoder initial state
attn_context = jnp.zeros((N, self.prenet_dim * 2))
attn_pr = jax.nn.one_hot(
jnp.zeros((N,), dtype=jnp.int32), num_classes=L, axis=-1
attn_state = (self.attn_rnn.initial_state(N), attn_context, attn_pr)
decoder_rnn_states = (
return attn_state, decoder_rnn_states
def monotonic_attention(self, prev_state, inputs, envs):
Stepwise monotonic attention
attn_rnn_state, attn_context, prev_attn_pr = prev_state
x, attn_rng_key = inputs
text, text_key = envs
attn_rnn_input = jnp.concatenate((x, attn_context), axis=-1)
attn_rnn_state, attn_rnn_output = self.attn_rnn(attn_rnn_state, attn_rnn_input)
attn_query_input = attn_rnn_output
attn_query = self.attn_query_fc(attn_query_input)
attn_hidden = jnp.tanh(attn_query[:, None, :] + text_key)
score = self.attn_V(attn_hidden)
score = jnp.squeeze(score, axis=-1)
weight_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(self.attn_V.weight)
score = score * (self.attn_V_weight_norm / weight_norm)
score = score + self.attn_V_bias
noise = jax.random.normal(attn_rng_key, score.shape) * self.sigmoid_noise
pr_stay = jax.nn.sigmoid(score + noise)
pr_move = 1.0 - pr_stay
pr_new_location = pr_move * prev_attn_pr
pr_new_location = jnp.pad(
pr_new_location[:, :-1], ((0, 0), (1, 0)), constant_values=0
attn_pr = pr_stay * prev_attn_pr + pr_new_location
attn_context = jnp.einsum("NL,NLD->ND", attn_pr, text)
new_state = (attn_rnn_state, attn_context, attn_pr)
return new_state, attn_rnn_output
def zoneout_lstm(self, lstm_core, rng_key, zoneout_pr=0.1):
Return a zoneout lstm core.
It will zoneout the new hidden states and keep the new cell states unchanged.
def core(state, x):
new_state, _ = lstm_core(state, x)
h_old = state.hidden
h_new = new_state.hidden
mask = jax.random.bernoulli(rng_key, zoneout_pr, h_old.shape)
h_new = h_old * mask + h_new * (1.0 - mask)
return pax.LSTMState(h_new, new_state.cell), h_new
return core
def decoder_step(
One decoder step
if call_pre_net:
k1, k2, zk1, zk2, rng_key, rng_key_next = jax.random.split(rng_key, 6)
mel = self.decoder_pre_net(mel, k1, k2)
zk1, zk2, rng_key, rng_key_next = jax.random.split(rng_key, 4)
attn_inputs = (mel, rng_key)
attn_envs = (text, text_key)
attn_state, attn_rnn_output = self.monotonic_attention(
attn_state, attn_inputs, attn_envs
(_, attn_context, attn_pr) = attn_state
(decoder_rnn_state1, decoder_rnn_state2) = decoder_rnn_states
decoder_rnn1_input = jnp.concatenate((attn_rnn_output, attn_context), axis=-1)
decoder_rnn1_input = self.decoder_input(decoder_rnn1_input)
decoder_rnn1 = self.zoneout_lstm(self.decoder_rnn1, zk1)
decoder_rnn_state1, decoder_rnn_output1 = decoder_rnn1(
decoder_rnn_state1, decoder_rnn1_input
decoder_rnn2_input = decoder_rnn1_input + decoder_rnn_output1
decoder_rnn2 = self.zoneout_lstm(self.decoder_rnn2, zk2)
decoder_rnn_state2, decoder_rnn_output2 = decoder_rnn2(
decoder_rnn_state2, decoder_rnn2_input
x = decoder_rnn1_input + decoder_rnn_output1 + decoder_rnn_output2
decoder_rnn_states = (decoder_rnn_state1, decoder_rnn_state2)
return attn_state, decoder_rnn_states, rng_key_next, x, attn_pr[0]
def inference_step(
self, attn_state, decoder_rnn_states, rng_key, mel, text, text_key
"""one inference step"""
attn_state, decoder_rnn_states, rng_key, x, _ = self.decoder_step(
x = self.output_fc(x)
N, D2 = x.shape
x = jnp.reshape(x, (N, self.max_rr, D2 // self.max_rr))
x = x[:, : self.rr, :]
x = jnp.reshape(x, (N, self.rr, -1))
mel = x[..., :-1]
eos = x[..., -1]
return attn_state, decoder_rnn_states, rng_key, (mel, eos)
def inference(self, text, seed=42, max_len=1000):
text to mel
text = self.encode_text(text)
text_key = self.text_key_fc(text)
N, L, D = text.shape
mel = self.go_frame(N)
attn_state, decoder_rnn_states = self.decoder_initial_state(N, L)
rng_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed)
mels = []
count = 0
while True:
count = count + 1
attn_state, decoder_rnn_states, rng_key, (mel, eos) = self.inference_step(
attn_state, decoder_rnn_states, rng_key, mel, text, text_key
if eos[0, -1].item() > 0 or count > max_len:
mel = mel[:, -1, :]
mels = jnp.concatenate(mels, axis=1)
mel = mel + self.post_net(mel)
return mels
def decode(self, mel, text):
Attention mechanism + Decoder
text_key = self.text_key_fc(text)
def scan_fn(prev_states, inputs):
attn_state, decoder_rnn_states = prev_states
x, rng_key = inputs
attn_state, decoder_rnn_states, _, output, attn_pr = self.decoder_step(
attn_state, decoder_rnn_states, rng_key, x, text, text_key
states = (attn_state, decoder_rnn_states)
return states, (output, attn_pr)
N, L, D = text.shape
decoder_states = self.decoder_initial_state(N, L)
rng_keys = self.rng_seq.next_rng_key(mel.shape[1])
rng_keys = jnp.stack(rng_keys, axis=1)
decoder_states, (x, attn_log) = pax.scan(
(mel, rng_keys),
self.attn_log = attn_log
del decoder_states
x = self.output_fc(x)
N, T2, D2 = x.shape
x = jnp.reshape(x, (N, T2, self.max_rr, D2 // self.max_rr))
x = x[:, :, : self.rr, :]
x = jnp.reshape(x, (N, T2 * self.rr, -1))
mel = x[..., :-1]
eos = x[..., -1]
return mel, eos
def __call__(self, mel: jnp.ndarray, text: jnp.ndarray):
text = self.encode_text(text)
mel = self.decoder_pre_net(mel)
mel, eos = self.decode(mel, text)
return mel, mel + self.post_net(mel), eos