# Chat_related_functions.py # Contains functions related to chat # WIP. # # Importing required libraries import json import os from pathlib import Path import json # ######################################################################################################################## # Set globals CHARACTERS_FILE = Path('.', 'Helper_Scripts', 'Character_Cards', 'Characters.json') def save_character(character_data): if CHARACTERS_FILE.exists(): with CHARACTERS_FILE.open('r') as f: characters = json.load(f) else: characters = {} characters[character_data['name']] = character_data with CHARACTERS_FILE.open('w') as f: json.dump(characters, f, indent=2) def load_characters(): if os.path.exists(CHARACTERS_FILE): with open(CHARACTERS_FILE, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) return {} def get_character_names(): characters = load_characters() return list(characters.keys())