# SQLite_DB.py ######################################### # SQLite_DB Library # This library is used to perform any/all DB operations related to SQLite. # #### import configparser #################### # Function List # FIXME - UPDATE Function Arguments # 1. get_connection(self) # 2. execute_query(self, query: str, params: Tuple = ()) # 3. create_tables() # 4. add_keyword(keyword: str) # 5. delete_keyword(keyword: str) # 6. add_media_with_keywords(url, title, media_type, content, keywords, prompt, summary, transcription_model, author, ingestion_date) # 7. fetch_all_keywords() # 8. keywords_browser_interface() # 9. display_keywords() # 10. export_keywords_to_csv() # 11. browse_items(search_query, search_type) # 12. fetch_item_details(media_id: int) # 13. add_media_version(media_id: int, prompt: str, summary: str) # 14. search_db(search_query: str, search_fields: List[str], keywords: str, page: int = 1, results_per_page: int = 10) # 15. search_and_display(search_query, search_fields, keywords, page) # 16. display_details(index, results) # 17. get_details(index, dataframe) # 18. format_results(results) # 19. export_to_csv(search_query: str, search_fields: List[str], keyword: str, page: int = 1, results_per_file: int = 1000) # 20. is_valid_url(url: str) -> bool # 21. is_valid_date(date_string: str) -> bool # 22. add_media_to_database(url, info_dict, segments, summary, keywords, custom_prompt_input, whisper_model) # 23. create_prompts_db() # 24. add_prompt(name, details, system, user=None) # 25. fetch_prompt_details(name) # 26. list_prompts() # 27. insert_prompt_to_db(title, description, system_prompt, user_prompt) # 28. update_media_content(media_id: int, content: str, prompt: str, summary: str) # 29. search_media_database(query: str) -> List[Tuple[int, str, str]] # 30. load_media_content(media_id: int) # 31. # 32. # # ##################### # # Import necessary libraries import csv import html import logging import os import queue import re import shutil import sqlite3 import traceback from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Optional # Local Libraries from App_Function_Libraries.Utils.Utils import get_project_relative_path, get_database_path, \ get_database_dir from App_Function_Libraries.Chunk_Lib import chunk_options, chunk_text # # Third-Party Libraries import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import yaml # ####################################################################################################################### # Function Definitions # def ensure_database_directory(): os.makedirs(get_database_dir(), exist_ok=True) ensure_database_directory() # Set up logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # FIXME - Setup properly and test/add documentation for its existence... # Construct the path to the config file config_path = get_project_relative_path('Config_Files/config.txt') # Read the config file config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(config_path) # Get the SQLite path from the config, or use the default if not specified sqlite_path = config.get('Database', 'sqlite_path', fallback=get_database_path('media_summary.db')) # Get the backup path from the config, or use the default if not specified backup_path = config.get('Database', 'backup_path', fallback='database_backups') backup_path = get_project_relative_path(backup_path) # Set the final paths db_path = sqlite_path backup_dir = backup_path print(f"Database path: {db_path}") print(f"Backup directory: {backup_dir}") #create_automated_backup(db_path, backup_dir) # FIXME - Setup properly and test/add documentation for its existence... #backup_file = create_automated_backup(db_path, backup_dir) #upload_to_s3(backup_file, 'your-s3-bucket-name', f"database_backups/{os.path.basename(backup_file)}") # FIXME - Setup properly and test/add documentation for its existence... #create_incremental_backup(db_path, backup_dir) # FIXME - Setup properly and test/add documentation for its existence... #rotate_backups(backup_dir) # # ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Backup-related functions def create_incremental_backup(db_path, backup_dir): conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cursor = conn.cursor() # Get the page count of the database cursor.execute("PRAGMA page_count") page_count = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Create a new backup file timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") backup_file = os.path.join(backup_dir, f"incremental_backup_{timestamp}.sqlib") # Perform the incremental backup conn.execute(f"VACUUM INTO '{backup_file}'") conn.close() print(f"Incremental backup created: {backup_file}") return backup_file def create_automated_backup(db_path, backup_dir): # Ensure backup directory exists os.makedirs(backup_dir, exist_ok=True) # Create a timestamped backup file name timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") backup_file = os.path.join(backup_dir, f"media_db_backup_{timestamp}.db") # Copy the database file shutil.copy2(db_path, backup_file) print(f"Backup created: {backup_file}") return backup_file # FIXME - boto3 aint getting installed by default.... # def upload_to_s3(file_path, bucket_name, s3_key): # import boto3 # s3 = boto3.client('s3') # try: # s3.upload_file(file_path, bucket_name, s3_key) # print(f"File uploaded to S3: {s3_key}") # except Exception as e: # print(f"Error uploading to S3: {str(e)}") def rotate_backups(backup_dir, max_backups=10): backups = sorted( [f for f in os.listdir(backup_dir) if f.endswith('.db')], key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(backup_dir, x)), reverse=True ) while len(backups) > max_backups: old_backup = backups.pop() os.remove(os.path.join(backup_dir, old_backup)) print(f"Removed old backup: {old_backup}") # # ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # DB-Integrity Check Functions def check_database_integrity(db_path): conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA integrity_check") result = cursor.fetchone() conn.close() if result[0] == "ok": print("Database integrity check passed.") return True else: print("Database integrity check failed:", result[0]) return False #check_database_integrity(db_path) # # End of DB-Integrity Check functions ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # DB Setup Functions class DatabaseError(Exception): pass class InputError(Exception): pass class Database: def __init__(self, db_name='media_summary.db'): self.db_path = get_database_path(db_name) self.timeout = 60.0 # 60 seconds timeout def get_connection(self): return sqlite3.connect(self.db_path, timeout=self.timeout) def execute_query(self, query: str, params: Tuple = ()) -> None: with self.get_connection() as conn: try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query, params) conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Database error: {e}, Query: {query}") raise DatabaseError(f"Database error: {e}, Query: {query}") def execute_many(self, query: str, params_list: List[Tuple]) -> None: with self.get_connection() as conn: try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executemany(query, params_list) conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Database error: {e}, Query: {query}") raise DatabaseError(f"Database error: {e}, Query: {query}") db = Database() def instantiate_sqlite_db(): global sqlite_db sqlite_db = Database() # Function to create tables with the new media schema def create_tables(db) -> None: table_queries = [ # CREATE TABLE statements ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Media ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT, title TEXT NOT NULL, type TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT, author TEXT, ingestion_date TEXT, prompt TEXT, summary TEXT, transcription_model TEXT, is_trash BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0, trash_date DATETIME, vector_embedding BLOB, chunking_status TEXT DEFAULT 'pending' ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Keywords ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, keyword TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MediaKeywords ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER NOT NULL, keyword_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id), FOREIGN KEY (keyword_id) REFERENCES Keywords(id) ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MediaVersion ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER NOT NULL, version INTEGER NOT NULL, prompt TEXT, summary TEXT, created_at TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id) ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MediaModifications ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER NOT NULL, prompt TEXT, summary TEXT, modification_date TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id) ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ChatConversations ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER, media_name TEXT, conversation_name TEXT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id) ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ChatMessages ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, conversation_id INTEGER, sender TEXT, message TEXT, timestamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (conversation_id) REFERENCES ChatConversations(id) ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Transcripts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER, whisper_model TEXT, transcription TEXT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id) ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MediaChunks ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER, chunk_text TEXT, start_index INTEGER, end_index INTEGER, chunk_id TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id) )''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS UnvectorizedMediaChunks ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER NOT NULL, chunk_text TEXT NOT NULL, chunk_index INTEGER NOT NULL, start_char INTEGER NOT NULL, end_char INTEGER NOT NULL, chunk_type TEXT, creation_date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_modified TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, is_processed BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, metadata TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id) ) ''', ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DocumentVersions ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER NOT NULL, version_number INTEGER NOT NULL, content TEXT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id) ) ''', ] index_queries = [ # CREATE INDEX statements 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_media_title ON Media(title)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_media_type ON Media(type)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_media_author ON Media(author)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_media_ingestion_date ON Media(ingestion_date)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_keywords_keyword ON Keywords(keyword)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_mediakeywords_media_id ON MediaKeywords(media_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_mediakeywords_keyword_id ON MediaKeywords(keyword_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_media_version_media_id ON MediaVersion(media_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_mediamodifications_media_id ON MediaModifications(media_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_chatconversations_media_id ON ChatConversations(media_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_chatmessages_conversation_id ON ChatMessages(conversation_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_media_is_trash ON Media(is_trash)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_mediachunks_media_id ON MediaChunks(media_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_unvectorized_media_chunks_media_id ON UnvectorizedMediaChunks(media_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_unvectorized_media_chunks_is_processed ON UnvectorizedMediaChunks(is_processed)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_unvectorized_media_chunks_chunk_type ON UnvectorizedMediaChunks(chunk_type)', # CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statements 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_unique_media_url ON Media(url)', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_unique_media_keyword ON MediaKeywords(media_id, keyword_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_document_versions_media_id ON DocumentVersions(media_id)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_document_versions_version_number ON DocumentVersions(version_number)', ] virtual_table_queries = [ # CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statements 'CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS media_fts USING fts5(title, content)', 'CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS keyword_fts USING fts5(keyword)' ] all_queries = table_queries + index_queries + virtual_table_queries for query in all_queries: try: db.execute_query(query) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error executing query: {query}") logging.error(f"Error details: {str(e)}") raise logging.info("All tables, indexes, and virtual tables created successfully.") create_tables(db) def check_media_exists(title: str, url: str) -> Optional[int]: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() query = 'SELECT id FROM Media WHERE title = ? AND url = ?' cursor.execute(query, (title, url)) result = cursor.fetchone() logging.debug(f"check_media_exists query: {query}") logging.debug(f"check_media_exists params: title={title}, url={url}") logging.debug(f"check_media_exists result: {result}") return result[0] if result else None except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error checking if media exists: {str(e)}") logging.error(f"Exception details: {traceback.format_exc()}") return None def check_media_and_whisper_model(title=None, url=None, current_whisper_model=None): """ Check if media exists in the database and compare the whisper model used. :param title: Title of the media (optional) :param url: URL of the media (optional) :param current_whisper_model: The whisper model currently selected for use :return: Tuple (bool, str) - (should_download, reason) """ if not title and not url: return True, "No title or URL provided" with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # First, find the media_id query = "SELECT id FROM Media WHERE " params = [] if title: query += "title = ?" params.append(title) if url: if params: query += " OR " query += "url = ?" params.append(url) cursor.execute(query, tuple(params)) result = cursor.fetchone() if not result: return True, "Media not found in database" media_id = result[0] # Now, get the latest transcript for this media cursor.execute(""" SELECT transcription FROM Transcripts WHERE media_id = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1 """, (media_id,)) transcript_result = cursor.fetchone() if not transcript_result: return True, f"No transcript found for media (ID: {media_id})" transcription = transcript_result[0] # Extract the whisper model from the transcription match = re.search(r"This text was transcribed using whisper model: (.+)$", transcription, re.MULTILINE) if not match: return True, f"Whisper model information not found in transcript (Media ID: {media_id})" db_whisper_model = match.group(1).strip() if not current_whisper_model: return False, f"Media found in database (ID: {media_id})" if db_whisper_model != current_whisper_model: return True, f"Different whisper model (DB: {db_whisper_model}, Current: {current_whisper_model})" return False, f"Media found with same whisper model (ID: {media_id})" def add_media_chunk(media_id: int, chunk_text: str, start_index: int, end_index: int, chunk_id: str): with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO MediaChunks (media_id, chunk_text, start_index, end_index, chunk_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (media_id, chunk_text, start_index, end_index, chunk_id) ) conn.commit() def sqlite_update_fts_for_media(db, media_id: int): with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO media_fts (rowid, title, content) SELECT id, title, content FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) conn.commit() def sqlite_get_unprocessed_media(db): with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id, content, type FROM Media WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT media_id FROM MediaChunks)") return cursor.fetchall() def get_next_media_id(): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(media_id) FROM media") max_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] return (max_id or 0) + 1 finally: conn.close() # # End of Media-related Functions ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # Keyword-related Functions # # Function to add a keyword def add_keyword(keyword: str) -> int: keyword = keyword.strip().lower() with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Keywords (keyword) VALUES (?)', (keyword,)) cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Keywords WHERE keyword = ?', (keyword,)) keyword_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO keyword_fts (rowid, keyword) VALUES (?, ?)', (keyword_id, keyword)) logging.info(f"Keyword '{keyword}' added to keyword_fts with ID: {keyword_id}") conn.commit() return keyword_id except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: logging.error(f"Integrity error adding keyword: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Integrity error adding keyword: {e}") except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error adding keyword: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error adding keyword: {e}") # Function to delete a keyword def delete_keyword(keyword: str) -> str: keyword = keyword.strip().lower() with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Keywords WHERE keyword = ?', (keyword,)) keyword_id = cursor.fetchone() if keyword_id: cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Keywords WHERE keyword = ?', (keyword,)) cursor.execute('DELETE FROM keyword_fts WHERE rowid = ?', (keyword_id[0],)) conn.commit() return f"Keyword '{keyword}' deleted successfully." else: return f"Keyword '{keyword}' not found." except sqlite3.Error as e: raise DatabaseError(f"Error deleting keyword: {e}") # Function to add media with keywords def add_media_with_keywords(url, title, media_type, content, keywords, prompt, summary, transcription_model, author, ingestion_date): logging.debug(f"Entering add_media_with_keywords: URL={url}, Title={title}") # Set default values for missing fields if url is None: url = 'localhost' elif url is not None: url = url title = title or 'Untitled' media_type = media_type or 'Unknown' content = content or 'No content available' keywords = keywords or 'default' prompt = prompt or 'No prompt available' summary = summary or 'No summary available' transcription_model = transcription_model or 'Unknown' author = author or 'Unknown' ingestion_date = ingestion_date or datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if media_type not in ['article', 'audio', 'document', 'mediawiki_article', 'mediawiki_dump', 'obsidian_note', 'podcast', 'text', 'video', 'unknown']: raise InputError("Invalid media type. Allowed types: article, audio file, document, obsidian_note podcast, text, video, unknown.") if ingestion_date and not is_valid_date(ingestion_date): raise InputError("Invalid ingestion date format. Use YYYY-MM-DD.") # Handle keywords as either string or list if isinstance(keywords, str): keyword_list = [keyword.strip().lower() for keyword in keywords.split(',')] elif isinstance(keywords, list): keyword_list = [keyword.strip().lower() for keyword in keywords] else: keyword_list = ['default'] logging.info(f"Adding/updating media: URL={url}, Title={title}, Type={media_type}") logging.debug(f"Content (first 500 chars): {content[:500]}...") logging.debug(f"Keywords: {keyword_list}") logging.info(f"Prompt: {prompt}") logging.info(f"Summary: {summary}") logging.info(f"Author: {author}") logging.info(f"Ingestion Date: {ingestion_date}") logging.info(f"Transcription Model: {transcription_model}") try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Check if media already exists using both title and URL existing_media_id = check_media_exists(title, url) logging.debug(f"Existing media ID for {url}: {existing_media_id}") if existing_media_id: media_id = existing_media_id logging.debug(f"Updating existing media with ID: {media_id}") cursor.execute(''' UPDATE Media SET content = ?, transcription_model = ?, type = ?, author = ?, ingestion_date = ? WHERE id = ? ''', (content, transcription_model, media_type, author, ingestion_date, media_id)) else: logging.debug("Inserting new media") cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO Media (url, title, type, content, author, ingestion_date, transcription_model) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (url, title, media_type, content, author, ingestion_date, transcription_model)) media_id = cursor.lastrowid logging.debug(f"New media inserted with ID: {media_id}") cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO MediaModifications (media_id, prompt, summary, modification_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (media_id, prompt, summary, ingestion_date)) # Batch insert keywords keyword_params = [(keyword.strip().lower(),) for keyword in keyword_list] cursor.executemany('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Keywords (keyword) VALUES (?)', keyword_params) # Get keyword IDs placeholder = ','.join(['?'] * len(keyword_list)) cursor.execute(f'SELECT id, keyword FROM Keywords WHERE keyword IN ({placeholder})', keyword_list) keyword_ids = cursor.fetchall() # Batch insert media-keyword associations media_keyword_params = [(media_id, keyword_id) for keyword_id, _ in keyword_ids] cursor.executemany('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO MediaKeywords (media_id, keyword_id) VALUES (?, ?)', media_keyword_params) # Update full-text search index cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO media_fts (rowid, title, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (media_id, title, content)) # Add media version add_media_version(conn, media_id, prompt, summary) conn.commit() logging.info(f"Media '{title}' successfully added/updated with ID: {media_id}") return media_id, f"Media '{title}' added/updated successfully with keywords: {', '.join(keyword_list)}" except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"SQL Error in add_media_with_keywords: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error adding media with keywords: {e}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Unexpected Error in add_media_with_keywords: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Unexpected error: {e}") def ingest_article_to_db(url, title, author, content, keywords, summary, ingestion_date, custom_prompt): try: # Check if content is not empty or whitespace if not content.strip(): raise ValueError("Content is empty.") keyword_list = keywords.split(',') if keywords else ["default"] keyword_str = ', '.join(keyword_list) # Set default values for missing fields url = url or 'Unknown' title = title or 'Unknown' author = author or 'Unknown' keywords = keywords or 'default' summary = summary or 'No summary available' ingestion_date = ingestion_date or datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Log the values of all fields before calling add_media_with_keywords logging.debug(f"URL: {url}") logging.debug(f"Title: {title}") logging.debug(f"Author: {author}") logging.debug(f"Content: {content[:50]}... (length: {len(content)})") # Log first 50 characters of content logging.debug(f"Keywords: {keywords}") logging.debug(f"Summary: {summary}") logging.debug(f"Ingestion Date: {ingestion_date}") logging.debug(f"Custom Prompt: {custom_prompt}") # Check if any required field is empty and log the specific missing field if not url: logging.error("URL is missing.") raise ValueError("URL is missing.") if not title: logging.error("Title is missing.") raise ValueError("Title is missing.") if not content: logging.error("Content is missing.") raise ValueError("Content is missing.") if not keywords: logging.error("Keywords are missing.") raise ValueError("Keywords are missing.") if not summary: logging.error("Summary is missing.") raise ValueError("Summary is missing.") if not ingestion_date: logging.error("Ingestion date is missing.") raise ValueError("Ingestion date is missing.") if not custom_prompt: logging.error("Custom prompt is missing.") raise ValueError("Custom prompt is missing.") # Add media with keywords to the database result = add_media_with_keywords( url=url, title=title, media_type='article', content=content, keywords=keyword_str or "article_default", prompt=custom_prompt or None, summary=summary or "No summary generated", transcription_model=None, # or some default value if applicable author=author or 'Unknown', ingestion_date=ingestion_date ) return result except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to ingest article to the database: {e}") return str(e) def fetch_all_keywords() -> List[str]: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT keyword FROM Keywords') keywords = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] return keywords except sqlite3.Error as e: raise DatabaseError(f"Error fetching keywords: {e}") def keywords_browser_interface(): keywords = fetch_all_keywords() return gr.Markdown("\n".join(f"- {keyword}" for keyword in keywords)) def display_keywords(): try: keywords = fetch_all_keywords() return "\n".join(keywords) if keywords else "No keywords found." except DatabaseError as e: return str(e) def export_keywords_to_csv(): try: keywords = fetch_all_keywords() if not keywords: return None, "No keywords found in the database." filename = "keywords.csv" with open(filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(["Keyword"]) for keyword in keywords: writer.writerow([keyword]) return filename, f"Keywords exported to {filename}" except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error exporting keywords to CSV: {e}") return None, f"Error exporting keywords: {e}" def fetch_keywords_for_media(media_id): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT k.keyword FROM Keywords k JOIN MediaKeywords mk ON k.id = mk.keyword_id WHERE mk.media_id = ? ''', (media_id,)) keywords = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] return keywords except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error fetching keywords: {e}") return [] def update_keywords_for_media(media_id, keyword_list): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Remove old keywords cursor.execute('DELETE FROM MediaKeywords WHERE media_id = ?', (media_id,)) # Add new keywords for keyword in keyword_list: cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Keywords (keyword) VALUES (?)', (keyword,)) cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Keywords WHERE keyword = ?', (keyword,)) keyword_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('INSERT INTO MediaKeywords (media_id, keyword_id) VALUES (?, ?)', (media_id, keyword_id)) conn.commit() return "Keywords updated successfully." except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error updating keywords: {e}") return "Error updating keywords." # # End of Keyword-related functions ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Media-related Functions # Function to fetch items based on search query and type def browse_items(search_query, search_type): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() if search_type == 'Title': cursor.execute("SELECT id, title, url FROM Media WHERE title LIKE ?", (f'%{search_query}%',)) elif search_type == 'URL': cursor.execute("SELECT id, title, url FROM Media WHERE url LIKE ?", (f'%{search_query}%',)) elif search_type == 'Keyword': return fetch_items_by_keyword(search_query) elif search_type == 'Content': cursor.execute("SELECT id, title, url FROM Media WHERE content LIKE ?", (f'%{search_query}%',)) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid search type: {search_type}") results = cursor.fetchall() return results except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(f"Error fetching items by {search_type}: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error fetching items by {search_type}: {e}") # Function to fetch item details def fetch_item_details(media_id: int): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT prompt, summary FROM MediaModifications WHERE media_id = ? ORDER BY modification_date DESC LIMIT 1 """, (media_id,)) prompt_summary_result = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("SELECT content FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) content_result = cursor.fetchone() prompt = prompt_summary_result[0] if prompt_summary_result else "" summary = prompt_summary_result[1] if prompt_summary_result else "" content = content_result[0] if content_result else "" return content, prompt, summary except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error fetching item details: {e}") # Return empty strings if there's an error return "", "", "" # # End of Media-related Functions ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Media-related Functions # Function to add a version of a prompt and summary def add_media_version(conn, media_id: int, prompt: str, summary: str) -> None: try: cursor = conn.cursor() # Get the current version number cursor.execute('SELECT MAX(version) FROM MediaVersion WHERE media_id = ?', (media_id,)) current_version = cursor.fetchone()[0] or 0 # Insert the new version cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO MediaVersion (media_id, version, prompt, summary, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (media_id, current_version + 1, prompt, summary, datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) except DatabaseError as e: logging.error(f"Error adding media version: {e}") raise # Function to search the database with advanced options, including keyword search and full-text search def sqlite_search_db(search_query: str, search_fields: List[str], keywords: str, page: int = 1, results_per_page: int = 10): if page < 1: raise ValueError("Page number must be 1 or greater.") # Prepare keywords by splitting and trimming keywords = [keyword.strip().lower() for keyword in keywords.split(',') if keyword.strip()] with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() offset = (page - 1) * results_per_page # Prepare the search conditions for general fields search_conditions = [] params = [] for field in search_fields: if search_query: # Ensure there's a search query before adding this condition search_conditions.append(f"Media.{field} LIKE ?") params.append(f'%{search_query}%') # Prepare the conditions for keywords filtering keyword_conditions = [] for keyword in keywords: keyword_conditions.append( f"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MediaKeywords mk JOIN Keywords k ON mk.keyword_id = k.id WHERE mk.media_id = Media.id AND k.keyword LIKE ?)") params.append(f'%{keyword}%') # Combine all conditions where_clause = " AND ".join( search_conditions + keyword_conditions) if search_conditions or keyword_conditions else "1=1" # Complete the query query = f''' SELECT DISTINCT Media.id, Media.url, Media.title, Media.type, Media.content, Media.author, Media.ingestion_date, MediaModifications.prompt, MediaModifications.summary FROM Media LEFT JOIN MediaModifications ON Media.id = MediaModifications.media_id WHERE {where_clause} ORDER BY Media.ingestion_date DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ''' params.extend([results_per_page, offset]) cursor.execute(query, params) results = cursor.fetchall() return results # Gradio function to handle user input and display results with pagination, with better feedback def search_and_display(search_query, search_fields, keywords, page): results = sqlite_search_db(search_query, search_fields, keywords, page) if isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame): # Convert DataFrame to a list of tuples or lists processed_results = results.values.tolist() # This converts DataFrame rows to lists elif isinstance(results, list): # Ensure that each element in the list is itself a list or tuple (not a dictionary) processed_results = [list(item.values()) if isinstance(item, dict) else item for item in results] else: raise TypeError("Unsupported data type for results") return processed_results def display_details(index, results): if index is None or results is None: return "Please select a result to view details." try: # Ensure the index is an integer and access the row properly index = int(index) if isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame): if index >= len(results): return "Index out of range. Please select a valid index." selected_row = results.iloc[index] else: # If results is not a DataFrame, but a list (assuming list of dicts) selected_row = results[index] except ValueError: return "Index must be an integer." except IndexError: return "Index out of range. Please select a valid index." # Build HTML output safely details_html = f"""

{selected_row.get('Title', 'No Title')}

URL: {selected_row.get('URL', 'No URL')}

Type: {selected_row.get('Type', 'No Type')}

Author: {selected_row.get('Author', 'No Author')}

Ingestion Date: {selected_row.get('Ingestion Date', 'No Date')}

Prompt: {selected_row.get('Prompt', 'No Prompt')}

Summary: {selected_row.get('Summary', 'No Summary')}

Content: {selected_row.get('Content', 'No Content')}

""" return details_html def get_details(index, dataframe): if index is None or dataframe is None or index >= len(dataframe): return "Please select a result to view details." row = dataframe.iloc[index] details = f"""


URL: {row['URL']}

Type: {row['Type']}

Author: {row['Author']}

Ingestion Date: {row['Ingestion Date']}

Prompt: {row['Prompt']}

Summary: {row['Summary']}


""" return details def format_results(results): if not results: return pd.DataFrame(columns=['URL', 'Title', 'Type', 'Content', 'Author', 'Ingestion Date', 'Prompt', 'Summary']) df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['URL', 'Title', 'Type', 'Content', 'Author', 'Ingestion Date', 'Prompt', 'Summary']) logging.debug(f"Formatted DataFrame: {df}") return df # Function to export search results to CSV or markdown with pagination def export_to_file(search_query: str, search_fields: List[str], keyword: str, page: int = 1, results_per_file: int = 1000, export_format: str = 'csv'): try: results = sqlite_search_db(search_query, search_fields, keyword, page, results_per_file) if not results: return "No results found to export." # Create an 'exports' directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists('exports'): os.makedirs('exports') if export_format == 'csv': filename = f'exports/search_results_page_{page}.csv' with open(filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(['URL', 'Title', 'Type', 'Content', 'Author', 'Ingestion Date', 'Prompt', 'Summary']) for row in results: writer.writerow(row) elif export_format == 'markdown': filename = f'exports/search_results_page_{page}.md' with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for item in results: markdown_content = convert_to_markdown({ 'title': item[1], 'url': item[0], 'type': item[2], 'content': item[3], 'author': item[4], 'ingestion_date': item[5], 'summary': item[7], 'keywords': item[8].split(',') if item[8] else [] }) file.write(markdown_content) file.write("\n---\n\n") # Separator between items else: return f"Unsupported export format: {export_format}" return f"Results exported to {filename}" except (DatabaseError, InputError) as e: return str(e) # Helper function to validate date format def is_valid_date(date_string: str) -> bool: try: datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%d') return True except ValueError: return False def add_media_to_database(url, info_dict, segments, summary, keywords, custom_prompt_input, whisper_model, media_type='video'): db = Database() try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Extract content from segments if isinstance(segments, list): content = ' '.join([segment.get('Text', '') for segment in segments if 'Text' in segment]) elif isinstance(segments, dict): content = segments.get('text', '') or segments.get('content', '') else: content = str(segments) # Process keywords if isinstance(keywords, str): keyword_list = [keyword.strip().lower() for keyword in keywords.split(',')] elif isinstance(keywords, (list, tuple)): keyword_list = [keyword.strip().lower() for keyword in keywords] else: keyword_list = ['default'] # Check if media already exists cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Media WHERE url = ?', (url,)) existing_media = cursor.fetchone() if existing_media: media_id = existing_media[0] cursor.execute(''' UPDATE Media SET content = ?, transcription_model = ?, title = ?, type = ?, author = ?, ingestion_date = ?, chunking_status = ? WHERE id = ? ''', (content, whisper_model, info_dict.get('title', 'Untitled'), media_type, info_dict.get('uploader', 'Unknown'), datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'pending', media_id)) else: cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO Media (url, title, type, content, author, ingestion_date, transcription_model, chunking_status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (url, info_dict.get('title', 'Untitled'), media_type, content, info_dict.get('uploader', 'Unknown'), datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), whisper_model, 'pending')) media_id = cursor.lastrowid # Add modification cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO MediaModifications (media_id, prompt, summary, modification_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (media_id, custom_prompt_input, summary, datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) # Process keywords for keyword in keyword_list: cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Keywords (keyword) VALUES (?)', (keyword,)) cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Keywords WHERE keyword = ?', (keyword,)) keyword_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO MediaKeywords (media_id, keyword_id) VALUES (?, ?)', (media_id, keyword_id)) # Update full-text search index cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO media_fts (rowid, title, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (media_id, info_dict.get('title', 'Untitled'), content)) # Add media version cursor.execute('SELECT MAX(version) FROM MediaVersion WHERE media_id = ?', (media_id,)) current_version = cursor.fetchone()[0] or 0 cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO MediaVersion (media_id, version, prompt, summary, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (media_id, current_version + 1, custom_prompt_input, summary, datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) conn.commit() # Schedule chunking schedule_chunking(media_id, content, info_dict.get('title', 'Untitled')) return f"Media '{info_dict.get('title', 'Untitled')}' added/updated successfully with keywords: {', '.join(keyword_list)}. Chunking scheduled." except DatabaseError as e: logging.error(f"Database error: {e}") raise except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Unexpected error: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Unexpected error: {e}") # FIXME: This function is not complete and needs to be implemented def schedule_chunking(media_id: int, content: str, media_name: str): try: chunks = chunk_text(content, chunk_options['method'], chunk_options['max_size'], chunk_options['overlap']) db = Database() with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO MediaChunks (media_id, chunk_text, start_index, end_index, chunk_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (media_id, chunk, i * chunk_options['max_size'], min((i + 1) * chunk_options['max_size'], len(content)), f"{media_id}_chunk_{i}")) conn.commit() # Update chunking status with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE Media SET chunking_status = 'completed' WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) conn.commit() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error scheduling chunking for media_id {media_id}: {str(e)}") # You might want to update the chunking_status to 'failed' here # # End of .... ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Functions to manage prompts DB def create_prompts_db(): with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executescript(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prompts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, details TEXT, system TEXT, user TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Keywords ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, keyword TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE COLLATE NOCASE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PromptKeywords ( prompt_id INTEGER, keyword_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (prompt_id) REFERENCES Prompts (id), FOREIGN KEY (keyword_id) REFERENCES Keywords (id), PRIMARY KEY (prompt_id, keyword_id) ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_keywords_keyword ON Keywords(keyword); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_promptkeywords_prompt_id ON PromptKeywords(prompt_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_promptkeywords_keyword_id ON PromptKeywords(keyword_id); ''') def normalize_keyword(keyword): return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', keyword.strip().lower()) def add_prompt(name, details, system, user=None, keywords=None): if not name or not system: return "Name and system prompt are required." try: with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO Prompts (name, details, system, user) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''', (name, details, system, user)) prompt_id = cursor.lastrowid if keywords: normalized_keywords = [normalize_keyword(k) for k in keywords if k.strip()] for keyword in set(normalized_keywords): # Use set to remove duplicates cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Keywords (keyword) VALUES (?) ''', (keyword,)) cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Keywords WHERE keyword = ?', (keyword,)) keyword_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO PromptKeywords (prompt_id, keyword_id) VALUES (?, ?) ''', (prompt_id, keyword_id)) return "Prompt added successfully." except sqlite3.IntegrityError: return "Prompt with this name already exists." except sqlite3.Error as e: return f"Database error: {e}" def fetch_prompt_details(name): with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT p.name, p.details, p.system, p.user, GROUP_CONCAT(k.keyword, ', ') as keywords FROM Prompts p LEFT JOIN PromptKeywords pk ON p.id = pk.prompt_id LEFT JOIN Keywords k ON pk.keyword_id = k.id WHERE p.name = ? GROUP BY p.id ''', (name,)) return cursor.fetchone() def list_prompts(page=1, per_page=10): offset = (page - 1) * per_page with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT name FROM Prompts LIMIT ? OFFSET ?', (per_page, offset)) prompts = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] # Get total count of prompts cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Prompts') total_count = cursor.fetchone()[0] total_pages = (total_count + per_page - 1) // per_page return prompts, total_pages, page # This will not scale. For a large number of prompts, use a more efficient method. # FIXME - see above statement. def load_preset_prompts(): try: with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT name FROM Prompts ORDER BY name ASC') prompts = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] return prompts except sqlite3.Error as e: print(f"Database error: {e}") return [] def insert_prompt_to_db(title, description, system_prompt, user_prompt, keywords=None): return add_prompt(title, description, system_prompt, user_prompt, keywords) def get_prompt_db_connection(): prompt_db_path = get_database_path('prompts.db') return sqlite3.connect(prompt_db_path) def search_prompts(query): try: with get_prompt_db_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT p.name, p.details, p.system, p.user, GROUP_CONCAT(k.keyword, ', ') as keywords FROM Prompts p LEFT JOIN PromptKeywords pk ON p.id = pk.prompt_id LEFT JOIN Keywords k ON pk.keyword_id = k.id WHERE p.name LIKE ? OR p.details LIKE ? OR p.system LIKE ? OR p.user LIKE ? OR k.keyword LIKE ? GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.name """, (f'%{query}%', f'%{query}%', f'%{query}%', f'%{query}%', f'%{query}%')) return cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error searching prompts: {e}") return [] def search_prompts_by_keyword(keyword, page=1, per_page=10): normalized_keyword = normalize_keyword(keyword) offset = (page - 1) * per_page with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT p.name FROM Prompts p JOIN PromptKeywords pk ON p.id = pk.prompt_id JOIN Keywords k ON pk.keyword_id = k.id WHERE k.keyword LIKE ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ''', ('%' + normalized_keyword + '%', per_page, offset)) prompts = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] # Get total count of matching prompts cursor.execute(''' SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.id) FROM Prompts p JOIN PromptKeywords pk ON p.id = pk.prompt_id JOIN Keywords k ON pk.keyword_id = k.id WHERE k.keyword LIKE ? ''', ('%' + normalized_keyword + '%',)) total_count = cursor.fetchone()[0] total_pages = (total_count + per_page - 1) // per_page return prompts, total_pages, page def update_prompt_keywords(prompt_name, new_keywords): try: with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Prompts WHERE name = ?', (prompt_name,)) prompt_id = cursor.fetchone() if not prompt_id: return "Prompt not found." prompt_id = prompt_id[0] cursor.execute('DELETE FROM PromptKeywords WHERE prompt_id = ?', (prompt_id,)) normalized_keywords = [normalize_keyword(k) for k in new_keywords if k.strip()] for keyword in set(normalized_keywords): # Use set to remove duplicates cursor.execute('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Keywords (keyword) VALUES (?)', (keyword,)) cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM Keywords WHERE keyword = ?', (keyword,)) keyword_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('INSERT INTO PromptKeywords (prompt_id, keyword_id) VALUES (?, ?)', (prompt_id, keyword_id)) # Remove unused keywords cursor.execute(''' DELETE FROM Keywords WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT keyword_id FROM PromptKeywords) ''') return "Keywords updated successfully." except sqlite3.Error as e: return f"Database error: {e}" def add_or_update_prompt(title, description, system_prompt, user_prompt, keywords=None): if not title: return "Error: Title is required." existing_prompt = fetch_prompt_details(title) if existing_prompt: # Update existing prompt result = update_prompt_in_db(title, description, system_prompt, user_prompt) if "successfully" in result: # Update keywords if the prompt update was successful keyword_result = update_prompt_keywords(title, keywords or []) result += f" {keyword_result}" else: # Insert new prompt result = insert_prompt_to_db(title, description, system_prompt, user_prompt, keywords) return result def load_prompt_details(selected_prompt): if selected_prompt: details = fetch_prompt_details(selected_prompt) if details: return details[0], details[1], details[2], details[3], details[4] # Include keywords return "", "", "", "", "" def update_prompt_in_db(title, description, system_prompt, user_prompt): try: with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "UPDATE Prompts SET details = ?, system = ?, user = ? WHERE name = ?", (description, system_prompt, user_prompt, title) ) if cursor.rowcount == 0: return "No prompt found with the given title." return "Prompt updated successfully!" except sqlite3.Error as e: return f"Error updating prompt: {e}" create_prompts_db() def delete_prompt(prompt_id): try: with sqlite3.connect(get_database_path('prompts.db')) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Delete associated keywords cursor.execute("DELETE FROM PromptKeywords WHERE prompt_id = ?", (prompt_id,)) # Delete the prompt cursor.execute("DELETE FROM Prompts WHERE id = ?", (prompt_id,)) if cursor.rowcount == 0: return f"No prompt found with ID {prompt_id}" else: conn.commit() return f"Prompt with ID {prompt_id} has been successfully deleted" except sqlite3.Error as e: return f"An error occurred: {e}" # # ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Function to fetch/update media content def update_media_content(selected_item, item_mapping, content_input, prompt_input, summary_input): try: if selected_item and item_mapping and selected_item in item_mapping: media_id = item_mapping[selected_item] with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Update the main content in the Media table cursor.execute("UPDATE Media SET content = ? WHERE id = ?", (content_input, media_id)) # Check if a row already exists in MediaModifications for this media_id cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MediaModifications WHERE media_id = ?", (media_id,)) exists = cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0 if exists: # Update existing row cursor.execute(""" UPDATE MediaModifications SET prompt = ?, summary = ?, modification_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE media_id = ? """, (prompt_input, summary_input, media_id)) else: # Insert new row cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO MediaModifications (media_id, prompt, summary, modification_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) """, (media_id, prompt_input, summary_input)) # Create new document version new_version = create_document_version(media_id, content_input) conn.commit() return f"Content updated successfully for media ID: {media_id}. New version: {new_version}" else: return "No item selected or invalid selection" except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error updating media content: {e}") return f"Error updating content: {str(e)}" def search_media_database(query: str) -> List[Tuple[int, str, str]]: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id, title, url FROM Media WHERE title LIKE ?", (f'%{query}%',)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results except sqlite3.Error as e: raise Exception(f"Error searching media database: {e}") def load_media_content(media_id: int) -> dict: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT content, prompt, summary FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result: return { "content": result[0], "prompt": result[1], "summary": result[2] } return {"content": "", "prompt": "", "summary": ""} except sqlite3.Error as e: raise Exception(f"Error loading media content: {e}") def fetch_items_by_title_or_url(search_query: str, search_type: str): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() if search_type == 'Title': cursor.execute("SELECT id, title, url FROM Media WHERE title LIKE ?", (f'%{search_query}%',)) elif search_type == 'URL': cursor.execute("SELECT id, title, url FROM Media WHERE url LIKE ?", (f'%{search_query}%',)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results except sqlite3.Error as e: raise DatabaseError(f"Error fetching items by {search_type}: {e}") def fetch_items_by_keyword(search_query: str): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT m.id, m.title, m.url FROM Media m JOIN MediaKeywords mk ON m.id = mk.media_id JOIN Keywords k ON mk.keyword_id = k.id WHERE k.keyword LIKE ? """, (f'%{search_query}%',)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results except sqlite3.Error as e: raise DatabaseError(f"Error fetching items by keyword: {e}") def fetch_items_by_content(search_query: str): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id, title, url FROM Media WHERE content LIKE ?", (f'%{search_query}%',)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results except sqlite3.Error as e: raise DatabaseError(f"Error fetching items by content: {e}") def fetch_item_details_single(media_id: int): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT prompt, summary FROM MediaModifications WHERE media_id = ? ORDER BY modification_date DESC LIMIT 1 """, (media_id,)) prompt_summary_result = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("SELECT content FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) content_result = cursor.fetchone() prompt = prompt_summary_result[0] if prompt_summary_result else "" summary = prompt_summary_result[1] if prompt_summary_result else "" content = content_result[0] if content_result else "" return prompt, summary, content except sqlite3.Error as e: raise Exception(f"Error fetching item details: {e}") def convert_to_markdown(item): markdown = f"# {item['title']}\n\n" markdown += f"**URL:** {item['url']}\n\n" markdown += f"**Author:** {item['author']}\n\n" markdown += f"**Ingestion Date:** {item['ingestion_date']}\n\n" markdown += f"**Type:** {item['type']}\n\n" markdown += f"**Keywords:** {', '.join(item['keywords'])}\n\n" markdown += "## Summary\n\n" markdown += f"{item['summary']}\n\n" markdown += "## Content\n\n" markdown += f"{item['content']}\n\n" return markdown # Gradio function to handle user input and display results with pagination for displaying entries in the DB def fetch_paginated_data(page: int, results_per_page: int) -> Tuple[List[Tuple], int]: try: offset = (page - 1) * results_per_page with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Media") total_entries = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("SELECT id, title, url FROM Media LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (results_per_page, offset)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results, total_entries except sqlite3.Error as e: raise Exception(f"Error fetching paginated data: {e}") def format_results_as_html(results: List[Tuple]) -> str: html = "" html += "" for row in results: html += f"" html += "
" return html def view_database(page: int, results_per_page: int) -> Tuple[str, str, int]: results, total_entries = fetch_paginated_data(page, results_per_page) formatted_results = format_results_as_html(results) # Calculate total pages total_pages = (total_entries + results_per_page - 1) // results_per_page return formatted_results, f"Page {page} of {total_pages}", total_pages def search_and_display_items(query, search_type, page, entries_per_page,char_count): offset = (page - 1) * entries_per_page try: with sqlite3.connect('./Databases/media_summary.db') as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Adjust the SQL query based on the search type if search_type == "Title": where_clause = "WHERE m.title LIKE ?" elif search_type == "URL": where_clause = "WHERE m.url LIKE ?" elif search_type == "Keyword": where_clause = "WHERE k.keyword LIKE ?" elif search_type == "Content": where_clause = "WHERE m.content LIKE ?" else: raise ValueError("Invalid search type") cursor.execute(f''' SELECT m.id, m.title, m.url, m.content, mm.summary, GROUP_CONCAT(k.keyword, ', ') as keywords FROM Media m LEFT JOIN MediaModifications mm ON m.id = mm.media_id LEFT JOIN MediaKeywords mk ON m.id = mk.media_id LEFT JOIN Keywords k ON mk.keyword_id = k.id {where_clause} GROUP BY m.id ORDER BY m.ingestion_date DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ''', (f'%{query}%', entries_per_page, offset)) items = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(f''' SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT m.id) FROM Media m LEFT JOIN MediaKeywords mk ON m.id = mk.media_id LEFT JOIN Keywords k ON mk.keyword_id = k.id {where_clause} ''', (f'%{query}%',)) total_items = cursor.fetchone()[0] results = "" for item in items: title = html.escape(item[1]).replace('\n', '
') url = html.escape(item[2]).replace('\n', '
') # First X amount of characters of the content content = html.escape(item[3] or '')[:char_count] + '...' summary = html.escape(item[4] or '').replace('\n', '
') keywords = html.escape(item[5] or '').replace('\n', '
') results += f"""
Title: {title}
URL: {url}
Content (first {char_count} characters):
Keywords: {keywords}
""" total_pages = (total_items + entries_per_page - 1) // entries_per_page pagination = f"Page {page} of {total_pages} (Total items: {total_items})" return results, pagination, total_pages except sqlite3.Error as e: return f"

Error searching items: {e}

", "Error", 0 # # End of Functions to manage prompts DB / Fetch and update media content ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Obsidian-related Functions def import_obsidian_note_to_db(note_data): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Media WHERE title = ? AND type = 'obsidian_note'", (note_data['title'],)) existing_note = cursor.fetchone() # Generate a relative path or meaningful identifier instead of using the temporary file path relative_path = os.path.relpath(note_data['file_path'], start=os.path.dirname(note_data['file_path'])) if existing_note: media_id = existing_note[0] cursor.execute(""" UPDATE Media SET content = ?, author = ?, ingestion_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, url = ? WHERE id = ? """, (note_data['content'], note_data['frontmatter'].get('author', 'Unknown'), relative_path, media_id)) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM MediaKeywords WHERE media_id = ?", (media_id,)) else: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Media (title, content, type, author, ingestion_date, url) VALUES (?, ?, 'obsidian_note', ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?) """, (note_data['title'], note_data['content'], note_data['frontmatter'].get('author', 'Unknown'), relative_path)) media_id = cursor.lastrowid for tag in note_data['tags']: cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Keywords (keyword) VALUES (?)", (tag,)) cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Keywords WHERE keyword = ?", (tag,)) keyword_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO MediaKeywords (media_id, keyword_id) VALUES (?, ?)", (media_id, keyword_id)) frontmatter_str = yaml.dump(note_data['frontmatter']) cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO MediaModifications (media_id, prompt, summary, modification_date) VALUES (?, 'Obsidian Frontmatter', ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) """, (media_id, frontmatter_str)) # Update full-text search index cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO media_fts (rowid, title, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (media_id, note_data['title'], note_data['content'])) action = "Updated" if existing_note else "Imported" logger.info(f"{action} Obsidian note: {note_data['title']}") return True, None except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Database error {'updating' if existing_note else 'importing'} note {note_data['title']}: {str(e)}" logger.error(error_msg) return False, error_msg except Exception as e: error_msg = f"Unexpected error {'updating' if existing_note else 'importing'} note {note_data['title']}: {str(e)}\n{traceback.format_exc()}" logger.error(error_msg) return False, error_msg # # End of Obsidian-related Functions ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Chat-related Functions def create_chat_conversation(media_id, conversation_name): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO ChatConversations (media_id, conversation_name, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ''', (media_id, conversation_name)) conn.commit() return cursor.lastrowid except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error creating chat conversation: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error creating chat conversation: {e}") def add_chat_message(conversation_id: int, sender: str, message: str) -> int: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO ChatMessages (conversation_id, sender, message) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ''', (conversation_id, sender, message)) conn.commit() return cursor.lastrowid except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error adding chat message: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error adding chat message: {e}") def get_chat_messages(conversation_id: int) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, sender, message, timestamp FROM ChatMessages WHERE conversation_id = ? ORDER BY timestamp ASC ''', (conversation_id,)) messages = cursor.fetchall() return [ { 'id': msg[0], 'sender': msg[1], 'message': msg[2], 'timestamp': msg[3] } for msg in messages ] except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error retrieving chat messages: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error retrieving chat messages: {e}") def search_chat_conversations(search_query: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT cc.id, cc.media_id, cc.conversation_name, cc.created_at, m.title as media_title FROM ChatConversations cc LEFT JOIN Media m ON cc.media_id = m.id WHERE cc.conversation_name LIKE ? OR m.title LIKE ? ORDER BY cc.updated_at DESC ''', (f'%{search_query}%', f'%{search_query}%')) conversations = cursor.fetchall() return [ { 'id': conv[0], 'media_id': conv[1], 'conversation_name': conv[2], 'created_at': conv[3], 'media_title': conv[4] or "Unknown Media" } for conv in conversations ] except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error searching chat conversations: {e}") return [] def update_chat_message(message_id: int, new_message: str) -> None: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' UPDATE ChatMessages SET message = ?, timestamp = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ? ''', (new_message, message_id)) conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error updating chat message: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error updating chat message: {e}") def delete_chat_message(message_id: int) -> None: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('DELETE FROM ChatMessages WHERE id = ?', (message_id,)) conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error deleting chat message: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error deleting chat message: {e}") def save_chat_history_to_database(chatbot, conversation_id, media_id, media_name, conversation_name): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # If conversation_id is None, create a new conversation if conversation_id is None: cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO ChatConversations (media_id, media_name, conversation_name, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ''', (media_id, media_name, conversation_name)) conversation_id = cursor.lastrowid else: # If conversation exists, update the media_name cursor.execute(''' UPDATE ChatConversations SET media_name = ?, updated_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ? ''', (media_name, conversation_id)) # Save each message in the chatbot history for i, (user_msg, ai_msg) in enumerate(chatbot): cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO ChatMessages (conversation_id, sender, message, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ''', (conversation_id, 'user', user_msg)) cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO ChatMessages (conversation_id, sender, message, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ''', (conversation_id, 'ai', ai_msg)) # Update the conversation's updated_at timestamp cursor.execute(''' UPDATE ChatConversations SET updated_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ? ''', (conversation_id,)) conn.commit() return conversation_id except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error saving chat history to database: {str(e)}") raise def get_conversation_name(conversation_id): if conversation_id is None: return None try: with sqlite3.connect('media_summary.db') as conn: # Replace with your actual database name cursor = conn.cursor() query = """ SELECT conversation_name, media_name FROM ChatConversations WHERE id = ? """ cursor.execute(query, (conversation_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result: conversation_name, media_name = result if conversation_name: return conversation_name elif media_name: return f"{media_name}-chat" return None # Return None if no result found except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Database error in get_conversation_name: {e}") return None except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Unexpected error in get_conversation_name: {e}") return None # # End of Chat-related Functions ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Functions to Compare Transcripts # Fetch Transcripts def get_transcripts(media_id): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, whisper_model, transcription, created_at FROM Transcripts WHERE media_id = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC ''', (media_id,)) return cursor.fetchall() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_transcripts: {str(e)}") return [] # # End of Functions to Compare Transcripts ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Functions to handle deletion of media items def mark_as_trash(media_id: int) -> None: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE Media SET is_trash = 1, trash_date = ? WHERE id = ? """, (datetime.now(), media_id)) conn.commit() def restore_from_trash(media_id: int) -> None: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" UPDATE Media SET is_trash = 0, trash_date = NULL WHERE id = ? """, (media_id,)) conn.commit() def get_trashed_items() -> List[Dict]: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, title, trash_date FROM Media WHERE is_trash = 1 ORDER BY trash_date DESC """) return [{'id': row[0], 'title': row[1], 'trash_date': row[2]} for row in cursor.fetchall()] def permanently_delete_item(media_id: int) -> None: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM MediaKeywords WHERE media_id = ?", (media_id,)) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM MediaVersion WHERE media_id = ?", (media_id,)) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM MediaModifications WHERE media_id = ?", (media_id,)) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM media_fts WHERE rowid = ?", (media_id,)) conn.commit() def empty_trash(days_threshold: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: threshold_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=days_threshold) with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT id FROM Media WHERE is_trash = 1 AND trash_date <= ? """, (threshold_date,)) old_items = cursor.fetchall() for item in old_items: permanently_delete_item(item[0]) cursor.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Media WHERE is_trash = 1 AND trash_date > ? """, (threshold_date,)) remaining_items = cursor.fetchone()[0] return len(old_items), remaining_items def user_delete_item(media_id: int, force: bool = False) -> str: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT is_trash, trash_date FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if not result: return "Item not found." is_trash, trash_date = result if not is_trash: mark_as_trash(media_id) return "Item moved to trash." if force or (trash_date and (datetime.now() - trash_date).days >= 30): permanently_delete_item(media_id) return "Item permanently deleted." else: return "Item is already in trash. Use force=True to delete permanently before 30 days." def get_chunk_text(media_id: int, chunk_index: int) -> str: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT content FROM MediaChunks WHERE media_id = ? AND chunk_index = ?", (media_id, chunk_index)) result = cursor.fetchone() return result[0] if result else None def get_full_document(media_id: int) -> str: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT content FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() return result[0] if result else None def get_all_content_from_database() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Retrieve all media content from the database that requires embedding. Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of dictionaries, each containing the media ID, content, title, and other relevant fields. """ try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, content, title, author, type FROM Media WHERE is_trash = 0 -- Exclude items marked as trash """) media_items = cursor.fetchall() all_content = [ { 'id': item[0], 'content': item[1], 'title': item[2], 'author': item[3], 'type': item[4] } for item in media_items ] return all_content except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(f"Error retrieving all content from database: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error retrieving all content from database: {e}") def get_media_content(media_id: int) -> str: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT content FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: raise ValueError(f"No media found with id {media_id}") return result[0] except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Database error in get_media_content: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Failed to retrieve media content: {e}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Unexpected error in get_media_content: {e}") raise def get_media_title(media_id: int) -> str: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT title FROM Media WHERE id = ?", (media_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() return result[0] if result else f"Unknown Source (ID: {media_id})" except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Database error in get_media_title: {e}") return f"Unknown Source (ID: {media_id})" def get_media_transcripts(media_id): try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, whisper_model, transcription, created_at FROM Transcripts WHERE media_id = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC ''', (media_id,)) results = cursor.fetchall() return [ { 'id': row[0], 'whisper_model': row[1], 'content': row[2], 'created_at': row[3] } for row in results ] except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_media_transcripts: {str(e)}") return [] def get_specific_transcript(transcript_id: int) -> Dict: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, whisper_model, transcription, created_at FROM Transcripts WHERE id = ? ''', (transcript_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result: return { 'id': result[0], 'whisper_model': result[1], 'content': result[2], 'created_at': result[3] } return {'error': f"No transcript found with ID {transcript_id}"} except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_specific_transcript: {str(e)}") return {'error': f"Error retrieving transcript: {str(e)}"} def get_media_summaries(media_id: int) -> List[Dict]: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, summary, modification_date FROM MediaModifications WHERE media_id = ? AND summary IS NOT NULL ORDER BY modification_date DESC ''', (media_id,)) results = cursor.fetchall() return [ { 'id': row[0], 'content': row[1], 'created_at': row[2] } for row in results ] except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_media_summaries: {str(e)}") def get_specific_summary(summary_id: int) -> Dict: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, summary, modification_date FROM MediaModifications WHERE id = ? ''', (summary_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result: return { 'id': result[0], 'content': result[1], 'created_at': result[2] } return {'error': f"No summary found with ID {summary_id}"} except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_specific_summary: {str(e)}") return {'error': f"Error retrieving summary: {str(e)}"} def get_media_prompts(media_id: int) -> List[Dict]: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, prompt, modification_date FROM MediaModifications WHERE media_id = ? AND prompt IS NOT NULL ORDER BY modification_date DESC ''', (media_id,)) results = cursor.fetchall() return [ { 'id': row[0], 'content': row[1], 'created_at': row[2] } for row in results ] except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_media_prompts: {str(e)}") return [] def get_specific_prompt(prompt_id: int) -> Dict: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, prompt, modification_date FROM MediaModifications WHERE id = ? ''', (prompt_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result: return { 'id': result[0], 'content': result[1], 'created_at': result[2] } return {'error': f"No prompt found with ID {prompt_id}"} except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_specific_prompt: {str(e)}") return {'error': f"Error retrieving prompt: {str(e)}"} def delete_specific_transcript(transcript_id: int) -> str: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Transcripts WHERE id = ?', (transcript_id,)) conn.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: return f"Transcript with ID {transcript_id} has been deleted successfully." else: return f"No transcript found with ID {transcript_id}." except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in delete_specific_transcript: {str(e)}") return f"Error deleting transcript: {str(e)}" def delete_specific_summary(summary_id: int) -> str: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('UPDATE MediaModifications SET summary = NULL WHERE id = ?', (summary_id,)) conn.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: return f"Summary with ID {summary_id} has been deleted successfully." else: return f"No summary found with ID {summary_id}." except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in delete_specific_summary: {str(e)}") return f"Error deleting summary: {str(e)}" def delete_specific_prompt(prompt_id: int) -> str: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('UPDATE MediaModifications SET prompt = NULL WHERE id = ?', (prompt_id,)) conn.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: return f"Prompt with ID {prompt_id} has been deleted successfully." else: return f"No prompt found with ID {prompt_id}." except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in delete_specific_prompt: {str(e)}") return f"Error deleting prompt: {str(e)}" def get_paginated_files(page: int = 1, results_per_page: int = 50) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, str]], int, int]: try: offset = (page - 1) * results_per_page with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Get total count of media items cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Media") total_entries = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Fetch paginated results cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, title FROM Media ORDER BY title LIMIT ? OFFSET ? """, (results_per_page, offset)) results = cursor.fetchall() # Calculate total pages total_pages = (total_entries + results_per_page - 1) // results_per_page return results, total_pages, page except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error fetching paginated files: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error fetching paginated files: {e}") # # End of Functions to handle deletion of media items ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Functions to manage document versions def create_document_version(media_id: int, content: str) -> int: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Get the latest version number cursor.execute(''' SELECT MAX(version_number) FROM DocumentVersions WHERE media_id = ? ''', (media_id,)) latest_version = cursor.fetchone()[0] or 0 new_version = latest_version + 1 # Insert new version cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO DocumentVersions (media_id, version_number, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ''', (media_id, new_version, content)) conn.commit() return new_version except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error creating document version: {e}") raise DatabaseError(f"Error creating document version: {e}") def get_document_version(media_id: int, version_number: int = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: try: with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() if version_number is None: # Get the latest version cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, version_number, content, created_at FROM DocumentVersions WHERE media_id = ? ORDER BY version_number DESC LIMIT 1 ''', (media_id,)) else: cursor.execute(''' SELECT id, version_number, content, created_at FROM DocumentVersions WHERE media_id = ? AND version_number = ? ''', (media_id, version_number)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result: return { 'id': result[0], 'version_number': result[1], 'content': result[2], 'created_at': result[3] } else: return {'error': f"No document version found for media_id {media_id}" + (f" and version_number {version_number}" if version_number is not None else "")} except sqlite3.Error as e: error_message = f"Error retrieving document version: {e}" logging.error(error_message) return {'error': error_message} # # End of Functions to manage document versions ####################################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################################### # # Functions to manage media chunks def process_chunks(database, chunks: List[Dict], media_id: int, batch_size: int = 100): """ Process chunks in batches and insert them into the database. :param database: Database instance to use for inserting chunks :param chunks: List of chunk dictionaries :param media_id: ID of the media these chunks belong to :param batch_size: Number of chunks to process in each batch """ total_chunks = len(chunks) processed_chunks = 0 for i in range(0, total_chunks, batch_size): batch = chunks[i:i + batch_size] chunk_data = [ (media_id, chunk['text'], chunk['start_index'], chunk['end_index']) for chunk in batch ] try: database.execute_many( "INSERT INTO MediaChunks (media_id, chunk_text, start_index, end_index) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", chunk_data ) processed_chunks += len(batch) logging.info(f"Processed {processed_chunks}/{total_chunks} chunks for media_id {media_id}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error inserting chunk batch for media_id {media_id}: {e}") # Optionally, you could raise an exception here to stop processing # raise logging.info(f"Finished processing all {total_chunks} chunks for media_id {media_id}") # Usage example: # chunks = [{'text': 'chunk1', 'start_index': 0, 'end_index': 10}, ...] # process_chunks(db, chunks, media_id=1, batch_size=100) def batch_insert_chunks(conn, chunks, media_id): cursor = conn.cursor() chunk_data = [( media_id, chunk['text'], chunk['metadata']['start_index'], chunk['metadata']['end_index'], f"{media_id}_chunk_{i}" ) for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks, 1)] cursor.executemany(''' INSERT INTO MediaChunks (media_id, chunk_text, start_index, end_index, chunk_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', chunk_data) chunk_queue = queue.Queue() def chunk_processor(): while True: chunk_batch = chunk_queue.get() if chunk_batch is None: break try: with db.get_connection() as conn: conn.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION") try: batch_insert_chunks(conn, chunk_batch['chunks'], chunk_batch['media_id']) conn.commit() except Exception as e: conn.rollback() logging.error(f"Error in batch insert: {str(e)}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error processing chunk batch: {str(e)}") finally: chunk_queue.task_done() # Start the chunk processor thread #chunk_processor_thread = threading.Thread(target=chunk_processor) #chunk_processor_thread.start() # Make sure to properly shut down the chunk processor when your application exits # def shutdown_chunk_processor(): # chunk_queue.put(None) # chunk_processor_thread.join() #FIXME - add into main db creation code def update_media_chunks_table(): with db.get_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MediaChunks_new ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, media_id INTEGER, chunk_text TEXT, start_index INTEGER, end_index INTEGER, chunk_id TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media(id) ) ''') cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO MediaChunks_new (media_id, chunk_text, start_index, end_index) SELECT media_id, chunk_text, start_index, end_index FROM MediaChunks ''') cursor.execute('DROP TABLE MediaChunks') cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE MediaChunks_new RENAME TO MediaChunks') logger.info("Updated MediaChunks table schema") update_media_chunks_table() # Above function is a dirty hack that should be merged into the initial DB creation statement. This is a placeholder # FIXME # This is backwards compatibility for older setups. # Function to add a missing column to the Media table def add_missing_column_if_not_exists(db, table_name, column_name, column_definition): try: # Check if the column already exists in the table cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})") columns = [column[1] for column in cursor.fetchall()] # If the column is not found, add it if column_name not in columns: logging.info(f"Adding missing column '{column_name}' to table '{table_name}'") cursor.execute(f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD COLUMN {column_definition}") db.commit() logging.info(f"Column '{column_name}' added successfully.") else: logging.info(f"Column '{column_name}' already exists in table '{table_name}'") except sqlite3.Error as e: logging.error(f"Error checking or adding column '{column_name}' in table '{table_name}': {e}") raise # Example usage of the function def update_media_table(db): # Add chunking_status column if it doesn't exist add_missing_column_if_not_exists(db, 'Media', 'chunking_status', "TEXT DEFAULT 'pending'") # # End of Functions to manage media chunks #######################################################################################################################