[ { "name": "5 Whys Analysis", "prompts": [ "Why did this happen?", "Why did that happen?", "Why did this subsequent event happen?", "Why did this further event happen?", "Why did this final event happen?" ] }, { "name": "Summarization", "prompts": [ "Summarize the following text:", "Refine the summary to be more concise:" ] }, { "name": "Question Answering", "prompts": [ "Answer the following question based on the context:", "Provide a more detailed answer:" ] }, { "name": "Brainstorming", "prompts": [ "Generate initial ideas based on the following topic:", "Expand on the generated ideas:", "Refine and prioritize the ideas:", "Summarize the final set of ideas:" ] }, { "name": "Code Review", "prompts": [ "Review the following code for potential issues:", "Suggest improvements or optimizations:", "Explain how the suggested changes will improve the code:" ] }, { "name": "Product Description", "prompts": [ "Write an initial product description based on the provided details:", "Enhance the description with key features and benefits:", "Simplify and make the description more engaging:", "Optimize the description for SEO:" ] }, { "name": "SWOT Analysis", "prompts": [ "Identify the strengths of the subject:", "Identify the weaknesses of the subject:", "Identify potential opportunities for the subject:", "Identify potential threats to the subject:", "Summarize the SWOT analysis:" ] }, { "name": "User Story Creation", "prompts": [ "Draft an initial user story for the feature:", "Clarify the user needs and expected outcomes:", "Refine the user story to ensure clarity and completeness:", "Review and prioritize the user story for development:" ] }, { "name": "Content Outline Creation", "prompts": [ "Identify the main topic and subtopics to be covered:", "Detail the key points under each subtopic:", "Refine and organize the outline for logical flow:", "Expand on any areas that need more detail:" ] }, { "name": "Risk Assessment", "prompts": [ "Identify potential risks associated with the project/decision:", "Analyze the impact and likelihood of each risk:", "Suggest mitigation strategies for high-priority risks:", "Summarize the risk assessment and proposed actions:" ] }, { "name": "Customer Feedback Analysis", "prompts": [ "Summarize the main themes from the customer feedback:", "Identify positive aspects and strengths based on feedback:", "Highlight areas of concern or dissatisfaction:", "Recommend actions based on the feedback analysis:" ] }, { "name": "Decision-Making", "prompts": [ "List the available options for the decision:", "Evaluate the pros and cons of each option:", "Consider the potential outcomes and impact of each option:", "Make a recommendation based on the evaluation:" ] }, { "name": "Goal Setting and Action Planning", "prompts": [ "Define the main goal you want to achieve:", "Break down the goal into smaller, actionable steps:", "Set timelines and milestones for each step:", "Identify resources and support needed to achieve the goal:", "Review and adjust the plan as necessary:" ] }, { "name": "User Experience (UX) Design", "prompts": [ "Describe the user needs and pain points:", "Brainstorm potential design solutions to address these needs:", "Evaluate the feasibility and impact of each design solution:", "Create a prototype or mockup based on the selected design:", "Plan for user testing and feedback collection:" ] }, { "name": "Root Cause Analysis", "prompts": [ "Describe the problem or issue in detail:", "Identify possible causes of the problem:", "Use the '5 Whys' technique to drill down to the root cause:", "Propose potential solutions to address the root cause:", "Develop an action plan to implement the solution and monitor its effectiveness:" ] }, { "name": "Literature Review", "prompts": [ "Summarize the key findings from the following research paper:", "Identify gaps or unresolved questions in the literature:", "Compare and contrast the methodologies used in different studies:", "Synthesize the findings into a cohesive narrative:" ] }, { "name": "Creative Writing", "prompts": [ "Generate ideas for a story or poem based on the following theme:", "Outline the main plot or structure of the story:", "Write the first draft of the opening scene or stanza:", "Refine the draft by focusing on character development or imagery:", "Edit and polish the final version for clarity and impact:" ] }, { "name": "Marketing Campaign Planning", "prompts": [ "Define the target audience and campaign goals:", "Brainstorm creative ideas for campaign messages and visuals:", "Outline the channels and tactics to be used in the campaign:", "Set a timeline and assign responsibilities:", "Evaluate the campaign's performance and suggest improvements:" ] }, { "name": "Event Planning", "prompts": [ "Outline the purpose and goals of the event:", "List the key activities and sessions for the event:", "Plan the logistics, including venue, catering, and AV setup:", "Develop a promotional strategy to attract attendees:", "Create a contingency plan for potential issues:" ] }, { "name": "Job Interview Preparation", "prompts": [ "Research the company and summarize key information:", "Identify the most common interview questions for this role:", "Prepare answers to behavioral and situational questions:", "Review your resume and highlight relevant experiences:", "Develop questions to ask the interviewer:" ] }, { "name": "Conflict Resolution", "prompts": [ "Describe the conflict and the parties involved:", "Identify the underlying causes of the conflict:", "Explore potential solutions or compromises:", "Plan a mediation or discussion session to address the conflict:", "Evaluate the outcomes and ensure all parties are satisfied:" ] }, { "name": "Time Management", "prompts": [ "List all the tasks and activities you need to complete this week:", "Prioritize the tasks based on urgency and importance:", "Create a daily schedule, allocating time blocks for each task:", "Identify any potential time-wasters or distractions:", "Review your progress at the end of the week and adjust your approach:" ] }, { "name": "Product Launch", "prompts": [ "Define the product's unique value proposition and target market:", "Outline the product development milestones and key deliverables:", "Develop a go-to-market strategy, including pricing, distribution, and promotion:", "Plan the launch event or activities:", "Monitor the launch performance and gather customer feedback:" ] }, { "name": "Personal Reflection and Growth", "prompts": [ "Reflect on your recent experiences and identify key learnings:", "Set personal goals based on your reflections:", "Identify any habits or behaviors you want to change or improve:", "Develop an action plan to work towards your goals:", "Review your progress periodically and adjust your plan as needed:" ] }, { "name": "Sales Pitch Development", "prompts": [ "Identify the key features and benefits of the product or service:", "Understand the customer's pain points and how your product addresses them:", "Craft an initial sales pitch focusing on value and solutions:", "Refine the pitch by addressing potential objections:", "Practice delivering the pitch with confidence and clarity:" ] } ]