Runtime error
Runtime error
import re | |
import pdfkit | |
import streamlit as st | |
from src.chatbot.chatgpt import Chatgpt | |
from src.utils import parse_pdf, build_html_resume | |
section_examples = {'summary': 'I have passion for new tech', | |
'workExperience': 'Tell about my ability to lead projects', | |
'education': 'Describe my degree type in more details'} | |
openai_key_info = '' | |
def list_section(section_name, section_data): | |
description_key = 'description' | |
item_keys = list(section_data[0].keys()) | |
item_keys.remove(description_key) | |
for item_id, section_item in enumerate(section_data): | |
cols = st.columns(len(item_keys)) | |
for col, key in zip(cols, item_keys): | |
col.text_input(key, section_item[key], key=f'{section_name}_{item_id}_{key}') | |
st.text_area(description_key, section_item[description_key], key=f'{section_name}_{item_id}_{description_key}') | |
recruiter_subsection(section_name, section_example=section_examples[section_name], item_id=item_id) | |
st.markdown('***') | |
def skills_section(section_name, skills_data): | |
num_columns = 3 | |
for skills_row in range(0, len(skills_data), num_columns): | |
cols = st.columns([3, 1] * num_columns) | |
skills_row_names = skills_data[skills_row: skills_row + num_columns] | |
for item_id, skill in enumerate(skills_row_names): | |
skill_id = skills_row + item_id | |
cols[item_id * 2].text_input(' ', value=skill, key=f'{section_name}_{skill_id}', label_visibility='hidden') | |
cols[item_id * 2 + 1].markdown('## ') | |
if cols[item_id * 2 + 1].button('x', key=f'{section_name}_{skill_id}_remove_skill'): | |
_remove_skill(skill_id, skills_data) | |
skill_subsection(section_name) | |
st.markdown('***') | |
def _remove_skill(skill_id, skills_data): | |
del skills_data[skill_id] | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
def skill_subsection(section_name, item_id=0): | |
key = f'{section_name}_{item_id}_add_skill' | |
cols = st.columns([12, 1]) | |
new_skill = cols[0].text_input("Add skill", key=key) | |
cols[1].markdown('##') | |
clicked = cols[1].button("\+") | |
if clicked and new_skill: | |
st.write(new_skill) | |
st.session_state['resume_data'][section_name].append(new_skill) | |
st.write(st.session_state['resume_data'][section_name]) | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
def recruiter_subsection(section_name, section_example, item_id=0): | |
with st.container(): | |
cols = st.columns([3, 10], gap='small') | |
cols[0].write('\n') | |
cols[0].write('\n') | |
button_clicked = cols[0].button("Auto Section Improve", key=f'{section_name}_{item_id}_improve_auto') | |
trigger_key = 'Add a special request' | |
user_request_template = f"{trigger_key} to the bot here... e.g. {section_example}." | |
user_request = cols[1].text_input("section_example", value=user_request_template, | |
key=f'{section_name}_{item_id}_improve_manual', label_visibility='hidden') | |
if button_clicked: | |
user_request = '' if trigger_key in user_request else user_request | |
section_key = get_item_key(section_name, item_id) | |
section_text = st.session_state[section_key] | |
new_section_text = st.session_state['chatbot'].improve_section(section_text, user_request) | |
update_resume_data(new_section_text, section_name, item_id) | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
def get_item_key(section_name, item_id=0): | |
section_key = '' | |
if section_name in ['workExperience', 'education']: | |
key = 'description' | |
section_key = f'{section_name}_{item_id}_{key}' | |
elif section_name == 'summary': | |
section_key = f'{section_name}' | |
return section_key | |
def update_resume_data(text_input, section_name, item_id=0): | |
if section_name in ['workExperience', 'education']: | |
key = 'description' | |
st.session_state['resume_data'][section_name][item_id][key] = text_input | |
elif section_name == 'summary': | |
section_key = f'{section_name}' | |
st.session_state['resume_data'][section_key] = text_input | |
def summary_section(section_name, summary_data): | |
st.text_area(section_name, summary_data, key=f'{section_name}', label_visibility='hidden') | |
recruiter_subsection(section_name, section_examples[section_name]) | |
def contact_info_section(section_name, info_data): | |
for key, value in info_data.items(): | |
if value: | |
st.text_input(key.title(), value, key=f'{section_name}_{key}') | |
st.markdown('***') | |
def header(): | |
st.text_input('name', st.session_state.resume_data['name'], key="name") | |
st.text_input('title', st.session_state.resume_data['title'], key="title") | |
def body(): | |
section_dict = {'contactInfo': contact_info_section, 'summary': summary_section, 'workExperience': list_section, | |
'education': list_section, 'skills': skills_section} | |
tabs_names = [key_to_tab_name(key) for key in section_dict.keys()] | |
tabs = st.tabs(tabs_names) | |
for tab, key in zip(tabs, section_dict): | |
section_func = section_dict[key] | |
with tab: | |
section_func(key, st.session_state['resume_data'][key]) | |
def key_to_tab_name(input_string): | |
return re.sub(r'([A-Z])', r' \1', input_string).strip().title() | |
def sidebar(): | |
with st.sidebar: | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload PDF Resume', type="PDF") | |
if uploaded_file and _is_new_file(uploaded_file) and is_chatbot_loaded(): | |
_init_resume(uploaded_file) | |
if is_data_loaded() and is_chatbot_loaded(): | |
st.button("Improve More", on_click=_improve_more) | |
st.download_button('Download PDF', file_name='out.pdf', mime="application/json", data=download_pdf()) | |
def download_pdf(): | |
resume_data = format_resume_data() | |
html_resume = build_html_resume(resume_data) | |
options = {'page-size': 'A4', 'margin-top': '0.75in', 'margin-right': '0.75in', 'margin-bottom': '0.75in', | |
'margin-left': '0.75in', 'encoding': "UTF-8", 'no-outline': None} | |
return pdfkit.from_string(html_resume, options=options, css='src/css/main.css') | |
def _improve_more(): | |
print("Improving resume") | |
st.session_state['resume_data'] = st.session_state['chatbot'].improve_resume(st.session_state['resume_data']) | |
def _init_chatbot(): | |
cols = st.columns([6, 1, 1]) | |
api_key = cols[0].text_input("Enter OpenAI API key") | |
cols[1].markdown("#") | |
api_submit = cols[1].button("Submit") | |
cols[2].markdown("#") | |
get_info = cols[2].button("Get key") | |
if get_info: | |"Get your key at: {openai_key_info}") | |
if api_submit: | |
if Chatgpt.validate_api(api_key): | |
st.session_state['chatbot'] = Chatgpt(api_key) | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
else: | |
st.error("Not valid API key - try again...") | |
def is_chatbot_loaded(): | |
return st.session_state.get('chatbot') | |
def _is_new_file(uploaded_file): | |
return != st.session_state.get('file_id', '') | |
def _init_resume(uploaded_file): | |
resume_data = parse_pdf(uploaded_file) | |
st.session_state['resume_data'] = st.session_state['chatbot'].improve_resume(resume_data) | |
st.session_state['file_id'] = | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
def format_resume_data(): | |
current_state = st.session_state | |
resume_data = {} | |
contact_info = {} | |
work_experience = [] | |
education = [] | |
skills = [] | |
resume_data['name'] = current_state.get('name', '') | |
resume_data['title'] = current_state.get('title', '') | |
contact_info_keys = ['linkedin', 'github', 'email', 'address'] | |
for key in contact_info_keys: | |
contact_info[key] = current_state.get(f'contactInfo_{key}', '') | |
resume_data['contactInfo'] = contact_info | |
resume_data['summary'] = current_state.get('summary', '') | |
work_experience_keys = ['workExperience_{}_title', 'workExperience_{}_company', 'workExperience_{}_dates', | |
'workExperience_{}_description'] | |
education_keys = ['education_{}_degree', 'education_{}_school', 'education_{}_dates', 'education_{}_description'] | |
total_work_experience = count_entries(st.session_state, 'workExperience') | |
total_education = count_entries(st.session_state, 'education') | |
for i in range(total_work_experience): | |
work_experience.append( | |
{key.split('_')[2]: current_state.get(key.format(i), '') for key in work_experience_keys}) | |
for i in range(total_education): | |
education.append({key.split('_')[2]: current_state.get(key.format(i), '') for key in education_keys}) | |
resume_data['workExperience'] = work_experience | |
resume_data['education'] = education | |
total_skills = count_entries(st.session_state, 'skills') | |
for i in range(total_skills): | |
skill_key = f'skills_{i}' | |
skills.append(current_state.get(skill_key, '')) | |
resume_data['skills'] = skills | |
return resume_data | |
def count_entries(input_dict, entry_type): | |
max_index = max([int(key.split("_")[1]) for key in input_dict.keys() if key.startswith(f"{entry_type}_")], | |
default=0) | |
return max_index + 1 | |
def title(): | |
st.title("ChatCV - AI Resume Builder") | |
def upload_resume_header(): | |
st.success("Upload PDF Resume - Let the magic begin...") | |
def is_data_loaded(): | |
return st.session_state.get('resume_data') | |
def _main(): | |
title() | |
if is_chatbot_loaded(): | |
sidebar() | |
if is_data_loaded(): | |
header() | |
body() | |
else: | |
upload_resume_header() | |
else: | |
_init_chatbot() | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
_main() | |
# bootstrap 4 collapse example | |