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Working on isa demo.
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2023 The Google Research Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Clustering metrics."""
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union
from clu import metrics
import flax
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
Ndarray = Union[np.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]
def check_shape(x, expected_shape, name):
"""Check whether shape x is as expected.
x: Any data type with `shape` attribute. If `shape` attribute is not present
it is assumed to be a scalar with shape ().
expected_shape: The shape that is expected of x. For example,
[None, None, 3] can be the `expected_shape` for a color image,
[4, None, None, 3] if we know that batch size is 4.
name: Name of `x` to provide informative error messages.
Raises: ValueError if x's shape does not match expected_shape. Also raises
ValueError if expected_shape is not a list or tuple.
if not isinstance(expected_shape, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError(
"expected_shape should be a list or tuple of ints but got "
# Scalars have shape () by definition.
shape = getattr(x, "shape", ())
if (len(shape) != len(expected_shape) or
any(j is not None and i != j for i, j in zip(shape, expected_shape))):
raise ValueError(
f"Input {name} had shape {shape} but {expected_shape} was expected.")
def _validate_inputs(predicted_segmentations,
mask = None):
"""Checks that all inputs have the expected shapes.
predicted_segmentations: An array of integers of shape [bs, seq_len, H, W]
containing model segmentation predictions.
ground_truth_segmentations: An array of integers of shape [bs, seq_len, H,
W] containing ground truth segmentations.
padding_mask: An array of integers of shape [bs, seq_len, H, W] defining
regions where the ground truth is meaningless, for example because this
corresponds to regions which were padded during data augmentation. Value 0
corresponds to padded regions, 1 corresponds to valid regions to be used
for metric calculation.
mask: An optional array of boolean mask values of shape [bs]. `True`
corresponds to actual batch examples whereas `False` corresponds to
ValueError if the inputs are not valid.
predicted_segmentations, [None, None, None, None],
"predicted_segmentations [bs, seq_len, h, w]")
ground_truth_segmentations, [None, None, None, None],
"ground_truth_segmentations [bs, seq_len, h, w]")
predicted_segmentations, ground_truth_segmentations.shape,
"predicted_segmentations [should match ground_truth_segmentations]")
padding_mask, ground_truth_segmentations.shape,
"padding_mask [should match ground_truth_segmentations]")
if not jnp.issubdtype(predicted_segmentations.dtype, jnp.integer):
raise ValueError("predicted_segmentations has to be integer-valued. "
"Got {}".format(predicted_segmentations.dtype))
if not jnp.issubdtype(ground_truth_segmentations.dtype, jnp.integer):
raise ValueError("ground_truth_segmentations has to be integer-valued. "
"Got {}".format(ground_truth_segmentations.dtype))
if not jnp.issubdtype(padding_mask.dtype, jnp.integer):
raise ValueError("padding_mask has to be integer-valued. "
"Got {}".format(padding_mask.dtype))
if mask is not None:
check_shape(mask, [None], "mask [bs]")
if not jnp.issubdtype(mask.dtype, jnp.bool_):
raise ValueError("mask has to be boolean. Got {}".format(mask.dtype))
def adjusted_rand_index(true_ids, pred_ids,
num_instances_true, num_instances_pred,
padding_mask = None,
ignore_background = False):
"""Computes the adjusted Rand index (ARI), a clustering similarity score.
true_ids: An integer-valued array of shape
[batch_size, seq_len, H, W]. The true cluster assignment encoded
as integer ids.
pred_ids: An integer-valued array of shape
[batch_size, seq_len, H, W]. The predicted cluster assignment
encoded as integer ids.
num_instances_true: An integer, the number of instances in true_ids
(i.e. max(true_ids) + 1).
num_instances_pred: An integer, the number of instances in true_ids
(i.e. max(pred_ids) + 1).
padding_mask: An array of integers of shape [batch_size, seq_len, H, W]
defining regions where the ground truth is meaningless, for example
because this corresponds to regions which were padded during data
augmentation. Value 0 corresponds to padded regions, 1 corresponds to
valid regions to be used for metric calculation.
ignore_background: Boolean, if True, then ignore all pixels where
true_ids == 0 (default: False).
ARI scores as a float32 array of shape [batch_size].
Lawrence Hubert, Phipps Arabie. 1985. "Comparing partitions"
Scikit Learn
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
true_oh = jax.nn.one_hot(true_ids, num_instances_true)
pred_oh = jax.nn.one_hot(pred_ids, num_instances_pred)
if padding_mask is not None:
true_oh = true_oh * padding_mask[Ellipsis, None]
# pred_oh = pred_oh * padding_mask[..., None] # <-- not needed
if ignore_background:
true_oh = true_oh[Ellipsis, 1:] # Remove the background row.
N = jnp.einsum("bthwc,bthwk->bck", true_oh, pred_oh)
A = jnp.sum(N, axis=-1) # row-sum (batch_size, c)
B = jnp.sum(N, axis=-2) # col-sum (batch_size, k)
num_points = jnp.sum(A, axis=1)
rindex = jnp.sum(N * (N - 1), axis=[1, 2])
aindex = jnp.sum(A * (A - 1), axis=1)
bindex = jnp.sum(B * (B - 1), axis=1)
expected_rindex = aindex * bindex / jnp.clip(num_points * (num_points-1), 1)
max_rindex = (aindex + bindex) / 2
denominator = max_rindex - expected_rindex
ari = (rindex - expected_rindex) / denominator
# There are two cases for which the denominator can be zero:
# 1. If both label_pred and label_true assign all pixels to a single cluster.
# (max_rindex == expected_rindex == rindex == num_points * (num_points-1))
# 2. If both label_pred and label_true assign max 1 point to each cluster.
# (max_rindex == expected_rindex == rindex == 0)
# In both cases, we want the ARI score to be 1.0:
return jnp.where(denominator, ari, 1.0)
class Ari(metrics.Average):
"""Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) computed from predictions and labels.
ARI is a similarity score to compare two clusterings. ARI returns values in
the range [-1, 1], where 1 corresponds to two identical clusterings (up to
permutation), i.e. a perfect match between the predicted clustering and the
ground-truth clustering. A value of (close to) 0 corresponds to chance.
Negative values corresponds to cases where the agreement between the
clusterings is less than expected from a random assignment.
In this implementation, we use ARI to compare predicted instance segmentation
masks (including background prediction) with ground-truth segmentation
def from_model_output(cls,
ignore_background = False,
mask = None,
"""Computation of the ARI clustering metric.
NOTE: This implementation does not currently support padding masks.
predicted_segmentations: An array of integers of shape
[bs, seq_len, H, W] containing model segmentation predictions.
ground_truth_segmentations: An array of integers of shape
[bs, seq_len, H, W] containing ground truth segmentations.
padding_mask: An array of integers of shape [bs, seq_len, H, W]
defining regions where the ground truth is meaningless, for example
because this corresponds to regions which were padded during data
augmentation. Value 0 corresponds to padded regions, 1 corresponds to
valid regions to be used for metric calculation.
ground_truth_max_num_instances: Maximum number of instances (incl.
background, which counts as the 0-th instance) possible in the dataset.
predicted_max_num_instances: Maximum number of predicted instances (incl.
ignore_background: If True, then ignore all pixels where
ground_truth_segmentations == 0 (default: False).
mask: An optional array of boolean mask values of shape [bs]. `True`
corresponds to actual batch examples whereas `False` corresponds to
Object of Ari with computed intermediate values.
batch_size = predicted_segmentations.shape[0]
if mask is None:
mask = jnp.ones(batch_size, dtype=padding_mask.dtype)
mask = jnp.asarray(mask, dtype=padding_mask.dtype)
ari_batch = adjusted_rand_index(
return cls(total=jnp.sum(ari_batch * mask), count=jnp.sum(mask)) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
class AriNoBg(Ari):
"""Adjusted Rand Index (ARI), ignoring the ground-truth background label."""
def from_model_output(cls, **kwargs):
"""See `Ari` docstring for allowed keyword arguments."""
return super().from_model_output(**kwargs, ignore_background=True)