import glob import json import os import pprint import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download from src.css_html_js import dark_mode_gradio_js from src.envs import API, RESULTS_PATH, RESULTS_REPO, TOKEN from src.evaluation import ALL_ENV_IDS, evaluate from src.logging import configure_root_logger, setup_logger configure_root_logger() logger = setup_logger(__name__) pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(width=80) def model_hyperlink(link, model_id): return f'{model_id}' def make_clickable_model(model_id): link = f"{model_id}" return model_hyperlink(link, model_id) def _backend_routine(): # List only the text classification models rl_models = list(API.list_models(filter="reinforcement-learning"))"Found {len(rl_models)} RL models") compatible_models = [] for model in rl_models: filenames = [sib.rfilename for sib in model.siblings] if "" in filenames: compatible_models.append((model.modelId, model.sha))"Found {len(compatible_models)} compatible models") # Get the results snapshot_download( repo_id=RESULTS_REPO, revision="main", local_dir=RESULTS_PATH, repo_type="dataset", max_workers=60, token=TOKEN, ) json_files = glob.glob(f"{RESULTS_PATH}/**/*.json", recursive=True) evaluated_models = set() for json_filepath in json_files: with open(json_filepath) as fp: data = json.load(fp) evaluated_models.add((data["config"]["model_id"], data["config"]["model_sha"])) # Find the models that are not associated with any results pending_models = set(compatible_models) - evaluated_models"Found {len(pending_models)} pending models") # Run an evaluation on the models for model_id, sha in pending_models:"Running evaluation on {model_id}") report = {"config": {"model_id": model_id, "model_sha": sha}} try: evaluations = evaluate(model_id, revision=sha) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error evaluating {model_id}: {e}") evaluations = None if evaluations is not None: report["results"] = evaluations report["status"] = "DONE" else: report["status"] = "FAILED" # Update the results dumped = json.dumps(report, indent=2) output_path = os.path.join(RESULTS_PATH, model_id, f"results_{sha}.json") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) with open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(dumped) # Upload the results to the results repo API.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=output_path, path_in_repo=f"{model_id}/results_{sha}.json", repo_id=RESULTS_REPO, repo_type="dataset", ) def backend_routine(): try: _backend_routine() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}") def get_leaderboard_df(): snapshot_download( repo_id=RESULTS_REPO, revision="main", local_dir=RESULTS_PATH, repo_type="dataset", max_workers=60, token=TOKEN, ) json_files = glob.glob(f"{RESULTS_PATH}/**/*.json", recursive=True) data = [] for json_filepath in json_files: with open(json_filepath) as fp: report = json.load(fp) model_id = report["config"]["model_id"] row = {"Agent": model_id, "Status": report["status"]} if report["status"] == "DONE": results = {env_id: result["episodic_return_mean"] for env_id, result in report["results"].items()} row.update(results) data.append(row) # Create DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Replace NaN values with empty strings df = df.fillna("") return df TITLE = """ 🚀 Open RL Leaderboard """ INTRODUCTION_TEXT = """ Welcome to the Open RL Leaderboard! This is a community-driven benchmark for reinforcement learning models. """ ABOUT_TEXT = """ The Open RL Leaderboard is a community-driven benchmark for reinforcement learning models. """ def select_column(column_name: str, data: pd.DataFrame): # column_names = [col for col in column_names if col in data.columns] column_names = ["Agent"] + [column_name] # add model name column df = data[column_names] def check_row(row): return not (row.drop("Agent") == "").all() mask = df.apply(check_row, axis=1) df = df[mask] df = df.sort_values(by=column_name, ascending=False) return df with gr.Blocks(js=dark_mode_gradio_js) as demo: gr.HTML(TITLE) gr.Markdown(INTRODUCTION_TEXT, elem_classes="markdown-text") with gr.Tabs(elem_classes="tab-buttons") as tabs: with gr.TabItem("🏅 Leaderboard", elem_id="llm-benchmark-tab-table", id=0): hidden_df = gr.components.Dataframe(get_leaderboard_df, visible=False, every=5 * 60) # hidden dataframe env_selector = gr.components.Dropdown( label="Environments", choices=ALL_ENV_IDS, value=ALL_ENV_IDS[0], # interactive=True, ) leaderboard = gr.components.Dataframe(select_column(ALL_ENV_IDS[0], get_leaderboard_df())) # Events env_selector.change(select_column, [env_selector, hidden_df], leaderboard) # Update hidden dataframe # hidden_df.change(get_leaderboard_df, [], hidden_df, every=10) with gr.TabItem("📝 About", elem_id="llm-benchmark-tab-table", id=2): gr.Markdown(ABOUT_TEXT) scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job(func=backend_routine, trigger="interval", seconds=0.5 * 60) scheduler.start() if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue().launch() # server_name="", show_error=True, server_port=7860)