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<title>PDF Reader with Text-to-Speech</title> |
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<div class="container"> |
<h1>PDF Text-to-Speech Reader</h1> |
<div class="upload-section" id="upload-area"> |
<i>📄</i> |
<p>Click or drag PDF file here to upload</p> |
<input type="file" id="file-input" accept=".pdf" style="display: none;"> |
</div> |
<div class="controls"> |
<button id="play-btn" disabled> |
<i>▶️</i> Play |
</button> |
<button id="pause-btn" disabled> |
<i>⏸️</i> Pause |
</button> |
<button id="stop-btn" disabled> |
<i>⏹️</i> Stop |
</button> |
</div> |
<div class="status" id="status"></div> |
<div id="pdf-content"></div> |
</div> |
<script> |
pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdf.js/2.11.338/pdf.worker.min.js'; |
const fileInput = document.getElementById('file-input'); |
const uploadArea = document.getElementById('upload-area'); |
const playBtn = document.getElementById('play-btn'); |
const pauseBtn = document.getElementById('pause-btn'); |
const stopBtn = document.getElementById('stop-btn'); |
const status = document.getElementById('status'); |
const content = document.getElementById('pdf-content'); |
let pdfText = ''; |
let utterance = null; |
let synth = window.speechSynthesis; |
uploadArea.addEventListener('click', () => fileInput.click()); |
uploadArea.addEventListener('dragover', (e) => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
uploadArea.style.background = '#f0f8ff'; |
}); |
uploadArea.addEventListener('dragleave', () => { |
uploadArea.style.background = 'transparent'; |
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uploadArea.addEventListener('drop', (e) => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
uploadArea.style.background = 'transparent'; |
const file = e.dataTransfer.files[0]; |
if (file && file.type === 'application/pdf') { |
handleFile(file); |
} |
}); |
fileInput.addEventListener('change', (e) => { |
const file = e.target.files[0]; |
if (file) handleFile(file); |
}); |
function handleFile(file) { |
status.textContent = 'Loading PDF...'; |
const reader = new FileReader(); |
reader.onload = async function(event) { |
const typedarray = new Uint8Array(event.target.result); |
try { |
const pdf = await pdfjsLib.getDocument(typedarray).promise; |
pdfText = ''; |
for(let i = 1; i <= pdf.numPages; i++) { |
const page = await pdf.getPage(i); |
const textContent = await page.getTextContent(); |
pdfText += textContent.items.map(item => item.str).join(' '); |
} |
content.textContent = pdfText; |
status.textContent = 'PDF loaded successfully!'; |
playBtn.disabled = false; |
stopBtn.disabled = false; |
} catch(error) { |
status.textContent = 'Error loading PDF: ' + error.message; |
} |
}; |
reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); |
} |
playBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { |
if (synth.speaking && synth.paused) { |
synth.resume(); |
} else if (!synth.speaking) { |
utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(pdfText); |
utterance.onend = () => { |
playBtn.disabled = false; |
pauseBtn.disabled = true; |
stopBtn.disabled = true; |
}; |
synth.speak(utterance); |
} |
playBtn.disabled = true; |
pauseBtn.disabled = false; |
stopBtn.disabled = false; |
}); |
pauseBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { |
if (synth.speaking) { |
synth.pause(); |
playBtn.disabled = false; |
} |
}); |
stopBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { |
synth.cancel(); |
playBtn.disabled = false; |
pauseBtn.disabled = true; |
stopBtn.disabled = true; |
}); |
</script> |
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