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# cython: language_level=3
Copyright 2019 Brian Thompson
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
def make_x_y_offsets(alignment_types):
# alignment types for which we will precompute costs
# deletion/insertion is added later
for x, y in alignment_types:
assert (x > 0)
assert (y > 0)
x_offsets = np.array([x for x, y in alignment_types], dtype=np.int32) # MUST **NOT** INCLUDE (0,1), (1,0)
y_offsets = np.array([y for x, y in alignment_types], dtype=np.int32) # MUST **NOT** INCLUDE (0,1), (1,0)
return x_offsets, y_offsets
def make_dense_costs(np.ndarray[float, ndim=3] vecs0, # itput
np.ndarray[float, ndim=3] vecs1, # input
np.ndarray[float, ndim=2] norm0, # input
np.ndarray[float, ndim=2] norm1, # input
int offset0 = 0, # index into vecs0/norms0
int offset1 = 0, # index into vecs1/norms1
Make a full N*M feature matrix. By default, makes 1-1 alignments,
can build others by specifying offset0, offset1 to index into
vecs0, norms0 and vecs1, norms1 respectivly.
assert vecs0.shape[0] > offset0
assert vecs1.shape[0] > offset1
assert norm0.shape[0] > offset0
assert norm1.shape[0] > offset1
cdef int size0 = np.shape(vecs0)[1]
assert norm0.shape[1] == size0
cdef int size1 = np.shape(vecs1)[1]
assert norm1.shape[1] == size1
cdef int vecsize = np.shape(vecs0)[2]
assert vecs1.shape[2] == vecsize
cdef int xi, yi
cdef float sumx
cdef np.ndarray[float, ndim=2] costs = np.empty((size0, size1), dtype=np.float32)
for xi in range(size0):
for yi in range(size1):
sumx = 0.0
for jj in range(vecsize):
sumx += vecs0[offset0, xi, jj] * vecs1[offset1, yi, jj]
costs[xi, yi] = 2.0 * (1.0 - sumx) / (1e-6 + norm0[offset0, xi] + norm1[offset1, yi])
# normalize by alignment type
costs[xi, yi] = costs[xi, yi] * (offset0 + 1) * (offset1 + 1)
return costs
def dense_dp(np.ndarray[float, ndim=2] alignment_cost, float pen):
Compute cost matrix (csum) and backpointers (bp)
from full 2-D 1-1 alignment costs matrix (alignment_cost)
size0 = alignment_cost.shape[0]
size1 = alignment_cost.shape[1]
# csum and traceback matrix are both on nodes
# so they are +1 in each dimension compared to the jump costs matrix
# For anything being used in accumulation, use float64
cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] csum = np.empty((size0 + 1, size1 + 1), dtype=np.float64)
cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=2] bp = np.empty((size0 + 1, size1 + 1), dtype=np.int32)
# bp and csum are nodes,
# while alignment_cost is the cost of going between the nodes
# Size of nodes should be one larger than alignment costs
b0, b1 = np.shape(bp)
c0, c1 = np.shape(csum)
j0, j1 = np.shape(alignment_cost)
assert (b0 == c0 == j0 + 1)
assert (b1 == c1 == j1 + 1)
cdef int cmax = np.shape(csum)[1]
cdef int rmax = np.shape(csum)[0]
cdef int c, r
cdef double cost0, cost1, cost2
# initialize the all c-direction deletion path
for c in range(cmax):
csum[0, c] = c * pen
bp[0, c] = 1
# initialize the all r-direction deletion path
for r in range(rmax):
csum[r, 0] = r * pen
bp[r, 0] = 2
# Initial cost is 0.0
csum[0, 0] = 0.0 # noop
bp[0, 0] = 4 # should not matter
# Calculate the rest recursively
for c in range(1, cmax):
for r in range(1, rmax):
# alignment_cost indexes are off by 1 wrt
# csum/bp, since csum/bp are nodes
cost0 = csum[r - 1, c - 1] + alignment_cost[r - 1, c - 1]
cost1 = csum[r, c - 1] + pen
cost2 = csum[r - 1, c] + pen
csum[r, c] = cost0
bp[r, c] = 0
if cost1 < csum[r, c]:
csum[r, c] = cost1
bp[r, c] = 1
if cost2 < csum[r, c]:
csum[r, c] = cost2
bp[r, c] = 2
return csum, bp
def score_path(np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] xx,
np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] yy,
np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] norm1,
np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] norm2,
np.ndarray[float, ndim=2] vecs1,
np.ndarray[float, ndim=2] vecs2,
np.ndarray[float, ndim=1] out):
cdef int xi, yi, ii, jj
cdef float outx
cdef int lenxy = xx.shape[0]
cdef int vecsize = vecs1.shape[1]
for ii in range(lenxy):
xi = xx[ii]
yi = yy[ii]
outx = 0.0
for jj in range(vecsize):
outx += vecs1[xi, jj] * vecs2[yi, jj]
out[ii] = 2.0 * (1.0 - outx) / (norm1[xi] + norm2[yi])
# Bounds checking and wraparound slow things down by about 2x
# Division by 0 checking has minimal speed impact
@cython.boundscheck(False) # turn off bounds-checking for entire function
@cython.wraparound(False) # turn off negative index wrapping for entire function
@cython.cdivision(True) # use c-style division (no division-by-zero check)
def make_sparse_costs(np.ndarray[float, ndim=3] vecs0, # intput: num aligns X num sents X dim
np.ndarray[float, ndim=3] vecs1, # input
np.ndarray[float, ndim=2] norms0, # intput: num aligns X num sents
np.ndarray[float, ndim=2] norms1, # input
int width_over2):
Make features for DP, *for lines running across approximate path*, *for each alignment type*
x_offsets, y_offsets should not include (0,1), (1,0)
Basically, we take the feature matrix, rotate it 45 degress,
and compute a "wavy" matrix for the features.
It's like the diagonal but it moves around to hopefully always include the true path.
cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=2] x_y_path_ = np.array(x_y_path).astype(np.int32)
assert (vecs0.shape[0] == norms0.shape[0])
assert (vecs1.shape[0] == norms1.shape[0])
assert (vecs0.shape[1] == norms0.shape[1])
assert (vecs1.shape[1] == norms1.shape[1])
# check how many overlaps vectors were passed in
num_overlaps_in_vecs0 = vecs0.shape[0]
num_overlaps_in_vecs1 = vecs1.shape[0]
# check how many overlaps were requested
# edge case: alignment_types could be empty
# In that case, we should just return insertions/deletions
# and max_x_overlap == max_y_overlap == 0
max_x_overlap = max([0] + [x for x, y in alignment_types]) # add [0] in case alignment_types is empty
max_y_overlap = max([0] + [y for x, y in alignment_types]) # add [0] in case alignment_types is empty
# note: alignment types are specified 1-based, but vectors are stored 0-based
if max_x_overlap > num_overlaps_in_vecs0:
raise Exception('%d x overlaps requrested (via alignment_types), but vecs0 only has %d' % (
max_x_overlap, num_overlaps_in_vecs0))
if max_y_overlap > num_overlaps_in_vecs1:
raise Exception('%d y overlaps requrested (via alignment_types), but vecs1 only has %d' % (
max_y_overlap, num_overlaps_in_vecs1))
# number of sentences in each document
cdef int xsize = vecs0.shape[1]
cdef int ysize = vecs1.shape[1]
# vector diminsions should match
assert (vecs0.shape[2] == vecs1.shape[2])
cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] x_offsets, y_offsets
x_offsets, y_offsets = make_x_y_offsets(alignment_types)
# reserve outputs
a_len = x_y_path_.shape[0]
b_len = 2 * width_over2
cdef np.ndarray[float, ndim=3] a_b_feats = np.empty((len(alignment_types), a_len, b_len), dtype=np.float32)
cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] b_offset = np.empty(a_len).astype(np.int32)
cdef int x, y, aa, bb, xx, yy, a_idx, b_idx, bb2, x_offset, y_offset, ii_align, x_offset_idx, y_offset_idx
cdef int vecsize = vecs0.shape[2]
cdef int num_alignments = x_offsets.shape[0]
cdef float sumx, feat
cdef float inf = np.inf
for ii in range(x_y_path_.shape[0]):
x = x_y_path_[ii, 0]
y = x_y_path_[ii, 1]
# convert xy to ab cords
aa = x + y
bb = y
a_idx = aa
b_offset[aa] = bb - width_over2
for b_idx, bb2 in enumerate(range(bb - width_over2, bb + width_over2)):
# convert ab to xy cords
xx = aa - bb2
yy = bb2
for ii_align in range(num_alignments):
x_offset = x_offsets[ii_align]
x_offset_idx = x_offset - 1 # overlaps start at 1, vectors stored 0-based
y_offset = y_offsets[ii_align]
y_offset_idx = y_offset - 1
if 0 <= xx < xsize and 0 <= yy < ysize:
sumx = 0.0
for jj in range(vecsize):
sumx += vecs0[x_offset_idx, xx, jj] * vecs1[y_offset_idx, yy, jj]
feat = 2.0 * x_offset * y_offset * (1.0 - sumx) / (
1e-6 + norms0[x_offset_idx, xx] + norms1[y_offset_idx, yy])
feat = inf
a_b_feats[ii_align, a_idx, b_idx] = feat
return a_b_feats, b_offset
def sparse_dp(np.ndarray[float, ndim=3] a_b_costs,
np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] b_offset_in,
double del_penalty,
int x_in_size,
int y_in_size):
Do DP along a path, using features saved off along path.
x_offsets, y_offsets should not include (0,1), (1,0)
xsize, ysize refer to the costs a_b_csum, but in x/y space
As in the simpler full-DP case,
we compute cumulative costs and backpointers on notes,
and there are COSTS associated with moving between them.
This means the size of the notes +1,+1 larger (in x,y) than the COSTS.
So the size of a_b_csum, a_b_xp, a_b_yp are all one larger in x and y compared to the costs
In order to save memory (and time, vs a sparse matrix with hashes to look up values), let:
a = x + y
b = x - y
b_offsets tells us how far from the left edge the features are computed for.
basically it's like we are computing along the diagonal,
but we shift the diagonal around based on our belief
about where the alignments are.
b_offsets is used for both costs AND csum, backpointers, so it needs to be
+2 longer (it is in the a-direction) than the costs (in the a direction)
cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] x_offsets, y_offsets
x_offsets, y_offsets = make_x_y_offsets(alignment_types)
# make x/y offsets, including (0,1), (1,), i.e. including deletion and insertion
x_offsets = np.concatenate([x_offsets, np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int32)])
y_offsets = np.concatenate([y_offsets, np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.int32)])
cdef int a_in_size = a_b_costs.shape[1]
cdef int b_in_size = a_b_costs.shape[2]
cdef int a_out_size = a_in_size + 2
cdef int b_out_size = b_in_size
cdef int x_out_size = x_in_size + 1
cdef int y_out_size = y_in_size + 1
# costs are the costs of going between nodes.
# in x,y for the nodes, we basically add a buffer
# at x=0 and y=0, and shift the cost by (x=+1,y=+1)
# In a,b space, this means adding two points (for the buffer)
# at the beginning, and shifting by (a=+0,b=+1) since
# a=x+y and b=y
# for the first two points, we can simply replicate the
# original b_offset, since it should be -width_over2
# i.e. b_offset_in[0] == -width_over2
extra_two_points = np.array([b_offset_in[0], b_offset_in[0]], dtype=np.int32)
cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] b_offset_out = np.concatenate([extra_two_points, b_offset_in + 1])
# outputs
# For anything being used in accumulation, use float64
cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] a_b_csum = np.zeros((a_in_size + 2, b_in_size),
dtype=np.float64) + np.inf # error cumulative sum
cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=2] a_b_xp = np.zeros((a_in_size + 2, b_in_size), dtype=np.int32) - 2 # backpointer for x
cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=2] a_b_yp = np.zeros((a_in_size + 2, b_in_size), dtype=np.int32) - 2 # backpointer for y
cdef int num_alignments = x_offsets.shape[0]
cdef double inf = np.inf
cdef int xx_out, yy_out, ii_align, x_offset, y_offset
cdef int aa_in_cost, bb_in_cost, aa_out, bb_out, aa_out_prev, bb_out_prev, xx_in_cost, yy_in_cost, xx_out_prev, yy_out_prev
cdef double alignment_cost, total_cost, prev_cost
# increasing in a is the same as going along diagonals in x/y, so DP order works
# (and any ordering is fine in b - nothing depends on values adjacent on diagonal in x/y)
for aa_out in range(a_in_size + 2):
for bb_out in range(b_in_size):
#xx_out, yy_out = ab2xy_w_offset(aa_out, bb_out, b_offset_out)
yy_out = bb_out + b_offset_out[aa_out]
xx_out = aa_out - yy_out
# edge case: all deletions in y-direction
if xx_out == 0 and 0 <= yy_out < y_out_size:
a_b_csum[aa_out, bb_out] = del_penalty * yy_out
a_b_xp[aa_out, bb_out] = 0
a_b_yp[aa_out, bb_out] = 1
# edge case: all deletions in x-direction
elif yy_out == 0 and 0 <= xx_out < x_out_size:
a_b_csum[aa_out, bb_out] = del_penalty * xx_out
a_b_xp[aa_out, bb_out] = 1
a_b_yp[aa_out, bb_out] = 0
# initialize output to inf
a_b_csum[aa_out, bb_out] = inf
a_b_xp[aa_out, bb_out] = -42
a_b_yp[aa_out, bb_out] = -42
for ii_align in range(num_alignments):
x_offset = x_offsets[ii_align]
y_offset = y_offsets[ii_align]
# coords of location of alignment cost, in input x/y space
xx_in_cost = xx_out - 1 # features were front padded,
yy_in_cost = yy_out - 1 # so offset is always 1
# the coords of location of previous cumsum cost, in input x/y space
xx_out_prev = xx_out - x_offset
yy_out_prev = yy_out - y_offset
if 0 <= xx_in_cost < x_in_size and 0 <= yy_in_cost < y_in_size and 0 <= xx_out_prev < x_out_size and 0 <= yy_out_prev < y_out_size:
# convert x,y to a,b
aa_in_cost = xx_in_cost + yy_in_cost
bb_in_cost = yy_in_cost - b_offset_in[aa_in_cost]
aa_out_prev = xx_out_prev + yy_out_prev
bb_out_prev = yy_out_prev - b_offset_out[aa_out_prev]
if 0 <= aa_in_cost < a_in_size and 0 <= bb_in_cost < b_in_size and 0 <= aa_out_prev < a_out_size and 0 <= bb_out_prev < b_out_size:
if x_offset == 0 or y_offset == 0:
alignment_cost = del_penalty
alignment_cost = a_b_costs[ii_align, aa_in_cost, bb_in_cost]
prev_cost = a_b_csum[aa_out_prev, bb_out_prev]
total_cost = prev_cost + alignment_cost
if total_cost < a_b_csum[aa_out, bb_out]:
a_b_csum[aa_out, bb_out] = total_cost
a_b_xp[aa_out, bb_out] = x_offset
a_b_yp[aa_out, bb_out] = y_offset
return a_b_csum, a_b_xp, a_b_yp, b_offset_out