from logging import FileHandler, StreamHandler, INFO, basicConfig, error as log_error, info as log_info |
from os import path as ospath, environ, remove |
from subprocess import run as srun |
from requests import get as rget |
from dotenv import load_dotenv, dotenv_values |
from pymongo import MongoClient |
if ospath.exists('log.txt'): |
with open('log.txt', 'r+') as f: |
f.truncate(0) |
if ospath.exists('rlog.txt'): |
remove('rlog.txt') |
basicConfig(format="[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] - %(message)s", |
datefmt="%d-%b-%y %I:%M:%S %p", |
handlers=[FileHandler('log.txt'), StreamHandler()], |
level=INFO) |
load_dotenv('config.env', override=True) |
try: |
if bool(environ.get('_____REMOVE_THIS_LINE_____')): |
log_error('The README.md file there to be read! Exiting now!') |
exit() |
except: |
pass |
BOT_TOKEN = environ.get('BOT_TOKEN', '') |
if len(BOT_TOKEN) == 0: |
log_error("BOT_TOKEN variable is missing! Exiting now") |
exit(1) |
bot_id = BOT_TOKEN.split(':', 1)[0] |
DATABASE_URL = environ.get('DATABASE_URL', '') |
if len(DATABASE_URL) == 0: |
if DATABASE_URL is not None: |
conn = MongoClient(DATABASE_URL) |
db = conn.wzmlx |
old_config = db.settings.deployConfig.find_one({'_id': bot_id}) |
config_dict = db.settings.config.find_one({'_id': bot_id}) |
if old_config is not None: |
del old_config['_id'] |
if (old_config is not None and old_config == dict(dotenv_values('config.env')) or old_config is None) \ |
and config_dict is not None: |
environ['UPSTREAM_REPO'] = config_dict['UPSTREAM_REPO'] |
environ['UPSTREAM_BRANCH'] = config_dict['UPSTREAM_BRANCH'] |
conn.close() |
UPSTREAM_REPO = environ.get('UPSTREAM_REPO', '') |
if len(UPSTREAM_REPO) == 0: |
if len(UPSTREAM_BRANCH) == 0: |
UPSTREAM_BRANCH = 'master' |
if UPSTREAM_REPO is not None: |
if ospath.exists('.git'): |
srun(["rm", "-rf", ".git"]) |
update = srun([f"git init -q \ |
&& git config --global user.email doc.adhikari@gmail.com \ |
&& git config --global user.name weebzone \ |
&& git add . \ |
&& git commit -sm update -q \ |
&& git remote add origin {UPSTREAM_REPO} \ |
&& git fetch origin -q \ |
&& git reset --hard origin/{UPSTREAM_BRANCH} -q"], shell=True) |
repo = UPSTREAM_REPO.split('/') |
UPSTREAM_REPO = f"https://github.com/{repo[-2]}/{repo[-1]}" |
if update.returncode == 0: |
log_info('Successfully updated with latest commits !!') |
else: |
log_error('Something went Wrong !!') |