[ { "patientId": 1, "presentingComplaint": "Abdominal pain", "matchedCondition": "Gastritis", "name": "Emma Thompson", "age": 28, "characterSummary": "Spirited graphic designer, curious, empathetic, smoker, takes psychedelics and smokes marijuana, drinks alcohol", "levelOfUnderstanding": 2, "rangeOfMedicalUnderstanding": 2, "communicative": 5, "difficulty": "easy", "mood": "pain", "familyHistory": "none known" }, { "patientId": 2, "presentingComplaint": "Chest pain", "matchedCondition": "myocardial infarction", "name": "James Wilson", "age": 45, "characterSummary": "Seasoned entrepreneur, strategic, mentoring spirit, ultramarathon runner, non smoker, non drinker", "levelOfUnderstanding": 8, "rangeOfMedicalUnderstanding": 4, "communicative": 3, "difficulty": "hard", "mood": "severe pain", "familyHistory": "Father died of heart attack at 48, uncle died of heart attack at 54." }, { "patientId": 3, "presentingComplaint": "Headache", "matchedCondition": "subarachnoid haemorrhage", "name": "Olivia Patel", "age": 52, "characterSummary": "Compassionate nurse, nurturing, animal lover", "levelOfUnderstanding": 8, "rangeOfMedicalUnderstanding": 9, "communicative": 3, "difficulty": "hard", "mood": "pain but can talk easily", "familyHistory": "none known" } ]