import copy |
import os |
import datetime |
import glob |
import io |
import json |
from copy import deepcopy |
from collections import OrderedDict |
from zipfile import ZipFile |
import time |
import torch |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
from torchvision.ops import nms |
from adjustText import adjust_text |
import tqdm |
import requests |
import gradio as gr |
import cv2 |
from PIL import Image |
from pycocotools.coco import COCO |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection |
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon |
import matplotlib.patches as patches |
from openpyxl import Workbook |
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment |
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter |
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
os.system("pip install -q onnxruntime-gpu") |
provider = ['CUDAExecutionProvider'] |
else: |
os.system("pip install -q onnxruntime") |
provider = ['CPUExecutionProvider'] |
import onnxruntime as ort |
ort_session = ort.InferenceSession( |
'./cas_rcnn_swin_t_fpn_mix500_r2_150e_reg_class_agnostic_F5.onnx', |
providers=provider |
) |
def get_image(path, show=False): |
""" |
Load an image from the specified path and return it as a NumPy array. |
Args: |
path (str): The path to the image file. |
show (bool, optional): Whether to display the loaded image using Matplotlib. Default is False. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The image as a NumPy array. |
Note: |
- The image is loaded using the PIL library and converted to the RGB color space. |
- If `show` is set to True, the loaded image is displayed using Matplotlib. |
""" |
with Image.open(path) as img: |
img = np.array(img.convert('RGB')) |
if show: |
plt.imshow(img) |
plt.axis('off') |
plt.show() |
plt.close() |
return img |
def image_resize(image, width = None, height = None, inter = cv2.INTER_AREA): |
""" |
Resize the input image while maintaining its aspect ratio. |
Args: |
image (numpy.ndarray): The input image to be resized. |
width (int, optional): The desired width of the output image. If None, the width is calculated based on the given height. |
height (int, optional): The desired height of the output image. If None, the height is calculated based on the given width. |
inter (int, optional): The interpolation method to be used for resizing the image. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The resized image. |
Note: |
- If both `width` and `height` are None, the original image is returned without any changes. |
- If only one of `width` or `height` is provided, the other dimension is calculated to maintain the aspect ratio of the image. |
""" |
dim = None |
(h, w) = image.shape[:2] |
if width is None and height is None: |
return image |
if width is None: |
r = height / float(h) |
dim = (int(w * r), height) |
else: |
r = width / float(w) |
dim = (width, int(h * r)) |
resized = cv2.resize(image, dim, interpolation = inter) |
return resized |
def preprocess(img): |
""" |
Preprocess the input image for the task. |
Args: |
img (numpy.ndarray): The input image to be preprocessed. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The preprocessed image. |
Note: |
- The image is normalized by dividing it by 255 to scale the pixel values between 0 and 1. |
- The image is resized to a height of 800 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio. |
- The mean [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] and standard deviation [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] are subtracted from the image. |
- The image dimensions are transposed to match the expected input shape. |
- The image is converted to the data type np.float32 and expanded to have a batch dimension. |
""" |
img = img / 255. |
img = image_resize(img, width=None, height=800) |
h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] |
img = (img - [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) / [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] |
img = np.transpose(img, axes=[2, 0, 1]) |
img = img.astype(np.float32) |
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) |
return img |
def preprocess_for_imshow(img): |
""" |
Preprocess the input image for displaying using Matplotlib's imshow function. |
Args: |
img (numpy.ndarray): The input image to be preprocessed. |
Returns: |
numpy.ndarray: The preprocessed image. |
Note: |
- The image is resized to a height of 800 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio. |
""" |
img = image_resize(img, width=None, height=800) |
return img |
def predict_one_image(path): |
""" |
Predict the labels, scores, and bounding boxes for an input image using a pre-trained model. |
Args: |
path (str): The path to the image file. |
Returns: |
dict: A dictionary containing the predicted labels, scores, and bounding boxes. |
Note: |
- The image is loaded and preprocessed using the `get_image` and `preprocess` functions. |
- The preprocessed image is passed through a pre-trained model using an ONNX Runtime session (`ort_session`). |
- The predicted results, including the bounding box coordinates, scores, and labels, are extracted from the output of the model. |
- The labels, scores, and bounding boxes are returned as a dictionary. |
""" |
img = get_image(path, show=False) |
img = preprocess(img) |
ort_inputs = {ort_session.get_inputs()[0].name: img} |
preds = ort_session.run(None, ort_inputs) |
bbox_and_score = preds[0] |
labels = preds[1][0] |
scores = bbox_and_score[0][:, -1] |
bboxes = bbox_and_score[0][:, 0:4] |
return {"labels": labels, "scores": scores, "bboxes": bboxes} |
def results_postprocess(results, classes, scaling_factor=(None, None)): |
""" |
Post-process the detection results to rescale bounding boxes and append scores. |
Args: |
results (dict): Detection results dictionary containing "labels", "bboxes", and "scores". |
classes (list): List of classes representing the detected objects. |
scaling_factor (tuple, optional): Scaling factors for the x-axis and y-axis. Defaults to (None, None). |
Returns: |
list: List of rescaled bounding boxes with appended scores. |
Notes: |
This function takes the detection results dictionary, rescales the bounding boxes, and appends |
the scores for each detected class. The scaling factor is used to rescale the bounding boxes. |
The function initializes the scaling factor to a default value of (4.083194675540765, 4.08). |
It then iterates over the classes and filters the results based on the class label. The bounding |
boxes and scores corresponding to the current class are extracted. |
The bounding boxes are rescaled using the scaling factor and the array [x_ratio, y_ratio, x_ratio, y_ratio]. |
The scores are reshaped to have a shape of (-1, 1). |
Finally, the rescaled bounding boxes with appended scores are concatenated using `np.hstack`, and |
added to the output_bbox list. |
The function returns the output_bbox list containing the rescaled bounding boxes with appended scores. |
""" |
scaling_factor = (4.083194675540765, 4.08) |
output_bbox = [] |
x_ratio, y_ratio = scaling_factor |
for i in range(len(classes)): |
target_idx = results["labels"] == i |
outputbbox = results["bboxes"][target_idx] |
outputscore = results["scores"][target_idx] |
ratio_array = np.array([x_ratio, y_ratio, x_ratio, y_ratio]) |
rescaled_boxes = outputbbox * ratio_array |
scores = outputscore.reshape(-1, 1) |
rescaled_boxes_with_scores = np.hstack([rescaled_boxes, scores]) |
output_bbox.append(rescaled_boxes_with_scores) |
return output_bbox |
def bbox_xyxy_to_ulxulywh(bbox): |
""" |
Convert bbox coordinates from (x1, y1, x2, y2) to (ulx, uly, w, h). |
Args: |
bbox (Tensor): Shape (n, 4) for bboxes. |
Returns: |
Tensor: Converted bboxes. |
""" |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox.split((1, 1, 1, 1), dim=-1) |
bbox_new = [x1, y1, x2-x1, y2 - y1] |
return torch.cat(bbox_new, dim=-1) |
def bbox_ulxulywh_to_xyxy(bbox): |
""" |
Convert bounding box coordinates from (upper-left, width, height) format to (x1, y1, x2, y2) format. |
Args: |
bbox (torch.Tensor): The input bounding box tensor in the (upper-left, width, height) format. |
Returns: |
torch.Tensor: The converted bounding box tensor in the (x1, y1, x2, y2) format. |
Note: |
- The input bounding box tensor is expected to have shape (N, 4), where N is the number of bounding boxes. |
- Each bounding box is represented by the upper-left coordinates (x1, y1) and the width (w) and height (h) values. |
- The output bounding box tensor will have shape (N, 4), where each bounding box is represented by the coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2). |
- The coordinates (x2, y2) are calculated by adding the width (w) to the x1 coordinate and the height (h) to the y1 coordinate. |
""" |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox.split((1, 1, 1, 1), dim=-1) |
bbox_new = [x1, y1, x2+x1, y2+y1] |
return torch.cat(bbox_new, dim=-1) |
class Det2json_converter: |
""" |
Utility class for converting detection results to COCO JSON format. |
Args: |
init_info (dict, optional): The information about the dataset. Default is None. |
init_licenses (list, optional): The licenses for the dataset. Default is None. |
init_categories (list, optional): The categories/classes in the dataset. Default is None. |
convert_image_paths (bool, optional): Whether to convert image paths. Default is None. |
Attributes: |
info (dict): The information about the dataset. |
licenses (list): The licenses for the dataset. |
categories (list): The categories/classes in the dataset. |
images (list): The list to store image information. |
convert_image_paths (bool): Whether to convert image paths. |
empty_count (int): The count of empty predictions. |
Methods: |
_get_img_info_from_path(img_path): Extracts image filename, width, and height from the image path. |
_create_image_info(file_name, width, height, date_captured, license_id, coco_url, flickr_url, annotation): |
Creates image information dictionary. |
_create_annotation_info(score, category_id, is_crowd, area, bounding_box): Creates annotation information dictionary. |
build_json_dict(images, annotations): Builds the JSON dictionary for COCO format. |
clean_empty_count(): Resets the count of empty predictions. |
add_result_into_pool(img_path, result): Adds an image and its corresponding result to the pool. |
generate_coco_format_dataset(out_path, score_thr): Generates a COCO format dataset in JSON file. |
Note: |
- The class provides methods to convert detection results to COCO JSON format. |
- The class is initialized with information about the dataset, licenses, categories, and image path conversion option. |
- The conversion process involves creating image and annotation information dictionaries, counting items, calculating areas, and building the JSON dictionary. |
- The converted dataset can be saved in a JSON file using the `generate_coco_format_dataset` method. |
""" |
def __init__(self, init_info=None, init_licenses=None, init_categories=None, convert_image_paths=None): |
""" |
Initializes the Det2json_converter class. |
Args: |
init_info (dict, optional): The information about the dataset. Default is None. |
init_licenses (list, optional): The licenses for the dataset. Default is None. |
init_categories (list, optional): The categories/classes in the dataset. Default is None. |
convert_image_paths (bool, optional): Whether to convert image paths. Default is None. |
""" |
self.info = init_info |
self.licenses = init_licenses |
self.categories = init_categories |
self.images = [] |
self.convert_image_paths = convert_image_paths |
self.empty_count = 0 |
def _get_img_info_from_path(self, img_path): |
""" |
Extracts image filename, width, and height from the image path. |
Args: |
img_path (str): The path of the image. |
Returns: |
tuple: A tuple containing the filename, width, and height of the image. |
""" |
filename = img_path.split("/")[-1] |
img = cv2.imread(img_path) |
W, H = img.shape[0:2] |
return filename, W, H |
def _create_image_info(self, file_name, width, height, |
date_captured=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' '), |
license_id=1, annotation=None): |
""" |
Creates the image information dictionary. |
Args: |
file_name (str): The filename of the image. |
width (int): The width of the image. |
height (int): The height of the image. |
date_captured (str, optional): The date the image was captured. Default is the current UTC date and time. |
license_id (int, optional): The license ID of the image. Default is 1. |
annotation (list, optional): The list of annotation information dictionaries. Default is None. |
Returns: |
dict: The image information dictionary. |
""" |
image_info = { |
"file_name": file_name, |
"width": width, |
"height": height, |
"date_captured": date_captured, |
"license": license_id, |
"annotation": annotation |
} |
return image_info |
def _create_annotation_info(self, score, category_id, is_crowd, |
area, bounding_box): |
""" |
Creates the annotation information dictionary. |
Args: |
score (float): The score of the annotation. |
category_id (int): The category ID of the annotation. |
is_crowd (int): Flag indicating whether the annotation represents a crowd. |
area (float): The area of the annotation. |
bounding_box (list): The bounding box coordinates [x, y, width, height]. |
Returns: |
dict: The annotation information dictionary. |
""" |
annotation_info = { |
"score": score, |
"category_id": category_id, |
"iscrowd": is_crowd, |
"area": area, |
"bbox": bounding_box, |
} |
return annotation_info |
def build_json_dict(self, images, annotations): |
""" |
Builds the final JSON dictionary for the COCO format dataset. |
Args: |
images (list): The list of image information dictionaries. |
annotations (list): The list of annotation information dictionaries. |
Returns: |
collections.OrderedDict: The JSON dictionary for the COCO format dataset. |
""" |
return OrderedDict({'info': self.info, |
'licenses': self.licenses, |
'images': images, |
'annotations': annotations, |
'categories': self.categories}) |
def clean_empty_count(self): |
""" |
Resets the empty count variable to zero. |
""" |
self.empty_count = 0 |
def add_result_into_pool(self, img_path, result): |
""" |
Adds the result of an image into the pool of images and annotations. |
Args: |
img_path (str): The path of the image. |
result (list): The result list containing the bounding box and score information. |
Notes: |
This method is used to add one image with its bounding box and score information into the pool. |
""" |
filename, W, H = self._get_img_info_from_path(img_path) |
box = result |
annotation_pool = [] |
found_empty = False |
for class_idx in range(len(self.categories)): |
if len(box[class_idx]) != 0: |
for object_idx, bbox in enumerate(box[class_idx]): |
is_crowd = 0 |
score = bbox[4] |
bbox = torch.tensor(bbox[0:4]) |
bbox = bbox_xyxy_to_ulxulywh(bbox) |
area = float(bbox[2] * bbox[3]) |
bbox = list(int(bb.item()) for bb in bbox) |
anno = self._create_annotation_info(score, class_idx, is_crowd, area, bbox) |
annotation_pool.append(anno) |
img_info = self._create_image_info(filename, W, H, annotation=annotation_pool) |
if found_empty: |
print(f"Found empty prediction {self.empty_count}.") |
self.images.append(img_info) |
def generate_coco_format_dataset(self, out_path, score_thr=0.6): |
""" |
Generates the COCO format dataset in JSON file format. |
Args: |
out_path (str): The output file path for the JSON file. |
score_thr (float): The score threshold for filtering annotations (default: 0.5). |
Notes: |
This method generates a JSON file in the COCO format based on the stored images and annotations. |
""" |
images = [] |
annotations = [] |
annotation_accumulator = 0 |
for img_id, image_info in enumerate(self.images): |
assert image_info["annotation"] is not None, "Did not found any annotations." |
for ann_id, ann_info in enumerate(image_info["annotation"]): |
working_anno = OrderedDict(deepcopy(ann_info)) |
working_anno["score"] = float(working_anno["score"]) |
if score_thr is not None: |
if working_anno["score"] < score_thr: |
continue |
del working_anno["score"] |
working_anno["id"] = annotation_accumulator |
working_anno["image_id"] = img_id |
working_anno.move_to_end("image_id", last=False) |
working_anno.move_to_end("id", last=False) |
annotations.append(working_anno) |
annotation_accumulator += 1 |
working_image = OrderedDict(deepcopy(image_info)) |
del working_image["annotation"] |
working_image["id"] = img_id |
working_image.move_to_end("id", last=False) |
images.append(working_image) |
if not out_path.endswith(".json"): |
out_path = out_path + ".json" |
out_image_annotation_json = self.build_json_dict(images, annotations) |
with open(f"{out_path}", 'w') as file_obj: |
json.dump(out_image_annotation_json, file_obj) |
self.out_file = out_image_annotation_json |
class modified_COCO(COCO): |
def showAnns( |
self, |
anns, draw_bbox=False, palettes=None, |
mask_fill_alpha=0.4, mask_linewidth=1, mask_line_alpha=0.5, |
bbox_fill_alpha=1, bbox_linewidth=2, bbox_line_alpha=0.7 |
): |
""" |
Display the specified annotations. |
Args: |
anns (array of object): Annotations to display. |
draw_bbox (bool): Flag to indicate whether to draw bounding boxes (default: False). |
palettes (list or None): Color palettes for different categories (default: None). |
mask_fill_alpha (float): Alpha value for mask fill color (default: 0.4). |
mask_linewidth (int): Line width for mask boundaries (default: 1). |
mask_line_alpha (float): Alpha value for mask boundary lines (default: 0.5). |
bbox_fill_alpha (float): Alpha value for bounding box fill color (default: 1). |
bbox_linewidth (int): Line width for bounding box boundaries (default: 2). |
bbox_line_alpha (float): Alpha value for bounding box boundary lines (default: 0.7). |
Returns: |
None |
Notes: |
This method displays the specified annotations by visualizing masks, keypoints, and bounding boxes. |
It supports both instance-level and caption-level annotations. |
""" |
if len(anns) == 0: |
return 0 |
if 'segmentation' in anns[0] or 'keypoints' in anns[0] or 'bbox' in anns[0]: |
datasetType = 'instances' |
elif 'caption' in anns[0]: |
datasetType = 'captions' |
else: |
raise Exception('datasetType not supported') |
if datasetType == 'instances': |
ax = plt.gca() |
ax.set_autoscale_on(False) |
bbox_polygons = [] |
bbox_color = [] |
for ann in anns: |
if palettes is not None: |
c = palettes[ann["category_id"]] |
else: |
c = (np.random.random((1, 3))*0.6+0.4).tolist()[0] |
if draw_bbox: |
[bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h] = ann['bbox'] |
poly = [[bbox_x, bbox_y], [bbox_x, bbox_y+bbox_h], [bbox_x+bbox_w, bbox_y+bbox_h], [bbox_x+bbox_w, bbox_y]] |
np_poly = np.array(poly).reshape((4,2)) |
bbox_polygons.append(Polygon(np_poly)) |
bbox_color.append(c) |
if draw_bbox: |
p = PatchCollection(bbox_polygons, facecolor=bbox_color, linewidths=0, alpha=bbox_fill_alpha) |
ax.add_collection(p) |
p = PatchCollection(bbox_polygons, facecolor='none', edgecolors=bbox_color, linewidths=bbox_linewidth, alpha=bbox_line_alpha) |
ax.add_collection(p) |
pass |
elif datasetType == 'captions': |
for ann in anns: |
print(ann['caption']) |
def json_to_excel(input_file_path, algae_count_holder): |
""" |
Convert JSON data to an Excel file. |
Args: |
input_file_path (str): Path to the input JSON file. |
Returns: |
str: Path to the output Excel file. |
Notes: |
This function reads data from a JSON file, processes it into a pandas DataFrame, |
and saves the data into an Excel file. The Excel file is named based on the input |
file name and includes a timestamp to indicate when the conversion was performed. |
The function returns the path to the output Excel file. |
""" |
data = read_json_file(input_file_path) |
df = process_data_into_dataframe(data, algae_count_holder) |
df.index = df.index + 1 |
wb = Workbook() |
ws = wb.active |
for r_idx, row in enumerate(dataframe_to_rows(df, index=True, header=True), start=1): |
if r_idx > 2: |
r_idx -= 1 |
for c_idx, value in enumerate(row, start=1): |
cell = ws.cell(row=r_idx, column=c_idx, value=value) |
cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center") |
column_widths = [8.5, 22.4, 12.2, 17] |
for i, width in enumerate(column_widths): |
column = get_column_letter(i + 1) |
ws.column_dimensions[column].width = width |
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d%b%Y_%Hh%Mm') |
output_file = os.path.splitext(input_file_path)[0] + f'_algae_count_summary_{timestamp}.xlsx' |
wb.save(output_file) |
return output_file |
def txt_to_excel(input_file_path, algae_count_holder, coco_path): |
""" |
Convert JSON data to an Excel file. |
Args: |
input_file_path (str): Path to the input JSON file. |
Returns: |
str: Path to the output Excel file. |
Notes: |
This function reads data from a JSON file, processes it into a pandas DataFrame, |
and saves the data into an Excel file. The Excel file is named based on the input |
file name and includes a timestamp to indicate when the conversion was performed. |
The function returns the path to the output Excel file. |
""" |
data = read_json_file(input_file_path) |
for k, v in data.items(): |
algae_count_holder[str(k.split("(")[-1][:-1])] = int(v) |
df_dict = { |
"Class (English)": algae_list, |
"Class (Chinese)": algae_list_zh, |
"Count": [value if value != 0 else 0 for value in algae_count_holder.values()] |
} |
df = pd.DataFrame(data=df_dict) |
df.index = df.index + 1 |
wb = Workbook() |
ws = wb.active |
for r_idx, row in enumerate(dataframe_to_rows(df, index=True, header=True), start=1): |
if r_idx > 2: |
r_idx -= 1 |
for c_idx, value in enumerate(row, start=1): |
cell = ws.cell(row=r_idx, column=c_idx, value=value) |
cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center") |
column_widths = [8.5, 22.4, 12.2, 17] |
for i, width in enumerate(column_widths): |
column = get_column_letter(i + 1) |
ws.column_dimensions[column].width = width |
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d%b%Y_%Hh%Mm') |
output_file = os.path.splitext(coco_path)[0] + f'_algae_count_summary_{timestamp}.xlsx' |
wb.save(output_file) |
return output_file |
def read_json_file(input_file_path): |
""" |
Read and load JSON data from a file. |
Args: |
input_file_path (str): Path to the input JSON file. |
Returns: |
dict: Loaded JSON data. |
Notes: |
This function reads a JSON file from the specified path and returns the loaded data |
as a dictionary. It uses the `json.load` function to parse the JSON file and extract |
the data. The loaded JSON data is returned by the function. |
""" |
with open(input_file_path) as f: |
data = json.load(f) |
return data |
def read_json_file(input_file_path): |
""" |
Read and load JSON data from a file. |
Args: |
input_file_path (str): Path to the input JSON file. |
Returns: |
dict: Loaded JSON data. |
Notes: |
This function reads a JSON file from the specified path and returns the loaded data |
as a dictionary. It uses the `json.load` function to parse the JSON file and extract |
the data. The loaded JSON data is returned by the function. |
""" |
with open(input_file_path) as f: |
data = json.load(f) |
return data |
def process_data_into_dataframe(data, algae_count_holder): |
""" |
Process the data and convert it into a pandas DataFrame. |
Args: |
data (dict): Input data containing annotations. |
Returns: |
pandas.DataFrame: Processed data as a DataFrame. |
Notes: |
This function takes the input data, iterates through the annotations, and counts the occurrences |
of each algae category based on the score threshold specified in the CFG. The category counts are |
stored in a dictionary. |
The function then constructs a dictionary `df_dict` with the necessary columns and their values, |
including the English and Chinese class names and the corresponding category counts. If a category |
count is zero, it is replaced with 0 to ensure consistent data. |
Finally, the function creates a pandas DataFrame `df` using the `df_dict` dictionary and returns it. |
""" |
for idx, item in enumerate(data["annotations"]): |
if item["score"] > CFG["score_thr"]: |
algae_count_holder[str(item["category_id"])] += 1 |
df_dict = { |
"Class (English)": algae_list, |
"Class (Chinese)": algae_list_zh, |
"Count": [value if value != 0 else 0 for value in algae_count_holder.values()] |
} |
df = pd.DataFrame(data=df_dict) |
return df |
ClASSES = [ |
"Acanthoceras", "Achnanthes", "Actinastrum", "Anabaena", "Ankistrodesmus", |
"Aphanizomenon", "Asterionella", "Aulacoseira", "Botryococcus", "Ceratium", |
"Chlamydomonas", "Chlorella", "Chlorococcum", "Chroococcus", "Closterium", |
"Cocconeis", "Coelastrum", "Cosmarium", "Crucigenia", "Cryptomonas", |
"Cyclostephanos", "Cyclotella", "Cylindrospermopsis", "Cymbella", "Diatoma", |
"Dictyosphaerium", "Dinobryon", "Elakatothrix", "Eudorina", "Euglena", |
"Fragilaria", "Golenkinia", "Gomphonema", "Gomphosphaeria", "Gyrosigma", |
"Kirchneriella", "Mallomonas", "Melosira", "Merismopedia", "Micractinium", |
"Microcystis", "Mougeotia", "Navicula", "Nitzschia", "Oscillatoria", |
"Pandorina", "Pediastrum", "Peridinium", "Phytoconis", "Pinnularia", |
"Pseudanabaena", "Raphidiopsis", "Rhizosolenia", "Scenedesmus", "Snowella", |
"Sphaerocystis", "Spirogyra", "Spondylosium", "Staurastrum", "Stauroneis", |
"Stephanodiscus", "Synedra", "Synura", "Tetraedron", "Trachelomonas", |
"Tribonema", "Ulothrix", "Volvox", "Zygnema", "Oocystis" |
] |
for idx in range(len(ClASSES)): |
ClASSES[idx] = ClASSES[idx] + f"({idx+1})" |
coco_output = {} |
coco_output['info'] = { |
"description": "Hong Kong Plover Cove Reservoir Algae", |
"version": "1.0", |
"year": 2023, |
"contributor": "WSD", |
"date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ') |
} |
coco_output['licenses'] = [ |
{ |
"id": 1, |
"name": "WSD" |
} |
] |
supercategory = ["Algae"] |
coco_output['images'] = [] |
coco_output['annotations'] = [] |
coco_output['categories'] = [ |
{ |
'id': idx, |
'name': item, |
'supercategory': supercategory[0], |
} for idx, item in enumerate(ClASSES) |
] |
(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), |
(1.0, 0.0, 1.0), |
(0.0, 0.5, 1.0), |
(1.0, 0.5, 0.0), |
(0.5, 0.75, 0.5), |
(0.4665116004964742, 0.11982097799124902, 0.5284368834373697), |
(0.8514644228951851, 0.5004980751634254, 0.9568567731851599), |
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), |
(0.11527826817032671, 0.9961973630797564, 0.9849162882782089), |
(0.9734931270466471, 0.9979600377943707, 0.06968337081090525), |
(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), |
(0.009566364537970662, 0.43878127333066075, 0.30426214721825484), |
(0.5151466813324389, 0.3270101219438506, 0.029192184298747592), |
(0.0, 1.0, 0.5), |
(0.9240457249001183, 0.24122630295393777, 0.4618655263001544), |
(0.9951361941692213, 0.7146136378380459, 0.503472458829089), |
(0.573222247660118, 0.8259873019868292, 0.9802929519550568), |
(0.5, 1.0, 0.0), |
(0.5, 0.0, 1.0), |
(0.0, 0.0, 0.5) |
] |
PALETTES = [list(i) for i in PALETTES] |
rare_algae_idx = [18,54,5,65,64,45,59,29,40,37,48,8,47] |
common_algae_idx = [23,2,43,20,62,41,4] |
remove_algae_idx = [6,17,21,32,38] |
object_palettes = {item - 1:PALETTES[idx] for idx, item in enumerate(common_algae_idx + rare_algae_idx)} |
CFG = { |
"display_label": True, |
"display_bbox": True, |
"display_score": True, |
"display_mask": False, |
"score_thr": 0.6, |
"bbox_fill_alpha": 0, |
"bbox_linewidth": 1.5, |
"bbox_line_alpha": 1, |
"mask_fill_alpha": 0.2, |
"mask_linewidth": 1, |
"mask_line_alpha": 0.7, |
"palettes": object_palettes, |
"nms_thr": 0.1, |
"adjust_text": True |
} |
algae_list = [ |
'Acanthoceras', |
'Achnanthes', |
'Actinastrum', |
'Anabaena', |
'Ankistrodesmus', |
'Aphanizomenon', |
'Asterionella', |
'Aulacoseira', |
'Botryococcus', |
'Ceratium', |
'Chlamydomonas', |
'Chlorella', |
'Chlorococcum', |
'Chroococcus', |
'Closterium', |
'Cocconeis', |
'Coelastrum', |
'Cosmarium', |
'Crucigenia', |
'Cryptomonas', |
'Cyclostephanos', |
'Cyclotella', |
'Cylindrospermopsis', |
'Cymbella', |
'Diatoma', |
'Dictyosphaerium', |
'Dinobryon', |
'Elakatothrix', |
'Eudorina', |
'Euglena', |
'Fragilaria', |
'Golenkinia', |
'Gomphonema', |
'Gomphosphaeria', |
'Gyrosigma', |
'Kirchneriella', |
'Mallomonas', |
'Melosira', |
'Merismopedia', |
'Micractinium', |
'Microcystis', |
'Mougeotia', |
'Navicula', |
'Nitzschia', |
'Oscillatoria', |
'Pandorina', |
'Pediastrum', |
'Peridinium', |
'Phytoconis', |
'Pinnularia', |
'Pseudanabaena', |
'Raphidiopsis', |
'Rhizosolenia', |
'Scenedesmus', |
'Snowella', |
'Sphaerocystis', |
'Spirogyra', |
'Spondylosium', |
'Staurastrum', |
'Stauroneis', |
'Stephanodiscus', |
'Synedra', |
'Synura', |
'Tetraedron', |
'Trachelomonas', |
'Tribonema', |
'Ulothrix', |
'Volvox', |
'Zygnema', |
'Oocystis' |
] |
algae_list_zh = [ |
'四棘藻', |
'線形曲殼藻', |
'集星藻', |
'魚腥藻', |
'纖維藻', |
'束絲藻', |
'星杆藻', |
'溝鏈藻', |
'葡萄藻', |
'角藻', |
'衣藻', |
'小球藻', |
'綠球藻', |
'色球藻', |
'新月藻', |
'卵形藻', |
'空星藻', |
'鼓藻', |
'十字藻', |
'隱藻', |
'環冠藻', |
'小環藻', |
'柱孢藻', |
'橋彎藻', |
'等片藻', |
'膠網藻', |
'錐囊藻', |
'紡錘藻', |
'空球藻', |
'裸藻', |
'脆桿藻', |
'多芒藻', |
'異極藻', |
'束球藻', |
'布紋藻', |
'蹄形藻', |
'魚鱗藻', |
'直鏈藻', |
'平裂藻', |
'微芒藻', |
'微囊藻', |
'轉板藻', |
'舟形藻', |
'菱形藻', |
'顫藻屬', |
'實球藻', |
'盤星藻', |
'多甲藻', |
'原球藻', |
'羽紋藻', |
'偽魚腥藻', |
'尖頭藻', |
'根管藻', |
'柵藻', |
'小雪藻', |
'球囊藻', |
'水棉', |
'頂接鼓藻', |
'角星鼓藻', |
'輻節藻', |
'冠盤藻', |
'針杆藻', |
'黃群藻', |
'四角藻', |
'囊裸藻', |
'黃絲藻', |
'絲藻', |
'團藻', |
'雙星藻', |
'卵囊藻' |
] |
def get_det2json_from_default(): |
""" |
Get the default Det2json converter object. |
Returns: |
Det2json_converter: Det2json converter object. |
Notes: |
This function constructs a Det2json converter object using the default configuration. The converter |
is responsible for converting detection results to COCO JSON format. |
The function defines a list of classes called `ClASSES`, which represents the names of the algae |
categories. Each class name is modified by appending its index in parentheses. |
The function then constructs the `coco_output` dictionary, which contains the necessary information |
for the COCO JSON format, including information about the dataset, licenses, images, annotations, |
and categories. The categories are constructed based on the modified class names. |
Finally, the Det2json converter object is created using the `coco_output` dictionary and returned. |
""" |
ClASSES = [ |
"Acanthoceras", "Achnanthes", "Actinastrum", "Anabaena", "Ankistrodesmus", |
"Aphanizomenon", "Asterionella", "Aulacoseira", "Botryococcus", "Ceratium", |
"Chlamydomonas", "Chlorella", "Chlorococcum", "Chroococcus", "Closterium", |
"Cocconeis", "Coelastrum", "Cosmarium", "Crucigenia", "Cryptomonas", |
"Cyclostephanos", "Cyclotella", "Cylindrospermopsis", "Cymbella", "Diatoma", |
"Dictyosphaerium", "Dinobryon", "Elakatothrix", "Eudorina", "Euglena", |
"Fragilaria", "Golenkinia", "Gomphonema", "Gomphosphaeria", "Gyrosigma", |
"Kirchneriella", "Mallomonas", "Melosira", "Merismopedia", "Micractinium", |
"Microcystis", "Mougeotia", "Navicula", "Nitzschia", "Oscillatoria", |
"Pandorina", "Pediastrum", "Peridinium", "Phytoconis", "Pinnularia", |
"Pseudanabaena", "Raphidiopsis", "Rhizosolenia", "Scenedesmus", "Snowella", |
"Sphaerocystis", "Spirogyra", "Spondylosium", "Staurastrum", "Stauroneis", |
"Stephanodiscus", "Synedra", "Synura", "Tetraedron", "Trachelomonas", |
"Tribonema", "Ulothrix", "Volvox", "Zygnema", "Oocystis" |
] |
for idx in range(len(ClASSES)): |
ClASSES[idx] = ClASSES[idx] + f"({idx+1})" |
coco_output = {} |
coco_output['info'] = { |
"description": "Hong Kong Plover Cove Reservoir Algae", |
"version": "1.0", |
"year": 2023, |
"contributor": "WSD", |
"date_created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ') |
} |
coco_output['licenses'] = [ |
{ |
"id": 1, |
"name": "WSD" |
} |
] |
supercategory = ["Algae"] |
coco_output['images'] = [] |
coco_output['annotations'] = [] |
coco_output['categories'] = [ |
{ |
'id': idx, |
'name': item, |
'supercategory': supercategory[0], |
} for idx, item in enumerate(ClASSES) |
] |
det2json = Det2json_converter( |
coco_output['info'], |
coco_output['licenses'], |
coco_output['categories'], |
convert_image_paths=None |
) |
return det2json |
def predict_batch(images, genImg, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): |
start = time.time() |
preds = [] |
labelled_image_paths = [] |
cwd = os.getcwd() + '/' |
det2json = get_det2json_from_default() |
for image_tmp in tqdm.tqdm(images, desc="Performing Detection on Images"): |
image_path = image_tmp.name |
results = predict_one_image(image_path) |
processed_results = results_postprocess(results=results, classes=ClASSES) |
det2json.add_result_into_pool(image_path, processed_results) |
det2json.generate_coco_format_dataset(f"{cwd}detailed_inference_results_coco.json", score_thr=CFG["score_thr"]) |
save_dir = f'{cwd}resultant_images' |
if not os.path.exists(save_dir): |
os.makedirs(save_dir) |
coco_results = modified_COCO(annotation_file=f"{cwd}detailed_inference_results_coco.json") |
algae_summary = [] |
for idx, image_tmp in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(images, desc="Summarizing Results")): |
img_path = image_tmp.name |
file_name, _, _ = det2json._get_img_info_from_path(img_path) |
img_info = coco_results.loadImgs(ids=idx)[0] |
assert file_name == img_info['file_name'] |
anns_ids = coco_results.getAnnIds( |
imgIds=idx, |
catIds=list( |
CFG["palettes"].keys() |
) |
) |
anns_info = coco_results.loadAnns(anns_ids) |
if CFG["score_thr"] is not None: |
anns_info_copy = copy.deepcopy(anns_info) |
del_idx = [] |
print(f"Out Loop: ann_info: {ann_info}") |
for idx, ann_info in enumerate(anns_info): |
print(f"In Loop: ann_info: {ann_info}") |
print(f"ann_info Keys: {ann_info.keys()}") |
if ann_info["score"] < CFG["score_thr"]: |
del_idx.append(idx) |
anns_info_copy = [val for idx, val in enumerate(anns_info_copy) if idx not in del_idx] |
anns_info = anns_info_copy |
anns_info = sorted(anns_info, key=lambda d: d["score"], reverse=False) |
bboxes = [] |
scores = [] |
for ann in anns_info: |
if ann["score"] >= CFG["score_thr"]: |
print(f'Keep: {ann["bbox"]} with score = {ann["score"]}; score_thr = {CFG["score_thr"]}') |
bboxes.append(ann["bbox"]) |
scores.append(ann["score"]) |
else: |
print(f'Removed {ann["bbox"]} with score = {ann["score"]}') |
bboxes = torch.tensor(bboxes, dtype=torch.float32) |
bboxes = bbox_ulxulywh_to_xyxy(bboxes) |
scores = torch.tensor(scores, dtype=torch.float32) |
print(f"Bounding Boxes (x1, y1, x2, y2):\n{bboxes}") |
print(f"Scores:\n{scores}") |
assert (bboxes[:, 0] <= bboxes[:, 2]).all() and (bboxes[:, 1] <= bboxes[:, 3]).all(), "Bounding boxes are not in the correct format!" |
print(f"NMS Original: {len(anns_info)}") |
print(f"bboxes before NMS: {bboxes.shape}") |
print(f"scores before NMS: {scores.shape}") |
print(f"iou_threshold: {CFG['nms_thr']}") |
nms_results = nms(boxes = bboxes, scores = scores, iou_threshold=CFG["nms_thr"]).tolist() |
print(f"nms_results: {len(nms_results)}") |
print(f"nms_results: {nms_results}") |
nms_indexes = nms(boxes = bboxes, scores = scores, iou_threshold=CFG["nms_thr"]).tolist()[::-1] |
print(f"nms_indexes: {nms_indexes}") |
anns_info = [anns_info[keep_index] for keep_index in nms_indexes] |
print(f"After NMS: {len(anns_info)}") |
algae_summary.append([ann['category_id'] for ann in anns_info]) |
if genImg: |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(49.08, 32.64)) |
img = plt.imread(img_path) |
plt.imshow(img) |
coco_results.showAnns( |
anns_info, |
draw_bbox=True, |
palettes=CFG["palettes"], |
mask_fill_alpha=CFG["mask_fill_alpha"], |
mask_linewidth=CFG["mask_linewidth"], |
mask_line_alpha=CFG["mask_line_alpha"], |
bbox_fill_alpha=CFG["bbox_fill_alpha"], |
bbox_linewidth=CFG["bbox_linewidth"], |
bbox_line_alpha=CFG["bbox_line_alpha"], |
) |
if CFG["display_label"] or CFG["display_score"]: |
texts = [] |
for i, ann in enumerate(anns_info): |
text = "" |
if CFG["display_label"]: |
text += f"{coco_results.loadCats(ann['category_id'])[0]['name']}" |
if CFG["display_score"]: |
text += " , " |
if CFG["display_score"]: |
text += f"{ann['score']:.3f}" |
ha = "right" |
x = ann['bbox'][0] |
if x < img_info["height"]/2: |
ha = "left" |
x += ann['bbox'][2] |
va = "bottom" |
y = ann['bbox'][1] |
if y < img_info["width"]/2: |
va = "top" |
y += ann['bbox'][3] |
texts.append( |
plt.text( |
x=x, |
y=y, |
s=text, |
ha=ha, |
va=va, |
fontsize=30, |
bbox={ |
'facecolor': 'white', |
'edgecolor': CFG["palettes"][ann["category_id"]], |
'alpha': 0.8, |
'pad': 0, |
'boxstyle':"round,pad=0.2" |
} |
) |
) |
if CFG["adjust_text"]: |
rect_objects =[] |
bbox_rect = [] |
for ann in anns_info: |
bbox_rect.append(ann["bbox"]) |
for bbox in bbox_rect: |
patch = patches.Rectangle((bbox[0], bbox[1]), bbox[2], bbox[3], fill="k", alpha=0) |
rect_objects.append(patch) |
ax.add_patch(patch) |
adjust_text( |
texts, |
only_move={'points':'xy', 'texts':'xy', 'objects':''}, |
add_objects=rect_objects, |
) |
plt.axis('off') |
plt.savefig(f"{save_dir}/result_{file_name}", dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) |
plt.close() |
algae_summary_np = np.array([item for sublist in algae_summary for item in sublist]) |
algae_count = np.unique(algae_summary_np, return_counts=True) |
output_dict = {coco_results.loadCats(ids=int(algae_id))[0]["name"]: int(count) for algae_id, count in np.array(algae_count).T} |
with open(f"{save_dir}/summary_for_resultant_images.txt", "w") as f: |
json.dump(output_dict, f, indent=4) |
algae_count_holder = {f"{k+1}": 0 for k in range(len(algae_list))} |
if os.path.exists(f"{cwd}resultant_images/summary_for_resultant_images.txt"): |
csv_file_path = txt_to_excel( |
f"{cwd}resultant_images/summary_for_resultant_images.txt", |
algae_count_holder, |
coco_path = f"{cwd}detailed_inference_results_coco.json" |
) |
else: |
csv_file_path = json_to_excel(f"{cwd}detailed_inference_results_coco.json", algae_count_holder) |
file_lists = glob.glob(f"{cwd}*.json") + glob.glob(f"{cwd}*.xlsx") |
with ZipFile('results.zip', 'w') as zipObj: |
for file_path in glob.glob(f"{cwd}resultant_images/*"): |
zipObj.write(file_path, os.path.join(*file_path.split("/")[-2:])) |
for file_path in file_lists: |
zipObj.write(file_path, file_path.split("/")[-1]) |
destroy_file = glob.glob(f"{cwd}*.json") + glob.glob(f"{cwd}*.xlsx") + glob.glob(f"{cwd}resultant_images/*") |
for file_path in destroy_file: |
if os.path.isfile(file_path): |
os.remove(file_path) |
end = time.time() |
inference_time = int(end - start) |
return 'results.zip', inference_time |
title="HKUST Automated Algae Detection System" |
description="Automated Algae Detection System for freshwater algae developed by HKUST" |
interface = gr.Interface( |
fn=predict_batch, |
inputs=[gr.File(file_count="multiple", file_types=["image"], label="Input"), gr.Checkbox(label="Generate resultant images", info="Whether to generate the resultant images?")], |
outputs=[ |
gr.File(label="Output").style(height='6'), |
gr.Number(label="Inference Time (sec):"), |
], |
title=title, |
description=description, |
) |
interface.queue().launch() |