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import time
import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
def boxes_iou(box1, box2):
Returns the IOU between `box1` and `box2` (i.e intersection area divided by union area)
# Get the Width and Height of each bounding box
width_box1 = box1[2]
height_box1 = box1[3]
width_box2 = box2[2]
height_box2 = box2[3]
# Calculate the area of the each bounding box
area_box1 = width_box1 * height_box1
area_box2 = width_box2 * height_box2
# Find the vertical edges of the union of the two bounding boxes
mx = min(box1[0] - width_box1/2.0, box2[0] - width_box2/2.0)
Mx = max(box1[0] + width_box1/2.0, box2[0] + width_box2/2.0)
# Calculate the width of the union of the two bounding boxes
union_width = Mx - mx
# Find the horizontal edges of the union of the two bounding boxes
my = min(box1[1] - height_box1/2.0, box2[1] - height_box2/2.0)
My = max(box1[1] + height_box1/2.0, box2[1] + height_box2/2.0)
# Calculate the height of the union of the two bounding boxes
union_height = My - my
# Calculate the width and height of the area of intersection of the two bounding boxes
intersection_width = width_box1 + width_box2 - union_width
intersection_height = height_box1 + height_box2 - union_height
# If the the boxes don't overlap then their IOU is zero
if intersection_width <= 0 or intersection_height <= 0:
return 0.0
# Calculate the area of intersection of the two bounding boxes
intersection_area = intersection_width * intersection_height
# Calculate the area of the union of the two bounding boxes
union_area = area_box1 + area_box2 - intersection_area
# Calculate the IOU
iou = intersection_area/union_area
return iou
def nms(boxes, iou_thresh):
Performs Non maximal suppression technique to `boxes` using `iou_thresh` threshold
# print(boxes.shape)
# If there are no bounding boxes do nothing
if len(boxes) == 0:
return boxes
# Create a PyTorch Tensor to keep track of the detection confidence
# of each predicted bounding box
det_confs = torch.zeros(len(boxes))
# Get the detection confidence of each predicted bounding box
for i in range(len(boxes)):
det_confs[i] = boxes[i][4]
# Sort the indices of the bounding boxes by detection confidence value in descending order.
# We ignore the first returned element since we are only interested in the sorted indices
_,sortIds = torch.sort(det_confs, descending = True)
# Create an empty list to hold the best bounding boxes after
# Non-Maximal Suppression (NMS) is performed
best_boxes = []
# Perform Non-Maximal Suppression
for i in range(len(boxes)):
# Get the bounding box with the highest detection confidence first
box_i = boxes[sortIds[i]]
# Check that the detection confidence is not zero
if box_i[4] > 0:
# Save the bounding box
# Go through the rest of the bounding boxes in the list and calculate their IOU with
# respect to the previous selected box_i.
for j in range(i + 1, len(boxes)):
box_j = boxes[sortIds[j]]
# If the IOU of box_i and box_j is higher than the given IOU threshold set
# box_j's detection confidence to zero.
if boxes_iou(box_i, box_j) > iou_thresh:
box_j[4] = 0
return best_boxes
def detect_objects(model, img, iou_thresh, nms_thresh):
# Start the time. This is done to calculate how long the detection takes.
start = time.time()
# Set the model to evaluation mode.
# Convert the image from a NumPy ndarray to a PyTorch Tensor of the correct shape.
# The image is transposed, then converted to a FloatTensor of dtype float32, then
# Normalized to values between 0 and 1, and finally unsqueezed to have the correct
# shape of 1 x 3 x 416 x 416
img = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose(2,0,1)).float().div(255.0).unsqueeze(0)
# Feed the image to the neural network with the corresponding NMS threshold.
# The first step in NMS is to remove all bounding boxes that have a very low
# probability of detection. All predicted bounding boxes with a value less than
# the given NMS threshold will be removed.
list_boxes = model(img, nms_thresh)
# Make a new list with all the bounding boxes returned by the neural network
boxes = list_boxes[0][0] + list_boxes[1][0] + list_boxes[2][0]
# Perform the second step of NMS on the bounding boxes returned by the neural network.
# In this step, we only keep the best bounding boxes by eliminating all the bounding boxes
# whose IOU value is higher than the given IOU threshold
boxes = nms(boxes, iou_thresh)
# Stop the time.
finish = time.time()
# Print the time it took to detect objects
print('\n\nIt took {:.3f}'.format(finish - start), 'seconds to detect the objects in the image.\n')
# Print the number of objects detected
print('Number of Objects Detected:', len(boxes), '\n')
return boxes
def load_class_names(namesfile):
# Create an empty list to hold the object classes
class_names = []
# Open the file containing the COCO object classes in read-only mode
with open(namesfile, 'r') as fp:
# The coco.names file contains only one object class per line.
# Read the file line by line and save all the lines in a list.
lines = fp.readlines()
# Get the object class names
for line in lines:
# Make a copy of each line with any trailing whitespace removed
line = line.rstrip()
# Save the object class name into class_names
return class_names
def print_objects(boxes, class_names):
print('Objects Found and Confidence Level:\n')
for i in range(len(boxes)):
box = boxes[i]
if len(box) >= 7 and class_names:
cls_conf = box[5]
cls_id = box[6]
print('%i. %s: %f' % (i + 1, class_names[cls_id], cls_conf))
def plot_boxes(img, boxes, class_names, plot_labels, color = None):
# Define a tensor used to set the colors of the bounding boxes
colors = torch.FloatTensor([[1,0,1],[0,0,1],[0,1,1],[0,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,0]])
# Define a function to set the colors of the bounding boxes
def get_color(c, x, max_val):
ratio = float(x) / max_val * 5
i = int(np.floor(ratio))
j = int(np.ceil(ratio))
ratio = ratio - i
r = (1 - ratio) * colors[i][c] + ratio * colors[j][c]
return int(r * 255)
# Get the width and height of the image
width = img.shape[1]
height = img.shape[0]
# Create a figure and plot the image
fig, a = plt.subplots(1,1)
# Plot the bounding boxes and corresponding labels on top of the image
for i in range(len(boxes)):
# Get the ith bounding box
box = boxes[i]
# Get the (x,y) pixel coordinates of the lower-left and lower-right corners
# of the bounding box relative to the size of the image.
x1 = int(np.around((box[0] - box[2]/2.0) * width))
y1 = int(np.around((box[1] - box[3]/2.0) * height))
x2 = int(np.around((box[0] + box[2]/2.0) * width))
y2 = int(np.around((box[1] + box[3]/2.0) * height))
# Set the default rgb value to red
rgb = (1, 0, 0)
# Use the same color to plot the bounding boxes of the same object class
if len(box) >= 7 and class_names:
cls_conf = box[5]
cls_id = box[6]
classes = len(class_names)
offset = cls_id * 123457 % classes
red = get_color(2, offset, classes) / 255
green = get_color(1, offset, classes) / 255
blue = get_color(0, offset, classes) / 255
# If a color is given then set rgb to the given color instead
if color is None:
rgb = (red, green, blue)
rgb = color
# Calculate the width and height of the bounding box relative to the size of the image.
width_x = x2 - x1
width_y = y1 - y2
# Set the postion and size of the bounding box. (x1, y2) is the pixel coordinate of the
# lower-left corner of the bounding box relative to the size of the image.
rect = patches.Rectangle((x1, y2),
width_x, width_y,
linewidth = 2,
edgecolor = rgb,
facecolor = 'none')
# Draw the bounding box on top of the image
# If plot_labels = True then plot the corresponding label
if plot_labels:
# Create a string with the object class name and the corresponding object class probability
conf_tx = class_names[cls_id] + ': {:.1f}'.format(cls_conf)
# Define x and y offsets for the labels
lxc = (img.shape[1] * 0.266) / 100
lyc = (img.shape[0] * 1.180) / 100
# Draw the labels on top of the image
a.text(x1 + lxc, y1 - lyc, conf_tx, fontsize = 12, color = 'k',
bbox = dict(facecolor = rgb, edgecolor = rgb, alpha = 0.6))